People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 256 Survival Day 256: I can finally die

Xu Zhijian pressed the trigger twice more, but it still jammed.

He couldn't help but sneer. Haha, it was obvious that the god of death was playing tricks in secret.

It didn't break down earlier or later, but it happened at this time.

Who would believe a coincidence?

Thinking about it, he suddenly had an idea and pointed the gun at the wall and fired a shot.


This time the bullet was successfully fired.

As expected.

From this, it can be seen that regardless of how effective this method is, it is definitely useful.

And think that jamming can stop it?

He used the pistol as a cold weapon hammer, and then smashed it into the face of the gangster with all his strength.

The bridge of the nose was directly broken, and two teeth popped out.

Seeing that the whole person was intact, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


Could it be that this method is useless?

What did the god of death mean by stopping it just now? Was it just a feint to tease him on purpose?

Xu Zhijian touched the other party's heartbeat and pulse, and it was gone. He was sure that he was dead.

After thinking for a moment in silence, he dealt with the body and left the alley to continue walking.

Half an hour later.

The mission was to completely get rid of the threat of the god of death.

Hearing the sound of his return, Wendy, Julie and Kevin, who had not yet slept, stood up immediately.


That's not right, how could there be no situation?

He waited for a moment expectantly, then opened the information to check, but found that the main task did not show success.

So it does not meet the requirements, right?

After thinking about it, this explanation is the most likely at present.

He continued to think about the problem while walking.

Under the fatal blow of extreme power, no one can withstand it.

Witnessing him walking down the stairs step by step.

The situation has changed, and Xu Zhijian couldn't guess it for a while.

He quickly thought of a possibility.

Then he punched his throat twice more.

Xu Zhijian stopped and looked at the busy street, then drove away.

Although the side quest was not completed, it did not hinder the progress of the main line.

Maybe it's like this?

Extending life can only be temporary, even if you get ten years at a time.

Wendy asked curiously, "Xu, did your experiment succeed? What is the method?"

Julie and Kevin also looked expectantly.

Xu Zhijian said with a smile, "Very good, you are obedient and don't run around, GOOD."

"My experiment failed, alas..."

"In fact, the method I thought of is very simple, that is, to try to commit suicide and see if I can interrupt the law of death."

It's enough to know about killing yourself, there's no need to tell others.

Whether it's a bad guy or a villain, it will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble.


The three of them were shocked in unison.

Wendy was surprised and said, "OMG... How could you do such a dangerous and irrational thing!"

Julie agreed, "That's right, no matter what, you can't take risks, my God."

Xu Zhijian thanked, "Thank you for your concern. The situation is urgent and I can't care so much."

"Unfortunately, the facts prove that this method is ineffective, alas."

Kevin asked, "Fortunately, nothing happened. What suicide method did you use for the experiment?"

He replied, "At first, I wanted to jump into the river, and guess what? I was rescued as soon as I jumped down."

"Then I tried to be hit by a car, but even if I took the initiative to rush towards the car, the other party could easily avoid it."

"In the end, I even put a gun to my head and shot, but it kept jamming. Weird, isn't it?"

"Although the experiment did not succeed, it tested a secret. Those chosen by the god of death can only be killed by the god of death!"

"It's impossible to commit suicide. They will use various methods to stop you."

Wendy and the others were shocked and admired his courage. He dared to self-harm in various ways.

And this result, I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Almost no one is willing to commit suicide.

But thinking about the daily fears and fatal accidents, death would be quite miserable.

In comparison, it would be better to commit suicide.

But this last retreat was also blocked.

The god of death is really cunning!

Everyone sat down in silence.

Julie opened a bottle of mineral water and drank two sips, and then suddenly vomited.

"Cough cough cough...!!"

Then there was a violent cough.

Wendy saw this and hurriedly patted her back: "Julie, what's wrong with you??!"

Xu Zhijian and Kevin also came over and observed her condition nervously.

After coughing for a long time, Julie slowly stopped.

She said in pain and panic: "I... I choked... The water seemed to have become a solid..."

Xu Zhijian picked up the water around and looked at it. Every bottle was liquid, no problem.

Wendy said in a panic: "This... is this an accident caused by the god of death?"

He nodded: "Yes, it's not just a simple accident."

Kevin's eyes widened: "Thank you for the generous gift! Who is Lewis's target after that? Is it our turn?"

He shook his head and comforted: "No, it's McKinley and Irene, and there should be one or two more ahead of them."

"This is the god of death deliberately playing with us. Although it's not our turn yet, the danger will always exist."

Wendy and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

But it's also uncomfortable enough. You may choke to death when drinking water. How can you prevent this!

Damn it.

Xu Zhijian looked at the time: "I think you guys don't want to sleep anymore, let's study some countermeasures."

"Have you come up with any solution? Tell us and let's analyze it."

Kevin and Julie shook their heads.

Wendy tentatively said, "I have studied Flight 180 and the highway incident several times before, and found a detail."

"Perhaps, as long as we insert an outsider between us, we can break the situation?"

As expected of the heroine, she is quick-witted and can quickly find this method to break the death.

Although the proof is useless.

Xu Zhijian nodded deliberately: "Really? This statement is interesting, you continue."


At the same time, somewhere in the block.

Autumn night, the midnight wind is chilly.

The busy streets during the day are now empty, with only the "rustling" of fallen leaves rubbing on the ground.

The aging street lights flickered, looking quiet and weird.

Suddenly, a strong cold wind blew, mixed with withered yellow leaves and blew towards a house next to it.

The closed windows were slowly blown open.

The curtains were blown up, as if a girl was dancing in the wind on the midnight street.

The wind passed by the bed, and the sleeping owner closed his eyes and pulled the quilt to his body.

Then he fell asleep again.

The diary on the desk was swaying and blown open.


The pages of the diary stopped at this page.

With the bright moonlight, you can see the content clearly.

2006-September 17-Cloudy.

"Tomorrow is a historic moment. We can finally travel to the place we have been looking forward to for a long time. I am so excited."

However, a dead leaf quietly fell on this line of words, blocking most of the content.

2006-September 17-Cloudy.

"Tomorrow is a historic moment. We can finally die."

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