People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 210 Survival Day 210: Knowing Who is the Boss

When I was watching with great interest, the TV screen suddenly went black for a moment and then restored instantly.

But the happy scene disappeared and turned into bursts of snowflakes.


Brother Flathead stopped his right hand and looked confused, not understanding what was going on.

And this scene looks very familiar.


Isn't it the beginning of that garbage videotape just now?

But why did it suddenly appear again? This is completely wrong.

He cursed and stood up to take out the tape to see what was going on and whether the machine was broken.

At this time, the TV screen also began to change.

It means the other person is not asleep yet.

The flat-headed brother's eyes trembled violently, his body froze, and he stared blankly at this strange girl, unable to move at all.

Then, its hair passed through the screen and came outside!

Flathead was shocked when he saw it, and he was stunned. He quickly blinked and wondered if he was hallucinating.

What's going on?

The moment he saw it, the crew-cut man let out a hysterical scream.

Is it hidden content?

Soon, a little girl wearing a white dress and waist-length black hair appeared.

The scene of climbing out of the screen is also one of the most classic and amazing settings in the history of horror films.

The snowflakes disappeared and turned into the familiar scene of wilderness + well.

Brother Flathead frowned and looked at it in surprise, thinking that there was no such scene when he saw it just now.

There was only endless consternation and fear.

Flathead held what it was with his right hand and looked at it curiously, waiting for what would happen next.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.

The legendary Sadako-Samra finally revealed her true form!

It turns out that this was not a mistake.

Stretch out!


Flathead's brain immediately shut down with a buzzing sound, and it went blank, completely losing the ability to think.

Sadako stood quietly for a moment, then slowly raised her face covered by long hair.

The long hair is combed to the front, completely covering the entire face, and the appearance cannot be seen.

Every drop sounded like a death knell.

Come out!

come out!

The body also flashed some blue light from time to time, as if the virtual projection was unstable.

Three seconds later.

It exudes an icy cold air and fishy smell.

Because the little girl’s left hand was still really stretched out through the screen! !

Show one eye.

Break the fourth wall.

A hand suddenly appeared on the edge of the well, and then a figure climbed up strangely.

"Ah ah ah ah ah---!!!"

Like a scarecrow.

Who can remain calm in the face of such an impossible thing?

The figure is getting closer and closer, and soon it is in front of you, with black hair occupying the entire screen.

Then his body went limp and he fell off the bed, dying.

Forget about thinking, forget about screaming.

If you weren't brave enough, you would be frightened to death when the opponent climbed out of the screen.

I parked the car on the side of the road and observed carefully for a while, and found that the bedroom on the first floor was still illuminated by the dim light of the screen.

And the girl soon crawled completely off the screen, stood up, and remained motionless.

Puddles of cold water fell from her hair and body to the floor.

The mysterious girl on the screen starts walking toward the camera.

Three minutes later, Xu Zhijian and others arrived.

Ding dong.

Xu Zhijian got out of the car, walked to the door, and rang the doorbell.

After waiting for a while, no one opened the door.

After pressing it twice more, there was still no response. He had a hunch that something might be wrong, so he went around to the back of the room and prepared to sneak in.

Brother Pingtou's parents are not at home today, which just so happens.

He opened the window forcefully, held the window sill with his left hand, and jumped into the house easily.

Then he instinctively took the gun and cautiously approached the bedroom.

After walking over, I reached out and pushed, and the door that was already ajar was pushed open.

Then a startling picture appeared.

I saw that good-looking movies were still playing on the TV, and there was an endless stream of shouts from men and women.

But there was a man lying on the floor with his pants off and his death looked miserable.

How to describe it.

The entire face looked like a piece of moldy wood, with black spots of fimbriae and cracks.

The black eyeballs were gone from both eyes, leaving only the whites of the eyes.

The nose was also gone, as if it had been shaved off.

The mouth was open wide, and the corners of the mouth were torn and bleeding.

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but frown slightly. On the one hand, he felt a little scary, and on the other hand, he had a sense of crisis.

Normally Sadako would kill someone on the seventh day.

And this person just watched the tape tonight, and he was killed within ten hours.

Is this too much in advance? !

What exactly is the reason?

Is it because Sadako doesn't respect martial ethics and doesn't abide by the rules, or does she feel that she is in danger and has to take action in advance?

As he thought about it, he rummaged through the cabinets and quickly found the copy in a stack of video tapes.

OK, next one.

He couldn't guess what Sadako's plans were and thought there was no need to delve into it.

Anyway, it's already a formal battle now. It doesn't make any difference whether you come out early or come out late.

And he didn't tell Keller to avoid being even more worried.

Soon we arrived at the second target’s home.

There was no need to knock on the door this time. As soon as I got out of the car, I saw a plate of tape thrown next to the trash can.

Just the replica needed.

very good.

In this way, it took about half an hour to successfully obtain all three copies.

Both parties should also be separated and busy with their own affairs.

Xu Zhijian smiled and said, "Okay, you can go and do what you want most. I wish you success."

The young man nodded excitedly: "Thank you, I'm leaving now. Goodbye."

After that, he drove Hank, who was confused and terrified, away.

Keller asked curiously, "What is he going to do?"

Xu Zhijian told the whole story.

She suddenly realized it and felt a little sad. Human nature can't stand the test!

Bang, bang, bang!

Xu Zhijian decisively used a gun to punch a hole in the three tapes, and then stuffed them into the bag.

In fact, he opened the equipment warehouse and threw them in.

However, after waiting for a while, he still didn't get the expected prompt.


He felt very confused now.

The master tape and the copy are all done, why is it not considered a completed task?

What's going on...what step went wrong?


Since Sadako started killing people in advance, it stands to reason that she should come to Keller first.

But why did he look for the flat-headed guy in the queue behind?

What happened to the second and third people who watched the tape? Were they also killed?

After thinking for a moment, he thought of the most likely possibility.

That is, the reason why Sadako didn't come to find Keller was that it was actually afraid of him!

Otherwise, everything would be inexplicable.

At this point, Xu Zhijian smiled with a smug smile.

It seems that Sadako still has a good eye and knows who to offend and who not to offend.

Now we know who is the boss.

Keller on the side looked at him sometimes thinking and sometimes smiling, feeling very confused and strange.

So he couldn't help asking: "Xu, now that the videotapes have been found, can we solve it?"

He came to his senses and shook his head: "I'm sorry to disappoint you. It seems that it's harder to solve Samra than expected!"


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