People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 295 Survival Day 295: Black Dahlia

Taking advantage of the brief peace, Xu Zhijian continued to check the room, trying to find some clues.

He first turned off all the lights, then turned on the ultraviolet lamp Mike carried to look around.

This thing can show the blood stains that have been wiped, and can tell where there were corpses.

The principle is the same as the luminol reaction.


Large areas of fluorescent liquid were found under the bed, in corners, on window sills, in bathtubs and other places.

These are all left behind by the deceased before.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly fired two shots at the traced area.

Everything in the haunted house may contain clues that were not noticed, such as the blood.

No matter how you say it, a person who died in vain must be full of resentment and hatred.

What if they were the evil ghosts they turned into?

So fire two shots and try. If there is a reaction, that would be the best. If not, you will be careful.

Just like this, I played different positions, and there were no accidents for a while.

It seems that this possibility can be ruled out?

He sat on the sofa and rested for a while, and then saw the lights in the darkened room opposite suddenly turned on again.

Something new? !

Immediately go to the window and look carefully.

I saw a figure raising his hands and waving them, obviously asking for help.

This is interesting.

There is a normal house opposite and will not be disturbed by the haunted house. What can I ask for help? ?

After a few seconds, the figure directly grabbed the lamp on the table, turned it on, and placed it next to his face.

Now you can clearly see what it looks like.

I saw that it was actually Mike? !

Immediately afterwards, a black figure suddenly appeared behind him, brandishing a knife and stabbing him directly in the neck!

He screamed in pain and fell, breaking the lamp, plunging the room into darkness again.

Can't see what happens next.

Xu Zhijian witnessed this real scene, and his emotions did not fluctuate.

Because I knew that it could never be Mike, it was just an illusion.

But it was a bit unexpected.

The scene just now was clearly the scene Mike saw in the movie, but now it was reverse-projected to the opposite side.


He subconsciously turned around, but at the same moment, a figure appeared out of thin air and rushed over!


The incident happened so suddenly and so quickly that I didn't expect it at all.

However, human beings' extreme neurological reactions are not easy to do, and they will jump away immediately and instinctively.

Shoot at the same time.

The bullet hit the shadow, but he did not die from it.

Because what appears is not a real person, but a virtual image similar to holographic projection.

Very magical.

This is a bald, middle-aged man wearing a white shirt, black overalls.

The other party walked directly to the window sill, looked at him specifically, and then jumped down!

Fortunately, he had read the information before, so Xu Zhijian directly recognized the other party's identity.

It was the factory owner who died in 1914.

Then, another woman appeared.

Wearing a red and white plaid top and a green skirt, he also committed suicide by jumping off a building.

This is the deceased in 1923.

The third one followed soon after.

There was also a woman, lying on the bed with a frightened face, and then slit her own throat with a fruit knife.

Blood splattered everywhere.

Xu Zhijian did not feel panic at all, but seized the opportunity and rushed over, trying to catch them.

Unfortunately, hope was dashed.

The hands passed directly through those people's bodies, as if they were grabbing the air.


the fourth.

the fifth.


Etc., etc.

The visions and manner of death of the once deceased are shown one by one.

Especially a naked female corpse lying in the corner, cut off from the waist at the navel.

This one looks very familiar, it is the famous black dahlia.

At 10 a.m. on January 15, 1947, a housewife named Short took her daughter to the shoemaker to pick up shoes for repair.

When they passed by a lush grassy area in the neighborhood, they saw a broken plaster cast of a human body inside.

When she got closer, she was shocked to find that it was not a model, but a dismembered female corpse!

The housewife immediately took her daughter and ran to the nearest neighborhood to call the police.

The "Black Dahlia Murder Case" that shocked the world began.

The case remained unsolved until the beginning of the 21st century, and it has become a famous unsolved case in American history.

After investigation, it was found that the deceased, Elizabeth Ann Short, was a low-level actress.

Known as the "Black Dahlia".

The manner of her death was extremely gruesome, painful, and cruel.

Most of the red nails have fallen off, some have been pulled out, and there are scars on the wrists from being tied up.

A severe blow to the head, causing the skull to cave in or excessive blood loss from the face.

