People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 148 Survival Day 148: Clues

The old man's facial features appeared in the flashlight.

So that's what happened!

Xu Zhijian was stunned for a moment when he saw his appearance, then he let go of his hand and stood up.

While he was shocked, he also felt a slight chill on his back.

As a veteran of ghost movies, he had already thought of the two most likely results.

1: What he saw would be his own face.

This plot is an old routine in horror movies and novels.

2: Seeing the evil spirit behind the scenes.

But now neither of the two results appeared, but an almost unexpected third situation appeared.

The old man's face... turned out to be the facial features of his wife!

In other words, two women appeared now? !

Xu Zhijian subconsciously walked over and took a look at the woman, her face did not change.

This is... outrageous!

He immediately turned his head to look at the bathroom again. At this time, there was no sound of impact, and the old man's figure disappeared.

Then he quickly looked at the old man again.

The other person's face returned to normal and turned into his own face again.

"Damn it!"

Xu Zhijian felt like playing with Russian dolls, putting them back and forth.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, you will only feel dizzy when you hear others say it.

At the same time, he suddenly thought of a very important thing.

So he quickly looked at the time, and it was indeed wrong!


This is the time when I just entered the world,

Now is it going back?

No...It should be said that from the moment I came in, I actually entered the illusion of true and false!

Controlling illusions is a common skill of evil spirits.

But the operation of the female corpse is much stronger than the average.

In other movies, people who are usually hallucinated will be awakened by shock, pain, etc.

However, here, no matter what method is used, they can't escape.

The forensic father and son in the movie have suffered various experiences, whether they saw horrible scenes, were attacked, etc.

They did not wake up from the illusion.

It is even more difficult to tell which is the real world and which is illusory.

Until complete death.

When the police entered after daybreak, they saw nothing but the bodies of the two men.

The female corpse that had been dissected and burned was lying intact on the table.

So all the weird and horrible things seemed to have never happened.

It can be seen that the female corpse is much more powerful than ordinary evil spirits.

"Let's see what else it can do!"

Xu Zhijian came back to his senses and took a deep breath, then walked to the door, opened it, and walked out slowly.

Since it is both true and false now.

It is necessary to go out of the house to test the situation and see how far away you can go.

The father and son in the movie never walked out of the autopsy room.

It was quiet outdoors at midnight, with no vehicles or pedestrians.

Only a street lamp was on the side of the road.

The waning moon hanging in the sky exuded a cold light.

One step.

Two steps.

Three steps.

He counted the steps as he walked forward, and at the same time took out his mobile phone to check the signal.

The result showed that there was no signal at all.

He snorted coldly and immediately understood.


This trick is well played. It deliberately shows that there is something in the house, and then deliberately shows that there is nothing when you come out.

Most people tend to lose their minds when they are afraid and nervous.

If you encounter this situation, you will probably panic and return to the house to call for help.

This is another trap.

Even if you are very rational and just want to run away, you will definitely not be able to escape.

Because Xu Zhijian immediately saw a dark shadow suddenly appear under the street light in front of him.

And in that instant, the street light went out directly.

He immediately stopped and stood there silently, staring at the place carefully in the moonlight.

As he looked, he suddenly grabbed the weapon and turned around to hit back without any warning.


His right fist hit nothing, and then he found himself in the hall of the villa again!

Xu Zhijian retracted his arm, looked at the four bodies on the floor, and showed a sneer of disdain.

Sure enough.

The experience of walking out just now was not real. In fact, he had been standing in the villa without moving.

I just heard another particularly light footsteps behind me, and I thought there would be some clues.


At this moment, thunders suddenly rang out outside the house.

He turned his head and looked out the window, thinking that they had finally started to fight.

If I understand correctly, thunder is a reminder and warning from the female corpse, which means that the party has begun.

In the movie, the plot becomes more and more weird and terrifying after thunder.

Okay, okay.

Let's have fun.

Xu Zhijian hurried back to the basement and took a look at the changes in the female corpse.

She had closed her eyes, but she opened them silently.

Her two big eyes were hazy gray, dull and lifeless, staring at the ceiling silently.

He snorted coldly: "I have given you a chance. From now on, you no longer have the possibility of regret."

He sat on the steps and crossed his legs, trying to recall the plot of the movie from the beginning again and again.

Trying to find new clues.

There are two biggest doubts in the whole "Unknown Female Corpse".

1: Who are these four dead bodies? What happened?

2: The true identity of the female corpse.

As long as these two points are solved, we can basically understand the whole thing and find a breakthrough.

Now we can only know that it is a witch who was tortured and killed, and there is no clue about the rest.

Then we can only make a fuss about it.

In the movie, the father and son of the forensic doctor gradually learned the identity of the female corpse, and they had different opinions.

The son thought she was a witch, so she was executed.

The father thought that this was just an innocent woman who was killed by the witch hunt on false charges.

As a result, she was full of resentment after death, and she really became a witch.

The piece of cloth taken out of the stomach had only 1693 and a strange pattern written on it.

It seems that there is also a chapter about the Bible.

But what is the name...?

I really can't remember it.

Xu Zhijian doesn't believe in Christ, so he naturally won't read the Bible, and he won't pay attention to it. It's normal that he can't remember it.

I can only wait until I pass this copy and get a copy to carry with me.

After all, I am playing American Horror Games now, and I will definitely use it frequently later.


Just thinking about it, the mobile phone in my pocket suddenly played a nursery rhyme without warning.


(Mom told me something)


(Something a little kid should know)


(That's a story about the devil)


(From then on, I started to hate it)


(Because mom said it would cause trouble)


(When you let it in the room)


(It will never leave)

The sound was not very pleasant, and it was intermittent with the kind of rustling sound that is unique to radio stations.

Xu Zhijian took out his mobile phone and took a look. The screen was black and it was not unlocked.

That is, when it was turned off, the speaker automatically played a song that did not exist at all.

Obviously, this is the same song that the father and son heard in the movie.

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