People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 293 Survival Day 293: If you are a man, hold on for an hour

Three minutes later.

A black man with short hair, wearing a black suit and a tall body walked quickly.

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but smile when he saw this. It was indeed him, another old acquaintance.

This person is the hotel manager.

He is also well-known in the world: Majia Falk Man, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Old Nige was obviously taken aback when he came over.

Because he had already investigated Mike in advance and knew what the other person looked like.

So what's going on with this Asian guy?

Is it a coincidence that they have the same name and surname?

But out of professionalism, he still reached out and said: "Hello sir, please forgive me, you are not Mike."

Xu Zhijian shook hands with him: "YES, my name is Xu, and I am Mr. Mike Enslin's assistant."

"Whether he has something to come for the time being, I'll come in advance to check on the situation in room 1408."

There was a look of realization on Lao Hei's face, but he still felt a little strange in his heart.

How can a down-and-out third-rate writer be able to afford an assistant?

Also magical.

He smiled and said: "I am the hotel manager Olin. Welcome. Can you come to my office and have a chat?"

"Of course."

"Okay, please come this way."

Come to the spacious and luxurious office.

Olin got straight to the point: "Mr. Xu, does Mr. Mike insist on staying in room 1408?"

Xu Zhijian nodded: "Yes, I think so."

Olin smiled: "I'm going to upgrade you to the presidential suite for free and give you tickets to the basketball game."

"There are other reasonable requests, and we will do our best to accommodate them as long as they are brought forward."

"As long as you don't live in 1408, how about it? With such a good condition, I think you need to persuade him."

Xu Zhijian said noncommittally: "It's really good, but Mike will definitely not change his mind."

"He has a very stubborn character and will not change easily as long as he is determined about something."

"And for the content of the new book, we had to live in it to find material and inspiration."

Orin looked at him silently for a moment, then opened the cabinet behind him and took out a bottle of red wine.

When Xu Zhijian saw this, he remembered that the name of this wine was very interesting.

What is the name of the 57th death?

According to some conspiracy theories, there is something very wrong with this bottle of wine.

You can tell from the name.

The reason why Mike saw all kinds of horrible things was because he drank.

And Orin.

On the surface, they have been trying their best to prevent Mike from moving in.

But based on some performances in the movie, especially the smile at the end when watching the relic.

It’s very much like it’s actually being guided on purpose!

Because he had investigated Mike and knew the style and character of this third-rate writer.

So I set up a trap and waited to get in.

In this way, the haunted house 1408 was solved.

Olin put the wine on the table: "Lascaux whiskey produced in 1939, absolutely the best."

"My personal collection is now given to you for free."

"I only have one request, don't stay in 1408, okay?"

Xu Zhijian chuckled: "Thank you for the gift. It's very sincere, but my purpose will not change."


People are numb.

After a moment of silence, he said seriously: "No one has ever been able to survive an hour in that room!"

"I have witnessed 4 deaths with my own eyes, and there have been more than 52 deaths that I have not seen!"

"44 suicides and 22 natural deaths."

"And all of this happened within 95 years of the establishment of the Dolphin Hotel, do you understand?"

Pause for a moment here.

Xu Zhijian nodded and raised his hand to continue talking.

Although I can’t remember the exact number in the movie, it should be similar.

Orin continued: "To be honest and selfish, I actually don't care about your life or death at all."

"It's for the sake of the hotel's reputation and my career in particular."

"I studied hotel management, not forensic medicine. I don't want to clean up the mess after your death."

"Isn't it just to write a book? There is really no need to use your own life as a bargaining chip."

"I can give you all the secret information, copy it as you like, and write it all into a book."

"As long as you don't go to 1408, for your own life, okay??"

"Believe me, I am absolutely not exaggerating or lying!"

These words are so profound that most people will definitely think about them and reconsider them after hearing them.

Xu Zhijian also said seriously: "Let me tell the truth. In fact, I 100% believe what you said."

Orin was stunned when he heard this, and became even more confused and puzzled.

Since you know it's a dangerous place and still insist on going in, is this...? ?