He suffered an inverted fracture of his head, multiple bruises on his face, and his mouth was cut from the corner of his mouth to both sides with jagged wounds.

The mandible and biting muscles were severed, and the wounds reached to her earlobes, leaving her face with a weird smile.

The mouth was severely decayed and filled with wax that may have been used to stop bleeding.

There was no semi-digested food in the stomach, but some of the residue showed that he had been forced to swallow stool.

There was a wound in the lower abdomen similar to a sub-GONG removal surgery, and the sub-GONG was removed.

The worst thing is that the body was cut into two parts from the navel, and the cuts were made while still alive.

According to the forensic judgment, she had been tortured for 20 to 40 hours before her death.

The murder weapons include short knives, sticks, blunt instruments, axes, saws, etc.

Just reading the text description makes people feel creepy and phantom pain.

Xu Zhijian used to like listening to unsolved cases around the world for a while, so he knew this case very well.

Unexpectedly, she had also stayed here!

Then this place is the first scene.

According to the factor of the haunted house, it is very likely that she committed suicide due to hallucinations.


It is more likely that she was killed by the evil spirit behind the scenes!

Because self-mutilation suicide, either jump off the building, or at most cut off the tongue, dig out the eyes, etc.

It is impossible and cannot be so serious.

Even if other things can be done, it is absolutely impossible to be alive and cut yourself in half.

As the phantoms disappeared, Xu Zhijian suddenly thought of a problem.

So he quickly turned on his mobile phone and notebook, and tried to connect to the network.

The result was not good.

It was as expected.

He sat down with a gloomy face, silently watching the countdown on the radio, waiting for what else he could do.

The next period of time was very stable, and no new situation appeared.

Soon there was only one minute left.

55 seconds.

50 seconds.

45 seconds.

35 seconds.

20 seconds.

10 seconds.

5 seconds.

One hour ended.

When it finally returned to zero, the number suddenly rolled back to 59:59 seconds!

Then the whole room changed.

However, there was no new situation, but it returned to the zero state when it first came in.

For example, the bullet holes on the walls and the ground have disappeared.


Xu Zhijian sneered, thinking that he should be the first customer who can last an hour.


At this time, the landline on the table suddenly rang.

He immediately turned his head to look, then stood up and walked over to decisively take down the microphone to answer it.

A female voice came: "Hello, distinguished guest, have you made your choice?"

He asked knowingly: "What choice?"

"Do you choose to repeat the one-hour experience, or the quick check-out service?"

"How to check out?"

"Please look at the ceiling in the living room."

He looked up and saw a knotted rope appeared at some point.

A rectangular pit also appeared on the ground.

No, it should be more appropriate to say a grave.

These two things are the same as in the movie, that is, the quick check-out suicide package.

As long as you choose death, you can immediately get rid of the terrible reincarnation.

The "service" is quite thoughtful.

He joked: "I say, can't you change something new? How can this arouse my interest?"


The other party didn't expect him to say this, and didn't react for a while.

He continued: "It seems that this is all you can do. Humph, it's really boring, trash!"

The female voice returned to normal: "It seems that you choose to continue to experience the one-hour cycle. I wish you a happy experience."

Xu Zhijian laughed: "You can call me, which means you are anxious, anxious, anxious, right."

"It seems that you are very self-aware and know that your little tricks can't deal with me at all."

"It's even weaker than I thought. It's too rubbish."

The female voice said calmly: "I wish you a happy stay in the future. Goodbye."

After that, she hung up the phone directly.

"Hey... Don't be a coward, look directly at me and kill me!"

Xu Zhijian seized the opportunity to taunt, but unfortunately there was only a busy tone in the receiver.


Put down the phone, return to the sofa, open the information and continue to check.

Since there is no way to go online, I can only try to find the answer that I suddenly thought of just now from here.

In addition to the information of each deceased, there are also many newspaper news at the time.

But after reading it carefully for a few minutes, the lights on the roof suddenly went out, and the vision fell into darkness.

Xu Zhijian knew that this must be another trick of the haunted house, so he stood up and walked to the switch to try it.

Sure enough, it didn't light up.

As long as he took out a flashlight from the equipment warehouse and turned it on, he was suddenly stunned.

Because... I still couldn't see any light with my eyes.

Huh? ? !

