People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 18 Survival Day 018: A Beast in Human Clothes

Xu Zhijian put the money in his pocket: "By the way, have you applied for leave?"

Quinn nodded: "Yes, I have, I applied for two days."

Since the battle is about to begin, she can't continue to work, which will only distract her and delay things.

If the hospital does not approve, she will resign directly.

Work is not as important as life, not to mention that it is only an internship.

Then everyone fell into a mysterious silence.

Jordan played with his mobile phone and stole a glance at them from time to time, thinking that this couple was so embarrassed.

Is it because of me?

Or should I take the opportunity to leave?

"By the way, it's time to prepare dinner, you two wait."

Quinn broke the silence at this time and got up to go to the kitchen to cook.

Xu Zhijian asked: "Do you need my help?"

"No, I can do it alone, I'll be ready soon."


While Quinn was busy, Jordan glanced at Xu Zhijian from time to time, looking as if he wanted to say something but stopped.

She was really curious about the relationship between the two.

Talking about a couple, it feels so awkward.

No way, how could my sister bring a man home casually.

But curiosity is curiosity.

But she also understands that when meeting for the first time, she shouldn't ask so many questions and respect personal privacy.

Otherwise, not only will she appear impolite, but it will also embarrass others.

After eating and drinking, Xu Zhijian helped wash the dishes, and then chatted with Quinn while watching TV.

Jordan went back to the house to play by himself.

It's still a safe period now, so there's no need to worry about her having problems.

Xu Zhijian asked: "Can you determine the dosage? Will it harm your sister?"

Quinn nodded affirmatively: "Don't worry, I took it according to the doctor's prescription, there will be no problem."

"And even if it really hurts the body, it's better than death."

He hummed without comment.

At this time, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Ding Dong——

Quinn looked at him and was a little confused. Who came to see him at this time?

He got up and walked to the door, looked out through the cat's eye, and then opened the door.

There was a white man in his forties, wearing a casual suit and with short brown hair standing outside the door.

He was holding a bottle of red wine in his hand.

Xu Zhijian turned his head and snorted disdainfully after finding it was him, thinking that he had almost forgotten about this person.

This man was the attending physician, and he looked righteous on the surface.

In fact, he was a scumbag.

He used his identity and the recommendation letters needed by interns as threats to rape several female nurses.

He also tried to molest Quinn in the movie, but failed.

Then she wanted to tell the head nurse and the committee about it, but the other party complained first.

He said that the intern wanted to seduce her with beauty and try to get a permanent job.

Quinn had no evidence, so she could only swallow her bitterness.

In addition, she was exhausted by the countdown, so she chose to bear it silently for the time being.

Fortunately, at the last moment, the forced nurses stood up and gave evidence with her to send the scumbag to prison.


Quinn was a little surprised and said, "Doctor Sullivan, why are you here? Is there anything?"

The man smiled with concern: "You suddenly asked for leave today, I think you must have encountered some difficulties."

"So I came here rashly to provide as much help as possible."

"I am your responsible doctor... um? Who is that? Your boyfriend?"

Sullivan's smile froze as he spoke, and he frowned slightly at Xu Zhijian sitting on the sofa.

Quinn smiled gratefully: "No, just a good friend, thank you very much for your concern, really."

"But I didn't encounter any difficulties, I just wanted to rest for two days."

"Oh..." Sullivan nodded absent-mindedly, that was so depressed.

He said that he came for concern, but you don't need to guess what he actually wants to do.

Otherwise, why didn't he ask directly in the hospital, why did he still hold the wine?

Tsk tsk, this dirty thought.

I thought I could successfully deal with this intern tonight, but there was a man at home?

And he's an Asian? !

Although Quinn said it wasn't her boyfriend, who would believe it!

Damn it!

However, no matter how upset he was, his face was calm.

He handed the wine over with a smile: "It's good that you're fine. This is a gift for you. Enjoy your vacation."

Quinn took it with both hands: "Thank you, come in and have a drink together."

"No, I have something to deal with. Bye."

"Okay, goodbye."

Quinn waved goodbye, and after he walked away, he closed the door and returned to the living room.

Xu Zhijian directly reminded: "You must be careful of him, he is a complete scum."

She was a little confused: "What? What does this mean?"

Xu Zhijian told the truth.

After listening, she was extremely shocked, with an expression of how could it be possible and how could you know.

"Did you forget? I am a fortune teller."

"Oh, right, right..."

Quinn came back to his senses and nodded repeatedly, which was quite grateful.

If he hadn't told me the truth, I really couldn't think of it and dared not believe it.

Sullivan, who is famous and righteous, turned out to be such a hateful scum!

Thinking about her suddenly throwing the red wine in her hand aside and taking out a wet towel to wipe it, I felt like I was tainted.

At the same time, I felt even more unfair and speechless.

Does God have eyes? ?

I haven't done anything bad, but I only have about three days left to live.

And that Sullivan is so hateful, he still has 57 years! !

57 years!

When everyone downloaded the software, they showed the interface, and he had the longest life among all the people.

Even Satan couldn't do such an outrageous thing.


Xu Zhijian saw what she was thinking, but didn't know how to comfort her.

This kind of thing is really too devastating.

Sometimes reality is so outrageous, there is no reason or justice.

We have an old saying: Good people don't live long, and evil will last for thousands of years.

It's talking about this phenomenon.

People always like to comfort themselves with good people will be rewarded, God has eyes, it's not that there is no reward, but the time has not come.

But unfortunately, the truth is often the opposite.

Xu Zhijian remembered that he had read the deeds of a person named Cong Fei, and he was completely devastated.

He was depressed for several days.

From that time on, he no longer believed in those nonsense.

He only believed: If people don't work for themselves, they will be punished by heaven and earth.

Repay kindness with kindness, and repay evil with justice.

Never mind whether the meaning of the famous saying is distorted, just live according to the literal meaning.

After a moment of silence, Quinn said seriously: "Xu, thank you very much, you saved me twice."

Xu Zhijian waved his hand: "You're welcome, this is also for my own sake."

She was stunned for a moment, blinked her eyes, and felt a little confused.


Why is helping me helping himself?

From the look of him, he doesn't want to tell the truth, well, then don't ask too much.

Just remember his kindness anyway.

Thanks to Gou Bi for the monthly ticket.

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