People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 165 Survival Day 165: All Bad Things


Xu Zhijian also fired two shots decisively, whether it was a human or a monster, the first to strike was the strongest.

If it's a human, consider yourself unlucky.

In this situation, it's really scary. If you don't die, whoever will die.


Ollie followed suit and shot.

David and Norton didn't fight, not because they didn't want to or unwillingly, but simply because they didn't pull the trigger successfully in the first time.

The black figure was shot and fell to the ground without moving.

And it didn't make any sound.

This is a bit strange. Since he is a human being, how could he not scream when he was shot?

Although they were confused, they didn't foolishly open the door and go out to check.

After all, the fog has lasted for almost six days, and the fate of a woman alone at home is self-evident.

Is there another conspiracy, or is it simply not discovered?

But either way, it's not a good sign.

Just when Xu Zhijian was guessing who the other party was, a strange thing happened.

Slightly relieved.

He quickly thought of two possibilities.

1: Something dragged it away!

2: It escaped by itself in this way.

Xu Zhijian looked outside the door and continued to think about what happened just now.

They stood ready with guns in hand and waited for half an hour without anything strange happening again.

Amanda also reached out and stroked Billy's head in a gesture of comfort.

After a long while, David comforted him: "Don't worry, kid, we will definitely meet up with mom, we will!"

The black shadow's body suddenly slid backwards quickly, and soon disappeared into the mist.

If that person was captured by a monster, why didn't the monster continue to attack?

Ollie and Norton were silent.

David stroked his head gently, not knowing how to answer.

But after this happened, no one was in the mood to sleep, even Billy was woken up.

Although he still held on to a glimmer of hope, reason told him that his wife was actually already dead.

A pretty miserable way to die.

The same is true in the movie, where his wife is used as a petri dish by a monster called the Gray Widow.

He leaned into David's arms and choked in a low voice: "Dad... I miss mom..."

The black shadow didn't move anymore, and seemed completely dead.

Hopefully it's the latter.

Everyone just stayed in silence with their own thoughts, and before they knew it, it was finally six o'clock in the morning.

The sky is brightening.

The black mist turned white again.

The six of them had a simple breakfast, checked that there was no danger, and then continued to set off.

Before leaving, Xu Zhijian went to the equipment warehouse to look around.

Then they successfully found three pieces of body armor and two grenades.

Good guy, there is such a good thing!

He distributed them directly as needed, one for himself, one for David, and one for Orin.

David took it and tried it on, then put it on Billy.

Although the body armor is like cardboard in front of monsters, which is approximately equal to 0, it is better than nothing.

What if it can save lives at a critical moment?

So he would rather die than let his son get hurt, which is an expression of father's love.

When Norton saw this, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes. Although he didn't say anything, he could tell that he was very unhappy.

He also felt that everyone was deliberately discriminating against him.

Xu Zhijian also noticed his expression and pretended not to see it.

Instead, he asked humbly: "Oli, do you know how to use a grenade?"

Ollie nodded: "I understand the principle. Generally, the pull ring is connected to the safety bolt, which is a pin used to fix the handle."

"The handle holds the firing pin, which strikes the flash cap, igniting the fuse and ultimately detonating."

"You need to unplug the safety before preparing to throw it. Pressing it down can prevent the grenade from being accidentally detonated."

When Xu Zhijian heard it, she understood. It turned out to be that simple.

It’s done now!

After that was done, everyone set off.

Holding guns, we lined up in a row and moved forward carefully in the fog, looking at the map from time to time to determine the direction.

After walking for a while, Xu Zhijian saw a scarlet red handprint on the window of a car on the side of the road.

It was obviously blood, and it hadn't completely coagulated.

He immediately sensed something was wrong. If this happened, it meant someone was being attacked.

It also means there are monsters nearby!

As soon as the idea came to his mind, a black shadow suddenly came out of the mist directly behind him and wrapped around Ollie's left leg.


Then he was dragged backwards and fell to the ground, and the back of his head was hit so hard that his bones almost broke.


He screamed in pain and his body was quickly dragged away.

Norton, who was next to him, was so frightened that he did not rush to help. Instead, he subconsciously took two steps back.


With quick eyes and quick hands, Xu Zhijian pulled out a machete from his bag and rushed over to chop down the black thing.

"Ollie! Hold on-!"

David and Amanda also rushed forward, grabbed Ollie's arms with all their strength, and pulled him forward as hard as they could.


The black thing was cut directly by the machete, twitched and quickly retracted into the fog and disappeared.

David and Amanda pulled Ollie up, and the three of them were so frightened that their faces turned pale and they were sweating profusely.

What was that thing just now? !

Xu Zhijian lowered his head and looked at the severed limb, only to see a... How should I say, tentacle?

It resembles an octopus's claws but is covered with barbs, making it look more like a centipede's body.

He immediately understood that this thing had also appeared in the movie.

The scientific name seems to be tentacles.

This kind of thing is also one of the representative elements of Cthulhu.

David and others also opened their eyes and saw clearly, and they all opened their mouths slightly in surprise.

However, an even more magical scene occurred.

The severed limbs and tentacles melted rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a pool of black liquid.

An unpleasant and strange smell arose.

Xu Zhijian covered her mouth and nose: "Quick! Get out of here!"

Everyone obeyed and ran forward in a hurry.

Putting aside whether the smell is dangerous, the tentacle's body should still be lurking around.

Attacks may be launched at any time.

Must evacuate immediately!

Meanwhile, another street.

A car was moving forward slowly, and in the vast white sky and earth, only the car's lights were the brightest.

The driver was a white woman.

She is a nearby resident and has been hiding at home since the fog rose.

Unfortunately, the food was limited and had been exhausted, so he had to leave home to save himself and escape.

However, while driving, a dark figure suddenly appeared in the fog ahead.

Although there were car lights shining on it, I still couldn't see clearly what it was.


The woman was frightened and hurriedly stepped on the brakes.

However, after the emergency braking, she suddenly felt her eyes blurred.

The dark shadow just now disappeared again.

She was shocked and frightened. She was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses and quickly started the car to run away.

Don't worry about what's going on, just run away first!

As a result, the car could not start at this time, and no matter how to ignite it, it was useless.

It's like suddenly running out of gas.

I was at a loss and tried several times to no avail, and finally had to get out of the car in panic.

Trying to escape by running.

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