People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 303 Survival Day 303: Grass

According to Xu Zhijian's understanding of the Iron Blood Warrior, especially the settings of the 2010 version.

The actual situation must be more difficult than expected.

And it is still the season, and there are more unknown factors involved.

It is even more difficult.

With such weak firepower now, I really don't know how long I can survive.

Joet walked to the side of the Iron Blood Hound and squatted down, curiously asking: "Everyone, do you think its meat is edible?"

"Should we cut it off and take it with us to avoid starvation?"

This suggestion is good, but no one will be willing to eat it.

The green blood that flows out is disgusting, and no matter how you think about it, you think it must be poisonous.

Xu Zhijian smiled and said: "You can take the initiative to try it. If there is no problem, we will take it away."

Joet thought about it for a while and gave up decisively.


The green blood looks creepy, and even if you want to, you dare not really taste it.

Everyone left quickly again.

And just as they walked away, a palm-sized insect similar to a moth flew over.

Then it slowly landed on the head of the Iron Blood Hound.

Watching them disappear into the woods.

After a series of bad things, time has unknowingly reached evening.

And the light in the forest is dim.

So after walking for more than ten minutes, it was too dark to see the environment clearly.

Everyone had to find an open space to sit together and rest, and spend the night there.

After a long day of intense exercise, everyone's physical strength has run out.

It's okay if there is no food.

The main thing is thirsty. Dry mouth and tongue.

Without weapons and food, this situation is really difficult to deal with.

Everyone looked at the crackling campfire, their faces flickered, and they were silent.

Depressed to the extreme.

After a moment, Jiang Youmei broke the silence: "What should we do at night?"

Xu Zhijian said: "What else can we do besides rest? Take turns to keep watch, two people in a group."

Royce nodded: "Yes, according to my experience, the hunters should be at their peak at night."

Jotte said: "Oh, in this environment, I don't think anyone can sleep."

Xu Zhijian: "It depends on your personal wishes. If you want to sleep, sleep. If you don't want to sleep, keep watch."


At this time, Hanzo's stomach made a hungry sound.

Everyone looked at him, and they didn't laugh at him, but they also felt that they were more hungry and thirsty.

Alas, how can we endure this!

Xu Zhijian's equipment warehouse has always stored food and mineral water, but there is no points to take out.

Can only watch.

At this time, Royce walked to the edge of the grass not far away and pulled out a handful with force.

Then he patted the soil off the rhizomes and stuffed them into his mouth to chew and suck.

Xu Zhijian and Isabella saw this and immediately understood.

This is a kind of survival skill in the wild.

The rhizomes of plants are usually rich in water. Although there is not much, there are many of them.

And it is better than nothing.

It can save lives at critical moments.

Royce said while eating: "The water content is okay, don't you try it?"


Xu Zhijian walked over first, grabbed a handful and followed suit.

His mouth was suddenly filled with the taste of soil and grass, and the juice had an indescribable special taste.

But it was not bitter or sour.

It was barely swallowable.

Isabella and others followed suit to taste it, and Jiang Youmei prepared herself for a long time before she dared to eat it.

Then a very funny scene appeared.

A group of men and women squatted beside the grass, chewing the rhizomes like rabbits.

Those who knew that this was to replenish water.

Those who didn't know thought that they were collectively possessed.

After eating for a long time, the feeling of dry mouth and tongue was finally reduced by more than half.

But at the same time, the mouth was full of grass smell.

They pulled a few more bundles back to the campfire, and ate them as snacks at any time.

Jiang Youmei joked: "In the past, people always said that they had to eat grass because they were poor. Now I can say that I have really experienced it."

Xu Zhijian laughed: "Do you have such memes in your country?"

She nodded: "Yes, some of the memes you invented are actually very popular on Twitter and other websites."

Hanzo agreed: "Yes, I know a few too."


There is no way to continue this topic, so skip it.

He deliberately opened the ranking list and took a look.

"First place: Player code - 520 (160) points"

"Second place: Player code - 111 (60) points"

"Third place: Player code - 7521 (60) points"

"Fourth place: Player code - 16 (60) points"

"Fifth place: Player code - 55 (60) points"

"Sixth place: Player code - 1145 (60) points"


"Players: 16880"

Now he has taken the first place.

