People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 297 Survival Day 297: Slender Ghost

Xu Zhijian laughed.

To be honest, this scene was really impactful to children, no less than the effect of horror movies.

It was definitely a shadow for many people.

But it had no killing power on him now.

I don’t know whether to say that the haunted house was awesome, and could dig out all kinds of fear memories.

Or was it really out of date and couldn’t come up with anything better.

As he thought, he turned on the flashlight and shone it around. The window just now was gone.

And the bandaged man was nowhere to be seen.

No way?

Was it just a formality?

After searching for a while, the sixth sense suddenly sounded the alarm, there was danger!

But he couldn’t see anything around.

But soon he realized the reason, and jumped away immediately like lightning, and turned around to look behind him.

The bandaged man finally appeared, wielding a boning knife and slashing down.

It was just as he guessed.

This guy had been hiding behind him on purpose!

Xu Zhijian easily dodged the attack by turning sideways, and then cut the bandaged man in half with a strong chop.


The figure disappeared, and the woman's head also fell to the ground, and then sank into the floor.

Seeing this, he suddenly remembered the face of the person he touched at the beginning. It should be this head, right? ?


At this time, the lights on the roof all lit up strangely again.

He got ready and continued to set off.

I don't know what shadows will he encounter next, and when will he be able to break through?

Now these look too real, not like hallucinations at all.

In comparison, it is even better than what is shown in the movie.

Later, the male protagonist Mike thought he had successfully escaped from the room, was hospitalized, discharged, and his life was as usual.

No matter the people and things he encountered, the sun, the air, etc., they were all real.

Until he completely believed that he had escaped and restored his faith and hope, the haunted house began to kill his heart.

Let all illusions disappear, and return to the nightmare room 1408 again.

Mike realized that he had never left the room at all, and he was completely desperate.

Xu Zhijian walked while thinking.

After a while, the environment in front finally changed. It was no longer a dim and depressing room.

Instead, it became a forest.

It can finally relieve visual fatigue.

Plants and concrete buildings merged together without obvious dividing lines.

It was like a seamless map.

The trees were tall and grayish black, not the common green.

It looked like a burnt effect.

He looked up at the sky. There was no sun or moon.

But there was a dim light similar to that at six or seven in the afternoon. I wonder if there was a hidden light?

After walking a few steps cautiously, he stopped and looked back suddenly.

Nothing happened.

He walked for a while and looked back again.

Still nothing.

But he was very sensitive and felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell where it was.

He walked and stopped twice, and finally found a place that seemed to be wrong!

But he didn't say anything, pretending not to know and continued walking.

He needed to confirm it again.

When he looked back again, he deliberately glanced at the tree next to him, and then confirmed it decisively.

Haha, it's true!

There was a slanting scar on the trunk of the tree, which was very obvious.

The reason why I felt something was wrong was that no matter how I moved forward, I could see this tree!

This proved two possibilities.

1: This space has been circulating, and no matter how I walked, I was in the same position.

2: This tree was moving quietly and following!

Taking all factors into consideration, the second one was the most likely.

So he raised his gun and shot decisively.

At the same time, the tree suddenly moved wildly.

The branches grew downward one after another.

It looked like a spider with bared fangs and claws, or a giant octopus.

And in the middle of the tree, there was a white sphere similar to an oval.

Take a closer look, it was not a ball at all, but a face without facial features!

Absolutely pale.


The branches of the big tree flew over quickly and directly wrapped around his legs and arms.

At the same time, his body was dragged towards the big tree.


Xu Zhijian hit the tree trunk hard, as if he was hit by a train, and he almost vomited blood in pain.

At such a close distance, he could see the face again.

It was indeed a human face.

It did not have any facial features.



Xu Zhijian could not take another look, because the force of the branch was so strong that his bones were hurt.

So he hurriedly fired while swinging the machete with his still movable hand.

The tree that was shot twisted and loosened its branches, and then disappeared.

He stood up from the ground and rubbed his arms, thinking that even the slender ghost had come out, which was interesting.

It seems that not many people know about this evil spirit.

There was a theme movie in 2018.

It is mainly circulated in urban legends in Europe and the United States.

It is considered one of the most classic images.

Slender Man (English: Slender Man or Slender).

It is also directly translated as the slender man or transliterated as Slender, Slender.

It is rumored to be an urban legend character originating from the United States.

It always changes its killing methods, and no one knows what its purpose is.

He has no facial features, but has four or more arms and legs that can extend infinitely.

Sometimes he can turn into pitch-black tentacles, and his whole body appears tall and slender, 2.5 meters long.

But the length of his arms is disproportionate to his body, even exceeding his knees.

He wears a black suit and a black bow tie, and appears in sparsely populated places such as deep forests, deserted houses, and cemeteries.

In the murders related to him, most of the victims are children.

It seems to have an unknown craze for children, similar to Pennywise in IT.

Every time he appears, there will be a disappearance of children.

Sometimes one or two, sometimes a group.

But whether it is an adult or a child, after approaching it, they will show symptoms of "Slender-Sickness" to varying degrees.

That is, nosebleeds, nightmares, and even dementia reactions will occur.

Just when people are in a state of extreme collapse and weakness, it will take the opportunity to attack.

In most cases, they are led into the forest to kill.

In their more sordid crimes, the Slenders would burn down their homes or schools to destroy evidence.

The victims' deaths were initially bizarre, with the victims being impaled alive on tall trees.

They bled to death.

The organs were removed, separated and placed in plastic bags, and then replaced.

The bodies did not appear to struggle.

The earliest record of them appeared in a mural in northeastern Brazil around 900 BC.

They are characterized by their elongated arms, leading the children.

