People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 164 Survival Day 164: What did they see?

The man just stared blankly, as if he was possessed by a demon. No matter how scared he was, he refused to look away.

He couldn't move his body.

He also didn't understand why he could see everything clearly when it was pitch black. ?

At this time, the people around him also felt something was wrong.

They couldn't help but look over.

When they saw it, they were also stunned, showing an extremely terrified expression, standing still.

Then everyone saw it.

And they all looked the same, extremely scared and shocked.

Everyone stood there strangely, forgetting to scream, forget to run away, forget to resist.

Or, they didn't have these abilities at all.

However, the other party didn't scream because of the pain, and still stood there like a piece of wood.

Once a person is stabbed, his body will swell like a balloon within a minute and die painfully.

These things are about 50 centimeters long, with five rows of claws on each side.

More and more people died painfully because of this, and at the same time, the fog quickly drifted into the supermarket.

Everything is so weird and indescribable.

He could not hear or see anything.


He soon died of respiratory obstruction.

They had never seen such a twisted and weird scene in their lives, and they could not believe that there was such a twisted and weird scene!


A female cashier in the movie died because of this, in front of the man she loved.

And it swelled up visibly.

Under the stimulation of the toxin, his body fell down with a plop, and then his skin began to turn purple and black.

He could only be surrounded by endless horror like this.

It was a tragedy.

There were protruding spikes under the abdomen.

The tail was thin and long, just like a scorpion's tail with a barb!

This monster was officially codenamed "Scorpion Tail Fly".

It was considered the lowest species in the fog ecological chain, and the sting on the tail had a special poison.

The fear in his eyes became more and more intense.

At this time, the broken glass was finally knocked open, and those mysterious insects swarmed in.

A scorpion tail fly inserted its stinger into a man's neck.

On the other side, the police station.

Xu Zhijian and others were sitting or lying in the dark room, chatting in low voices.

Nigo Norton murmured: "Where did this damn fog and those damn monsters come from?!"

"I really can't imagine and believe that such a bizarre thing would happen."

David explained: "This fog was actually created by the military..."

Norton couldn't help but exclaimed: "WTF?! How... How is this possible?"

He affirmed: "It's true. The plan is called "Arrow-head Project" by the military."

"They used some technology and means to open a dimensional entrance near the town, called Xiamoer."

"The purpose is to observe, find, and control creatures and resources in other worlds."

"The failure resulted in countless terrible monsters being teleported over, and they came from a place called Planet X. "

Norton and Amanda were stunned.

They could not believe that the truth was so outrageous.



Planet X.

All this only exists in science fiction movies.

Xu Zhijian silently agreed that what he said was indeed correct, and the movie setting was like this.

David also heard about it from the soldiers on leave.

There were originally three people, two of whom hanged themselves, and the other was stabbed several times under the instigation of the witch.

Then he was thrown out of the supermarket as a sacrifice and died at the hands of a mysterious monster.

But there is one thing they don't know.

That is, although "The Mist" has Cthulhu elements, it actually belongs to another independent worldview.

"The Dark Tower Multiverse"

Simply put, this is an independent dark universe created by Stephen King.

It consists of seven main stories and one spin-off.

The Dark Tower is a building similar to the Tower of Babel, located at the very edge of the world.

The 12 light pillars connected to it support the entire universe.

It is unknown who created the tower.

The only thing that is certain is that the Dark Tower is about to collapse.

If it collapses, the entire universe will be destroyed.

The various worlds maintained by the Dark Tower can be accessed through doors.

There are one-way and multi-way.

Movies like IT, The Shining, and The Mist can all be considered as the existence of the same universe.

The cover that David was drawing at the beginning of the movie is actually the protagonist of the Dark Tower.

However, Xu Zhijian did not intend to tell these inside stories, just knowing it himself.

It would be the same whether he told them or not, and it would only lead to more questions from them and cause trouble for himself.

After the chat, everyone fell silent, each with their own thoughts.

Only Billy fell asleep with his head on Amanda's legs.

While thinking about the current situation, Xu Zhijian checked his equipment bar.

Then he figured out which ones could be used and how to use them.

Compared with the enemies of the evil spirits, the Cthulhu ones are really not easy to deal with at the moment.

Monsters are easy to deal with.

What is difficult is those fears that cannot be seen directly, cannot be described, and are unknown.

I wonder if the magic weapon will work?

If I really encounter something that can make people lose SAN points like crazy, how can I keep my mind?

Oh, my head hurts.

Let's take it one step at a time.

After a moment of silence, he suggested: "If any of you feel sleepy, go to sleep quickly. We will take turns on duty later."

It is still about ten hours before dawn. We can't waste time like this.

Otherwise, if we encounter danger when we set out again, our brains will not be able to react.

They also understand this truth and automatically arrange the order.

Amanda and Ollie go to sleep first.

Then Norton and David.

As for when Xu Zhijian wants to sleep, he can sleep whenever he wants, and he should be flexible.

Time passed by little by little.

Unknowingly, it was about eleven o'clock in the evening.

At this time, Amanda and Ollie woke up consciously and took over from Norton and David.

And just after the two of them lay down, there was a clear sound of footsteps outside.

"Is there something going on?!"

Xu Zhijian, who had not slept yet, sat up immediately after hearing it, holding his weapon and ready for battle.

The four of them were also stunned, and they pointed their guns at the door, nervous and confused.

This... why are there footsteps suddenly? !

Is it a human or a monster? ?

Did he find himself hiding here? ?

Xu Zhijian listened carefully for a while. Judging from the strength and rhythm of the footsteps, it should be made by a person.

Maybe the person who was running away happened to pass by the police station and wanted to come in to get a gun?

If so, he was lucky enough.

He was still running around outside in the middle of the night, but he was not killed by the monster.

The five people stared at the door in confusion and vigilance, ready to take action at any time.

The running sound was getting closer and closer.

Then it paused for a few seconds, as if it was intentional or looking for something.

Then it ran here again.


Soon a black shadow appeared in the fog, and then hit the iron gate hard without saying a word!

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