It seems that the masked guy and others are not lucky enough to encounter the weapons distributed.

Facing the Iron Blood Hound, they can only flee.

Just like eating grass and chatting, time unknowingly reached after nine o'clock in the evening.

No one is sleepy at the moment.

Jot looked around and said, "Damn, it's so boring. Are we going to sit here until dawn?"

Isabella asked, "What do you want to do? You should be thankful that nothing unexpected happened."

He explained, "I don't want to encounter monsters or hunters, but I want to find something to kill time."

"By the way, why don't you all tell us about the exciting things you've experienced."

Royce said: "What kind of thing is considered exciting?"

"Uh... I don't know."

"Then how can I say it."

Jiang Youmei interrupted and said: "Exciting... Isn't that a ghost story?"

A sentence awakened the dreamer.


In this environment and situation, telling some ghost stories is indeed very suitable for the atmosphere.

Jot immediately said: "YES! You are so right, and it reminds me of something."

"A few years ago, I saw something that looked like a vampire..."

Everyone listened to him silently, with a very calm expression.

Because on the one hand, the story was really not good, and on the other hand, it was just a ghost story.

Jot turned his head and looked at Xu Zhijian next to him: "What about you, man? Have you seen anything scary?"


He spit out the roots in his mouth and glanced at them.

Since the topic is here and it is really boring, I will tell them a story.

Think about it for a while, and then tell it slowly.

The content is actually the story posted on the forum last time.

Villagers in a certain place looted an overturned truck, and then the next day a villager suddenly hanged himself.

Someone suddenly shouted: What she was wearing seemed to be a pair of longevity shoes? ?

"I looked up and saw Liu Mei wearing a pair of old-fashioned cloth shoes made of blue cloth and embroidered with patterns.

I had never thought about this before, but now I see that they are indeed the shoes for the dead!

The inexplicable uneasiness in my heart became even stronger.

I really couldn't understand why she committed suicide and prepared the burial clothes in advance??

The others looked at each other in bewilderment, probably thinking about this weird question.

I quickly pulled my aunt's arm and whispered: Aunt, let's go, don't look at it.

Aunt, who hadn't said anything for a long time, ignored it.

Instead, her body suddenly shook, and then she widened her eyes and looked extremely terrified.

I was confused by her appearance, and just when I wanted to ask what was going on, she pulled me through the crowd and left the yard.

When we got to a place where there was no one.

She looked terrified and whispered: "Do you think I'm seeing things? The pair of burial shoes that Li Mei wore...seems to be picked up yesterday. "

I didn't understand what I heard for a while, thinking what did you pick up? What does it mean?

But after thinking for a moment, I suddenly realized what picking up things meant.

Damn, what the hell is picking up things.

Isn't it the incident of robbing someone's truck yesterday?

Could it be that... Liu Mei was wearing the stolen shoes?

Fuck, no way?!

I think it's too ridiculous when I think about this, how could such a thing be possible.

Although I couldn't see it clearly yesterday, if it was a funeral dress, why did the villagers scramble for it?

Now is not an era of lack of food and clothing, don't they fear bad luck?

Thinking about it, I said: "Aunt, you must have seen it wrong, those are funeral shoes, no one will grab them even if they are robbed."

Aunt said with a grim face: "Absolutely not wrong! Those old women in the village dare to take it as long as there is a bargain, even if they are fished out of the shit pit! "

Her words were like a curse on herself.

I shut up and stopped talking.

The atmosphere fell silent for a while, and the aunt looked at Liu Mei's house with an increasingly ugly expression.

And I felt more and more strange and puzzled in my heart, and couldn't help wondering why Liu Mei would commit suicide wearing longevity shoes?


If not... then why is it so coincidental??


The suicide incident subsided after five days.

Liu Mei's body was cremated by the village, and the villagers resumed their normal eating and drinking.

After all, it wasn't her who died. No one would care too much about it.

I no longer cared about it.

But in my spare time, the horrible image of her hanging would always come to my mind.

So it was the night of the seventh day.

At about ten o'clock, I was lying on the bed playing with my phone, and suddenly I heard a noisy sound coming from the street outside.

I listened carefully and heard something like "someone died, someone died in someone's family", etc.

I was stunned and didn't react.

Then I heard my aunt shouting in the living room: "Hurry up, there's something wrong in the village again, let's go and take a look. "

After hesitating for a few seconds, I put on my clothes and ran out with her.

