People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 298 Survival Day 298: Horror Movies Are Too Lackluster

I was still in the familiar room 1408.

There was no dim maze space, no church, and no seawater flooding.

The lights in the room were on as usual, quiet, and no monsters appeared.

Everything was very normal.

Xu Zhijian sat on the sofa, with the open information on the table.

He never left.

This was exactly as he expected. Sure enough, the haunted house used the same method to deal with Mike!

And it was even more terrifying.

He looked at the time on the radio, and the countdown had only just passed 15 minutes.

But in the illusion, it seemed like several days had passed.

He picked up the information and looked at it. Just when he entered the illusion, he happened to see the part about the history of the hotel.

It seems that the haunted house found this opportunity to launch an attack and create the illusion of another building.

But it feels more like another concept: BACK-ROOM

This is a hidden plane relative to the real world, with an infinite total area.

It is divided into spaces of different sizes, that is, Levels.

Each level has a monster called an entity.

Huh? ?

Looking at it this way... could 1408 be one of the levels? !

If so, there might be a way to escape!

After analyzing for a while, he stood up and paced around the room again, looking for a way out.

He soon walked to the oil painting of a sailing ship on the ocean.

In the movie, this painting "resurrected", and countless seawater gushed out and almost drowned Mike.

I encountered the same situation in the illusion just now.

Is there any secret hidden in it?

Thinking of this, Xu Zhijian grabbed the frame and pulled it down hard.

There was nothing on the wall.

There was no interlayer on the front and back of the painting.

Tear... pull.

He decisively tore the oil painting into pieces and threw it away.

Then he walked to the second painting "Nobles on Horseback", tore it down, looked at it, and tore it.

Then came the third painting, an old woman reading the Bible to the children.

After taking it down, Xu Zhijian's eyes suddenly lit up, and he was very surprised, because there was finally something going on!

There was a black and white photo hidden on the wall!

It was a portrait of a man.

He was about forty years old, with a big beard, a suit and a black bowler hat.

A scene that had never appeared in the movie.

"This is... huh???"

Xu Zhijian looked at it for a while, and suddenly a light bulb went off in his head. He immediately returned to the table to look through the information.

I had seen the architectural history of the hotel before.

It not only recorded the Dolphin Hotel, but also some related information before it was built.

In 1892, there was a hotel called the Castle in this place.

The founder was named: Henry Howard Holmes.

The man in the photo was him!

"Hehehe... So that's it?!"

Xu Zhijian's eyes lit up as he looked at it, as if he had figured out all the truth.

All of this should be related to this Holmes.

Because the hotel he once created was a murder hotel known as hell on earth!

The incident happened in Chicago in the 19th century.

Holmes was born in New Hampshire on May 16, 1860.

He was the only son in the family and was weak and sickly when he was a child.

Although his family was well-off, he did not receive a good family education.

His father was an alcoholic with a serious tendency to violence. When he was drunk, he would take out his anger on Holmes and his wife.

His mother was a devout Christian, and all the behavioral norms in life had to follow the doctrine.

Of course, this also included the education of Holmes.

But every time he was tortured since he was a child, he would escape to the nearby woods to abuse small animals to vent his emotions.

His family life was very unfortunate, but he was a very smart person and could be called a genius.

He didn't seem to study much every day, but his test scores were excellent in every subject.

This naturally attracted the resentment of some classmates, so they thought of a way to punish Holmes.

In the basement of a local clinic, a human skeleton was preserved.

People often use it to scare disobedient children.

One day after school, they took Holmes into the basement and forced him to touch the deep white bones.

At first he was really scared, but after many times he actually liked this prank.

Every time he touched the cold bones, he would feel an inexplicable excitement.

Since then, whenever Holmes was in a bad mood, he would even go to the basement to keep company with the white skeletons.

He also began to have a strong interest and fascination with human anatomy and bones.

When he grew up, he was admitted to the University of Michigan Medical School.

After graduating from college, Holmes came to work in a hospital in Chicago.

