People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 123 Survival Day 123: This kid is awesome

He stood in front of the window and looked at the time silently for a moment, then glanced at the time again.

It was 8:20 p.m. now.

According to the rhythm in the movie, there would be no problems or dangers for a while.

It was basically in the middle, that is, when there were 1-2 hours left in the eight-hour deadline, that the evil spirit finally took action.

But no appearance does not mean no movement.

They began to quietly lay out from the moment they entered.

Xu Zhijian walked over and turned on the previously locked switch, and pushed it tentatively, and the window was easily opened.

Most people would think that they could probably escape by jumping down now, but in fact, they thought too much.

Because he keenly noticed the abnormality.

That is, the night is wrong!

Under normal circumstances, you can see the moon and stars.

Even on cloudy days, you can clearly feel that the sky is the sky and the ground is the ground.

But now, all he can see is darkness.

You can't see the sky, the moon, the stars, you can't see the trees on the ground, and you can't feel the breeze.

In short, it's pitch black, pure black!

Xu Zhijian immediately took out the sundries from his backpack and threw them down, listening carefully.

Two seconds.

Five seconds.

Ten seconds!

After waiting for a long time, he still couldn't hear the sound of the object falling to the ground.

This is obviously wrong.

The four-story building is at most fifteen meters high, even if a piece of paper is thrown, it should fall to the ground at this time.

Sure enough.

Now he has quietly entered the hospital's main world, and has severed his relationship with reality!

If you want to jump out of the window to survive, you will only die more miserably.

Xu Zhijian closed the window again, and then took a pen to mark the surroundings.

Then he left the balcony and went to other places to observe the situation, and drew lines as much as possible.

At the same time.


Lance sat in one of the bathtubs, holding a DV camera and shooting around.

At the same time, he murmured: "If the lady who committed suicide here is here, please show up."

"Or make some noise, touch my hair."



Sasha sat on the ground, using a DV to shoot the words on the wall. There were a lot of content, but he couldn't understand it.

She also murmured: "Did you write all these? We just want to try to contact you."

"Why not try to respond?"



TC put the camera on the ground, and then walked back and forth to observe the situation.

Sometimes he walked to the end and looked around, and sometimes he went into other rooms and took a look.


Lobby on the first floor.

Matt looked at the surveillance screen on the computer screen and found that Xu Zhijian was not guarding the window on the fourth floor.

So he took the intercom and said: "Xu, where are you? I can't see your figure from the surveillance."

After waiting for a while, there was no response.

He asked again and it was still the same, so he thought that the other party was deliberately not acting according to the script.

Then he started to contact Lance to report the situation.

However, there was no response.


Matt cursed in confusion and quickly looked at the detection instrument.

The display was normal, indicating that there was no interference.

Could it be that the intercom was broken?

It shouldn't be broken at the same time.

While holding the machine and thinking about it, the light behind him suddenly went out.

Then it lit up again.

He quickly turned his head to take a look, and it was fine.

Matt took the intercom and called again, and this time he successfully contacted Lance.

After reporting the situation, he crossed his legs and drank beer leisurely.

Ten minutes later.

Lance, TC, Sasha, and psychic Houston returned to the hall at the same time.

During the time they were separated, no one encountered any supernatural phenomena.

Lance asked with some doubts: "Where is Xu? What is he doing? Will he encounter any situation?"

Everyone shook their heads to indicate that they didn't know.

He didn't react much on his face, but he was a little annoyed in his heart.

How can you be such a shill!

Not following the set script, always playing it randomly, although it is indeed quite effective.

But there is no way to keep doing this.

Lance said to the camera: "Our team members seem to be in trouble, and the first accident finally happened!"

"Let's go, let's go find him!"

The four people quickly went up to the second floor, and Matt continued to watch the surveillance.

They observed and moved forward, and suddenly stopped at the same time after a moment.

Because they finally saw the first situation.

A wheelchair appeared in front of them.

This was nothing unusual. In a hospital, there are abandoned medical equipment everywhere.

The problem was that the corridor was empty when they checked it before!

Lance was slightly surprised and said, "Look, what's going on?!"

"Did you see that? There was nothing in this corridor an hour ago, but now there is a wheelchair."

"Is this a response from the ghosts?"

They approached carefully while talking and took close-ups.

At this time, Lance guessed the truth that he thought he had. Xu must have moved here on purpose!

This kid... is really a natural actor.

All the free play was just right, and the show effect was quite good.


After the shooting is over, he must be recruited as a formal member of the team.

The four passed by the wheelchair and continued to move forward.

Just as they completely disappeared at the end, the wheels that were originally stationary suddenly moved.


Came to the fourth floor.

They stood in front of the French window and checked for a while.


When they were sure there was nothing wrong and were about to leave, there was a knock on the glass!

And it came from outside.

"Shit! What's going on?!"

"WTF... Who knocked this?!"

Lance and the others were so scared that they trembled all over, and TC quickly pointed the camera at the window.

But they couldn't see anything, only darkness.

Lance said nervously and excitedly: "Another new situation! Something is knocking on the window outside."

"This is the fourth floor, at least fifteen meters! It's impossible for humans to do it."

"Huh... Let me get closer to observe."

He walked to the window carefully and looked outside, and pushed it tentatively, but it didn't open.

The four of them waited nervously and expectantly.

But after waiting for a while, nothing similar happened again.

Sarah said with some worry: "Let's finish the shooting and leave quickly, I feel very uneasy..."

Lance comforted: "Don't be afraid, isn't the purpose of the cemetery encounter to find the real ghost?"

"Now we finally meet, we must seize the opportunity!"

"Not only for ourselves, but also for more viewers to know and understand the supernatural truth."

Sarah had to nod: "OK, I was too nervous, I know what to do."

Lance looked serious at the camera: "I have encountered two incredible strange things, it seems that they are willing to communicate."

"We don't know what will happen next, but we will keep exploring!"

"Let's go! Keep looking for Xu and those hidden ghosts."

The four walked away, looking back every three steps.

Lance and Houston, who were walking in front, seemed nervous on the surface, but they secretly bumped fists with each other.


The extra chapter is over, sour!

Continue to wait for the support of the big guys.

Now I just hope that the large amount of support can rush to the list, and then take the opportunity to increase some exposure.

Otherwise, it is easy to collapse the mentality by relying on subscriptions.

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