People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 237 Survival Day 237: Hermaphroditism

Back home.

Peter had come back early. Seeing him come in, he asked, "What were you doing? I didn't see you after school."

Xu Zhijian smiled and said, "I went to help my classmates deal with some things, so I didn't wait for you, sorry."

"Oh, that's it, nothing."

"Well, what are you watching?"

"Just watching Twitter videos, it's so boring."

The two chatted for a while, and it was time for dinner.

The atmosphere at the table today was still so depressing, and they basically didn't talk about happy things with each other.

He said one sentence and stopped.

After a while, the other one said another sentence.

It wasn't so exaggerated before, but it became like this inexplicably after the death of Old Bden.

It feels like being cursed.

After eating and drinking, it was 7:30 in the evening, and the second plan was about to start.

Xu Zhijian and Peter stood in front of the window with drinks, looking at the moonlight outside and chatting.

Peter asked, "Are you really not going with me? It's okay."

He smiled and said, "No, I'm not interested in the party, just have fun."

"You must get the girl you like, and wait for your good news."

Peter smiled expectantly, "Hehe... I'll try my best."

According to the rhythm of the movie, the next plot of attending the class party is the most important.

Because those cult members will get the second head.

It is from this time that the development of things is no longer controlled by any force.

Annie's family enters the final sacrifice countdown!

It's 7:40.

The party is about to start, and Peter should leave.

Before leaving, he shouted, "Mom, I'm going to the class party and may be back later."

Steven is not at home because he is working tonight.

Annie heard, "Take Charlie with you, I have to work until late and don't have time to take care of her."

Overtime work is indeed true, and a set of miniature models made now will be delivered in two days.

But more importantly, she wants to try the spiritual ritual.

This can't be interrupted midway, let alone seen by the children.

So it's best for everyone to go out.

Peter said reluctantly: "Ah? I think she definitely doesn't want to go."

Anne said: "How do you know if you didn't ask her? Charlie, come here."

Charlie, who was eating chocolate with his head down, stood up and walked over.

She asked in a positive tone: "Charlie, you and your brother go to the party together, OK?"

Charlie murmured: "What party?"

"Go to school and play with other classmates, your brother's classmates... and strangers."

"I don't want to go..."

"NO, if you go, mom will be very busy at night and can't take care of you, understand?"

Charlie remained silent, essentially resistant to going.

After all, how can elementary school students and high school students play together? The generation gap is too big.

But he didn't dare to disobey his mother.

Seeing that the time was almost right, Xu Zhijian took the initiative to say, "Let Charlie go out with me. I also want to go out for a walk."

"Take her shopping or watch a movie, let Peter have fun."

Peter looked at him with gratitude.

Charlie also looked up at him, his expression a little dull, but he did not resist.

And Anne didn't care who Charlie went out with, as long as no one was home.

So she smiled and said, "Really? OK, then please take her out to play."

"No problem."

The matter was settled, and everyone was happy.

Annie walked into the room, closed the door and worked, while waiting for the opportunity to perform psychic summons.

Xu Zhijian and his friends left together.

On the way.

He chatted with Peter who was driving from time to time, while Charlie sat in the back seat and stared out the window in a daze.


At the same time, a crisp tongue-twitching sound was occasionally made.

This is a sound made by rolling up the tongue and colliding with the upper palate. It is easy to do and very common.

But in the movie it is equivalent to the whisper of the devil.

Xu Zhijian deliberately asked, "Why does Charlie always flick his tongue? Has he been like this since childhood?"

Peter replied, "Yes, maybe it's a disease that doesn't affect health."

"Is that so."

He said "Oh" to show that he understood, and at the same time thought that this also matched the hidden foreshadowing.

Half an hour later, they arrived in the city.

Xu Zhijian took Charlie to get off at a random street corner.

When they parted, he said, "Have fun and don't worry about us. I'll take her home directly after you've had enough fun."

"OK, then I'm leaving."

"Well, bye."

Watching Peter drive away, the two of them walked along the road silently.

When passing by a cold drink shop, Xu Zhijian bought her a chocolate ice cream that did not contain nuts.

Because Charlie is allergic to nuts, eating it will cause sore throat and difficulty breathing.

The little girl said thank you and took it to enjoy it bit by bit.

Xu Zhijian glanced at her, and while walking, he recalled her settings and what to do next.

Speaking of which, Charlie is still quite miserable.

There are two reasons.

1: She looks very strange, and looks like Down syndrome.

But in fact, she doesn't.

It's a disease called "cranio-clavicular dysplasia", with a prevalence of one in a million.

So she looks like both a boy and a girl.

And the movie setting is indeed a hermaphroditic physiological phenomenon.

2: Because of this rare disease, she was sacrificed by Allen since she was born!

At first, Lao Deng tried to use his son, Anne's brother, as the carrier of the evil god.

But he failed, causing his son to hang himself at the age of 16.

After Anne gave birth to Peter, she wanted to train this grandson to be a carrier.

Unfortunately, Anne did not give her the opportunity to get close, and even applied for a protection order.

So Lao Deng had no choice but to give up.

Later, Anne gave Charlie to her mother because of guilt.

Then, the little girl became a carrier!

And it was perfect.

Because Baimon's characteristic is a female appearance and a male body.

In other words, if you want to possess, the carrier must have a female head and a male body.

Everything is ready.

Tonight's party is the second step designed by Allen and other members!

In the movie, Charlie had an allergic reaction because of eating a cake containing nuts.

Then Peter hurriedly drove her to the hospital.

Halfway through the journey, Charlie was almost suffocated, and instinctively opened the window and stuck his head out to breathe.

At this time, a dead deer suddenly appeared in front of the road.

Peter hurriedly turned the steering wheel to avoid it, and then... Charlie's head hit a pillar.

Direct and cruel separation of the head!

The second sacrificial head was obtained.

All this seemed to be an unlucky accident, but in fact it was just the opposite.

Rather than saying that she died in that place, it was better to say that Allen and the believers made her beheaded here.

Anyway, it was all a well-designed trap, linked together!

When Xu Zhijian first watched the movie, he didn't find so many foreshadowings and clues.

Later, he watched it twice again, and found many terrifying scenes.

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