People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 163 Survival Day 163: Chief ADC

Think about it carefully, the shaking just now was not continuous, but phased.

It seemed to shake for 2 seconds and pause for about 1 second?

This is obviously not the normal rhythm of an earthquake.

Combined with the current situation, it is very likely caused by something!

It can make the earth shake... How big can it be? ?

Xu Zhijian thought of the giant beast that appeared at the end of the movie, and it was also it that caused David and others to completely break the defense.

Could it be it?

Or some more mysterious and terrifying existence just happened to pass by, or lurking around.

For safety reasons, they can't go out rashly for the time being.

So he reminded: "The situation has changed, don't rush to leave, wait and observe the situation."

David and the others also understood this truth and agreed.

Everyone fell into an unknown despair, either in a daze or looking out the window thoughtfully.

Xu Zhijian stood in front of the window and looked at the fog outside, thinking about what the mysterious object that caused the earthquake was.

They moved forward carefully and were very vigilant.

David and the others followed Xu Zhijian's instructions and tied a bell on their wrists.

At this moment, there is no need to add any BGM, it is a top horror movie scene.

This challenge will definitely be very difficult, I hope there will be no big accidents.

At the same time, this incident also proves that the inference is correct. Sure enough, something more terrifying than the movie has begun to emerge!

At the same time, they lined up in a straight line, pulled the rope, and moved forward synchronously.

Because from time to time in the past few days, some people tried to escape together, and they have become accustomed to it.

In addition, the sunlight was blocked and the temperature dropped, just like late autumn.

Because the fog was too thick, the effective field of vision was about ten meters, which was no different from being blind.

After waiting for half an hour, no accidents happened again.

Whether there are vehicles or trees in front, you can basically see them clearly when you are close to them.

So I just think they are too stupid and they are definitely dead.


This is to avoid being left alone as much as possible, so that you can detect problems as soon as possible.

Oli and Nigo Norton are on the right.

OK, let's go!

Xu Zhijian winked, opened the door and walked out first, followed by David and others.

The supermarket might not be saved.

David and Amanda took Billy on the left.

Xu Zhijian walked in the middle.

The others were not surprised.

Seeing them walk into the fog and disappear, they secretly guessed how long it would take for them to die and how they would be killed.

David and others walked with fear, and at the same time doubted whether this decision was correct.

Because there was no way back now.

Even if they walked for a short time, it would be very difficult to return to the supermarket without sight and guidance.

May God bless me!

But Xu Zhijian was sure that this was absolutely correct and that they had to hurry to escape from this town.


It was the entire state of Maine.

It was not safe until the mission sent a successful reminder.

As he walked, he held a map and asked David and others to distinguish the location of the advance.

Although the fog was thick now and they could not see east, south, west, and north.

But they were native locals and had at least an impression of every street corner or area.

After approaching, look at the signboard or road sign, and you can also infer which direction the road out of the town is.

After walking for a while, no accidents were encountered for the time being.

Everyone felt a little relieved.

At this time, through the map, it was found that the town police station was just a few dozen meters ahead.

Xu Zhijian said: "Very good, let's go inside and find some guns for self-defense!"

Everyone had no objection.

Whether you can use it or not, having weapons in your hands will always make people feel much more at ease.

After a few minutes, they successfully reached the police station.

They walked in tentatively, and the fog in the room was slightly less, and they could barely see clearly.

There were no policemen, and they didn't know whether they had escaped or been killed.

No monsters were seen either.

They checked around vigilantly, and then successfully came to the armory.

The area of ​​this town is not large, so there are not many policemen assigned, and the weapons are naturally fewer and weaker.

In addition to pistols, there are only three M870 shotguns.

Xu Zhijian began to distribute: "Here, take it. Your most important thing is to protect your son and Amanda."

David took the pistol and put it in his waist, then took the shotgun and studied it.

Although he was not proficient in shooting, he had played with guns, so he was not completely ignorant.

Xu Zhijian gave it to Ollie again: "Be careful, this team depends on your shooting skills."

Olly nodded and replenished ammunition as much as possible. As a shooting champion, he was proficient in all firearms.

He is considered the chief ADC of this team.

As for the last shotgun, Xu Zhijian naturally allocated it to himself.

On the one hand, it is a backup. Although the infinite pistol does not need to worry about ammunition, it is weaker in power.

On the other hand, it is unwilling and distrustful of Ni Ge.

So just give a pistol as a token of appreciation. If the other party is not needed as cannon fodder, this will not be given.

After the arming is completed, it is already half past six.

The fog outside has become darker.

Although in this case, there is no difference between day and night, both are blind.

But the degree of danger is different.

According to the setting in the movie, many monsters only come out at night.

So after a brief discussion, Xu Zhijian and his friends decided to stay here for the night and set off again when the sun rose.

So they closed the doors and windows, and moved all the tables and chairs that could be used for defense.

Finally, they hid in the detention room.

This place has no windows, only iron bars, which is a standard easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Even if a monster rushes in, it will not be able to destroy the steel for a while.

They did not turn on the lights or use flashlights, and finished dinner in the dark to replenish energy.

At the same time, the supermarket.

There was no light source in the empty hall. After the lessons of the past few days, people already knew that monsters were phototropic.

They would never dare to turn on the lights.

Dozens of people ate and drank in the dark, and no one chatted except for the sound of chewing.

After eating and drinking, it was already 7:30 in the evening.



At this time, a series of sounds of hitting the glass suddenly sounded.

Everyone was frightened and hurriedly looked at the French window together, only to see some flying black things hitting hard!

Although they couldn't see the original appearance, everyone knew what it was.

Because they had seen it many times in the past few days.

It is a huge and terrible insect, but I don't know what it is called.

But there is no light in the supermarket now, why are they still coming? ! !

In doubt, some men grabbed axes, shovels and other weapons at hand and prepared to fight.

Others quickly brought mops soaked in gasoline and set them on fire at any time.

With the experience of the previous battles, they already had ways to deal with it and were not so scared.

The battle was about to start.

However, at this moment, a man accidentally glanced at the corner of the wall on the left, and then froze.

Then his eyes widened, his mouth opened, and his lips began to tremble uncontrollably.

He was very terrified.

It seemed that he saw something terrible!

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