When we got outside, I saw many people heading towards the west of the village.

My aunt stopped a neighbor and asked what happened. The man was curious and said that he had only heard that someone had died again.

I followed the crowd all the way to the scene of the incident, which was Lao Chen's house.

There were already police in the yard to maintain order, and the village chief and some villagers were being questioned.

The police didn't say anything when they saw us coming. My aunt whispered to a villager who had come earlier what happened.

The man immediately recounted the incident.

It turned out that someone came to Lao Chen's house to borrow half an hour ago. things, and found that he was lying dead on the bed.

Auntie heard it and said how could it be possible, how could he die? ?

I frowned and felt more and more strange.

It is normal for people to die. More than 100,000 people die every day on the earth.

But Liu Mei and Lao Chen are both in their 30s and 40s. It is too coincidental that they died one after another.

The police had the same idea as me. They also chatted with the villagers from time to time.

Complaining about why there were continuous deaths in our village, which made them extremely stressed.

Thinking about it, I subconsciously asked: "Uncle, who found the dead body?"

The man pointed to a person in the distance. I turned my head and saw that it was a middle-aged man.

I don’t recognize him, but I look familiar. He was smoking a cigarette while being interrogated by a policeman and taking notes.

The interrogation ended after a few minutes.

The middle-aged man walked towards us. As soon as he stood still, he was surrounded by people asking questions.

Almost everyone in the village knew each other, so they didn't shy away from asking him how he found out that Lao Chen was dead and how he died.

Whether he was killed or committed suicide, what the circumstances were when he died, etc.

I didn't say much, but I kept my ears open and waited for the answer.

He frowned and didn't answer at first, just smoking.

Finally, he threw the cigarette butt on the ground and looked around at us.

Then he said with a serious face: "The police said it was suicide, damn... I feel like this is really too evil!"

"Lao Wang, Lao Liu, guess what happened when I first came to see Lao Chen?"

Foreigner Lao Liu quickly asked what happened, and I waited even more with my ears pricked up.

He said a little mysteriously: "At first I called Lao Chen at the door, but no one answered, but I found that his door was unlocked."

"I just went in and found him lying flat on the bed motionless."

"And the upper body is... still wearing a blue shroud!!"

Everyone was in an uproar when these words came out.

My heart trembled when I heard it, another shroud, and another suicide wearing a shroud!

Is this so similar to Liu Mei’s suicide? !

The aunt asked with a panicked expression: "Then the shroud he is it the one picked up from the highway?"

The middle-aged man thought for a moment and said uncertainly: "I don't know. I was too frightened at the time and didn't look carefully."

"I just saw that the style and pattern of the clothes are those only used by shrouds, and they are very new."

This time the crowd became even more commotion, everyone was surprised and couldn't believe it.

At this time, someone suddenly said: "By the way, today... today seems to be Liu Mei's first seven??!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the surroundings immediately fell into silence.

Everyone looked at each other with ugly expressions. Some people were stunned and didn’t know what they were thinking. Then they suddenly turned around and ran away..."

After listening silently to Xu Zhijian's story, Isabella and the others couldn't help but tighten up.

This is much better than what Choate said, and it is quite scary.

Jiang Youmei said weakly: "Really, I shouldn't have made that suggestion."

Hanzo praised: "You remind me of the Midnight Bell and the Grudge."

Xu Zhijian laughed: "If it weren't for the lack of state and water, I could talk like this all night."

"Okay, let's get down to business. Take the time to rest while there is no danger for the time being."

"If you don't want to sleep, I'll go to sleep first and wake you up in two hours for the shift change."

Everyone had no opinion.

Jiang Youmei thought about it for a moment, then lay down and fell asleep.

Xu Zhijian lay on his side on the ground, with his eyes closed and his right hand in his pocket holding a pistol.

It is convenient to fight back immediately when encountering a situation.

Everyone stopped talking, each thinking silently, taking a bite of the root from time to time.

He was also thinking about what to do next, besides the Predators, what other monsters were here, etc.

Alas, I hope I get something new tomorrow.

Just thinking about it while listening to the crackling sound of the campfire, I fell asleep unconsciously.


If you forget the previous summary, you can go to Chapter 44 to review it.

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