People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 268 Survival Day 268: What if we switched roles?

This is a puppet that is over one meter tall, riding a small car, and has a very weird and creepy shape.

Wearing a black suit and a red bow tie.

He has a black fluffy big back hair, which is very similar to Einstein's hairstyle.

His face is bumpy and white as if he had putty on it.

Especially the protruding cheekbones, and there are red circles like mosquito coils on both sides.

His lips and eyes are blood red.

It is so weird no matter how you look at it, which is more uncomfortable than the uncanny valley effect.

And this is one of the souls of "Saw", the incarnation of the old man Jigsaw.

Jigsaw puppet-Billy.

This name is the same as the one in "Dead Silence".

Isn't this too weak? ?

Xu Zhijian took it off with satisfaction, and then looked at the time. It was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

This is the most classic torture device in "Saw", no one else.

Collection +1.

And there are two pig head masks on the table in the corner.

The doors and windows had long been broken or gone.

Made of metal, it covers the head and blocks the entire jaw.

This building has only one floor, but the area is not small. It seems to have been an assembly line of a food company.

The tearing mechanism was triggered, and it suddenly bounced outward, tearing the model's mouth into a pool of mud.

Then the ingenious mechanism was passed, and the person's mouth was torn up and down with great force to die tragically.

It appeared in several parts.

On the one hand, it was to seize the opportunity and catch a target tonight to test the game.

Then he began to analyze the current situation.

After sorting out the situation, he did not delay and began to make the props that would be needed next.

It's just that he is already a disciple, torturing others, which is a welfare copy.

It's even more exaggerated than the slit-mouthed woman.

He successfully made the last four props, including the most famous jaw tearing machine.

Very good!

It has been abandoned for more than ten years.

In order to ensure that it can operate normally, he put the props on the model's head for experiment.


This time it was quite easy and he had it without any effort.


Set the countdown to ten seconds.


That should not be the plot of "Saw 1-10".


And it really appeared in it, which can be regarded as a small easter egg.

After complaining for a while, he carefully looked at the secret room of about ten square meters.

He walked out of the abandoned factory and looked around.

Since old man Jigsaw and Amanda were all dead, and he was the last hidden disciple.

Is it a side story, a side story, or the 11th part that has not yet been released?

I can't figure it out, and there is no need to delve into it.

In addition to professional equipment and tools, there are also some life-size models.

I was busy for more than three hours.

"Saw: Jigsaw Puppet-Activate√"

On the one hand, I am very interested in designing these, and try to remember the key steps and bring the knowledge out of the copy.

Surprisingly, 5% of the players have not passed the level.

Xu Zhijian picked up the puppet and looked at it for a while, and then activated the collection ability with satisfaction.

The door was so tight that you couldn't tell there was a secret room behind it.

It was a good time to catch the target.

He put his things away and walked out, then closed the push-pull "wall".

However, in order to successfully hold the Jigsaw game, Xu Zhijian had already blocked all entrances and exits in advance.

Either simply and roughly nail them shut, or design a mechanism to prevent people from entering and exiting at will.

Everything was under control.

Twenty minutes later, Xu Zhijian returned to the city for a stroll.

It was easy to find bad guys, especially in the Nigo community, where anyone on the street was a gangster.

The question was how to distinguish whether they should be killed or not?

Looking at a fierce person, maybe he has never done anything bad since he was a child.

Looking at a kind and ordinary person, maybe he is a perverted murderer.

You can't just catch them randomly.

After thinking for a while, he had a solution.

He quickly came to the dirty and messy community, put on a mask and a hat, and hid in a dark corner to observe the pedestrians coming and going.

Soon a Nigo dressed like a gangster came over.


When the other party came to the corner, he controlled the strength and punched him directly, then covered his mouth with his hand.

Nigo's nose was broken, stars appeared in his eyes, and he coughed repeatedly because of the backflow of blood.

He lowered his voice and asked: "Who has killed people or sold DU on this street?! Tell me!"

Nigo hummed and didn't want to say it, or couldn't say it.


Xu Zhijian pinched his broken nose hard, and screamed hysterically in pain.

"You have one last chance, tell me?"

"Cough cough cough... Don't don't... I say..."

Nigo hurriedly swallowed the blood in his mouth and said hurriedly: "I know Kohler killed people before..."

Xu Zhijian said: "Who is Kohler? What does he look like, where is he now?"

"Yes... He is from the C gang, with a skull tattoo on his forehead. He is probably drinking in the bar at the entrance of the block."

"Very good, thank you for your cooperation."

Xu Zhijian sneered and punched him again, knocking Nigo unconscious.

Then he walked quickly to the block entrance, and there was indeed a bar.

But he did not go in, but stood at the door waiting for the opportunity.

At the same time, he searched for keywords on his mobile phone.

Sure enough, there was news about Kohler killing someone, and it must be the same person because there was a skull mark on his forehead.

Unfortunately, he was only sentenced to ten years and was released from prison last year.

After a while, a nun dressed very lightly came from a distance.

He stepped forward and stopped her: "Hi lady, can you do me a favor? Here's the reward."

He took out five 20-dollar bills.

The nun took them away without hesitation: "No problem, where do you want to get it done?"

This made him look like a customer.

He shook his head: "No, go in and tell a man named Kohler that the goods he wanted have arrived."

People who can come to this kind of bar are basically regulars.

So as long as you say the name, even if the other party doesn't know him, they can easily find him through friends.

"That's it? OK."

The nun felt a little regretful and turned to go into the bar.

Xu Zhijian walked to the alley opposite and stared.

Not long after, a burly nun walked out of the bar and looked around.

There was indeed a skull tattooed on his forehead, which looked very similar to the photo in the news.

He immediately waved his hand to signal.

Seeing this, the other party came over at a trot and asked directly: "Thank you for the generous gift, where is the gift?"


Xu Zhijian punched him directly.

Ni Ge has been in the underworld for many years, and he is still vigilant. His right hand is always on his waist.

He will draw his gun and shoot whenever the situation is not right.

However, facing an opponent who has been fighting ghosts, this skill is not enough.

He didn't even have a chance to react. His eyes went black and he fell to the ground and fainted.

Then his body was dragged into a dark alley and there was no movement.

When Kohler woke up in a daze, he first felt dizzy and painful.

After a long time of easing, he found himself in a strange room.

It was shabby and dim, with only a candle burning on the table next to him.

There was also a small TV on the ground.

In addition, his hands and legs were tied tightly to the chair and he couldn't move.

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