People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 235 Survival Day 235: How about giving it a try?

The old man shook his head: "I can't do it. Mathison and the others should know."

Xu Zhijian asked back: "Oh? Why?"

"Don't you know?"

"Of course I know, I just want to test you, just in case."

The old man's eyes were a little strange at this time, and some vigilance and suspicion rose in his doubts.

But Xu Zhijian still smiled and looked at him.

After a moment, he said gloomily: "As a companion, you should know the reason."

"I won't tell you now, wait for Mathison and the others to come back."

Xu Zhijian smiled friendly and raised his hand to shoot.


The old man's head exploded and his body fell to the ground.

I wanted to get some information from him, but I didn't expect him to be quite cautious.

Is he really a wise old man?

Since it's useless, let's report to hell as soon as possible.

After cleaning up the bodies and throwing them into the equipment warehouse, Xu Zhijian watched the movie and continued to wait for the next one.

Now four have been dealt with.

The number that appeared in the movie is probably less than 20, which is okay, a good start.

Meanwhile, in the city.

Anne parked the car and walked quickly into a gym.

There were more than 20 people sitting on the basketball court, including men, women, young and old.

This was a mutual aid club.

Most of them had lost their loved ones and helped each other.

She walked over and sat in an empty seat, nodded and greeted everyone, and then listened to others' confessions.

The one who was speaking now was an old woman: "My child died before me, he was just 30 years old, God..."

She cried while speaking, choking and unable to speak.

The people next to her quickly hugged her to comfort her.

The atmosphere was very depressing for a while.

After a while, the old woman stopped crying and continued to talk.

It was Anne's turn.

She said with a haggard face: "My mother died yesterday, but I always feel that she didn't seem to leave."

"I had a terrible dream in the middle of the night. First, I dreamed that I wanted to burn my son to death."

"Then... Then I saw my mother's head fell beside the bed..."

Anne talked about family relationships, the death of her father and brother, etc. from this incident.

Everyone listened to her story, some were silent, some were thinking, and some were indifferent.

Most of them were comforted.

Because the best way to comfort a person is to let others live a more miserable life than him.

Obviously, she was the worst sufferer in the group.

So those companions who also lost their families felt much better, and it seemed that they were not that miserable.

An hour later, the mutual aid meeting ended.

Anne left the gym in silence, and when she was about to drive away, a middle-aged woman suddenly ran over.

She was probably in her sixties, wearing a red shirt and long golden brown hair tied up.

She had thin eyebrows and thin lips, and her face looked a little mean.

The old woman took the initiative to say: "Hi, my name is Joan. I feel very uncomfortable after listening to your experience just now. Are you okay?"

Anne recognized that the other party was also a member of the mutual aid meeting, and she should have been sitting opposite her just now.

Nodding indifferently: "Hello, thank you for your concern, I'm fine."

She was not in the mood to chat with others now, so she started the car and prepared to leave.

But Joan leaned on the car window and said, "My son and grandson also died unexpectedly, so I understand your pain."

"But it's very dangerous if you continue like this. You will definitely collapse mentally. You must adjust quickly."

Annie smiled helplessly: "Haha... How can I adjust?"

Joan looked around and whispered: "You may not believe it, I recently met a psychic."

"She taught me a way to communicate with the spirits, and I successfully communicated with the souls of my son and grandson!"

"So I think you should give it a try. If you have any questions that you can't figure out, you can ask your mother in person."

"This way you can solve many of the current confusions and not go crazy, right?"

Annie frowned slightly when she heard it.


Psychic? ?

What is this? How can such a thing exist?

And I don't have anything to say to my mother, and I don't want to have any contact with her anymore.

Just as she was about to refuse, Joan continued, "For your mental and physical health, I really hope you give it a try."

"Maybe, you can find out why you have such a nightmare."

"Here's my number. If you want to talk to someone, you can call me anytime."

She took out a business card and handed it over.

Annie reached out to take it and took a look. There was nothing else on it except a number.

Joan waved her hand: "Sorry to bother you. I'm leaving first. Goodbye."

"Uh... Goodbye."

Watching her walk away, Annie threw the business card out of the window and drove away.

What psychic, what psychic.

What's there to try.

After thinking and driving for a few minutes, Annie's mentality suddenly changed slowly.

Why... give it a try? ?

Anyway, there's no one to talk to when I get home, and I'm really curious about why I have such a nightmare.

Why do I see my mother's head.

If I don't figure out these questions, I will be very internally exhausted and tortured.

If there is such a thing as psychic, then take the opportunity to find out.

If it doesn't work, she can talk to others to relieve her irritability and depression.

After figuring it out, she quickly turned the car around and sped back to find the business card.

She went back to the original place and looked around carefully. Fortunately, there was no wind today and it didn't blow away.

It was still lying on the ground.

She dialed the number: "Hello, I'm the lady just now. I want to talk to you."

"Um...Okay, I know, I'll go there now."

Anne turned the car around and went to the other person's residence.

Half an hour later.

She came to a three-story apartment and rang the doorbell.

While waiting, she found a clean small floor mat under her feet.

The whole beige, embroidered with various patterns and patterns, and six letters: JOANIE.

This is the other person's name.

However, the more Anne looked at it, the more familiar it looked. She soon remembered that her mother had a floor mat with the same shape before.

Although it was a bit coincidental, she didn't pay much attention to it.

About five seconds later, the door was finally opened.

Joan said enthusiastically: "Welcome to you, come in."

"Thank you."

Anne walked into the room and looked around. The layout was ordinary, nothing special.

Joan came from the kitchen with two cups of coffee and placed them on the coffee table.

The two sat diagonally opposite each other.

She took the initiative to ask: "Does the psychic method you mentioned really work?"

Joan nodded affirmatively: "Of course, how could I joke with you about such a thing."

"Yesterday I communicated with my grandson's soul."

"How about this, I will demonstrate it myself now, and you will naturally know whether it is true or not."

Annie said without thinking: "Really? Okay..."

Joan got up and took two items from the drawer.

A transparent glass cup, a round candle, and a small blackboard.

Then she drew the curtains, plunging the room into darkness.

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