People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 211 Survival Day 211: SM0015

Chapter 211 Survival Day 211: S-M0015

Keller's heart skipped a beat.

More difficult to solve than expected?

What does this mean... Does it mean there is no way to break the curse?

She hurriedly asked: "What is the main difficulty? Isn't there no way at all?!"

"Don't worry, let me think about it."

Xu Zhijian motioned her not to be afraid, and sat on the side of the road looking at the ground and thinking seriously.

Keller was very tactful to hold back his words, and then sat beside him and waited patiently and expectantly.

Xu Zhijian began to analyze from the beginning.

The master tape is available.

The replica is available.

According to the setting in the movie, just burning these can solve the problem.

Although the personal experience will definitely be different from the movie, what is wrong?

So why steal this tape?


So he took a step back: "Then let's go to the dock first, sleep in the car, and try to take the first bus."

They adjusted the seats and chatted in a low voice while lying down.

The seaside was quiet at midnight, the moon was reflected on the water, and the sound of waves continued.

Keller asked: "What are we looking for on Mosgu Island? Can we solve this curse?"

"If my inference is correct, as long as we find it, there is a high probability that it will be perfectly resolved."

Since there is no other possibility, let's go and take a look.

Could it be that Sadako has the ability of the original book and has really become a virus?

Or are there other copies circulating in the market?

Recalling the plot of the movie over and over again, there is indeed no hidden foreshadowing.

Keller replied: "It's too late now. The ferry has already gone home. We have to wait until dawn."

There is also a videotape recording her mental treatment, which was secretly stolen and taken back by her adoptive father.

He glanced at the time and it was almost 23 o'clock, indeed.

He explained: "There is another videotape on the island, which is different from the cursed content. I forgot it before."

Tsk, this number again.

And that was Sadako's former home.

Keller did not refuse, and the two drove all the way to Pier 12 in Tennessee.

So what places have you not been to?

Thinking of this, Xu Zhijian's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had grasped some key points.

He came back to his senses and said, "I have thought of a new possibility. Let's go to Mosgu Island."

There must be another reason!

That's right!

There is only one place I have never been to: Mosgu Island.

Keller nodded and said nothing.

It was said before that as long as the cursed videotape is found, it can be solved, but now it is obviously not the case.


Is it really possible this time?

She felt hopeless, but she did not complain or blame Xu Zhijian, but was helpless.

After all, it is a supernatural event, and it is normal that it cannot be solved.

People have tried their best.

Xu Zhijian saw what she was thinking and said calmly: "Don't give up. I will definitely keep you safe if I say so."

"There is one thing I didn't say. In fact, the first person who watched the copied videotape has been killed by Samra!"

"According to the normal order, you should be the first target."

"Do you know why it's not you? It's because Samra is afraid of my existence and dares not come."

Keller turned his head and looked at him hurriedly, with shock and fear in his eyes.

Oh my God.

So that person has been killed? !

It's been less than a day.

From this point of view, it is indeed because of his presence that Samra dares not come.

Keller felt relieved and secretly happy.

She thanked sincerely: "Thank you very much! Even if we fail in the end, I will never blame you."

Xu Zhijian nodded: "Haha, this option does not exist, we will only succeed."

"It's getting late, go to bed, keep up your energy and wait for dawn to act."

She hummed and turned on the jazz pure music in the car, turned down the volume, closed her eyes and rested.

Xu Zhijian also fell asleep slowly in the soothing rhythm.

No words were spoken all night.

At 7:30 the next morning, the first ferry started operating.

The two got up early, bought tickets, and boarded the boat to head to Mosgu Island as soon as possible.

Xu Zhijian stood at the bow, looking at the endless blue ocean.

The water surface was rippling, and seagulls occasionally flew by.

Very comfortable.

But his stomach was a little churning. It was the first time in his life to take a boat, and he really felt like vomiting.

But he insisted on holding it in and slowly got used to it.

Keller stood silently beside him.

She didn't have any adverse reactions, but she was always thinking about things in her heart.

Half an hour later, they arrived safely at Mosgu Island.

This is a small island with pretty good scenery, with an old landmark lighthouse on the shore.

But there are few residents, only about 20 people.

After walking along the only path for a while, a large pasture appeared in front of him.

There was a mailbox on the side of the road, which read: Morgan Horse Farm.

It was the territory of the adoptive parents in the movie.

But it seemed to have been abandoned for a long time, and there was no horse in the stable.

He walked to the door of the largest house.

Xu Zhijian looked around for a moment and was about to knock on the door, but found that it was ajar.

So he tentatively called out: "Hello? Is anyone there?"

After waiting for a while, no one responded.

In the movie, Sadako's adoptive father had always lived here.

When Keller came to ask for more clues, he was beaten up by him.

Then he sat in the bathtub and committed suicide with an electric wire.

No one has come out for a long time. Is he dead? ?

He and Keller looked at each other and didn't dare to go in rashly. Instead, they walked to the window and looked inside.

As a result, they saw a cruel scene.

There was a corpse hanging in the dim living room, which had already rotted beyond recognition.

Red blood and black viscous liquid mixed and fell on the floor.

There were even maggots crawling.

Judging from the body shape, it was obviously a man.

It was true!

Keller couldn't help but exclaimed: "OMG... What's going on??"

He turned his head away quickly and retched.

"I'll go in and take a look!"

Xu Zhijian motioned her not to move, and then walked into the house carefully.

A foul smell came to his face.

He covered his mouth and nose and looked at the environment in the house. There was no sign of fighting. It was indeed suicide.

It just changed from electrocution to hanging.

It should have been more than a week, otherwise it wouldn't be so rotten.

He thought while looking around.

Soon he found a black videotape on the bookcase with the number: S-M0015.

"That's it!"

He immediately took it and stuffed it into his bag, without staying any longer.

At this time, Keller was looking up at the house.

Whether it was the structure or the color, it was exactly the same as in the cursed videotape.

He reminded: "OK, the things have been taken, let's go."

Keller turned around and said: "So simple? Should we call the police?"

"Don't worry, wait until the matter is resolved."

"Okay then."

The two did not stay for too long and took the ferry back to Seattle.

Then drove to the shelter hotel again.

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