People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 141 Survival Day 141: This is the choice

A bottle the size of oral liquid appeared in his hand.

It was transparent.

It contained 20 ml of colorless liquid similar to water.

Xu Zhijian opened it and smelled it. It was tasteless, and then he swallowed it in anticipation.

Waited for a moment.

There was no abnormal feeling in his body.

He knew that it was impossible to buy fakes. Such a thing did not exist in Horror Town.

It should have had no reaction, but it had taken effect.

So he quickly left the trading area and went into the woods where he had been practicing boxing before.


He took two deep breaths to adjust his mentality, and then suddenly rushed out.

A strange feeling came immediately.

He clearly felt like he was shot out of a slingshot, with a push on his back, and the speed was ridiculous.

The wind resistance hit his face, and it felt like a level 4 or 5 wind speed!

After running more than 30 meters to the end, he turned around and continued to run back.

He went back and forth for several laps before stopping.

Xu Zhijian was very excited.

An unprecedented speed experience!

Endurance never seen before!

According to the previous physical fitness, running back and forth at full speed for a period of time like this would obviously make him tired and his breathing rapid.

But now he is still very stable.

He immediately started the second test to try the change in strength.

After looking around, he found a stone block that was about the size of a bucket of water.

He didn't know how much it weighed.

But judging by his feeling, it must be at least 200 pounds, right?

He walked over and put his hands in a position that was easy to grab, and then lifted it up with force.

Then the stone was really picked up!

Three seconds.

Five seconds.

Ten seconds.

Xu Zhijian threw the stone to the ground, and he didn't feel his arm was sore and exhausted.

Instead, he only felt that he had only used half of it.

"Hahaha~~ Cool!"

He couldn't help but shout excitedly, feeling refreshed.

The bottle he just bought was the "super serum" he had always coveted.

After taking it, it can reach the limit of the human body.


5888 exchange points.

After the short test just now, the speed and strength are indeed much stronger than before.

But as for the human body's limit, that's unknown.

Thinking about it, he quickly took out his phone to search.

Finally, there are some clues.

According to the data tested and inferred by various professional institutions, the human body's limit level is weaker than expected.

But it is also stronger than expected.

For example, the highest limit that humans can reach is 9.48 seconds/hundred meters ±.

Because the human body has a certain weight, every second of speed increase consumes corresponding energy.

This ratio is limited.

It seems that it is basically impossible to reach the cheetah level.

Let's talk about strength.

The snatch limit is 230 kg ±, and the clean and jerk is 280 ±.

The maximum weight that can be lifted is 510+ kg, which means that it can only be lifted for a while.

It is impossible to play easily and freely.

The theoretical limit of strength is 5000 kg!

For the rest, such as reaction speed, the limit is 0.1 seconds, which cannot be exceeded.

Hold your breath for 30 minutes.

The endurance limit is 2.5 times the resting metabolic rate of the human body.

And so on and so forth.

At first glance, every data is exaggerated, but after careful consideration, it is just like that.

It is far inferior to wild animals.

For example, the strength of tigers and the speed of cheetahs are still far behind.

Xu Zhijian was a little disappointed, because he had expected to be like Captain America.

Oh, right.

Captain America's level is not the limit of human beings, but a level beyond the limit.

So he immediately recovered his mood.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't meet expectations, but he still has another killer skill.

"Human Quality Star Chart!"

Another 10% increase based on the current limit, what does this mean?

One word: Awesome.

Don't forget that the star chart skills can also be upgraded with star chart points. It is not a problem to reach the level of Captain America.

In this way, you will not be afraid of Jason in the subsequent dungeons.

Directly face to face!

Not only that, you can fight or crush any butcher-type monster.


Xu Zhijian did some experiments for a while, and then went home happily.

I took a shower first, then opened the forum and read the posts while studying the allocation of star points.

Now I have 20 points.

Which ability can I maximize?

Normally, it is naturally rebound stance\u003ealchemist\u003ehuman quality\u003emental resistance.

But now that I have drunk the potion, I am entangled.

After thinking about it, I finally made a decision: rebound stance + alchemist.

Allocate 10 points to each ability.

Now the physical ability has slightly exceeded the limit of the human body, enough to deal with 90% of the butchers.

Then I have to focus on magic defense.

The rebound stance performed so well in "Graveyard Encounter" that people have to like it.

The 20% rebound rate is barely enough for the time being.

Not only can it save your life, but it can also easily kill evil spirits.

And the alchemist increases the success rate, and can get good additional skills faster, which is also pure blood profit.

So I chose it!

Xu Zhijian decisively allocated 20 star points.

At the same time, I hope that the subsequent copies will give more points, the more the better.

Because once an ability reaches 100%, it can actually continue to be upgraded.

Thus, the effect of transformation becomes stronger.

For example, when the rebound position reaches the maximum level, it will change after it increases to a certain value.

It may be 150%, or 200%.

Then, on the basis of the rebound, the newly added rebound damage will be doubled, and so on.

The upper limit of each ability value is 1000%.

You can imagine how perverted it will be.

After finishing, Xu Zhijian took out the infinite bullet pistol and continued to alchemy.

"Alchemy failed"

"Alchemy failed"

"Alchemy failed"

"Alchemy failed"

"Alchemy failed"

"Alchemy failed"


"Alchemy failed"

"Alchemy failed"

"Alchemy successful, get attack bonus: turn"

"The fired bullet can arc through obstacles and kill the target behind"

Xu Zhijian: ... ...


Are you playing "Assassin's League" here?

He continued to change without hesitation, and then glanced at the remaining exchange points of 2032.

Thinking that basically everything that can be armed is now armed, there is no need to go further for the time being.

So should we go back to "Reverse the Time", "Blindfolded" and reminisce with Quinn, Kelly and the others?

Take another look at the dungeon list.

Wow, it takes 1,000 points to re-enter these two dungeons.

Ah...? !

Remember that returning to "Soulless Clown" only cost a few hundred points, why are they so expensive?

After thinking for a while, I thought of a possibility.

Soulless Clown has unfinished tasks, so it is normal to enter.

And those two dungeons have been cleared, so entering them again is just for fun.

So naturally it is expensive?


In this case, let's wait and save up one or two more dungeon redemption points.

Anyway, I just communicated with Jenny and Miller N times, and I don't have any ideas for the time being.

Xu Zhijian turned off the message, looked at the forum alchemy, and waited for eight o'clock in the evening.

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