She couldn't pick up the sesame seeds and threw them into the watermelon, and if the museum was abandoned, her father's Soosaki Ryu Guard wouldn't make her look good.

As soon as the camera turned, when Sonosaki came to the door of the database, oh no, to be precise, there was no door left, only a sea of fire and ruins, and the machinery and equipment were reduced to ashes.

This is the self-detonation of the database, before Yuan Haochuan downloaded the data and left, he cracked the code and started the self-detonation mode, once it exploded, any machine and transmission research equipment in the entire museum would explode to nothing.

This is a measure that museums only activate as a last resort, in case huge and important data falls into the hands of the enemy.

It's just that now, I don't know if it's a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, the database has been destroyed!

At this time, Sakuko Sonono was completely furious, which showed that in addition to the Kamen Rider who had just fought with him, there were other intruders, and this intruder was not trivial, he was able to open the door to the database!

Thinking of this, Sonosaki was even more angry, because this saboteur was very likely to be a ghost in his own museum!

Father just asked her to stop the invaders, but before the invaders were caught, the entire museum would be destroyed!

Seeing the mess in front of her, she couldn't help the anger at this time, clenched her fists, her forbidden face was originally pink, but at this moment she had turned red with anger, and her body was floating in mid-air, trembling constantly.

At this moment, the only thing she can do is to catch the intruder who destroyed the database, or kill it directly, in order to give her father an explanation.

Holding back his anger, he turned around and immediately searched for another intruder.

And when she turned and walked out, she was greeted by a dark golden warrior with a wand in hand.

Seeing this unfamiliar face, in this case, Sonosaki's first reaction was an intruder.

Especially when she saw the strange man in front of her holding a black lockbox in his hand, she confirmed his idea even more, he was with the two just now, both intruders.

"It's you!!!

Faced with the question of the ugly red bug in front of him, Yuan Haochuan did not answer her.

What he is thinking about now is the appearance of Yuan Sakushi, in other words, this eldest lady herself is not bad, although her personality is arrogant and domineering, but whether it is her figure or appearance, she is still okay, especially feminine.

I don't know where the aesthetics of the Sonosaki family are crooked, and my own forbidden memory has come out with such an ugly red bug, which is really unacceptable.

If Sonosaki knew that Hara Haochuan was disgusting her memory now, she would probably vomit blood in anger.

This man has blown up his own museum, and he is still discussing his appearance! This is really a great insult.

Seeing that the uninvited guest in front of her did not answer her question, the silence means that she admits it, and she is immediately ready to fight to the death.

"I didn't expect to be the enemy of my eldest lady so soon!".

Seeing this scene, Yuan Haochuan couldn't help but sigh.

I saw that the forbidden in front of me quickly gathered four energy balls, flashing with scarlet light, and shot towards Yuan Haochuan in an instant.

The black-gold warrior stood in place, without the slightest intention of dodging, raised his cane, and before the energy ball flew in front of him, he gently swiped to the upper right.

Like four controlled missiles, the energy ball instantly deviated from the orbit, flew out directly, and disappeared without a trace.

Taboo didn't expect that his energy ball would be easily thrown out by the mysterious warrior in front of him, and he used an invisible force to control his attack.

Yuan Haochuan is still standing in place, not to mention, this kind of power is really cool to use, it's so easy.

This completely enraged the ugly taboo, and his hands were slowly raised, palms up, and five fingers bent, like the shape of eagle claws.

The purple energy in her hand continued to gather, the yellow lightning became more and more intense, and finally two huge energy balls joined together above her head, and a ball of light with a diameter of nearly two meters contained all her power at this moment.

This huge ball of light echoes the two large purple-red apples in front of the taboo.

"Oh, what a big ball!".

Yuan Haochuan couldn't help but marvel when he saw the huge energy ball above Tabo's head.

If this hits me, it probably hurts.

Not allowing him to think about it for another second, Taboo used all his strength and threw it at Yuan Haochuan, the scarlet energy ball like a nuclear bomb.

"I don't want to stain my new clothes. "

Hara took a step back with his right foot, his leg slightly bent, in a lunge position, like a hunter hunting.

A huge ball of energy instantly struck from the top of the taboo's head, and it ...... with a "whoosh!"


Kneel down and beg for flowers, evaluation votes, thank you readers greatly!

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