People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 131: Day 131 of Survival: A Chance to Become Brothers

Xu Zhijian looked around for a few seconds and understood that he had reached the intersection of a certain floor.

There was another corridor on the left corner.

It seems that closing your eyes to move forward seems to have some effect?

He walked over carefully while thinking, first to see what was going on, and then decide whether to close your eyes next.

He soon came to the end of the corridor.

This time, a new fork appeared on the right.

He shone the flashlight inside first, and saw something was going on at a glance.

There was a person lying on the ground!

Judging from his clothes, it seemed to be the photographer TC?

At this time, his shirt had been torn to pieces, exposing his back, and there were some blood-red characters on it.

Xu Zhijian approached carefully to check.

When he was about three meters away, he finally saw it clearly, stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

TC's back was bloody and bloody, and the scars were linked into characters.

It was like being carved with a knife.

It formed six words: Nige.

It was so dazzling.

Xu Zhijian smiled happily while looking at his face, which was black with purple, and purple with white.

He was dead.

Especially the obvious marks on his neck, which seemed to be embedded in the flesh.

I had guessed how this guy would die before, but I didn't expect it to be so creative.

Not bad.

Xu Zhijian really found it interesting. Wow, it seems that there are farmers among these evil ghosts.

Or maybe he was bullied by these humanoids so much that he still holds a grudge after being dead for so many years.

Don't let me see it.

If I meet him, I will definitely burn yellow paper to swear brotherhood, hahaha~!

Xu Zhijian picked up the flashlight and continued to move forward vigilantly.

After walking for a while, he didn't encounter any more situations, so he closed his eyes and set off again.

He counted the steps while walking.

At about the 45th step, which was about 35± meters, there was no way forward.

What the hand could touch was a wall, or a door?

He quickly opened his eyes to check, and it was indeed a half-covered door.

Push it open slowly and carefully.


A cold wind blew first, and then a staircase leading down appeared.

What is this place?

I don’t think I’ve come across it before.

Xu Zhijian used a flashlight to shine for a while, and then walked down cautiously.

When he came down and looked around, it was a dark and gloomy underground passage.

Only then did he realize that it was the underground tunnel at the beginning.

Speaking of which, this is a very important scene in "Encounter in the Graveyard".

The male protagonist Lance in the first part was trapped here and couldn’t escape.

And the protagonists of the second part thought they had escaped from the hospital after some things, but finally found themselves back here.

It seems that this place may hide the secret of breaking the deadlock? ?

Xu Zhijian thought while moving forward, and soon found a backpack on the ground.

After a closer look, it was Lance and his friends.

Is he here now?

He quickly walked up to pick it up and poured out everything inside to check.

Half a bottle of mineral water, some moldy and rotten food, etc.

Nothing special.

So, where are the people? ?

Xu Zhijian didn't know where he was, but based on his experience, he was most likely in danger.

He took the equipment he could use and continued to explore carefully.

At the same time.

Somewhere in the dark tunnel, Lance was still closing his eyes, feeling the wall and moving forward little by little.

He walked for a few more minutes before stopping to rest.

He kept his eyes closed and whispered, "Sasha, how do you feel?"

He waited for a moment but there was no response.

He asked again and it was still the same.

Lance felt confused and uneasy, so he had to slowly open his eyes nervously and glanced at it.

As a result, he was stunned at first, and then he screamed and instinctively threw the things in his hands away.


A round head rolled on the ground for several circles, and then stopped facing him.

The dark, emotionless eyes stared at him quietly.

And Lance's legs trembled wildly, his brain was buzzing, and his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

He couldn't think of it at all, and couldn't imagine that he had been holding Sasha's hand all the time? ?

How... How did he become her head? ! !

When did it start? ?

How did Sasha die? !

One question after another completely shut down Lance, but this was just the beginning.


At this moment, a pair of cold hands suddenly grabbed his neck from behind, and then threw him down with force.

"Ah——! NO——HELP!!"

"Please don't kill me... Help...!"

Lance fell heavily on his face, almost unable to breathe.

He kept scratching the ground with both hands, screaming hysterically, begging for mercy.


However, everything was in vain, and he was easily dragged into the depths of darkness by a force.

The screams also stopped abruptly.

Sasha's head lay quietly for a few seconds, and then it was also suddenly grabbed by a black hand and brought back to the darkness.


Lance's miserable cry was keenly heard by Xu Zhijian who was moving forward.

He immediately identified the direction of the voice and that it was Lance's voice.

"Sure enough, it's here!"

He said to himself, guessing that the other party was in some danger, and turned around carefully.

No matter what was going on there, he had to go and take a look.

Otherwise, wandering around will only waste time.

He came to the place where Lance was captured just now with caution, but didn't see anything strange.

Now the sound has disappeared, how should he continue to chase?

He checked carefully, and then walked into the only fork in the road next to him.

This is considered to be knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, but going to the tiger mountain.

The sooner it is solved, the sooner it will be done.

After walking for a while, he found some red liquid on the ground.

Based on experience, it feels like blood.

I just don't know if it's Lance's, Sasha's or Houston's?


Is this a clue left deliberately, or a trap set deliberately to lure himself into the trap?

Xu Zhijian judged for a while and thought it should be the latter.

Very good.

Then let's do it!

He adjusted his mentality and prepared to fight at any time, and continued to grope forward carefully.

About three minutes later, a closed double door suddenly appeared in front of him.

What will happen next is unknown.

But he took out the last bag of salt from his bag, tore it open, and then fell to where he is standing now.

From left to right, a straight horizontal line.

Salt has no shelf life, so there is no need to worry about it going bad and not being effective.

As for whether it will work and block or injure those low-level evil spirits, it still needs to be verified.

Then continue to draw a horizontal line every few meters until all of them are gone.

At this time, it is only about three meters away from the door.

Xu Zhijian took a deep breath and put away the pistol first. This thing is not very useful for evil spirits now.

Then put his left hand on the door handle and slightly raise the cross with his right hand.

Once the door is opened and something happens, you can counterattack immediately!

At the same time, retreat behind the salt line defense.


Code God, start! Stay up late to code tonight.

Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I will start to update [Chen Daguanren, who is kind and generous]! !

Thanks to the book friend 3029 for supporting the deacon.

Thanks to the friends who voted for the monthly ticket recently.

I took a look at the total number for half a month, minus the update income + the votes of the leader Cen Guang, which is not as expected but also satisfactory.

This time I will post more for all the big guys who rewarded, subscribed, and voted.

And continue to ask for all kinds of support!

Whenever there is a message notification, it will give me the motivation to write!

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