People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 140: Day 140 of Survival: Cheers

Jenny saw him in a daze and couldn't help asking, "Xu, what are you thinking about?"

He came back to his senses and said, "Nothing, I'm just about to separate, and I'm a little reluctant."

Miller came over: "Really? Then how about taking us together?"

He shook his head decisively: "Of course not, that will only kill you two, and we must never let that happen."


"You dare to despise me, I must punish you well."

"OMG, are you possessed by the devil? You are so strong, haha..."

Happy times are always short.

Unknowingly, there are less than two hours left before the end.

It's time to leave.

Parking lot

Xu Zhijian put the backpack into the car: "When will you go home? Is it today?"

Jenny said: "We are not in a hurry, tomorrow morning, and then play here for another night."

"OK, I understand." Xu Zhijian nodded: "Then I will go first, and we will see each other after I am done."

Miller said reluctantly: "Remember to contact me as soon as you solve it, understand?"

"Of course, wait for my news."

Jenny was also reluctant: "Be sure to pay attention to safety and don't risk your life."

"Don't worry, No-problem!"

They chatted for a while, and then hugged and said goodbye reluctantly.

Watching him drive away and disappear from sight, the two turned around and left.

While walking, Miller suddenly said: "Xu that guy hurt my leg so much, Jenny help me."

Jenny reached out and held her arm: "OK, actually it hurts a little too."

"Hahaha~~ Then let's hold each other's arms, where are we going now?"

"Well... let's find a cafe to rest for a while."



On the other hand

Xu Zhijian drove to a remote place, parked, and waited for the last hour.

He took another look at the ranking.

At this time, code 111 has reached 2750 points, which is more than expected.

The other rankings have also risen more or less.

The result can be declared finalized, unless there is an irresistible accident.

For example, his own hidden points.

Thinking of this, Xu Zhijian suddenly had an idea, right! Will there be people with hidden points? !

I have never thought about this question.

Because the current highest rank is only silver, at most you can get three blind boxes.

It is not so easy to draw points from N kinds of rewards.

Not to mention that players are generally stuck in black iron and bronze, there are only 1-2 chances, which is even more impossible.

The sixth sense tells me that there is no accident.

But what if something really happens? ?

Xu Zhijian thought about it for a while and stopped thinking about it. First of all, the possibility is very small.

Secondly, it doesn’t matter even if it really happens.

My initial goal was to survive to the end, not to get first place.

It’s best to have it, but I won’t force it if I don’t have it.

Why bother?

The only pity is that the season is too short, and I haven’t played enough.

Especially the pleasant time with Jenny Miller, it takes at least a week to enjoy it.

I can only say that "Graveyard Encounter" is too time-consuming, there is no way.

Xu Zhijian thought and waited silently, and soon there were only 30 minutes left.

At this time, a message popped up.

"The season is about to end, all players can choose to return directly to Horror Town"

He understood that this was a way to leave in advance, and thought about it. There was nothing to do here, and it was boring to stay.

So he decisively chose to return.

The first season of 2024, successfully completed!


Horror Town.

Xu Zhijian opened his eyes and looked at the familiar room, and he breathed a sigh of relief. I, Hu Hansan, am back!

He put his things down and went to the bathroom first.

After coming out, he couldn't wait to turn on the computer and log in to the forum to check it out as soon as possible.

At this time, many people chose to return early like him.

The forum posts began to refresh quickly.

"I finally came back alive! Hahahaha~~!"

"I managed to survive to the end, it was so thrilling, I almost died"

"More than 7,000 people died, it's so scary, fortunately I was not included"

"Is there anyone like me who is a pure salted fish, only got 500 minimum points and kept hiding?"

"Me, me, me! I was a wild man for more than ten days, and didn't get any more points"

"You are finally back, tell us if the season is fun?!"

"Newbie, what season is it, what are you talking about?"


After reading most of the posts, Xu Zhijian understood one thing.

During the season, many newcomers were caught, about 10,000 people.

The monthly routine operation is considered to replenish fresh blood.

I can only say that this group of players is very lucky, just missed the season time period.

Otherwise, they would have participated in the competition as soon as they came in, and waited for the team to be wiped out.

In addition, the competitive list of bets has become active again.

First place: the guy with the mask.

Second place: the guy with the middle part.

Third place: the girl with the ponytail.

The ranking is the same as before the end.

Xu Zhijian began to think carefully whether the code 111 is the guy with the mask or the guy with the middle part?

I remember that the guy with the middle part had solicited votes before, saying that he would definitely get first place if he had the props.

Could it be him?

But his subconscious told him that it should be the guy with the mask.

After thinking for a while, he decided not to think about it. Anyway, the list will be revealed at 8 o'clock tonight.

We will basically know it by then.

He continued to refresh the forum to read posts, and from time to time he heard some excited shouts from players outside the house.

For example, I am finally back, I am not dead, etc.

An hour later, he suddenly remembered something and quickly opened his personal information to take a look.

"Homeowner: Xu Zhijian"

"Block: No. 666"

"Rank: Silver (7500/10000)"

"Rank: 120"

"Exchange Point: 7920"

I remember that the exchange point was 6800 before the season, and I got two bags during this period.

One +500.

One +620.

OK, this is considered very rich.

So he opened the door and left home, and quickly went to the trading area.

Along the way, he could see all kinds of confused newcomers and the cheers of old players who successfully survived until the end of the season.

Dancing and running around like crazy.

He could understand this feeling very well.

I have been reminding myself not to be greedy or utilitarian, as long as I can survive, I will win.

I did my best to do it.

But compared with these people, it is still not as good, because they are the real pure lying.

They are calm and don't fight for anything.

I just want to get the minimum season score of 500 to avoid being eliminated.

Then I will never participate in any battles again, and try every means to hide and survive.

I don't even want the free head points.

Some people are self-aware and know that they don't have the ability to compete for rankings.

Some people are just afraid of death.

Some people don't care and are not interested in anything.

It's good anyway, everyone has their own ideas.

In short, it can be said in one sentence: Being alive is victory.

Xu Zhijian quickly came to the trading area and found one of the vending machines.

Finally, he thought seriously for a while, and then decisively bought a treasure that he had been coveting.

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