People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 100: Day 100 of Survival: Let’s Get High

She hurriedly panicked: "Xu, Miller, Ike...why did he suddenly disappear?!"

Xu Zhijian and Miller hurriedly looked over and saw that the person was gone!

WTF? !

How is this going? !

They quickly searched around, but found no bodies alive or dead.

This is so evil.

Even if he was kidnapped by a monster, Ike would still scream in pain.

Xu Zhijian walked to where he was lying just now and checked, and soon found some viscous liquid on the ground.

But there was no time to analyze what it was because I heard bursts of movement.

I glanced around with my flashlight and found several cave goblins appearing on the stone wall, crawling towards them quickly.

And there are more black shadows coming from the distance.

They are beginning to gather and prepare to grab food!

The monsters quickly gathered around, shaking their heads one by one to carefully search for the target's location.

Jenny and Miller were so frightened that they couldn't help but crawl into Xu Zhijian's arms.

And he made a hasty shushing gesture.

Then he took out his mobile phone and typed some words quickly, asking them to pay attention to the plan he had come up with.

According to the setting in the movie, these goblins are humans with an alternative evolution.

After thousands of years of living in dark caves, the eyes have become useless.

This results in a more developed sense of hearing and smell.

That is the legendary position identification by listening to sounds.

They only eat meat, and there is no difference whether they are animals or humans.

At the same time, the body has also evolved to become stronger and adapt to this wild life.

Of course, no matter how powerful they are, they are still carbon-based life forms after all.

It's time to break the defense and break the defense, it's time to die.

Not to mention hot weapons and cold weapons, even beating with fists and feet can still make the flesh and blood become bloody.

There are two reasons why it is difficult to deal with.

1: The cave environment is complex, the light is dark, and the monsters have skin the same color as the stone wall.

Normal people entering their home territory would be killed by a sneak attack without even reacting.

2: They still reproduce normally and rely on quantity to win.

To sum up, unless you can directly use missiles to completely blow the hole into slag.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to come down and eliminate them.

The professional military can.

But don’t think about it for ordinary people.

Although Xu Zhijian has an unlimited bullet pistol, he does not have three heads and six arms, so he will inevitably not be attacked by a sneak attack.

Plus there are two towing oil bottles.

Using strategy is the best option.

Jenny and Miller were stunned after reading his plan, and then they could only nod in horror and agreed.

You can’t refuse even if you want to, I don’t have the capital.

Otherwise, what else could happen?

They also took out their mobile phones, followed the steps to find the required materials, and then trembled and did not dare to move.

Xu Zhijian was sure that there was no problem, so he took the gun and mobile phone and tiptoed to the left.

Slowly put a few meters away from them.

Then he walked to about the middle and placed the phone gently on the ground.

He nodded to both of them at the same time, indicating that they could start.

Jenny saw this and acted according to the plan.

He moved cautiously step by step, feeling as if his body was carrying a thousand kilograms of weight, slowly and silently.

Cold sweat kept flowing down his cheeks.

Soon she also distanced herself from Miller, and the three of them formed a triangle.

Then, they both squatted down and put down their mobile phones at the same time.

Then he quietly retreated to the corner to hide.

Fortunately, the two of them did a good job and didn't have any problems. Otherwise, according to the horror movie routine, something unexpected would happen at this time.

For example, you suddenly fall down and scream, or your phone rings suddenly, etc.

The goblins didn't notice anything strange, and their hearing was disturbed by their companions crawling around and roaring.

Still pacing back and forth looking for the target.

3 seconds.

2 seconds.

1 second!

"A man came to buy melons, Didi Didi... Brother, how much does your melon cost per pound?"

Xu Zhijian's cell phone suddenly made a sound, and the volume was at full volume.

The sound was so loud that the sound was broken.


When the goblins heard it, they turned to that direction at the same time and pounced on it instantly.

It's now!

Bang bang bang——!

Xu Zhijian immediately raised his gun and fired continuously, as if the bullets were free of charge.

Oh, by the way, unlimited ammunition is free to begin with.

The goblin didn't expect to be attacked by a sneak attack and had no way to avoid it. He screamed and fell to the ground.

But those others reacted quickly enough and quickly moved in the direction of the gunfire.

And Xu Zhijian didn't just stand there stupidly, moving back and forth while shooting.

At the same time, Jenny's cell phone rang at the scheduled time, playing the music she often listened to.

Same maximum volume.

The goblins were stunned when they heard this. They all froze subconsciously and shook their heads back and forth in pain.




The three voices complemented each other and were so noisy that the eardrums of those who listened were about to burst.

What's more, they use hearing instead of eyes, and it feels as harsh as needle pricks.

My brain just shut down and I didn’t know what to do.

Because it felt like there were sounds coming from all directions, and I had no idea which direction they were coming from.

I just felt it was noisy, extremely noisy.

Hearing is completely disabled.

Just like asking ordinary people to eat three servings of rice at the same time, they also need to be able to identify where they come from.

Who can withstand this?

And this is the plan formulated by Xu Zhijian.

No eyes, right?

You can tell the location by hearing, right?

Okay, that’ll satisfy you!

The more this happens, the less cautious and afraid to make a sound.

On the contrary, it will be worse and it will be easier to expose yourself.

On the contrary, make as much noise as possible to confuse the enemy's senses so that you can escape more smoothly.

Unexpectedly, the previously cached videos would come in handy at this time.

Immediately afterwards, Miller's mobile phone also began to play the set sound.

Now there are four types.

Even crazier.

The goblins jumped up and down uncomfortably, like bats that had lost their ultrasonic waves.

The two of them hid in the corner and covered their ears, showing some pained expressions.

Xu Zhijian also rubbed his ears with his other hand while firing, his brain buzzing uncomfortably from the shock.

This plan is equivalent to killing one thousand enemies and damaging six hundred.

But there is no better way.

"Kill the predator and reward 10 season points"

"Kill the predator and reward 10 season points"

"Kill the predator and reward 10 season points"

"Kill the predator and reward 10 season points"

"Kill the predator and reward 10 season points"

After a while, all the goblins were finally killed.

A total of 130 points were earned.

The air was filled with a thick fishy smell and a harsh mixed sound.

Xu Zhijian hurriedly picked up the phone and turned it off. He kept rubbing his ears with both hands, which hurt and itched.

Jenny also immediately turned off hers.

The only thing left in the cave was Miller's phone, still playing music.

This is also part of the plan.

Because this goblin population is very large, only a small part appears now.

There must be a sound to confuse and seduce their hearing.

Thanks to Yu Tongzi for the 100 book coins.

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