People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 19 Survival Day 019: The Final Moment

Xu Zhijian didn't want to continue this topic, so he used the remote control to select TV programs.

Finally, he stopped at a channel that was playing a horror movie.

Quinn understood and got up to get two cans of Coke and some biscuits and snacks.

The two ate and watched, chatting about the plot from time to time.

Watching a horror movie in a horror movie copy... interesting.

Gradually, the night deepened.

Unknowingly, it was two o'clock in the morning, and the two had fallen asleep on a sofa.

There was only the light and sound of the TV in the living room.

Not long after, the bedroom door was opened, and Jordan walked out sleepily and went straight to the bathroom.

When I saw them, I couldn't help but laugh.

Tsk tsk, what a couple that makes people powerless to complain.

After going to the sink, she was about to wash her hands when she suddenly found a black shadow in the mirror.

And it was right behind her!


Jordan was suddenly awakened, and turned around and looked back subconsciously in fear.

However, there was only a wall, no black shadow.

She looked at the mirror again, and there was nothing but her own reflection.

She let out a long breath to calm her heartbeat, thinking that she must have been dazed and dazed.

She left the bathroom, quietly returned to the bedroom, closed the door, and continued to sleep.

No words were spoken all night.

At 10 o'clock the next morning, the three of them finished their meal and drove to the scheduled amusement park.

According to the movie setting, the middle period of the end of life is actually very safe.

At most, you can see some horror scenes.

Only in the last 1-5 hours will the devil appear completely and kill the target by various means.

Now the Quinn sisters have more than 30 days.

During this period, they can't stay at home, because Jordan will definitely not be able to bear it and go to find friends.

Once she escapes, the plan will be completely ruined.

So in order to tie her down and avoid accidents, they can only go to the amusement park to kill time during the day.

After all, she is a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl.

No matter how rebellious she is, she is still willing to go to the amusement park to have a good time.

On the way.

The three listened to the car music and talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

Quinn asked curiously, "Xu, are all fortune tellers as good as you?"

Xu Zhijian smiled pretentiously, "Of course not, you can't find another one in the world."

"Hahaha, although I believe it, am I really so confident?"

"Of course, I am absolutely confident in this matter."

Jordan in the back row asked curiously, "Brother, are you a fortune teller? Please, don't be so funny."

Quinn scolded, "Jordan, be polite!"

"Okay, sorry."

She shrugged and apologized directly, and she also understood that she could say whatever she wanted to her sister.

But it's better to be polite to others.

It's okay, the child is not completely useless.

Xu Zhijian didn't care: "Ha, it doesn't matter, if you don't know how to call me, just call me Xu."

Quinn smiled helplessly, "I'm so sorry, my sister is just like this, it's not intentional..."

However, before she finished speaking, she stopped directly.

At the same time, her eyes widened, revealing a look of astonishment and panic.

Because just when she turned her head to look at Xu Zhijian, she suddenly found that his face had changed!

It turned into a hideous and terrifying head, comparable to a skull.

Blood kept flowing down from his facial features.

A black snake came out of his eye socket and attacked her!


Quinn was frightened and shook subconsciously, and his hands holding the steering wheel lost control.

The car went straight and crashed into a big tree on the side of the road.

"Be careful!"

Xu Zhijian immediately reached out and grabbed the steering wheel, trying hard to control the direction, and at the same time stretched out his foot to step on the brake.

Quinn had come back to his senses at this time and found that there was nothing wrong with his face.

He knew that he had an illusion just now.


So he stepped on the brake in a panic.

The tires made a harsh friction sound, and the car stopped when there were less than three meters left.

It was a close call!

Jordan sat up with a pale face: "Sister...what's wrong with you?"

Xu Zhijian asked seriously: "Did you see a scary scene?"

Quinn was sweating and nodded: "Yes, I saw your face suddenly become very scary just now, so..."

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it."

"I know." Xu Zhijian comforted: "You adjust your mentality first, I will drive."

She agreed decisively, but she didn't dare to do it again.

This is what is often said that there is always a loophole in a hundred precautions. Even if the two have made various preparations for dealing with it, there are inevitably omissions.

One failure makes a wiser person.

Quinn sat in the passenger seat and fastened his seat belt, apologized to the two people again, and then closed his eyes and fell into silence.

Since you can always see hallucinations, just turn a blind eye.

When Xu Zhijian took over the driving, there was no problem, and they arrived at the amusement park smoothly.

Influenced by the joyful atmosphere, Jordan quickly forgot what happened just now and played happily.

Quinn has been uninterested because of guilt + worry.

Seeing this, Xu Zhijian counseled: "Don't think too much, just be positive and play with your sister."

"Anyway, it's a day of happiness and a day of sadness, so why waste time."

"If you have fun during the day, you will have energy to fight at night, right?"

Hmm...something's wrong with this.

But Quinn didn't think much about it.

She nodded in agreement: "Well, you're right. This is a rare opportunity to reconcile with your sister, so we can't waste it."

"That's right. Let's go. The next project is to take the pirate ship."

"OK, have you played before?"

"No, I heard that anyone who plays it for the first time will be turned away."

"Really? It's too exaggerated, haha."

Time passed slowly in joy, and soon it was six o'clock in the evening.

The three of them had a great time this time. They played all the fun items and regained the childishness they had lost for a long time.

The relationship between Quinn and Jordan finally eased.

Although they are not as close as before, they are like sisters.

Get out of here and go home.

After happily having dinner, it was already half past eight.

At this time, there are still 20+ left in the countdown.

No more, no less, it can be said that the final moment has come.

Maybe it was because he was playing too crazy, but Jordan felt very tired, so he took a shower and prepared to go back to his room to sleep.

Quinn and Xu Zhijian looked at each other with meaningful smiles.


I originally thought about how to coax her to go to bed early, but I didn't expect that it would save trouble.

Quinn took out a bottle from his pocket and poured the three white contents into Jordan's cup of coffee.

Then I stirred it twice with a spoon and it was completely melted without any problems.

Twenty minutes later.

Jordan wiped his hair and returned to the living room, sat on the sofa and picked up the coffee and took a few sips.

Quinn said deliberately: "My dear, you are very tired after playing all day. Go to bed quickly."

She nodded: "Okay, let's go to bed after the hair is dry."

He said and took another sip.

Xu Zhijian and Quinn didn't show anything on the surface, but they were already happy in their hearts.

very good!

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