People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 236 Survival Day 236: Confusing

Annie couldn't help but get a little nervous.

Joan came over and sat down, lighting the candle with a match, and the room was lit up again with a dim light.

Then she held the glass bottle upside down.

Then she whispered: "Come, follow me and put your hand on the glass."

Annie stretched out her hand and did it carefully.

Joan's hand was below, and hers was above.

Joan closed her eyes and began to call softly: "Louis...Louis...If you are here, come out."

This is her grandson's name.


After shouting, there was silence for a few seconds, and the glass suddenly slid forcefully.


Annie couldn't help but exclaimed in shock, and subconsciously took her hand back to cover her mouth.

She looked at the glass with shock in her eyes.

Because just now she was sure that neither she nor Joan pushed hard, it was completely automatic!

"Hahaha~~ My dear grandson, hello!"

Joan couldn't help laughing excitedly.

Under the flickering candlelight, one looked horrified and shocked, while the other laughed.

It was dim and bright, full of weirdness.

Anne's mind was quite flexible, and even though she was very shocked, she was still trying to find flaws.

Could it be a designed mechanism?

She couldn't help but bend down and look under the table. There was no rope or other equipment underneath.

In other words, the cup was indeed automatic!

She stood up and stared at it carefully, waiting for what would happen next.

Joan continued to ask while laughing: "Louis, my dear child, grandma asks you a question."

"Do you like and miss grandma?"

After waiting for a while, a piece of chalk floated up strangely, and then began to write on the small blackboard.

"OMG... OMG..."

Anne couldn't help but open her mouth and exclaimed repeatedly, her facial features were a little distorted.

Because it was too shocking!

If the cup could be automatic and there was a possibility of tampering, this kind of automatic writing would be completely inexplicable.


Incomparably magical!

A sentence soon appeared on the blackboard: I love you grandma.

Joan said excitedly: "My dear child, grandma loves you too, and grandma really misses you."

"Go play first, grandma will have a good chat with you tomorrow."


The floating chalk fell down, and the room fell into a brief silence.

Two minutes later.

Joan opened her eyes and smiled: "Annie, do you believe it now?"

Annie was stunned with shock.

After a while, she came back to her senses and nodded heavily.

Who can not believe it after seeing such a strange and magical scene?

Joan held her hand with satisfaction: "OK, now I will teach you the psychic method."

"Just turn the cup upside down, put your hand on it, and call the relatives you want to see."

"Oh, of course, you need this cup and this candle, the others will not work."

Annie subconsciously asked: "Where can I buy these?"

Joan shook her head: "No need to buy, I can lend them to you."


"Of course, we have all lost our loved ones, and we should help each other."

"Thank you, ma'am, thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, I'll help you pack it up."

Joan got up and opened the curtains, took a bag and packed the cup, chalk and candle.

Then she took out a thin candle from the drawer, which looked very ordinary.

She explained: "This has a calming effect, I recommend you light it when you sleep, it will definitely be very comfortable."

"At least you won't have such nightmares again, understand?"

Annie took the things and thanked repeatedly.

Then she didn't leave in a hurry, but continued to confide in each other with Joan about their own depression.

It was not until six o'clock in the evening that they finally said goodbye.

"Thank you again, Madam. I will contact you again."

"OK, you are always welcome to come over. I will see you off."

The two of them left the house together.

And Annie never noticed that there was a strange blood-red pattern painted behind the door of Qiong's house.


At this time, Xu Zhijian was still sitting in the house, waiting and observing the situation outside.

Soon he saw Annie driving back.

He couldn't help but wonder what the other party was doing? She was out for a day and just came back.

After thinking for a moment, he immediately thought of the answer.

If I guessed correctly, he had met that woman? ?

Very good.

Now I can +1 again.

At half past six, he should go back and show his face, so he got up and went to the toilet to get ready to leave.

But just after he finished peeing and pulled up his pants, he suddenly heard a slight sound of footsteps coming from the living room.

"Someone is coming again?!"

Because the toilet door was open, he quickly hid behind the door and listened with his gun.

The footsteps were very light, and they went straight to the bathroom.

"Hmm? Did they discover me?"

Xu Zhijian listened and thought secretly, calculating what to do next.

Should he continue to wait.

Or jump out and attack unexpectedly?

The footsteps quickly came to the door, and then stopped.

This situation was a bit strange, it really seemed like the person knew someone was hiding in the bathroom.

But it really shouldn't be.

The bathroom was not directly opposite the door, so even if someone came in, they couldn't see the situation immediately.

So what was going on?

Xu Zhijian thought quickly for a while, and then jumped out with lightning speed.

No matter whether it is a human or a ghost, just kill it!


After a gunshot, he was stunned.

Because there was nothing outside!

No people, no animals, and no extra things.

But what's the matter with that obvious footsteps? !

He frowned with a gloomy face, and kept looking around, trying to find something wrong.

He has become immune to this weird situation and doesn't feel scared.

He is just curious about how it was done.

After looking around, he finally determined that there was nothing unusual in the house.

In other words, there are only two possibilities for the footsteps.

1: I have hallucinations.

2: There are evil ghosts lurking, but I can't find them.


He snorted disdainfully. If it is the second one but dare not show up, it means that it is afraid of me.

Then there is nothing to be afraid of.

He looked around again, and then his eyes fell on the mirror facing the door of the bathroom.

Then, he suddenly found that his reflection...had no head? ! !

But it was only for a moment.

It soon returned to normal.

If his reaction was not at the extreme level, he would not have seen it at all or thought it was just a dazzle.

He subconsciously touched his head and found that it was really on his neck.

It did not become "incomprehensible".


He raised his hand and shot the mirror to pieces. What a boring method. The useless thing has the guts to show up and try?

He did not care too much about this little episode and turned away calmly.

But at the same time.

Somewhere in the woods outside the house, a barely perceptible light flashed and disappeared.

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