The next sighting of them was in a German woodcutter's carving, which also included various features of them.

They were believed to be evil angels living in the dark forest.

As recently as June 2009, the Slenders came into the public eye again.

Two photos posted online look very strange.

It is estimated that they were taken in the mid-1700s.

There are a group of children and a strange-looking object in the background.

There was also something very scary about these two photos, called the "Henderson Farm Incident".

The location is in Polk County in northern Colorado.

The owner of the farm is a 40-year-old man named Ted Henderson, his wife is Judy, and his daughter is Tracy.

On the morning of June 15, 1953, their neighbors called the police and complained that there were always screams and gunshots here.

The county sheriff and two deputies came to the farm at 8:34.

They found that the horses in the animal shed were torn in half.

After they entered the house, they saw several fresh bloodstains on the floor.

They continued to search the room and found Ted Henderson in the bedroom.

But he was hidden under a pile of furniture, next to his wife's body.

He was shot in the chest and died.

One of them said that Ted didn't seem to realize that they were in the room and didn't answer anything he asked.

Soon, Ted was charged with murder.

However, given his mental state, he was arranged to be treated in a mental hospital in Sandy Plains.

Ted's mental problems lasted for three years.

On the third anniversary, he said a tall, thin man in uniform was looking at him.

The man in uniform had taken his wife and children.

He said Judy had asked him to shoot, and he felt he had saved her.

But he could not stop the man from taking his daughter.

Just a few hours after the interview, Ted was found dead in his room.

The body of his daughter, Tracy Henderson, has never been found.

However, from this photo taken a few weeks ago, a man in uniform can be clearly seen.

Some people say this is the Slenderman.

A few years later, in the 1980s, another shocking disappearance occurred in Stirling.

This was also the most famous place for the Slenderman during the 1980s.

In 1986, after the Stirling Library fire, some photos were made public.

This included a photo taken a week earlier.

That is, on June 1, 1986, photographer Marley Thomas disappeared first.

In less than two weeks, a total of 14 children disappeared.

Five months later, the body of one of the children was found in a wetland swamp in Kingston, New Jersey.

Someone told reporters that the body was still in the early stages of decay, indicating that the child was not dead at the beginning of the disappearance.

The basic abilities of the Slender Man include:

Disappear or appear at will, and teleport to different locations.

Selective invisibility, for example, choosing who to see and when to see it.

Change height or body shape.

The ability to extend tentacles from the back and shoulders, or the ability to transform its arms into tentacles.

Can control the thoughts and emotions of prey, modify, delete or read their memories.

In general, even in the horror movie universe, it can be called a god-level level.

The reason why Xu Zhijian has a shadow on it is because of a program he once watched.

It's called "Monster Files".

With the mysterious copywriting and horror BGM, people who watch it are stunned.

Now I know it's all nonsense, but when I was young, I believed in mysterious monsters and supernatural events.

It's a pity that the power of illusion is too weak, and it can only be regarded as a simple silhouette.

Otherwise, I really want to fight with the thin ghost.

Xu Zhijian set off again with regret.

After a while, there was no forest in front, and it returned to the dim building before.

Walk in and turn left, and immediately see a magnificent cathedral.

The church steps are very high, about forty or fifty.

And there is a large cemetery in front, with all kinds of tombstones, dead trees and crows.

In the gray environment, not only does it not feel sacred.

Instead, it exudes a weird atmosphere.

Church? ?

What's the situation this time?

He walked up the steps carefully, and then pushed the door open.

A colorful and comfortable light came towards him.

Then I saw a woman kneeling on the ground with her back to the huge cross statue in the middle, muttering to herself.

"Merciful father, please let me see my child again, just once."

"I really miss him, please fulfill my wish..."

At this time, the cross magically emitted a light golden light, shining directly on Xu Zhijian.

The woman turned around quickly when she saw this.

After seeing the other person's appearance, Xu Zhijian was stunned.

Because this middle-aged woman turned out to be his mother who had died of illness for five years!

The woman was also shocked when she saw him, and then she showed an excited smile and tears.

"Son, is it you... is it you?? I finally see you again."

Xu Zhijian stared blankly at the resurrection of the person he had been thinking about day and night, with mixed feelings in his heart.

I thought I could encounter any terrible monsters and shadows, but I didn't expect to see my mother.

This is not terrible.

But it is more heartbreaking than anything else, and it breaks people's defenses.

The woman said excitedly: "Son, Mom misses you so much...I really miss you, do you miss me?"

He nodded silently.

The woman opened her arms: "Come here and let mom hug you, okay? Let me hug you again..."

Xu Zhijian wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes: "Mom, I miss you all the time and never forget you."

"Even if you are not real, it is enough to see your real life again, enough."

After that, he raised his gun and shot.

The woman's figure disappeared instantly.


Before he could feel sad and emotional, the glass on the roof of the church suddenly shattered.

Then countless seawater poured down.

Instantly flooded the entire space.


Xu Zhijian was caught off guard by the flood and was directly pressed to the ground by the huge waves.


The swimming skills he learned before were finally useful at this time.

He tried his best to control his body and breathing, and fluttered with the water flow to avoid being choked to death.


At this time, his left foot was suddenly grabbed by something.

The force was so strong that he couldn't break free and continued to swim to the surface.

Moreover, the water was turbid and shaking, so he couldn't see what was behind him.

He could only know that it was definitely not a good thing.


Just when Xu Zhijian didn't know how to respond, the long-lost sound of rebounding stance sounded.

It finally worked!

In an instant, the sea water and everything he saw disappeared.

He coughed instinctively. At the same time, he hurriedly sat up and looked around for the situation.

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