People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 28 Survival Day 028: Unopened Area

Hey, why think so much.

What is your purpose?

That is to develop steadily, don't force what you can't get, and don't be greedy for anything.

As long as you survive to the end, you will win.

No matter how many redemption points you have, but if you die, it is fake, not real.

Only when you are alive can you output.

Xu Zhijian can say conceitedly that according to his own understanding and reserve of horror movies.

It is still no problem to survive steadily until the end of the season.

In case there is a little bit of luck, you can lick a bag and make a lot of money.

That's enough.

While other residents have scolded this, some have expectations, but more people are puzzled by a question:

Since it is a unified season, why do we have to separate the players?

Shouldn't we gather together for a big fight?

What is this routine?

Finally, an old resident who seems to have participated in the season answered.

Simply put, this is to prevent players from teaming up and helping each other.

Because some people are lone wolves and like to fight alone.

Some people are willing to socialize, make friends, and have good relationships.

If they were placed in the same horror movie world, the latter would unite to share exchange points and equipment, etc.

Strength in numbers is more obvious at this time.

Then will others still play?

The Lord God knows the wisdom of human beings and their ability to exploit loopholes, so he simply cuts it off.

The same starting point, but a single challenge.

It all depends on personal ability.

In this way, the Lord God is still a bit fair.

After turning off the tablet, Xu Zhijian closed his eyes and rested for a while, then got up and left along the lakeside path.

He didn't go home, but went further away.

I have been in Horror Town for more than ten days, and I have been wandering around the main city and the trading area.

I have never been to a farther place.

For example, the majestic mountains in front, is it a primeval forest, or is there another area?

I am quite curious, so I took the opportunity to travel around.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the houses around became very sparse.

After walking for a while, the two sides of the road were completely turned into rows of big trees, blocking the sky.

The branches were bent into a shape similar to ∩, folding on each other, and it looked like entering a tunnel.

There was a thin mist floating around.

It could be called fairy air.

It could also be called eerie.

There were two players standing on the road ahead, talking about something.

And all their personal information was hidden.

When he got closer, Xu Zhijian realized that there was a line of words floating in the air.

It was right in the middle of the road.

"It's being arranged, and will be open later."

Hearing footsteps, the two turned their heads and looked over.

The man in his thirties smiled: "Haha, are you curious to see it?"

He nodded: "Well, I didn't expect there was nothing ahead."

The other man with glasses agreed: "Yeah, I thought there was a deep mountain forest ahead."

Xu Zhijian walked forward and tried it out.

He found that he could see the road ahead, the sky, and everything else, but he couldn't get through.

It was like the air wall in the game.

He poked it with his hand, and it was still very soft, like a girl's collagen-filled face.

It bounced.

The middle-aged man asked, "You two, what do you think it will be transformed into in the end?"

The man with glasses adjusted his glasses: "Who knows?"

Xu Zhijian shook his head and said nothing.

There is really no way to know this thing, and no one can guess it.

Everything can and will happen in the main god space, and people can do whatever they want.

You think it may be developed into a park.

But in fact, the main god arranged it as a scene to catch an adulterer, and you just restored the person involved.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I heard a roar in my ear: "Give me back my brother's life!"


After staying for a while, Xu Zhijian took two photos, and the three of them walked back together.

The man with glasses asked curiously: "By the way, what is the name of the copy you two participated in recently? Can you tell me?"

Xu Zhijian replied: "I just challenged "Countdown" two days ago"


The two looked at each other in confusion and shook their heads to indicate that they had never heard of it.

This is normal.

Although this movie is considered a masterpiece, its popularity in China can be said to be very low.

Plus, there are few fans who like horror movies, so naturally few people know about it.

And it’s not just “The Hour of the Dead”, in fact, 80% of ghost movies are in the same situation.

Even for famous movies like “Saw” and “The Ring”, many people don’t know anything about them.

The middle-aged man continued: “I just challenged a movie called “House of Wax”, have you heard of it?”

The man with glasses shook his head awkwardly again.

And Xu Zhijian’s eyes lit up: “Really? Yes, it’s also a classic slasher movie.”

“But did you participate in the 2005 version or the 1953 version?”

“Ah??” The middle-aged man was a little confused: “This… there are actually two? I don’t know which one it is.”

He is not proficient in horror themes, and at most knows some famous ones.

Xu Zhijian smiled: "Just tell me if you have ever met a group of three guys and two girls who are college students."

The middle-aged man nodded quickly: "Yes, I have, there is a blonde who is very sexy."

He replied: "Yeah, it is indeed the 05 version."

The man with glasses subconsciously asked: "Then how did you successfully pass it?"

The middle-aged man said proudly: "It's because... hehe... it's nothing."

Just as he was about to say something, he held it back.

Because he thought that this was his own experience, and he could sell the guide for money.

If he told the other party directly and let them learn it, he would lose a lot.

"Look at my brain, sorry."

The man with the eyes realized that he had asked too much, and smiled apologetically and stopped asking.

But Xu Zhijian had no interest in asking.

"House of Wax" can be said to be one of the simplest movies. He has nine ways to pass it without injury.

Nine ways.

The middle-aged man came over and said expectantly: "Brother, it seems that you are particularly proficient in horror movies?"

Xu Zhijian shook his head: "No, I just happened to read the commentary of that movie, so I know there are two."

The two nodded and said "oh", and didn't ask any more questions.

And he said this purely because he didn't want to get involved too much.

As the saying goes: Don't show your wealth.

This principle is also applicable in Horror Town, but it is changed to "Don't show your movies".

You can brag about it on the Internet, anyway, if you hide your identity, no one will know who you are.

It is better to keep a low profile in reality, which can avoid many troubles.

I think it is still a little wrong.

I will change my subconscious behavior in the future.

When I brag to others again, no matter what the other party says, I will not know it.

At this time, the middle-aged man sighed: "There is a famous big man on the Internet these days. It would be great if I could meet him."

The man with glasses agreed: "Yes, it's a pity that I can't meet him."

And Xu Zhijian smiled but said nothing.

After returning to the lake, the three said goodbye to each other and left.

No one took the initiative to say to add a friend, contact more in the future and other polite words.


Back to the apartment.

Xu Zhijian turned on the tablet and posted the photos he had just taken to the forum:

"Are there any old players? Can you tell me what this place was before?"

I thought I could get some information smoothly.

As a result, a few hours passed, and there was no one who knew.

Maybe there is, but he is unwilling to say.

Forget it.


Is there any big man willing to give a reward, any amount is fine

After almost half a month, this data is still 0, which is really frustrating/(ㄒoㄒ)/

Thanks to book friend 23414 for the 2 monthly tickets.

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