People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 294: Survival Day 294: Kill the heart first

I took a special look at it when I was reading a book just now, because I knew that the radio would suddenly start at irregular intervals.

It was indeed so.

And the clock on it also started to count down.

59:59 seconds.

If entering the room is a warm-up, then the battle has really begun now.

According to the movie setting, time will repeat infinitely in this hour.

Mike initially thought he could escape after enduring it, but found that everything started from the beginning again.

Various horrible things kept rotating, torturing his will.

No one can resist it.

This is why no one can survive an hour, because 1≠1.

It is infinite.

As for the way to escape, there is one: check-out service.

That is, suicide!

So although the 56 dead died in different ways, they all committed suicide.

Xu Zhijian put the information aside and looked at his watch.

It turned out to be a countdown of 59:59.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at it again, and it was the same.

It seems that they were all affected.

But I checked it before coming in, and the real time is now 19:45.

OK, let's get started!

Try to solve it before midnight.

He habitually turned on the video and started recording, on the one hand to keep a souvenir, on the other hand to give it to Mike as material.

"But what should I do?"

Xu Zhijian crossed his legs and thought about the countermeasures seriously, but he couldn't think of a good idea.

Speaking of which, he actually likes this kind of horror movie with a closed room.

Because the scope is small and there are few accidents, it is easy to deal with.

And this room should be the same as "Silent Hill", the main body is an evil spirit.

It will not show up to kill people, but will create waves of true and false illusions to make people collapse.

It is invisible and intangible, and it is not easy to start.

Xu Zhijian recalled what he had seen, and soon thought of "1408 Phantom Murder Room" actually has four endings.

It is rare for a movie to have so many plots.

Some are theater versions, and some are DVD versions, which are randomly played.

The first ending: Mike set fire and died with the room.

This is also the most well-known version.

The second one: Mike did not die in the fire, but was fortunately rescued by firefighters.

But he was crippled in one leg.

Then he reconciled with his ex-wife and continued to write novels.

Later, when he moved, he found the tape recorder that he had brought into 1408.

So he couldn't help but play it, and there was a conversation between him and his dead daughter.

His wife was shocked when she heard it.

But Mike looked at her and showed a weird smile.

The third one was not much different from the second version, the only difference was that Mike did not play the tape recorder.

Choose to hide the matter.

The fourth one: Mike set the fire and died with 1408.

But after his death, the publishing house he often cooperated with strangely received a new manuscript he wrote.

The title of the book is "1408 Murder Room"


These four endings, whether good or bad, whether the protagonist lives or dies, all show a problem.

That is, the haunted house was not destroyed in the end!

In other words, burning it with fire does not work.

After thinking for a while, Xu Zhijian walked to the window and looked down. The street was still the same street.

But there were no vehicles or pedestrians at this time.

And it was extremely quiet, as if in a vacuum.

Obviously, after entering the other dimension created by the haunted house, everything was no longer real.

He opened the window and threw the ashtray down to test it.

A strange scene appeared.

When the object fell to about the sixth or seventh floor, a burst of sparks came out directly, and then disappeared in an instant.

It did not fall to the ground, and there was no damage.

It disappeared completely and completely, as if it was sucked into an invisible hole.

This further proves that the current space problem is not reality.


Then he walked to the door again and kicked it twice with all his strength.

However, the wooden door was as solid as metal at this time, and it was not damaged at all.

Don't think about breaking the situation with physics.

Looking out through the cat's eye again, I saw a wall blocking the outside!


This is much faster than in the movie, and there is not even a chance to escape.


Xu Zhijian looked around the room, and suddenly raised his gun and fired two shots at the wall.

However, only bullet holes appeared, and nothing like what he imagined, such as blood, appeared.

This shows one thing.

True injuries can cause damage to any form of evil spirits, since nothing else happened.

That means that the room itself is not a ghost!

In fact, there is something hidden in the unknown area? !

Good, good, as long as there is a breakthrough point!

Xu Zhijian smiled confidently, and then suddenly remembered something, and returned to the window to look at the opposite floor again.

The lights in the other rooms were all turned off, and it was pitch black.