He continued to explain: "I have already investigated, and those bizarre deaths and horrific phenomena are all true."

"It can be said that I believe 1408 is a haunted house more than you do."

Orin couldn't help but interrupt and asked: "Then why do you still go in??"

He waved his hand to signal to take it easy: "If you think carefully about the other question first, you will get the answer naturally."

"Since Mike has to conduct field trips every time he writes a book, why hasn't he been in danger for so many years?"

"The existence of 1408 proves that evil spirits really exist in this world."

"But he couldn't meet him, and he didn't die because of it. What's the reason?"

Orin's brows wrinkled visibly when he heard this.

It's really strange when you think about it.

Just as the other party said, since there is a haunted house 1408, it means that there are evil spirits in the world.

Then it can't be a coincidence.

But Mike has been safe and sound for so many years. Is it because of good luck?

Or is it a deliberate fraud?

On the surface, it is a field investigation, but it is just a formality?

The most important thing is still that question.

Even if you are lucky and have never encountered a place with ghosts, this time is different.

Why do you still insist on going in when you know the truth? !

After thinking for a moment, Olin shook his head: "I don't understand, please tell me directly."

Xu Zhijian smiled mysteriously: "The truth is very simple, in fact, it all depends on me."

Olin: "You? Sorry, I still don't understand what you mean."

He explained: "In a word: I am a person who specializes in investigating and solving evil spirits. You can call me a medium or an exorcist."

"You can also be called the exorcist priest of the Vatican. You can call me whatever you want. Do you understand?"

Olin showed a black question mark expression.

As if to say that there is such an operation, are you kidding me?

Just as he was about to ask, Xu Zhijian said first: "You may not believe it now, but you will believe it in the end."

"Every time Mike chooses a place, I will be the first to investigate and solve the so-called ghost."

"This time is the same. I will come to deal with the situation of 1408 first, and then he will move in."

"We have encountered many horrible things that you can't imagine, but I easily dealt with them all."

Olin listened silently, as if thinking, as if puzzled.

I originally thought that psychics and exorcists were too nonsense.

But then I thought that since there was room 1408 and there were ghosts, it was normal to have God and exorcism.

But I still felt it was very abrupt. Could it be a lie to move in?

Xu Zhijian saw his doubts.

So he took out his mobile phone, opened the album, randomly selected a video to play and turned the screen over.

Olin looked carefully for a moment, and his pupils trembled, and he was extremely shocked.

Because what he saw was the scene shot in the copy of "Midnight Ring", Sadako crawled out of the TV.

Xu Zhijian stood beside a well, watching the whole process leisurely.

After watching it, he stared at Xu Zhijian in shock and disbelief.

Then he came to his senses with a start: "OMG! This... I can't believe my eyes."

Xu Zhijian smiled pretentiously: "This is what happened last month. We went to a hotel called Sanctuary Villa."

"I also solved the evil spirit hiding there. It was this girl who came out of the TV."

"How about it, do you believe it now?"

Olin was speechless and didn't know what to say for a while.

He couldn't believe it, but he had to believe it.

Because he couldn't tell whether it was real or special effects.


But it was too realistic, without any trace of movie special effects.

Seeing this, Xu Zhijian said coldly: "I have said everything I should say, and I have shown you everything I should show you."

"I hope you can give me the key. After tonight, 1408 will become a normal room."

"In addition, there are some things I don't want to say too clearly. You actually hope that Mike can move in, don't you?"

Olin couldn't help but shudder and came back to his senses after hearing this.

There was a trace of panic and uneasiness in his eyes, just like a child lying and being caught by an adult.

Thank you for the generous gift!

He... Why did he know my true thoughts? !

Xu Zhijian added fuel to the fire: "So don't pretend, can't we cooperate happily?"

The office fell silent.

About five minutes later, Olin finally figured out the interests.

He opened the drawer and took out a bunch of keys: "OK, you are right, I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation, let's go."

Xu Zhijian smiled slightly: "Oh, of course, by the way, lend me those materials."

"No problem."

