People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 257: Survival Day 257: The Pretender

It was nine o'clock in the morning.

A young man named Albert was awakened by the alarm clock, got dressed, got up, went to the bathroom, and washed up.

He was also a student at McKinley High School and witnessed the roller coaster incident.

He was sitting in front of McKinley and Irene at the time.

He was reluctant to get off at first when he heard Wendy shouting to stop him, thinking that the woman was crazy.

But seeing that the other party's terrified look was not fake, he felt a little scared and finally got off.

Unexpectedly, he really escaped.

Today, he and his friends will start a self-driving tour around the United States to realize this dream he had since high school.

It was already half past nine after he got it done.

Looking up at the sky, the dark clouds were very low and completely blocked the sun.

The inexplicable emotion just now became even stronger.

"Damn it! What's going on?"

He couldn't help but feel a little confused. The window was clearly closed last night. When did it open?

And looking at the content blocked by the leaves, an inexplicable feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

Only the thinner clouds could see a glimmer of light.

He happily took out the suitcase that he had packed earlier from behind the door and did a final check.

"Tomorrow is a historic moment. We can finally die."

It was a skeleton with a pierced body, a red head, and a black background.

Before leaving, Albert walked to the desk and took a look, and found that the diary was actually open.

Under the head, a string of English words was written in a blood-like effect:

Fear of death.

Albert shuddered. Although it was cold in the morning in autumn, it was not so cold.

I have brought everything I should bring, and I can set off!

A yellow leaf fell on it, blocking some of what I wrote yesterday.

But there was no time to think about it. The departure time was approaching, and I had to hurry to meet up.

On the wall on the left, there were full of graffiti.

It was hard to explain.

He couldn't help but curse inwardly. Today was obviously a happy day, why did it suddenly become so uncomfortable?

As he walked to the first intersection while thinking, he glanced around as usual to see if there were any passing vehicles.

2006-September 17-Cloudy.

He did not find any moving vehicles, but he found a more disturbing factor.

It was like winter.

He opened the door and a cool breeze blew towards him.

This was just an ordinary graffiti that could be seen everywhere, but at this moment, it was so strange in Albert's eyes.


A chemical transport truck whizzed past with a shrill horn.

He was suddenly scared back to reality. After the truck sped past, all the dead leaves fluttered in the wind.

Now he could no longer bear the depression and hurriedly ran.

He needed exercise to cover up and vent his inner anxiety and inexplicable fear.

He soon passed a construction site.

At this time, several workers were busy on the scaffolding, and there were more than three meters long and two fingers wide steel bars piled on the scaffolding.

And they were all sharpened.

Perhaps because he was too focused or too careless, one of the workers accidentally kicked these things.

This force was not strong, and under normal circumstances, he might not even be able to kick down an oil barrel.

However, a No. 180 steel bar was strangely kicked down the gap in the handrail!



The steel bar fell rapidly from a height of more than 20 meters and hit Albert's abdomen squarely.

Because the head is pointed, plus the kinetic energy of the fall.

The whole body was directly penetrated!

He fell to the ground without even having time to scream, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, with extremely distorted facial features and pain.

This directly punctured his lungs.

Passersby were frightened and screamed, and some dodged, all of them were very scared.

Not long after, Albert died of suffocation and severe injuries.

Before he died, he might have regretted why he ran just now.

If he had walked normally, maybe he would not have died so suddenly, right?

Then police cars, ambulances, and designated funeral parlor vehicles came one after another to investigate and handle the aftermath.

At the same time, Xu Zhijian just happened to stroll over from the opposite side.

He came out to charge the power bank because everyone's mobile phone was almost out of power.

It was quite difficult to hide in the basement without a mobile phone to kill time.

And it was too dangerous for Wendy and the others to act on their own, so they had to rely on themselves to go out.

After taking a closer look, I realized that there was an accident, and then my eyes were attracted by a black man standing next to the corpse transporter.

I saw that the other party was bald, wearing a black suit, and had a very burly figure.

Big nose, eyes with some inexplicable cold light, looks very distinctive.

Xu Zhijian recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

This Nige is the mysterious coroner in "Final Destination"!

It can be said that it runs through the entire series.

Because of its mysterious, specious, and unfathomable settings, many people think that he is the incarnation of the god of death.

Or a similar human spokesperson.

Xu Zhijian also thought so when he watched the first two parts, thinking that the other party must be extraordinary.

There must be a deeper plot in the sequel.

But after watching parts 1-5 and rewatching them several times, he decisively rejected this idea.

What a ridiculous incarnation of the god of death, a spokesperson.

He is just a weird idiot.

The reason is very simple, there are two reasons.

1: It may be because of the change in the script setting.

The first version of the screenwriter designed Nigo to be the only survivor who escaped the game of the god of death.

He knows how to dodge and break the game.

2: Break the order, break death with a new life, and prolong life by killing people, etc.

These useless or slightly useful methods are all provided by him to the protagonist.

He looks mysterious when bragging, but it is shit in practice.

This guy is the most pretentious and pretentious person in the whole series.

Xu Zhijian glanced at him and prepared to leave, with no intention of paying attention to him at all.

But the coroner seemed to sense something and turned his head to look at him.

Their eyes met.

Xu Zhijian stopped walking and looked at him with interest.

After watching for a while, Nigo walked over slowly.

He took the initiative to say in a low voice: "The god of death doesn't like to be deceived."

Oh~ This line is really familiar.

Is it true that this is the opening line for everyone?

Xu Zhijian chuckled and said, "Really? From your tone, you are very familiar with the god of death."

The coroner was stunned for a moment.

Perhaps he didn't expect that someone would not feel confused or strange when hearing such words.

So he continued: "Each of us knows the god of death. Death is not a coincidence or an accident, but a destiny."

"You must recognize that you have deceived the god of death once when you got off the roller coaster."

"Before you die, please understand these principles and repent."

Xu Zhijian asked back: "Don't say these pretentious words, just tell me if you know how to break the situation."

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