People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 101 Survival Day 101: The Road of Bones

After a moment of calm, Xu Zhijian said: "The monster's main force should be on its way, take the opportunity to leave here!"

Jenny and Miller hurriedly followed him and ran away.

Leaving behind the mobile phone that was still playing music, it echoed back and forth in the empty cave.

After walking carefully for a distance, they saw some goblins heading quickly to the cafeteria.

In order not to alert the enemy, the three of them stopped and adjusted their direction.

About ten minutes later.

The road ahead turned into a dog hole that could only be crawled forward.

Jenny and Miller looked at Xu Zhijian, waiting for his opinion nervously and fearfully.

He said decisively: "Of course we have to get through. Miller, you go first, Jenny goes second, and I will continue to cover the rear."

They didn't dare to have any intentions, and what else could they do.

It was already this time.

Even if there was an abyss of hell ahead, they had to move forward with the heart of death.

Miller squatted down and got in carefully, crawling forward slowly with fear.

Jenny followed closely behind.

Xu Zhijian confirmed that there was no problem behind him, and finally followed him in.

This dog hole was only a dozen meters long, and they passed through it smoothly without any danger.

Just as the three of them patted the dirt on their clothes and prepared to move forward, four goblins suddenly rushed out in front of them!

They stood up with their ears, sniffed their noses, and looked for the target.

Xu Zhijian hurriedly stretched out his hand to signal not to move.

The two of them immediately stopped patting, and they dared not move, and their heartbeats accelerated and increased.

The four goblins wandered around tentatively.

The distance between the two sides was very close, only about two meters, and they would be discovered if they moved randomly.

Xu Zhijian found the right opportunity and was about to shoot first, but saw several more running over quickly.

He had to stop the action.


He cursed in his heart, and then raised his left hand to make a capital number "six" gesture.

Miller didn't understand what this meant.

But Jenny's brain was very smart and she immediately understood the meaning.

So he took out his phone again, turned on the music, and threw it behind him.


The phone screen was cracked, but it was not broken.


The goblins immediately rushed over, and then were confused by the harsh music.

The crisis was resolved.

They took the opportunity to escape quickly.

This time, they didn't know how long they had been running. As they ran, they saw an irregular hole in front of them.

Some faint light shone down from above!

The three of them looked at each other excitedly, and their spirits became excited.

Is this the exit? ?

Finally found it!

They immediately quickened their pace and rushed over, but as they walked, a black thing suddenly fell from the sky.

It hit Jenny's shoulder and then bounced to the ground.

She was frightened and instinctively shone the flashlight down to see what it was.

As a result, when she saw it, her scalp was numb and she was terrified.

Because what fell was actually a human head!

And... it was Ike's!

The head had been gnawed to pieces, and blood was still oozing out.


Jenny was about to scream, but Xu Zhijian covered her mouth first.

Miller was also frightened, and seeing this, he quickly covered his mouth with both hands to avoid making any sound.

Xu Zhijian looked at Ike's head, very confused.

How on earth was he kidnapped? !

Now he suddenly fell from this place, could it be...? !

As soon as the bad thought came up, he suddenly felt a fishy wind suddenly hit from the darkness on the left.

"Not good!"

He said inwardly, and before he could dodge, he was knocked out by a black shadow.

The huge force broke his bones.


Xu Zhijian flew two meters and fell to the ground, gasping in pain.

But there was no time to relax.

He endured the pain and quickly fired a few shots, only to hear the black shadow let out a dull roar.

This was hit by a bullet.

However, maybe it was only shot once, or there may be other reasons, the black shadow was not dead!

Jenny and Miller were frightened by this sudden scene and sat on the ground, shaking and shining the flashlight at each other.

The black shadow revealed its true form.

It turned out to be a cave goblin, but it was taller than those seen before.

It was at least two meters tall, with broad shoulders and a round waist, and looked very powerful.

Its mouth was full of fangs, thick and long, comparable to a tiger.

There was a bullet hole in the chest with blood flowing.


It roared as if to vent and send a signal to other companions, and pounced again.

Xu Zhijian hurriedly rolled to avoid it, and fired two more shots.

Unfortunately, it missed.


The giant goblin turned its body and grabbed it with a claw, directly tearing his clothes.

It can be seen how fierce the force is!

Fortunately, the bark was stuffed in as armor before, so the flesh was not torn, which really saved his life.


Xu Zhijian continued to shoot while feeling scared.


The giant goblin, who was about to attack again, was hit twice in a row.

Finally, he screamed and fell to the ground.

He quickly took the opportunity to stand up and stabbed the goblin's head.


After three shots, the watermelon burst.

Xu Zhijian finally let out a sigh of relief and rubbed his shoulder with a grimace in pain.

The collision just now was too fierce, and I felt that I was dislocated.

Fortunately, I had a pistol.

Otherwise, I would have been finished this time.

At the same time, there was no time to rest, because I heard a series of hurried footsteps and low roars coming from the darkness.

The other goblins attacked!


Xu Zhijian shouted and turned to run to the cave entrance. Jenny and Miller had already rushed over.

The three of them went over to take a look.

I saw the light shining from the cave entrance above, and it can be seen that this is a slope of about 30 to 40 degrees.

As for how long it is, I can't calculate it.

The ground is covered with bones of various creatures, as if they grow on the ground.

It can be called the Skeleton Road.

Xu Zhijian reminded: "Don't be stunned, climb up!"

Jenny and Miller quickly retracted their gazes and began to climb up with their hands and feet.

And he turned around and pointed his gun at the cave entrance behind him.


At this time, the first goblin also rushed over.


He fired two shots to kill the opponent, and at the same time, he quickly retreated up the slope by walking backwards.

The second, third, and fourth goblins followed closely.

He fought and retreated at the same time.

Because he couldn't see the ground, he was tripped by something while walking and slipped.


Jenny, who was next to him, immediately reached out and grabbed his left arm, and Miller also hurriedly grabbed his right arm.

Xu Zhijian was very relieved.

They still had some conscience and didn't deliberately abandon him, which was worthy of his risking his life to help.

At this time, a goblin took the opportunity to rush in front of him.

"Fuck you!"

He cursed and kicked it away, then quickly stood up with the help of the two and raised his gun to kill it again.

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