People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 99 Survival Day 099: Darkness Invades

Xu Zhijian also hurried over to check it out, and cursed inwardly in frustration.

I guessed there would be a trap, but I didn't expect it to be a trap.

It was beyond my expectations.

Could it be that those monsters are so powerful that they can make their own equipment?


There is another possibility.

That is, some people once brought traps in and wanted to eliminate them.

The result was a pile of bones.

Then they used it to kill subsequent humans.

This possibility is higher.

Xu Zhijian analyzed and said: "Quick! Drag Ike to the stone wall!"

The three of them worked together to lift Ike to the corner.

This is to avoid being attacked from all sides and minimize the death rate.

Jenny and Miller were busy helping him treat his wounds.

Xu Zhijian looked around, trying to find the hidden monster with a gloomy face.

He was very keen to feel the danger approaching, but where was the target?

He swept around with great concentration, and the limited flashlight light was swallowed by the infinite darkness.


Nothing can be seen.

"Is there anything, and where is it?"

He continued to search seriously and patiently, his attention becoming more and more focused.

He entered a state of ecstasy.

There was nothing on the left.

There was nothing in the middle.

There was nothing on the right.

There was nothing on the left.

There was nothing in the middle.

There was nothing on the right.

He kept scanning 360 degrees over and over again, and suddenly felt that something seemed wrong in the dark corner on the left.

Although the flashlight could not show anything unusual, his sixth sense was extremely strong.


He decisively pulled the trigger and fired a shot first.

Jenny and Miller, who were busy, shuddered in fear and looked at him in confusion.

Even Ike, who was screaming in pain, was attracted and screamed a little softer.

No movement.

Another shot from a different angle.


This time there was finally movement.

A dull roar sounded, and then a piece of "stone wall" fell to the ground.

It was indeed correct!

Xu Zhijian said in a proud tone, and immediately continued to attack it.

The stone screamed a few times and then stopped moving.

At the same time, a reminder sounded: "Kill the first predator and get 50 season points."

He waited for a while, then walked over slowly to see what kind of monster it was.


At the same time, a fishy wind suddenly hit from the side and knocked him down heavily.

"Xu, be careful!"

Jenny and Miller shouted in fear at the same time.


The black shadow opened its big mouth full of stinking and bit down on his neck.

After going through seven or eight copies, even if he didn't have any skills now, he had combat experience.

Not to mention the Sanda technique!

Xu Zhijian first hit the opponent's head with a full-strength hook with his left hand, making him bite empty.

Then he turned the gun head with his right hand and fired.

Bang bang!

The black shadow fell to the ground with a bang, and the blood spurted out splashed on his face.

Just in case, he fired two more shots to finish off the predator.

"Kill the predator and get 10 season points."

Then he stood up and picked up the flashlight, and finally saw what the monster hiding in the cave was.

Jenny and Miller couldn't help but come over and take a look together.

After seeing it clearly, they all opened their eyes wide and opened their mouths in surprise.

The monster was about 167 cm tall, without clothes or any hair.

The skin color and shape were almost the same as the stone wall.

Even in a bright light, it was not necessarily directly distinguishable.

Absolute camouflage.

Although their facial features are human, they are basically no longer related.

The huge upturned nose is like a bat.

The two eyes are black, I don't know if they are not there or they are always closed?

The two ears are pointed, and the mouth is full of barbed fangs.

Overall, how to say... It is very similar to the legendary goblin.

Oh, right.

It can be said to be Gollum in "The Lord of the Rings", but more hideous and blackened.

Jenny and Miller stared blankly for a long time, then came back to look at each other.

They saw shock and disbelief in each other's eyes.

Oh my God... Is this really an earth creature? !

Xu said there are terrible monsters in the forest, so these are the things.

But Xu Zhijian was happy, thinking that he finally knew, and thought it was a horror movie.

It turned out to be the famous "Dark Invasion"!

I thought of three series before, two of which are: "The Cave" + "The Hills Have Eyes"

The other one is this one.

This film is not only well-known, but also known as one of the most desperate horror films.

The word of mouth is also off the charts.

With 110,000 people rating it, it can still get 7.6 points.

It is enough to show the attributes of a masterpiece.

The general plot is:

Sarah's originally peaceful and happy life was accidentally broken by a car accident, and her husband and daughter died in the accident.

Although she survived, she never recovered from it.

In order to cheer Sarah up again, five female friends arranged an adventure trip for her.

Juno, the leader of the team, changed the original plan without authorization and chose a cave that had never been marked on the map.

He also wanted to name the newly explored cave "Sarah".

The six people entered the cave fully armed.

Just as they were amazed at the scenery of the cave, they unknowingly disturbed another kind of monster in the cave.

They have no vision and rely on the source of sound to cruelly hunt prey.

One of the short-haired women broke her leg and was first disemboweled and became "food".

Everyone united to save themselves, but friends doubted each other during the escape.

After a life-and-death struggle, only Sarah successfully escaped from the cave.

However, she was greeted by a more terrifying scene.

After watching this film, Xu Zhijian gave it a full five-star rating.

Because it is indeed a masterpiece.

The horror elements may not be so exaggerated, but the ending is really depressing and desperate.

Because the heroine struggled to death and thought she had escaped, but she was awakened to find that she was still in the cave.

The successful escape and driving away was just a dream.

This is not the end.

Then the heroine had hallucinations again and saw her dead daughter and birthday cake in front of her.

She watched silently, and then smiled with relief.

No more running away, no more resisting.

Just lying on the ground and watching her daughter's figure quietly, it seems that this moment is real.

Until the camera is getting farther and farther away, and getting darker and darker.

Finally, it freezes on the roar of the monster.

The whole team is wiped out!

Although many horror movies end with the death of all the characters, it is not new.

But "Darkness" can make people feel desperate and uncomfortable.

This is probably why it can be rated so highly.

And four years later, there is a second part, but whether to watch it or not, it is purely a dog's tail.


After a moment of silence, Jenny came back to her senses and subconsciously turned her head to see how Ike was.

As a result, she was stunned.

Because she found that the corner was empty, Ike... disappeared quietly? !

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