Olin opened the drawer on the other side and took out a thick book wrapped in brown paper and handed it to him.

He took it, put it in his bag, stood up and left the office, and took the elevator to the 14th floor.

Most people abroad are taboo about the number 13.

So usually skip it, and the 12th floor is the 14th floor.


The elevator door opened, Xu Zhijian walked out, and Olin did not follow.

He said with a serious expression: "I can only take you here, I hope to see you out safely soon."

"Well, prepare the gift and wait."

Xu Zhijian replied and turned to walk into the corridor, leaving a chic back.

Soon arrived at the legendary No. 1408.

The door of the room is ordinary, no different from other rooms.


Take out the key and insert it into the door lock to open it.

A unique smell of the hotel came towards him.

Xu Zhijian walked in, closed the door, and turned on all the lights to check the room as soon as possible.

The area is still very large, it feels at least about 100 square meters.

The decoration style is still maintained in the 1980s and 1990s, with an overall beige color.

In addition to various furniture, there are only two special items.

1: There is an old radio on the bedside table.

2: There are three murals.

One is a painting of the ocean, with a sailboat sailing against the wind.

One is a painting of five people, an old lady, and three children, surrounding her and listening to stories.

In the corner, there is a woman whose face cannot be seen clearly.

The last painting was of nobles riding horses and hunting.

It looked very ordinary, but the ocean painting in the movie "came alive" in the illusion.

Mike almost drowned.

After a turn, it should be similar to the movie.

Then he walked to the window and looked down. The street was still the same street.

There were still a lot of cars.

But this was only temporary, and it would soon become another scene.

Xu Zhijian sat on the sofa, took a special look at the radio, and then began to check Mike's backpack.

Apart from some sundries, there were four important things.

A tape recorder, a fluorescence detector, a laptop, and a Bible.

These things were just right for recording what he saw and heard, and checking whether there was blood in the room.

One could write a draft at any time when he had inspiration.

Putting the things on the table, Xu Zhijian opened the information given by Olin and read it carefully.

Currently, only 44 cases have been reported on the market, and the remaining 22 have been sealed and are top secret.

Turn to the first page.

The first victim was a sewing machine salesman who committed suicide by slitting his throat.


He was one of the first customers in the first week of the hotel's opening.

Before bleeding to death, he even tried to sew up the wound on his body with a sewing needle.

The second victim was a factory owner who committed suicide by jumping from the hotel window.


After investigation, he had a happy life before his death.

The day before he checked into Room 1408, he discussed with his wife that he would go to Hawaii for vacation after completing the order.

The third victim was a dentist who suffered from manic depression.

He committed suicide by slitting his wrists.


The fourth victim was a dancer who cut off her hands and died.

No one knows how she did this, and it is completely inexplicable.


The fourth victim was a third-rate female star who committed suicide by hanging herself.

She was not world-weary before her death and was filming a movie.


The fifth victim was an ordinary office worker who committed suicide by jumping off a building.

She owed $5,000 in debt before her death.

Time 1938.

The sixth person was also a little actress, Elizabeth, nicknamed Black Dahlia.

The main cause of death was beheading.

The autopsy report pointed out that she had suffered various tortures before her death.

For example, her skull was sunken and her mouth was cut open by a knife, like a slit-mouthed woman.

There was also residual feces in her stomach.

But no trace of the second person was found at the scene, and the death was the most bizarre and terrifying.

Time 1947.

The last person recorded was a cleaner in the hotel.

Three years ago, she was accidentally locked in the bathroom while cleaning.

Although it was only a dozen minutes, after being rescued, her eyes were strangely blind.

Because her eyeballs were dug out with scissors!

And she kept laughing until she couldn't breathe and laughed to death.

All these deaths have one thing in common: the deceased did not last more than an hour!


While flipping through the pages, a woman’s singing voice with electromagnetic sound suddenly rang out of nowhere!

It caught people off guard.

It was the old-fashioned radio on the bedside table.

It was not turned on and not powered, but it suddenly made a sound, which was quite wrong.

However, Xu Zhijian was very calm about it, as if everything was under control.

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