People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 29 Survival Day 029: Ghost Covering the Eyes

The six days passed uneventfully.

On the seventh day.

Xu Zhijian got up early and went to the lake to take a breath of fresh air.

I returned home at almost noon and ordered a lunch. After eating and drinking, I lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling in trance.

It looks like he is in a daze, but in fact he is patiently waiting for news.

Judging from the previous time, if nothing unexpected happens, there will be a qualifying match every week.

I waited silently until half past two in the afternoon.

Just as he deduced, the long-awaited news finally came!

"Householder: Xu Zhijian"

"Block: No. 666"

"Rank: Black Iron (1200/3000)"

"Ranking: 9877"

"This asymmetrical escape world: "Ghost Covers Eyes""

"Pass rate: 20%"

"Mortality rate: 80%"

"Average rating: C-"

"Main mission: Help the heroine Kelly to avoid being killed by the ghost mirror, and you will be rewarded with 100 redemption points."

"Side mission 1: Kill the evil spirit in the mirror, reward 800 redemption points"

"Side mission 2: Completely destroy the ghost mirror, reward 1,000 redemption points"

"Start entering the dungeon world"

Xu Zhijian opened his eyes and immediately observed the surroundings out of habit.

Found myself in an office.

Sitting behind the desk directly in front of him was a male doctor in his sixties and wearing a white coat.

The other party put down the information and said, "Xu, first of all, congratulations on your successful discharge from the hospital."

"Then I would like to sincerely remind you that you have received formal treatment and your psychology has returned to normal."

"But your cousin didn't."

"So, I hope you won't be affected by her thoughts after being discharged from the hospital, okay?"

Xu Zhijian did not say a word, but quickly thought about the plot of "Ghost Covers Eyes".

This is also a high-quality ghost film, produced in 2014, and currently has a score of 7 on the rating website.

According to the score of -1 for horror movies, it is already a masterpiece.

The general plot is: Brother Tim and sister Kelly witnessed the tragic death of their parents when they were young.

After years of investigation, my sister believed that the antique mirror in her home had an evil curse, and that all its owners would not end well.

It is also the cause of family breakdown and death.

So the siblings began to search for evidence and tried to destroy the ghost mirror.

Unexpectedly, their actions inadvertently become the key to opening the door to hell.

Fear, weird things happen one after another.

They began to wonder, what is illusion and what is reality? ?

This is just a rough plot, there are actually more contents and details.

Xu Zhijian immediately understood that he was the younger brother of the heroine.

I'm in a mental hospital now.

It was a coincidence that on the night of the evil spirit massacre, she happened to be playing with Tim at her house.

Then, her parents were possessed by ghosts.

In self-defense, he and Tim jointly shot and killed the manipulated father.

Because he is still underage, and what he said is too outrageous.

So the two were sent to the hospital by the police to receive treatment, and they were considered to be "serving their sentences."

This stay lasted for 11 years.

During this period, he resolutely refused to admit that he was mentally ill, but later gradually compromised and admitted that he was mentally ill.

Everything is just your own fantasy.

After discussions with the medical team, today, I was finally discharged from the hospital and free.

And Tim will be ready for another three months.

There are some deviations from the plot of the movie, but the rhythm has not changed, and the plot has officially begun.


This also shows that the heroine has brought the ghost mirror home again, and she cannot escape even if she wants to.

Seeing that he was in a daze, the doctor raised his voice: "Xu, are you listening to me?"

Xu Zhijian came back to his senses: "Huh? Oh, I know."

"Well, you can leave. I wish you a happy life in the future."

"Okay, thank you, bye."

He picked up the backpack beside him, got up and left the office and walked quickly along the corridor and out of the hospital.

It was around ten o'clock in the morning.

The weather is sunny, with blue sky and white clouds.

He directly saw a car parked about ten meters opposite, with a girl holding her arms and looking at him with a smile.

She was about 25 or 26 years old, had long dark brown hair, and was wearing a coat of the same color as her hair.

The facial features are very beautiful, and there is also a little baby fat, which adds to the cuteness.

Of course, the most enviable thing is that perfect figure.

He is about 1.8 meters tall and has long, straight legs.

Her name is Kelly.

It was the heroine whom I had never met before but was extremely familiar with.

When Xu Zhijian looked at her, another name immediately came to his mind: Xingyun!

That's right.

It’s that funny guy from Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy.”

Many people couldn't believe that a woman with such a supermodel figure could actually play a bald robot.

Super contrast.

Kelly strode over and opened her arms for a hug.

At the same time, he said with relief and happiness: "Hi, congratulations on your successful discharge from the hospital. That's great."

It feels really special to be held by a 1.8 meter beauty.

Xu Zhijian put his backpack on the ground and hugged him back.

Because Tim and I were kids together, and we had experienced life and death and were hospitalized together.

Over time, she has always treated him as a little brother.

It's nice to not have to think about how to get in touch with her.

Then she let go of her arms and picked up her backpack: "Let's go, I've made a reservation at your favorite restaurant."


The car was driving smoothly.

Kelly asked questions while driving.

Xu Zhijian, who was sitting in the passenger seat, answered patiently, but did not ask directly about the ghost mirror.

Instead, he could not help but think of Xingyun's figure.

There was no way, the memory was too deep.

It felt like she could suddenly transform and take out a gun and shoot outside.

Arrived at the restaurant.

When the food was served, the two ate and talked.

Kelly talked about many other topics first, and finally got to the point when she felt the time was right.

She said with a serious expression: "Xu, there is something I want to tell you..."

Xu Zhijian interrupted directly: "I want to say that you found the mirror again and took it home."

Kelly was stunned and frowned slightly, wondering how he knew.

The mirror was just brought home last night, and it has never been mentioned before.

She couldn't help but ask: "Yes, but how did you know?!"

Xu Zhijian smiled: "It's very simple, because I understand your personality and the heartache buried in your heart."

In the movie, Kelly did a common horror movie protagonist's dementia move.

That is, she got the ghost mirror back.

But she did this to a large extent for Tim.

Because she wanted to wash away the rumor that her brother killed his father and restore the truth.

A child killed his own father. This kind of thing is against the will of heaven no matter at home or abroad.

It would be strange if people didn't point fingers at her behind her back.

She didn't want her brother to live his life with the crime, and didn't want people to think that her family was so twisted and terrifying.

This shows how much she loves this brother.

In addition, she really wants to uncover the truth about the ghost mirror.

Faced with a mirror that can control people's minds and has ghosts, how many people can resist curiosity?

Others don't know, anyway, she can't help it.

Kelly smiled: "You are right, so I really need your help."

Xu Zhijian nodded directly: "No problem, of course I will help."

At this point, it was too late to stop it.

What else can I do if I don't agree.

And she smiled even more brightly, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because according to my understanding of Xu, so many years of treatment have made him really "mentally ill".

I will no longer believe in ghosts.

It will only make me throw away the mirror quickly and stop doing such stupid things.


In fact, I recommend you to take a look at these copies, don't watch the original film, just read the explanation.

This will help you understand and bring it in better.

It can also better discuss and study together.

Thanks to JINGUANHAO, Naheli, Shushu Sanjingdi, Qingfeng D Hanghaosi for the reward! !

I am really happy~~full of motivation.

There is also a 2 book coins of Yixi Guren, my goodness, where did this come from?

Thanks to Ruo Shi Guang Hui Shuo, book friend 23414, Naihe Li, and JINGUANHAO for their monthly tickets.

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