People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 30 Survival Day 030: Les Ancient Mirror

Kelly raised her glass happily: "I really saw the right person, thank you for your understanding."

"Ha, because you are a good sister."

Xu Zhijian drank a drink with her and said seriously: "But I have a condition, you must agree."

She was a little curious: "Conditions? What kind of conditions?"

He replied: "It's very simple. It means you must listen to should I say, command."

"You and I both know the horror of that mirror and have experienced horrific experiences that we never want to experience again."

"So I don't want you to act just according to your own ideas. That would be very dangerous and won't succeed."

"As long as you listen to my arrangements, I can definitely solve that mirror, okay?"

Kelly listened carefully, the doubts in her eyes getting stronger.


Why do you feel that this Xu has become so different?

First, he unexpectedly supported his plan, and now he said these things that he would never say at all.

The most important thing is to be full of confidence and seem to be sure of victory.

This is not like his character and style.

Has he really changed, or has he become mentally ill after treatment? ?

Xu Zhijian could see what she was thinking, but he didn't intend to explain.

Because the more you explain, the more loopholes you see.

He reminded: "How about it, agree to my conditions?"

Kelly came back to her senses and asked, "Xu, what exactly happened to you in the hospital that caused such a big change all of a sudden?"

He explained seriously: "That's because we are facing evil spirits, not playing house."

"I don't allow any accidents to happen to you and me, so I have to be careful."

"While I was in the hospital, I actually spent every day studying how to completely destroy the mirror."

"Apparently, I finally thought of a good idea."

Kelly's eyes lit up: "Really? What can I do?!"

Xu Zhijian shook his head: "I can't say now. You haven't answered the question just now. Do you agree or not?"

She thought seriously for a while, then nodded: "Okay, I agree to your terms."

Although I don't understand what he is doing, it is my brother's fault.

Still trustworthy.

It's all to solve the mystery of the ghost mirror. There's no need to be too serious about who listens to whom.

Xu Zhijian raised his glass: "Thank you. I hope I will keep my word, otherwise don't blame me for disowning you as my sister."

"You kid..."

Kelly smiled silently, feeling a little relieved at the same time.

Xu Zhijian also breathed a sigh of relief.

Because in the movie, she is actually a bit paranoid and strong.

In order to solve the ghost mirror, he would rather put himself in danger.

At first, Tim had an argument with her when trying to persuade her, and then he got a big fight.

So it's so easy to do it so easily.

Otherwise, it will do no one any good to argue.

After all, it was impossible for Xu Zhijian to hand over control or retreat.

This is a matter of life and death.

If the opponent can be obedient and cooperative, he will be a good teammate like Quinn.

Everyone is happy, and everyone works together to break the situation.

If the oil and salt are not coming in, and he follows his own ideas to commit suicide or delay, then he will give up directly.

I would rather have 1 exchange point and will never get involved again.

After lunch, Kelly drove him back home.

A large house located in an upscale neighborhood.

In order to solve the problem, I temporarily stayed at her house for a week.

Just right.

Opening the door and walking into the room, Xu Zhijian followed her directly to the study room where the mirror was placed.

About fifteen or six square meters.

There is a table on the left and right sides, with an Apple desktop computer and a laptop on each side.

On both sides of the table, there are two video recorders.

On the roof, a triangular sharp anchor is suspended from a pulley mechanism.

On the white wall directly in front, there is a mirror over one meter high.

The mirror surface was stained with indelible dirt, and the outer frame was made of black wooden carvings, and it was hard to tell what shape it was.

This is the legendary "Lais Ancient Mirror"!

Xu Zhijian looked at it silently, recalling the information he knew in his mind.

Its origin is a mystery and unknown.

It can be traced back to London in 1754.

The 17th Earl of Leicester: Philip Rice, got it because of coincidence.

Then hung it over the fireplace.

But in 1755, he was found mysteriously burned to death in the fireplace.

After the funeral was held and the property was divided, a housekeeper claimed to have seen his reflection in the mirror.

The matter attracted the attention of the Holy See and an investigation was ordered.

The outcome is unknown, but the mirror has since been named the Lais Mirror.

It was put up for public auction in 1758 and bought by an American railroad tycoon.

Then, this person became the second deceased.

He was originally a fat man, weighing nearly 300 pounds.

But after taking the mirror home, I was losing weight visibly every week.

He died suddenly and suddenly within two months. The cause of death is unknown.

Later, due to an accident in which his property sank to the bottom of the sea, the mirror has been missing ever since.

Until the beginning of the new century, when it suddenly appeared in New England.

It was purchased by the third deceased in 1904, took it home and hung it in the bathroom.

Two weeks later, the woman's niece found her dead in the bathtub.

After an autopsy, it was found that she died of dehydration? !

A normal person was taking a bath in the water, but ended up dying of thirst.

Unbelievable, extremely weird.

In 1943, the fourth victim pushed his child into a well and drowned.

She herself suffered comminuted fractures to both legs, six broken ribs, and a cracked skull.

After investigation, it was found that she did it herself with a hammer.

Case after case, each one more bizarre and bizarre than the last.

In the end, 45 cases were recorded.

Adding in the unrecorded and lost ones, there are even more.

At this time, Kelly interrupted his memories: "Now, let me explain to you my plan and preparations."


Xu Zhijian came back to his senses and nodded.

In fact, he knew very well what Kelly had done, but he couldn't say it directly to avoid causing more problems.

I had just come out of the hospital, but it turned out that I knew everything, something was obviously wrong.

Kelly will definitely get to the bottom of it.

Also see if it's different from the movie so you can make corrections.

Kelly began to explain with a hint of pride: "First, I put three video recorders in the house."

"Each one has an independent circuit, works 24 hours a day, and records all situations."

"In addition to mobile phones, I also prepared two landlines."

"There are also four alarm clocks. The first one reminds me to change the tape of the video recorder every 45 minutes."

"Second, remind us to eat every hour."

"Third, remind me to go to the bathroom every two hours."

"The fourth one is to remind you to contact outsiders every two and a half hours."

"A thermostat is also installed in the house to record indoor temperature changes at any time. If it exceeds 5 degrees, an alarm will be triggered."

When she said this, she stopped temporarily, walked to the corner and lifted a piece of white cloth.

I saw a small cart below, filled with all kinds of food and water.

Thanks to the 100 book coins rewarded by Zeju!

Thanks to Nai Heli, Are You Sweet, Tianlong Taoist, Gou Bi, Deep Otaku, Book Friends 0633, and Book Friends 8673 for your monthly votes.

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