People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 149 Day 149 of Survival: What does the other party know?

He put the phone aside and ignored it, letting it play as background sound, and continued to organize his thoughts.

When the forensic doctor and his son realized that she was a witch and experienced a series of events, they finally realized the truth.

That is, the female corpse is constantly reflecting the damage it receives back to itself!

The more you do, the more you make mistakes.

The most obvious thing is that a magic circle pattern appears inexplicably on the father's body, which is exactly the same as the one in the skin of the female corpse.

This also means that the female corpse seems to be undergoing some mysterious ritual.

It requires sacrifice!

So in order to save his son, the father was willing to take the initiative to sacrifice his life to complete the sacrificial ceremony.

So he fully experienced the abuse and pain the female corpse suffered during her lifetime.

Finally, he pointed at the scalpel in great pain.

When the son sees this, he will misinterpret it and think that he wants to help end the pain.

So he stabbed his father's heart with a knife.

Then... there was no more, the sacrifice failed perfectly!

Because according to the truth deduced by my father, in the end, all he had to do was cut off his tongue and it would be considered a success.

Of course this is just one way of saying it.

In fact, even if their tongues were cut out and the sacrifice ceremony was successful, they would still be killed.

Otherwise, how can we explain these four corpses?

In addition, more people must have been killed, and the female corpse was killed all the way to this small town.

It can be known from this.

The female corpse needs to constantly absorb sacrificial life in order to "live" in this way.

At this time, the phone stopped playing the weird children's song.

Xu Zhijian came back to his senses and rubbed his neck, feeling that he had thought of everything he could think of so far.

But I still haven’t found a breakthrough!

He picked up his phone and turned it on. The time still showed 01:18.

I looked through the music app again and found that the unknown children's song was not in it.

He stuffed it into his pocket and looked at the female corpse, and he had a new question.

If she was really a witch and had such powerful abilities, how could she be killed?

If not during life, how did it become after death? ?

I can't figure it out.

Xu Zhijian walked to the female corpse and said, "Let's discuss this matter. Let's use whatever means we have."

"I don't have time to play tricks with you. Either I die or you die. How about we just resolve the battle at once?"

The female corpse opened her eyes wide and showed no reaction.

A fly flew out of the nostril. I don't know if it was a new one or the same one from before.

Xu Zhijian suddenly felt that he should also try to dissect it? Maybe we can find clues to something inside the body.

But I don’t have the tools.

And what should I do if the damage is caused by the rebound?

Thinking about it, I suddenly heard another movement from above.


It sounded like a knock on the door.

He glanced at the female corpse: "Haha, this is the second game, right? OK."

After that, he strode back to the living room.

Then I heard someone knocking on the door and shouting: "Is anyone there? I'm a small town police officer."


Xu Zhijian couldn't help but frown slightly, thinking it was a corpse again, but didn't expect it to be a real person?

But why the police? Who called the police? ?

Or is it fake?

He quietly walked behind the door and hid, carefully analyzing whether it was an illusion or reality.

"I'm a small town police officer, please open the door!"

The man outside sounded a little impatient.

He remained unmoved, and at the same time he gently took out his phone and checked the time.

02:13 minutes. has changed? !

He was stunned for a moment, feeling surprised and thinking at the same time, could it really be reality now? ?

After thinking for a while, I decided to wait and see.

Stay steady and don't rush.

After waiting for another two minutes, the time came to 02:15 normally.

It seems true.

At this time, the police officers outside the house stopped knocking on the door and shouting, and then there was a sound of metal collision.

Sounds like a key?

Xu Zhijian rolled his eyes and wondered what was going on. Does the other party have the key to the door here? ?

Immediately I heard the sound of being inserted into the keyhole.

He suddenly felt something was not good and retreated slightly to the side, holding a gun in one hand and a cross in the other.

Be ready to take action at any time.

However, when the policeman outside was about to unscrew the lock, he didn't know what he thought or knew.

Suddenly it stopped again!

Then there was silence.

Although Xu Zhijian was extremely confused, he waited patiently without moving.

three minutes.

five minutes.

ten minutes.

After waiting for a long time, there was still no movement outside. It seemed that the other party was really gone.

At this point, Xu Zhijian had to come to the door and carefully look out through the peephole.

I thought it would be like a regular horror movie, but I saw an eye staring at the cat's eye.

It didn't.

There was no one outside, and the faint light of street lights could be seen vaguely.

Although nothing unexpected happened, he wouldn't open the door.

But I am very confused about what is going on.

I looked at the time again and found that it had changed to 01:18 again!


He couldn't help but curse in a low voice, feeling shocked but also filled with unknown anger.


Was this shit real just now, or is it real now?

Or are both true?

Or are they all fake? ?

The mental resistance has not been activated because the opponent's ability is too strong + the probability is too low to trigger it.

Or is it really not an illusion? ?

The most suspicious thing is the so-called policeman.

If it is a monster, it should be in line with common sense to kill directly.

If it is a real policeman, why does he have the key to the family's door?

And when he was about to open it, he suddenly gave up and left mysteriously?

Xu Zhijian's brain was working quickly, analyzing the situation carefully bit by bit.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly had an idea and seemed to have thought of the most reliable truth.


When the police knocked on the door just now, there was no thunder at all!

In the movie, this represents the beginning of the game. As the forensic father and son investigate more deeply, the thunder becomes more frequent and louder.

Then the hallucinations become more and more real and frequent.

I didn't hear the thunder just now, and the time became 02:15 and it kept running normally.

Maybe that node is really the real world? ! !

The more Xu Zhijian thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, otherwise there was really no other explanation.

At the same time, he still couldn't figure out the policeman.

If it was real, why did he have the key and suddenly left halfway through the door?

Could it be... that the other party knew that there was a female corpse here? ?

It doesn't seem right.

If he knew, he wouldn't have time to hide, how could he suddenly come over.

Damn it!

He really couldn't figure out what was going on.

He knew that the mysterious policeman would definitely not do meaningless things, and he must have some secrets.

Maybe he even knew the true identity of the female corpse? !

But how to find him?

I don't know his name, what he looks like, or whether he is a policeman.

The other party said so, but it may not be true.


Just thinking about it, Xu Zhijian suddenly heard a bell ringing behind him, close at hand!

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