In addition to work, he also worked part-time as a real estate salesman. He was versatile and rich, and was particularly popular with women.

And he was very good at disguise. He usually showed kindness and charity, and often sold medicine to the neighbors around him at a very low price.

Slowly, everyone believed him.

Later, Holmes saw that the time was right and began to sell counterfeit and inferior drugs, making huge profits.

Then he used the money he earned to buy the entire surrounding block and transformed it into a huge motel.

In 1893, in order to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the discovery of the New World of America, Chicago was about to hold the World Expo.

At that time, a large number of tourists will flock to the Expo Park.

Holmes saw this as a good opportunity and converted the motel into a hotel.

The first floor was transformed into a shopping mall selling jewelry and clothes, while the second and third floors were transformed into private offices and guest rooms.

All the planning and design looks normal.

No one realizes or believes that what he built is actually a murder hotel!

The interior layout is sophisticated and numerous, with more than 100 guest rooms all without windows.

Most of the rooms were soundproofed, and some sealed rooms were paved with gas pipes and used as gas chambers.

There were also rooms with iron sheets embedded in the walls and blowtorches embedded in the walls, used to incinerate the victims.

In addition to these mechanisms, two large corpse melting furnaces, operating tables, large dismemberment racks, etc. are also installed in the basement.

During the construction process, Holmes constantly changed construction workers and design drawings in order not to be discovered.

So in the end, only he truly understood the entire structure of the hotel.

The World's Columbian Exposition opened in Chicago in 1993, and the Murder Hotel also officially opened.

His era of killing has officially begun!

Many people stay in hotels because of the low prices and never come out.

Some people were locked in soundproof rooms with gas pipes and suffocated to death, while others were locked in storage rooms and eventually suffocated to death.


Of course, Holmes will not give up any opportunity to make money, QI sales officer!

The corpses were transported to the basement via a secret chute, dissected into skeletons, and sold to the Medical Research Institute.

The rest is thrown into the furnace and burned.

Three years later, his massacre was finally discovered.

A detective named Frank accidentally discovered the body of a victim in Philadelphia and launched a secret investigation.

Finally, the horrifying murder hotel was completely discovered.

So the police immediately launched a comprehensive investigation, and eventually found many women's gold chains, tissues, bones, etc. in the furnace.

Because many of the bodies were so thoroughly destroyed, the police could only identify nine victims.

But while the Murderous Hotel was open, there were as many as 250 people missing nearby!

This number is unbelievable and unheard of.

Holmes confessed to committing 27 murders in Chicago, Indiana, and Toronto.

After the case was exposed, the bloody and terrifying murder hotel shocked the entire United States.

But the strange thing is that shortly after the police search, the hotel was burned to ashes due to a mysterious fire.

Later a post office was built here.

Then as time went by, it was changed into other buildings, and finally it was photographed by the Dolphin Group to build a new hotel.

On May 7, 1896, Holmes was convicted of nine murders and hanged in Philadelphia.

Before he died, he made a strange request to the judge.

He was asked to be buried with three meters of concrete for fear people would seek revenge by dissecting his body.

The court agreed to his request.

The night before the execution, Holmes had a good sleep as usual and was still in high spirits when he woke up.

Before he died, he left some words: "The devil was with me when I was born, and becoming a murderer is my career in this life.

Just like a poet who has to sing when inspired.

Evil stood beside my bed and led me into this world. It has never left and will never leave.

Now you kill my body, but I will still exist in this world and continue to kill everything!

Becoming everyone’s eternal nightmare”

After Holmes died, there were many opinions about what he had done.

Some say he really died, some say he didn't but ran away, and some say he turned into a demon.


Anyway, the time is too shocking and unbelievable, and many people can't believe it.

I think it must be an urban legend.

Because the massacre of 200+ people has never been discovered, how is this possible?

But no matter what you say, it proves one truth: the human heart is N times scarier than ghosts.

Some horror movie butchers are child's play compared to what Holmes does.

