People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 122 Survival Day 122: Literal Movement

According to the structural diagram, this tunnel is about one kilometer long.

And it twists and turns like a maze.

It is probably a place used for secret experiments to prevent patients from escaping at will.

They walked for a while and then returned.

It was still early, so there was no need to walk to the end. They would explore the rest at night.

Then everyone went to other floors to explore.

The layout was basically the same, except that the French windows on the fourth floor were rumored to open automatically in the middle of the night.

Xu Zhijian thought about it and quietly locked the switch.

Let's see what will happen then.

After the inspection, everyone returned to the lobby on the first floor to make final preparations.

Arrange all the computers, lighting, cameras and other equipment they carried.

According to the original plan, Matt would watch the real-time monitoring here and then issue instructions using the intercom.

The rest of the people went to explore different places.

It was already 7:30 in the evening after the arrangement was completed, and there was still about half an hour before the official start.

Xu Zhijian did not participate in the arrangement, but took a marker and drew horizontal lines along the wall starting from the lobby.

Draw as much as you can, and don't stop if you can.

This is marking.

Because according to the information we know now + the movie commentary we have seen, we can know that this hospital will move.


Just like a living organism, it will randomly change the layout structure.

It will never let people find the right way to escape, and they can only be trapped and killed.

Similar to the other world of Silent Hill?

This is also the most difficult place to deal with.

Although the evil ghosts are scary, you can still find a way to kill them or get rid of them.

But this situation makes people feel helpless.

What should I do?

How to break the situation?

It's really a headache. If you can't solve it, you can only die miserably.

Now use a brush to make a mark, and then follow the instructions. I don't know if it will be useful.

But it's better than doing nothing.

Lance couldn't help asking: "Hey, what are you doing?"

Xu Zhijian replied truthfully: "Making a mark, we can't escape from the moment we come in."

"This hospital will soon be deformed, hehehe..."

His smirk made everyone stunned.

Lance didn't know whether he was acting freely or whether he really had a problem with his brain.

Although he was a little unhappy that he didn't act according to the script, he still felt happy.

This guy has a strong desire to perform, and he doesn't play by the rules.

Very good.

The ratings of this show must be higher!




The agreed time came soon.

It was dark, and the hospital was pitch dark.

Everyone turned on all the lights that could be turned on, and officially started the eight-hour adventure!

Lance said to the camera: "OK, the sixth episode of Cemetery Encounter-Deciphering the Haunted Hospital in Collingwood!"

"Is it really as scary as the rumors, or is there another truth?"

"Now, please follow us to explore!"

He and Xu Zhijian, Sasha, the psychic, and TC walked to the left corridor and started exploring again along the previous path.

Only Matt was left in the hall watching the surveillance.

Xu Zhijian turned his head and glanced at him, wondering if he was the first to die, or someone else?

Soon they came to the bathroom.

Everyone looked around and saw nothing different from what they had seen before.

Lance suggested: "Now everyone turn off the flashlights and see if you can get the ghosts out."

Everyone turned off the flashlights one after another, and the bathroom suddenly fell into darkness.

Only the camera was lit with a red dot, and it was in night shooting mode, and the whole screen was green.

Everyone waited nervously and patiently.

Three minutes.

Five minutes.

In the end, nothing happened.

Lance continued according to the script: "Okay, next we will try to establish contact with them."

"HELLO? Can you hear it?"

"If you can, please make any sound to respond, just like in horror movies."

This is a common method they use to make the performance more realistic.

It's just awkward.

Still no response.

Lance pretended to be disappointed and said: "Maybe we expect too much? Man, try to use your psychic ability."

The charlatan nodded, closed his eyes, raised his chin, and opened his arms.

After standing for a few seconds, he suddenly frowned.

Then he murmured: "I feel it... There is a strong breath here... It's a ghost!"

"It's an incredible energy, like countless people are roaring..."

"They are very unhappy with our intrusion and temporarily refuse to communicate."

"We have to show goodwill..."

He said it very logically and seriously, an old actor.

Lance showed a surprised expression: "That's great, we definitely don't have any bad intentions."

"Sasha, use the device to try to communicate with them."

The woman nodded and took out two devices from her bag.

A black dashboard, scientific name electromagnetic energy meter.

It can be used to detect whether the electromagnetic field around the body is normal. Once there is an abnormality, the reading will be abnormal.

The other is a device similar to a recorder that can capture EVP.

This is a kind of electronic voice phenomenon capture, that is, those sounds that human ears cannot hear.

If you hear a strange sound when you call back, it means that the ghost is talking.

Of course, these functions are all theoretical.

Xu Zhijian thought it was interesting, and it felt similar to "The Soul Returns at Night". Is it a scientific way to catch ghosts?

TC pointed the camera at Sasha's hands.

You can see that the pointer on the dashboard did not move at all, indicating that there was no abnormality.

So she turned on the recorder: "Excuse me, are you around? Have you been a patient here before?"

After that, she called back.

Everyone listened attentively, but they could only hear her voice.


Then proceed to the second step.

TC pointed the camera at Lance: "It seems that they don't want to communicate with us now, maybe they are shy."

"Next, we will separate and look for them alone."

"I will continue to wait in this bathroom, Sasha will go to the room full of words, and TC will go to the corridor..."

At this time, Xu Zhijian stepped forward and said seriously: "For humanitarian reasons, I will advise you one last time."

"There is really a ghost here! Separate actions will be a death sentence. Do you really want to do this?"

Lance nodded affirmatively: "Of course! This is the purpose of our team."

At the same time, he silently nodded in his heart.

I thought that the performance was really good. This advice made the show more effective.


Xu Zhijian shrugged and said nothing more. He respected the choice of personal destiny.

Anyway, he didn't have to help them score points, and there were no rules.

If they died, they died.

Arguing would only waste words and time.

So everyone walked out of the bathroom and started to act separately (literally + physically).

Lance stayed here.

Sasha went to one of the wards.

TC stood in the corridor.

Xu Zhijian followed the script and went to the fourth floor, facing the rumored window that would open and close automatically!

Thanks to Silent Unspoken for the 500 book coins! Thanks to Liu Zun, Book Friend 1667 for the 100 book coins.

Thanks to Ke Hao Xing, Book Friend 6768, Cang Hai, Book Friend 7713, Lin Feng Ting Zhu, Book Friend 3672, Just Call Me Handsome, Carlo of the Dark Flame, Elegant and Gentle Murong Yanyu, Yu Qing Qing, and my Wang Zhaojun's monthly ticket.

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