People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 269 Survival Day 269: This is a disease, it needs to be treated

"FUCK... What is this...??"

Khler was panicked and confused, but his mind was blank and he couldn't remember anything.

At the same time, he finally realized that there seemed to be an iron helmet on his head? !

He couldn't help but panic even more.

He hurriedly tried to pull it, but his hands were tied and he couldn't move.


What the hell is going on? !

Could it be the work of the enemy gang?

Just when he was panicking and confused, the TV on the ground suddenly turned on automatically.

A burst of snow was displayed, and then a face with an extremely strange shape appeared.

The other party looked like a puppet skull.

Kohler stared and was stunned, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

"Now, it's time to test whether you are willing to hurt yourself and get redemption."

Is that jaw-splitting device really as exaggerated as it is said? ?


How the hell can this be done?

After that, the TV went out.

He gritted his teeth and cursed, not knowing what to do at all.

"The device on your head is called a jaw ripper."

Damn it.

At the same time, a countdown began.

The face was as pale as if painted, with protruding cheeks and red circles like mosquito coils.

"You need to bite off your tongue, and then the mechanism can be automatically unlocked."


"Life or death, it's your choice."

No eyebrows, two red eyes, black pupils as small as sesame seeds.

"Are you willing to endure the pain and sacrifice part of your body to save yourself?"

"Fuck! Let me go! I must kill you, you bastard!"

Khloe thought in panic, and under the reminder of the sixth sense, he didn't dare to bet whether it was true or not.

Is there such a powerful thing?

"From childhood to adulthood, you have enjoyed robbing and hurting others, especially killing people."


So he couldn't help but try to bite his tongue.



The lips were also red, with a marionette pattern on each side of the mouth.




But as time passed, he became more and more panicked and nervous.

Thirty seconds had passed.

But he only used a little strength, and he gave up in a hurry because of the pain.


He couldn't be lying to himself.

It was very strange, and the more he looked at it, the more creepy it was.

He really wanted to bite off his tongue? ?

Kohler cursed angrily, but got no response.

At this time, the face on the TV spoke: "Hello Kohler, I want to play a game with you."

"It has sixty seconds. If you don't open it within the time limit, your face will be torn to pieces."

Ten seconds had passed.

Watching the time slip away second by second, he was afraid and suspicious.


Can't delay any longer!

Otherwise, I will definitely die!

So he made up his mind and bit his tongue with his upper and lower teeth.

"Woo woo woo--!!"

His body couldn't help but tremble in pain, and at the same time he smelled a stream of blood.

Under the instinct of survival, he couldn't help but let go again.

This time, it only bit a little, and it was still far from being able to bite it off.

Unfortunately, the time was up.


As the countdown ended, the jaw splitter started as expected.

Crack! !

He had no time to react, and his entire mouth was torn apart by a huge force!


It should be said that the entire face.

In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and blood spurted wildly, which was horrible to watch.

Kohler's head tilted and he died.

Xu Zhijian in the secret room saw the whole scene through the monitor.

Very satisfied.

In the past, watching movies was from the perspective of a spectator, but now it is from the perspective of an eyewitness.

Whether it is the visual effect or the feeling, it is completely different.

I couldn't help but think of a sentence: If our roles were reversed, I would let you know what cruelty is.

The old man Jigsaw's philosophy is to let the guilty experience pain and then cherish life.

Generally, he will not kill directly.

Xu Zhijian expressed his understanding of this, but he would not do it, but would kill when necessary.

If it is a petty crime that is not punishable by death, you can cut off a finger or something as a punishment.

But for malicious murderers, drug dealers, corrupt officials, etc., the correct answer is to torture them and then kill them.

Just like Confucius said: repay kindness with kindness, and repay evil with justice.

If you let the heinous villains off, who will bear the suffering of the victims?

Be tolerant of evil and harsh on good people.

This is a disease and needs to be treated.

So I had no chance to survive with Kohler just now, it was a dead end.

The so-called biting the tongue can be relieved, just to give a hope to play, to achieve the effect of killing and breaking the heart.

Now the first goal is done, a good start.

It's time to study the follow-up plan.

There are a total of ten quotas for the side quest, which is not too much, but not too little.

You can earn 2,000 exchange points.

Next, continue to kill 3-4 alone, and then gather the rest together to play a team game.


But how to find the candidate quickly?

After thinking for a while, Xu Zhijian opened his phone and typed in keywords such as murderer and drug dealer.

He soon found a bunch of recent criminal news.

However, those criminals had either been arrested and sentenced, or could not be found at all.

It was not possible to start from this aspect.

But it was not difficult.

He quickly thought of a similar method. As long as you have money, there is basically nothing you can't do these days.

Then he looked up news about Jigsaw.

There are also quite a few.

But the earliest one was five years ago.

It can be confirmed that the three key figures, Jigsaw, Amanda, and Hoffman, are dead.

There is very little content about Gordon and Logan, after all, they are hidden disciples.

There are only reports of victims who survived.

There is also an imitator called Whirlpool, who is a policeman on the surface, but is actually the last Jigsaw killer.

He slaughtered several vicious policemen.

Then he disappeared for two years, then started committing crimes again, and finally died under a hail of gunfire.

Xu Zhijian immediately understood who this was.

It was William in "Saw 9: Whirlpool".

It can be said to be a bad movie.

If it weren't for this IP, it would be a good blood-splatter horror movie, and it's still worth watching.

It's a pity that he wanted to take advantage of his fame and almost ruined this classic.

After reading the news, he turned off his phone, then fiddled with the props for a while, and then went to sleep.

No words were spoken that night.

The next night, after dinner, Xu Zhijian went straight to a bar frequented by gangsters.

As soon as he walked in, he frowned repeatedly because of the cigarettes, alcohol and noisy hip-hop music.

He found a corner to sit down and asked for a cold drink. He looked around intentionally or unintentionally.

In addition to Nico, there were many Mexicans who came here.

There were also many white people.

There were almost no Asians.

After looking for a while, he whispered to the bartender: "Hey, can I make a deal with you?"

Nico took a look at the bartender: "What deal?"

He replied: "I want to buy some special intelligence. There should be such business here."

In addition to pornography, gambling and drugs, bars that can provide business for gangsters also have many kinds of transactions.

Although it is a bit dangerous and cannot be guaranteed, it is indeed the most suitable place.

You can't ask the police for it.


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