People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 130 Survival Day 130: Penrose Stairs


The female ghost was banging against the door frantically, each time with more force than the last.

But the door was still strong and should be able to hold out for a while.

"Someone save me... God please save me..."

Houston's teeth kept chattering, and his psychological defenses were close to collapse.

If he could do it again, he would never come to this damn hospital!

In his panic, he suddenly thought of the window, so he stood up tremblingly and wanted to jump out in this way.

It was unknown what was going on outside.

Anyway, the evil ghost was actually outside and could take his life at any time.

He had to take a gamble!

Tick-tock... Tick-tock...

Just as he had the idea, he suddenly felt some cold and smelly liquid falling on his head and hands.

He hurriedly used a flashlight to illuminate it... Was it black blood? !

Then, he subconsciously looked up at the fallen roof and raised the flashlight to illuminate it.

His heart almost stopped beating when he saw it.

I saw that the female ghost had sneaked into the room at some point.

She was clinging to the wall like Spider-Man.

Her two empty eye sockets kept dripping with liquid.


The female ghost screamed and quickly pounced down from above.

"No -- NO!!!"

After the hysterical scream, the flashlight went out and the room fell into silence.

There was also a strong smell of blood.


Underground tunnel.

Lance and Sarah moved forward in fear and confusion.

They didn't know why it became like this, and didn't know where TC and Houston had gone.

What happened now?

I only knew that fortunately I had a companion with me.

But where does this tunnel lead to? How come I can't reach the end after walking for so long? !

And I feel so thirsty and hungry.

I feel exhausted after not eating or drinking for two or three days, and I can hardly walk.

Sasha licked his lips: "I... I feel so tired, let's take a break."

Lance felt the same way, and his breathing became rapid.

He nodded: "OK, I have a bottle of water here, you can drink some."

Sasha took it and drank half of the bottle in one breath.

Then the two of them sat on the ground against the wall in silence, exhausted to the extreme.

Sasha couldn't help crying again, and now despair was greater than fear.

While Lance was in pain, he didn't give up thinking about how to break the desperate situation in front of him.

It is a foregone conclusion that this place is haunted.

And the structure of the hospital itself will also change.

The most important thing now is to find a breakthrough and escape, even if you lose your arms and legs, it's worth it!

Thinking about it, he immediately thought of a concept he had seen before.

What is it called?

Oh, right.

It seems to be called "Penrose Stairs"!

This is a famous geometric paradox, referring to a staircase that always goes up or down but never reaches the end.

It can be regarded as a variant of the Penrose triangle.

On this staircase, you can never find the highest point or the lowest point.

Proposed by British mathematician Roger Penrose and his father in 1958.

Penrose steps cannot exist in three-dimensional space.

But as long as a higher-order space is put in, it can be easily realized.

Like the Möbius strip, Klein bottle, etc.

Simply put, it is similar to a ghost wall, always wandering around in one place and unable to escape.

Now this hospital seems to be constantly changing, but in fact it has not moved at all?

The reason why it has become the current situation, could it be an illusion caused by vision, and the mind is blinded?

Lance thought about it and felt that this possibility is very high.

Even if it is not big, you have to pretend to be big.

Now as long as there is a glimmer of hope, you have to grab it.

So he said excitedly: "Sasha, I have an idea! Maybe we can escape!"

Sasha was stunned when he heard it, and asked hurriedly: "Really? Really?! What is the way?!"

Lance explained: "We may be in a situation similar to the Penrose steps, have you heard of it?"

Sasha shook his head to indicate that he had not.

He continued: "Forget about it, just know that this is probably what it means."

"I don't guarantee that this concept is correct, but now we have to give it a try even if there is a one in ten thousand chance."

"Let's go, let's start the experiment now!"

Sasha asked: "How should we do the experiment?"

Lance said: "It's very simple, close your eyes and walk by instinct! What we see now may be fake."

"As long as you are not affected by the outside world, close your eyes and walk along the wall, you will have a chance to escape."

She didn't know what the Penrose stairs were, she just knew that she had finally figured it out, so she had to give it a try.

So she agreed obediently.

The two stood up and stood side by side against the wall, looked at each other, then closed their eyes and held hands and moved.

One step.

Two steps.

Three steps.

With every step, their heartbeats quickened and they sweated more.

After all, the situation was already very scary, and now closing their eyes again could be said to be adding insult to injury.

Who knows what they will encounter while closing their eyes.

For example, at this moment, will there be a terrible evil ghost staring at them silently? !

It's creepy just to think about it.

Sasha's right hand tightly grasped Lance's hand, both of them were sweating coldly, and they almost washed their hands.

I walked a few dozen steps like this, and didn't encounter any problems for the time being.

I still didn't reach the end.

Soon, Sasha's left hand, which was touching the wall, suddenly touched something cold!

That bumpy feeling... seems to be a human hand? !


She couldn't help but scream, her body shuddered and she pulled back her hands, subconsciously opening her eyes to look.

But there was nothing behind her, and there were no other hands on the wall.

She was slightly relieved, and quickly turned her head to look at Lance again, wanting to tell the story.


In less than two seconds, Lance, who had been walking side by side, disappeared! !


Sasha's brain suddenly buzzed, and her soul flew away and crashed directly.

Where is the person... Where is the person? ?

Why did he disappear! !


She cried and screamed with a trembling voice, floating in the dark tunnel.

But there was no response.


Then, the only light source of the flashlight was instantly extinguished.

At the same time.

In a corridor, Xu Zhijian was also miraculously groping forward with his eyes closed.

Five minutes ago, he had also thought of a similar concept.

Of course, he didn't understand the Penrose stairs so professionally, but thought of the plots in horror novels he had read before.

Including but not limited to ghost walls, hanging soul ladders, etc.

They are basically the same.

And now is the trial and error stage, any possibility must be tried, anyway, it's idle.

In this way, with the left hand touching the wall and the right hand wrapped around the cross, ready to move forward carefully for a while.

The left hand suddenly touched nothing, and after a while of probing, it didn't touch anything else.

It seemed to have come to an empty place.

So he suddenly opened his eyes and looked around at the first time.

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