People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 267 Survival Day 267: Saw

While other players were praising, shocked, praising, envious, jealous and hateful, only the masked guy looked lonely.

The moment he got the news, his heart sank to the bottom as if he was dead.

How could it be possible... How could it be possible!

Before, he was still confident that he could surpass the other party and regain the honor and status he deserved.

As a result, it has only been a few days, and he has been promoted to diamond? !


He angrily threw the tablet to the ground, and his body was shaking because of his intense emotions.

After a while, he sat down in disappointment, lowered his head and remained silent.

Then he had to accept his fate.

The gap between the two sides was too big, and he had to accept it.

And Xu Zhijian, who was bragging and interacting with the players, never thought that someone had been watching him secretly.

He was really bored.

At the same time, at night, Horror Town ushered in a more exciting and restless news.


And twenty days later was June, the last month of the second quarter.

The new season will be fully upgraded, so will we not be able to lie flat? ?

"It's here so soon, the first season seems to have just ended yesterday"

The second season has begun to be previewed!

Xu Zhijian is looking forward to it.

Calculating the time, it has been more than two months since the first season, it has passed so fast.


It's okay if I lose the first season.

As soon as this news came out, it directly overwhelmed the popularity of the diamond rank, and everyone started a discussion.

And what will the so-called gameplay upgrade become?

While he was studying, the masked guy who had just accepted his fate raised hope again.

"The second season will start in 21 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes"

"It's another opportunity for the big guys to compete on the same stage and show off. I'd better hide like last time."

Compared to the beginning, my own ability is no longer the same.

"Reward upgrade, gameplay upgrade, death upgrade"

It's okay if I lose the regular game.

It's a pity that there are no pre-stored season points now. I don't know if I can draw one later.

I have the confidence to get the first place again.

"What the hell, didn't you see that the mortality rate has also been upgraded? It's all doomed."

The player recalled the horror of being dominated by the first season.

During this period, he can still play 2-3 more games and continue to arm himself.

"This time, I have to suppress Zhifan, and I don't ask for anything else, just to earn more exchange points."

But can I compete in the second season?

Although I still think I can't beat Zhifan, nothing is absolute.

The season changes rapidly, and no one can guarantee 100% stability.

This is an opportunity.

We must seize it and strive to be a dark horse to shock everyone!

No words were spoken overnight.


Two days passed quickly.

During this period, all players discussed the diamond rank and the topic of the second season whenever they had nothing to do.

Everyone's mentality is different.

In general, they are both looking forward to it and afraid, anyway, it's very contradictory.

And Xu Zhijian was much calmer. He went to play skateboarding when he had nothing to do, and then tried to promote it.

Finally, he sold two more.

At noon that day, he stayed at home as usual, browsing the forum and watching the discussion on the forum.

Because I spent five days in Final Destination 3, I only have two days left for my vacation.

Now it’s just expired.

After waiting patiently for a while, the 18th game came as expected.

"Homeowner: Xu Zhijian"

"Block: No. 666"

"Rank: Diamond (30100/60000)"

"Rank: 1"

"This asymmetric escape world: Saw"

"Clearance rate: 95%"

"Death rate: 5%"

"Average rating: S"

"Main quest: Fully control a perfect Jigsaw game, reward 1000 redemption points"

"Side quest 1: Each time you punish a target, you will be rewarded with 200 redemption points"

"Side quest 2: Achieve A+ rating or above, get 5 star map points"


When Xu Zhijian came to the dungeon world, the first three words that popped up in his mind were: Good guy!

I shouted!

Is there something wrong with this script? !

The fame of the Saw series is needless to say, and it has become a representative of the horror film genre.

A classic among classics.

It can be summarized as a butcher + chamber of ​​lock + death game.

Not only does it have a good reputation and many fans, but it also makes a lot of money with a small investment, making hundreds of millions of dollars.

The bloodiness is full, and the various mechanisms are dazzling and make people feel phantom pain.

But this time, he is not the victim, but he has to create the Jigsaw game himself? ?

This is a role reversal.

After playing so many games, this is the first time I have encountered such an unexpected setting.

OK, OK, it's interesting!

Xu Zhijian came to his senses and understood his identity. He turned out to be a hidden disciple of Jigsaw?

According to the movie setting, he has a total of four disciples in the open.

Now, Jigsaw himself has been dead for many years.

The second disciple Amanda and the third disciple Hoffman also died one after another.

As for the eldest disciple Dr. Gordon and the fourth disciple Logan Forensic Doctor, no relevant information can be found, as if they have evaporated from the face of the earth.

Because of the decline of the Jigsaw Sect, there are no legends about them in the world.

Only Xu Zhijian, a hidden disciple, is left, still working hard to revive the sect.

Prepare to give the world the last Jigsaw game.

Start with terror.

Ended by terror.

After years of serious study and research, he not only has been collecting the spiritual incarnation - Jigsaw puppet.

He has also learned all the mechanical arts.

Although he is not as good as the old man Jigsaw, he can also be independent and complete large-scale games independently.

After thinking about the cause and effect, Xu Zhijian immediately became very interested and expected.

Not bad, not bad, really good.

This special dungeon experience is really fresh and fun.

At least you don't have to spend a lot of effort to fight wits and courage with ghosts, you can easily be a "God" for once.

As for Jigsaw's philosophy, some people agree and some don't.

Because the controversy is really big, some people are not guilty of death at all, but are still forced to participate in the game.

Whether it is lynching or punishing good and promoting evil.

He is not interested in this topic.

After all, everyone's worldview and outlook on life are different, and there is no need to force others to listen to themselves.

I just know that since there is such a good opportunity, I must seize it.

There is only one purpose: don't point guns at good people and honest people.

Specially target those villains who have committed heinous crimes and ten death sentences are not enough!

Xu Zhijian thought while looking around.

This is a factory that has been abandoned for a long time, very remote and large, and it is also the game venue that has been selected long ago.

And the mechanical props needed have been made 70%.

There are still some left before the official start.

I am not worried about this at all, fortunately, I am a disciple of Jigsaw and have mastered those design skills.

After observing for a while, he went directly to a hidden room.

It is about ten square meters, with many monitors, tools, etc.

It is a special hidden secret room.

He temporarily ignored the other equipment, and took the lead in opening a cabinet and took out a long-awaited good thing from it.

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