People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 150: Day 150 of Survival: Officially Recognized Supernatural

Xu Zhijian dodged quickly under the fighting instinct and punched back with a cross.

No need to see clearly.

No matter what's behind you, strike first!


This time he missed again.

He frowned, thinking that the sound was clearly behind him just now, how could there be no situation?


Just thinking about it, the bell rang again.

He quickly looked in the direction of the sound, only to see that it came from the closed closet not far away.

And the four bodies on the ground became three!

One middle-aged man was missing.

In other words... this guy suddenly ran into the closet strangely? ?

But why? !

Is there something inside, or is he deliberately tempting me to open it?


The bell sounded intermittently, crisp and illusory, like a soul-calling bell.

Bang bang bang!

He slowly approached and stopped two meters away, and fired several shots at the closet without saying a word.

No matter what's inside, just shoot first.

Several bullet holes appeared on the wooden board immediately, and the bell sound stopped at the same time.

He patiently waited for what would happen next.

Three minutes.

Five minutes.

The closet was quiet, and no more unusual noises were heard.


Xu Zhijian knew that the time was almost right, and when he found the opportunity, he kicked the closet door open.

A black shadow fell face down in an arc.

He quickly looked closely and found that it was the body of the man, but there was an extra bell on the left foot.

It wasn't there before.

Xu Zhijian ignored this and focused on the things that fell out with the body.

Those were some new-looking tools.

There were scalpels, tweezers, pliers, etc.

There was also an old dark brown cover book.


He couldn't help but feel a little confused. Why were there these things in the closet?

That's right!

Did the body suddenly appear in there just to let him discover this situation? ?

It was indeed a deliberate guide.

As he thought about it, he picked up the scalpel and looked at it. It was new and sharp.

I just had the idea of ​​dissecting the female corpse, and now this thing appeared.

The witch wanted him to cut it open and transfer the damage to sacrifice it?

Haha, interesting.

He picked up the book again and looked at it with a flashlight.

I thought it was just an ordinary book or it didn't have any special meaning.

As he read it, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Because it wrote a lot about witch hunting, dark legends and other contents!

It even included the identities of the four corpses.

First of all, the book recorded the secrets of the dark and terrifying Inquisition.

In the late twelfth century, the Inquisition first appeared.

And called it the Assistant Church Trial.

The establishment of this institution was first proposed by the Pope at that time and established by issuing an edict.

And it was spread by Pope Lucius III.

Fifty years later, Pope Gregory IX issued an edict to establish the Inquisition.

After that, several European kingdoms established the Inquisition.

In the Iberian Peninsula, it only appeared during the reign of the King of Aragon at that time.

Since the late 15th century, the Inquisition has launched a witch hunt.

And this period was the heyday of European wizards.

The Pope at that time directly issued an edict, requiring the hunting of any heretics who might be witches.

The book "The Hammer of Witches" bluntly said:


(The most evil heretics are those witches who are not trustworthy)

In this book, one of the most typical cases is the famous Zugarramurdi witch.

With the end of the witch hunt, all these related institutions and contents were sealed.

Some were even classified as absolutely confidential.

However, no matter how hidden and kept, the news could not be avoided.

And one of the legends is the most well-known: the Bloody Mary Witch.

This name later became the code name of a cocktail.

There are four prototypes of Bloody Mary.

The most famous one is Mary I.

February 18, 1516 ~ November 17, 1558), she grew up in the turbulent tide of witch hunting.

Her mother, Catherine, was a Spanish princess who believed in Catholicism.

Her father, Henry VIII, betrayed Catholicism in order to divorce her mother.

He broke with the Pope of Rome, supported new forces in the country, and persecuted Catholics.

Due to the above growth process, perhaps due to her own old-fashioned and stubborn character.

In the end, she became a person who disliked the church.

In that era, if you did not join a certain sect, you would be regarded as a heretic and a witch.

Even if she was in a high position, she would always be used by hostile forces.

In the end, it was spread that Mary was actually a witch, secretly lurking to kill everyone.

The reason for this was mainly because she always locked herself in the room alone.

She would not come out for several days.

When the door was finally opened for the servants to clean up, others could always see various strange symbols drawn on the ground.

She also likes to drink blood, even human blood!

One night, a patrolling soldier saw her standing on a dry well, holding a candle and chanting incomprehensible spells.

And so on.

Combined with the atmosphere at the time, what else could she be but a witch?

So she became one of the witches burned to death.

However, things have just begun here.

Next, her parents or hostile forces, even strangers, etc.

All said that they saw her resurrected on the night of the full moon!

She became a terrifying witch that exists in the mirror and can be summoned.

Legend has it that as long as you hold a candle in one hand, stand in front of the mirror and call her name three times, she will appear.

Another version is to pour water on the mirror, rub your eyes or hold a knife.

She will appear as a corpse, a witch or a ghost, usually covered in blood.

She will answer the questions you ask.

If the ritual is not correct, she will scratch people with her nails and claws and tear open their faces with her fangs.

It can also trap people in mirrors, steal their souls, and drink their blood.

Or dig out eyeballs, etc.

Every time Bloody Mary is summoned, her abilities will improve.

The ultimate goal is to be resurrected in the world and become the most powerful witch.

However, legends are just legends after all. It is unknown whether it is true or not, and whether anyone has seen her.

Until 1818, a terrifying witch incident that shocked the United States occurred in the United States.

It made people think of the witch hunt and Bloody Mary again.

It can be said that this is the only officially recognized supernatural event and the most authentic witch identity.

The seventh president Andrew Jackson once left a famous saying because of this incident:

"I would rather deal with an entire British fleet than stay at Bell's house for even one night!"

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