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, and deliberately pointed the flashlight at his eyes.

However, it was still pitch black and he couldn't see anything!

After a moment of hesitation, he instantly understood what was going on.


This is not a power outage, but he made himself blind? !

Of course it can't be that he is really blind, or it's an illusion.

He immediately stepped back quickly until his back was close to the wall to minimize the possibility of being attacked.

Then he held the pistol and pricked up his ears to listen carefully.



The room was strangely quiet, and only the heartbeat, breathing, and tinnitus could be heard.

Xu Zhijian patiently waited for the rebound position to take effect while thinking quickly about a solution.

This trick is really good.

Directly blinding the eyes is equivalent to cutting off the most important means of coping.

He tried to be vigilant and sense everything around him, not daring to move his body casually.

Soon, he suddenly heard the conversation between two men.

The sound was loud and quiet.

Man No. 1 said: "Haha, congratulations on our success in tricking him in, cheers."

Man No. 2 said: "Cheers, I didn't expect it to be so smooth."

Man No. 1 said: "He thought he was trying to trick us, but he didn't know that we were the ones who tricked him."

"Medium? Exorcist, hahaha, what a joke."

"Now someone has died for us, you can rest assured."

Man No. 2 said: "You are a genius, as long as he is killed by 1408, we will be safe."

Man No. 1 said: "Of course, for our beautiful future life, cheers."

"Hahaha, cheers, we must have a party today!"

The conversation disappeared here.

Xu Zhijian immediately recognized that the voice of Man No. 2 was Mike, and Man No. 1 was the hotel manager Olin.

The conversation between the two of them contained a lot of information.

That is to say, the trap had been set up long ago, and everything was just a trick.

If it were an ordinary person who was not aware of it, he would definitely be scared and have all kinds of doubts.

For him, it was just like listening to a crosstalk.

It didn't matter whether it was true or false, they would be beaten to death anyway.

He waited patiently for a while, and his vision had not recovered yet, and at the same time, he felt a gust of cool breeze blowing.

Huh? ?

What's going on? !

I felt something that didn't seem like air conditioning, but the window was closed, so there couldn't be any air leaking in.

Could it be opened? ?

Xu Zhijian continued to lean against the wall without moving, but soon he felt something was wrong.

Because in addition to the wind, he heard the long-lost sound of a car horn!

And from the volume of the sound, it can be known that it was not the form heard in the room.

It's more like outdoors!

Xu Zhijian's heart was hanging high. This kind of invisible unknown situation is the most worrying and tormenting.

Facing something that is completely unpredictable, he dared not move at all.

Guessing whether he is still in the house, or is he hallucinating and appearing outdoors?

Or, was he really pushed out by the power of the haunted house, but not on the ground, but in the air? !

Thinking of this, he deliberately stretched out his left foot slowly to test it.

As a result, there was really no floor below!

Hanging in the air, he couldn't touch the entity at all!


Xu Zhijian couldn't help but curse. This time he responded to the conjecture, that is, he was taken out of the room.

But he couldn't escape because of this.

Because it must be at a height of 14 floors, more than 40 meters, any mistake will make you fall into the mud.

At the same time, I remembered what happened to Mike in the movie.

He also climbed out of the window and tried to escape to the next room 1407 along the protruding steps of the building.

As a result, when he was halfway there, he suddenly found that all the windows that were there just now disappeared!

There was only a complete wall left, and the steps under his feet that were only a dozen centimeters wide.

At a height of dozens of meters, the cold wind was howling.

One careless fall into the abyss.


Just thinking about it, Xu Zhijian felt the support point under his feet suddenly collapsed, and his body fell instantly!

It was like dreaming about falling from mid-air, and then his legs suddenly kicked.


His brain buzzed, his heart jumped suddenly, and he instinctively waved his arms to try to grab something to stop.


I'm not going to fall to death like this? !

Bang! !

After falling for a few seconds, his body fell heavily to the ground in panic.

However, apart from feeling great pain, Xu Zhijian did not fall to his death.


He could not help but gasp in pain, and hurriedly tried to stand up while feeling lucky.

However, when he supported his body with his left hand, he suddenly touched something.

Based on the outline, it can be analyzed... It turned out to be a face? !

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