The Soul-Destroying Clown is capable of indiscriminate killing. In total, he killed dozens of people in the movie.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is famous enough, it's also in the double digits.

Freddy, the dream ghost king, only operates on Elm Street, and he can't kill more than a hundred people.

Jason of Crystal Lake, which has the most single-person massacres in a horror movie, only has 130+.


When facing Homs, they have to kneel down and sing "Conquer".

Xu Zhijian looked at the information and then looked up at the photo, his eyes gleaming, and he understood everything completely.

It's this Holmes who's doing the trick!

The words he left before his death were enough to prove that he might have had some kind of deal with the devil.

He's not really dead!


It should be said that the body is dead, but the evil soul is still lingering in this place and doing evil.

Become an existence similar to the earthbound spirit.

But how can we find and solve it? ?

Xu Zhijian thought carefully about this countermeasure. Since it was an earthbound spirit, it must be hiding somewhere around.

Otherwise, there is no way to use your abilities.

But I don’t have the detection ability like radar or the related props.

Jingle Bell.

Just as I was thinking about it, the phone suddenly rang again.

He walked over and answered.

A deep male voice came from the microphone: "Dear customer, have you considered checking out?"

Xu Zhijian snorted coldly: "You are the Holmes, right?"

The other party immediately fell silent.

Three seconds later, he continued to repeat: "Do you choose the fast check-out service?"

"Haha, it seems that I am right."

"Do you choose the fast check-out service!"

"Look, you are anxious again."

"Beep beep beep..."

The phone was hung up.

Originally, I was a little unsure whether my guess was correct, but now I can be sure that it is absolutely correct!

It is this old Deng who is behind it.

So the most urgent thing is to find a way to find it and then kill it directly.

But how can it be done? !

Xu Zhijian stared at the portrait of Holmes and analyzed it patiently and seriously.

First of all, this photo must be more than just a photo.

Everything in a horror movie has its meaning.

Secondly, the other party must be trapped in the hotel, so there must be a way in and out.

Then, could the medium be that phone or photo? !

How to test it?

He opened the equipment library and checked the equipment props one by one, but it seemed that none of them could be used.

After studying for a while, he suddenly had an idea.

Got it!

This thing should be useful.

Xu Zhijian decisively exchanged and activated the "Fourth Wall - Trial Version" skill.

This is the ability obtained by completing "Midnight Ring". It can create a space that meets the conditions and can enter and exit at will.

As long as there is a medium or the relevant conditions are set, it will take effect.

A window-shaped pattern suddenly appeared in front of him, with an arrow guide.

He aimed at Holmes's photo and pressed start.

Then a prompt appeared "Relevant information has been read, the plane has been created successfully, and you can travel through it"


Xu Zhijian excitedly stretched out his left hand and touched the photo tentatively.

A magical scene appeared.

I saw my fingers directly sinking into it! But I didn't feel pain or strangeness.

So he continued to put his whole arm in, then half of his body, and finally the whole person disappeared instantly.

Completely entered the photo space.


Xu Zhijian landed steadily on the ground and stood up, and immediately turned on the flashlight to look at the surrounding environment.

This is a dark and deep passage.

I don't know how long it has existed, but it is very dilapidated, and there is a smell of blood and rot.

Listening carefully, it seems that there can still be bursts of screams and cries.

There are men, women, old and young.

"I guessed right!"

He showed a hint of excitement and thought that this must be the murder hotel that had been burned down long ago.

Because of Holmes's obsession, he became a companion spirit and was trapped here together.

It happened to be through the fourth wall, which was also a disguised return to the past.

And those faint sounds were the wails of the dead.

He held a flashlight in one hand and a gun in the other, and walked slowly and carefully.

As he walked, he suddenly felt some cold and sticky liquid falling on his arm.

When he looked closer, it was black and red blood!


At the same time, a black object suddenly fell and hit the road in front.

He stopped and shone the flashlight over, and saw clearly that it was a human head!

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