Only the one opposite was still lit.

You can clearly see a figure sitting on the sofa, motionless, and I don’t know what he is doing.

Xu Zhijian tried to wave his hand.

In the movie, Mike also asked for help from the opposite side, but found that the other party was actually doing the same action? ?

Exactly the same, and synchronized, like looking in the mirror.

He picked up the desk lamp in front of him in confusion, wanting to see what was going on.

The other party naturally did the same.

Then, I saw that the person was actually me? !

But now the other party did not imitate Xu Zhijian's movements, and still sat there silently.

I don't know what he is doing.

He waved his hand again tentatively, but there was still no response.

Just when he was thinking about what trick he wanted to play, the figure finally stood up suddenly!

I saw a slender object in his left hand, which looked like a knife?

Then, he raised it and stabbed it into the air suddenly.

At the same time, Xu Zhijian saw a strange black shadow behind him from the reflection of the window.

He was stabbing at himself with a knife!

He subconsciously dodged sideways and found that no one appeared behind him.

The scene just now seemed to be an illusion? ? ?

Looking at the opposite side of the window again, the lights were off at this time, and the figure just now could no longer be seen.

It seemed that nothing had ever happened.


Xu Zhijian couldn't help but sneer, thinking that this trick was pretty good.

It was better than in the movie.

I glanced at the time, and it was less than five minutes.


At this time, the turned-off TV suddenly lit up the screen automatically.

First there was a burst of snow, and then some strange pictures appeared.

It was like a slide show, a documentary, showing a man's experience from childhood to adulthood.

And all of them were miserable experiences.

When I was in junior high school, I was robbed and bullied by hooligans outside the school.

When I was in high school, I fell in love with a girl in the same class, but my passion was just self-touching and dog-licking.

I became a laughing stock of others.

After graduating from high school, I didn't get into a good school, so I used the pocket money I had saved for several years to travel and relax.

As a result, I arrived at a certain place and was almost cheated of money and trust, and was fooled into a pyramid scheme.

Fortunately, I noticed it in time and escaped.

When I went to college, I bought a new mobile phone and hadn't used it for a few days, but it broke because of a conflict with someone.

The other party was a relative of the school director, and I asked for compensation to no avail.

Graduation means unemployment, I can't find a job, and I dare not go home to face my mother.

I can only wander the streets every day, pretending to go out to work.

Just like a clean beggar.

And so on.

All of them are sad and miserable experiences that people don't want to remember.

And the protagonist is Xu Zhijian himself!

This is one of the abilities of the haunted house, showing the past that people don't want to face or remember one by one.

A little bit of impact on the soul.

Most people will have a psychological breakdown or despair after experiencing horror hallucinations.

Whether it was the 56 dead people or Mike before, they all fell at this step.

Xu Zhijian watched with interest, and his memories were inevitably seduced out little by little.

Tsk, it's really time and place.

Feelings are feelings, but I don't feel depressed or uncomfortable because of it.

It's very simple, no matter how unbearable the experience is, it is already in the past.

In life, we must learn to accept and comfort ourselves and let go.

The past is over, why think so much.

Live happily, don't worry, don't waste your energy, isn't it good?

The most important thing is that they are already dead and have traveled through time, what could be more outrageous than this.

So this method is directly ineffective.

Not only that, he also picked up the snacks on the table and ate while watching.

He watched it as if it were a TV series.

Soon, a new picture appeared. It was the plot of him lying in the hospital in reality.

This time he finally felt a little surprised.

Good guy, even such a thing can be detected and displayed? ?

It’s OK, it seems that the haunted house is more awesome than expected.

Xu Zhijian continued to stare.

I haven’t returned to reality for a long time, just in time to see what the situation is.

I saw myself lying on the screen, and my body suddenly twitched violently.

Various instruments also began to alarm frantically.

Two doctors and several nurses pushed the door and rushed in, and began to check nervously.

"All the data are wrong, what should I do, doctor?!"

"The heart rate is getting lower and lower, it’s almost dead!"

"Give me an injection of adrenaline first!"

The medical staff treated him in a hurry, but in the end they were powerless and useless.


He suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, which splashed everywhere, and then his heartbeat just returned to zero.

Then he tilted his head and turned to the camera.

Now he could see clearly that there were no eyeballs in his eyes! There were only two dark holes.

It seemed that maggots could still be seen wriggling inside.

This was definitely not a phenomenon that only occurred when he had just died, but he had been dead for at least a while!

However, if he had already died, it was impossible for his appearance and heartbeat to be normal just now.

The picture froze at this frame.

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but frown, his face was a little gloomy, and after a moment he spread his hands, that's it? ? ?

I thought I could show some exciting content.

This false death prophecy can't trigger the fear in my heart at all.

How to do things, bad review.

He stuffed the remaining snacks into his mouth, and then continued to wait for new pictures to appear.

But the haunted house should also understand that this method is ineffective, and directly turned off the TV screen again.

The first heart-breaking contest is temporarily over.

He looked at the time, and it was only 15 minutes.

He felt that it was a little slow, maybe it was intentional by the haunted house.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly felt a little stuffy.

And the feeling of his body was getting hotter and hotter, and soon he was sweating all over his body.

It was like standing in the sun in the dog days of summer.


He took two deep breaths, gulped down a bottle of mineral water, and then took off his shirt and exposed his chest.

He wiped the sweat off his face while checking the air conditioner controller.

The temperature was 111 degrees Fahrenheit! That is about 44 degrees Celsius.

That was not all, the temperature was rising rapidly.






Xu Zhijian was so hot that he had difficulty breathing. He felt dizzy and his skin was almost cooked.

He was red all over, like a boiled egg.

He endured the pain and ran to the bathroom to turn on the cold water. He was about to take a shower, but he instinctively stopped.

He stretched out his hand to test it.


The scalding water fell on his fingers, and he immediately retracted it in pain.

Damn it!

Fortunately, he was not reckless just now.

He lay directly on the ground, panting and fanning himself.

He knew very well that this was an illusion.

He was thirsty, hot, had a headache, and felt chest tightness.

He gritted his teeth and persisted as if he had entered a frying pan.

Anyway, all the feelings were fake, so it was okay if it was uncomfortable, as long as he could get through it.

He kept comforting himself, adjusting his emotions, and trying to enter a state of selflessness.

It was fake, all fake.

The discomfort was just a psychological suggestion, and the body was not actually hurt.

He persisted in resisting like this, and slowly, the burning sensation really began to decrease.

Thanks to the bonus of mental resistance, it took effect so quickly.

After a while, Xu Zhijian sat up and opened his eyes, without a painful expression.

The furnace-like temperature completely disappeared, and reality returned to normal.

The second round of fighting continued to win.

He turned on the water to wash his face and walked out of the bathroom. He glanced at the radio and another five minutes had passed.

However, after just a few seconds of comfort, he suddenly keenly noticed that something was wrong with the air.

After taking two deep breaths, why did I feel that I had less oxygen the more I took?

I felt more and more suffocated!


He couldn't help but curse. Obviously, the third attack followed closely.

Was this an illusion of lack of oxygen?

In just a few seconds, he felt that he couldn't breathe, and his brain consciousness quickly disappeared.


He fell down uncontrollably, his muscles began to spasm, and his heartbeat slowed down rhythmically.

His face began to turn purple, his lips were cyanotic, and his pupils slowly expanded.


Xu Zhijian felt that he was almost unconscious due to the pain, but he still tried to imply that this was all an illusion.

Fortunately, he was lucky this time.


Not long after suffocating, the rebound position took effect, easily shattering this illusion.

"Hu... Hu..."

He stood up cursing, thinking that this is what suffocation feels like.

It's really painful.

I've experienced it.

He looked around hastily, and it seemed that there was no problem with the layout or structure.

This further proved that the room was just a carrier!

Otherwise, if it was hit by the rebound position, there would definitely be a corresponding effect.


I don’t know what the real culprit behind the scenes is, and what will happen after being hit.

He took out two bottles of mineral water and drank a few sips, waited patiently for a while, and did not encounter any new illusions.

Very good, it seems that the guy has been hurt a lot, and he can’t use his power again for a while?

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