People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 304: Day 304 of survival: So difficult!

I don’t know how long I slept.

Xu Zhijian felt someone tapping her shoulder, so she immediately woke up and sat up.

Move quickly and decisively.

Just need to take out the gun.

Isabella whispered: "Xu, it's your turn to be on duty, let's take a break."

"OK, go to sleep."

He chatted with Royce and others, and then they lay down to rest at the same time.

Seeing that Jiang Youmei was still asleep, she was too lazy to wake up.

It's of no use anyway.

I added some branches to the bonfire and watched it silently, checking the surroundings from time to time.

Ten minutes passed like this.

Jiang Youmei actually woke up on her own, and it seemed that she didn't sleep very well.

She walked to her side and sat down: "How long have I slept?"

Xu Zhijian replied: "About three hours, you can go back to sleep, it's okay."

"No, I can't sleep well at all, my head feels heavy."


The two chatted briefly and fell into silence.

On the one hand, Isabella and the others cannot be disturbed, and on the other hand, there is nothing to talk about.

There was silence for a while.

Jiang Youmei spoke again, her voice shy: "Well... I want to pee, can you accompany me?"

"Okay, let's go."

Xu Zhijian naturally did not refuse.

And Jiang Youmei had no other purpose, just out of fear and worry about encountering monsters.

The two got up and walked ten meters away, neither close nor far.

Then she walked behind a big tree and took off her pants for convenience. Xu Zhijian was waiting in front.

About a minute.

Jiang Youmei blushed and finished.

Although I was very careful, I could still hear the sound of water, which was really embarrassing.

After returning, the two continued to remain silent.

It was already dark, and the mysterious forest was extremely dark.

And there are no chirping insects or birds, and it is so quiet that you can hear your own tinnitus.

Just sitting in silence like this, Xu Zhijian suddenly stood up and turned to look to the left.

At the same time, he quickly took out his pistol and took aim.

Jiang Youmei also came to her senses with a start and hid behind him nervously.

Because both of them heard a sound there! something is rubbing on the ground?

Getting closer.

I thought that what came out would be some kind of monster, but when I entered the area illuminated by the bonfire, I discovered that it was actually a human.

And there are two.


I can't see clearly what he looks like at the moment.

"It's great...I finally met someone of the same kind!"

The other party was the first to shout excitedly.


Xu Zhijian fired directly at the ground to stop them from running over.

You must be careful at this time.

One of them hurriedly said: "NONONO! Don't shoot, we are not bad people..."

The sound of gunshots woke up Royce and Isabella, who sat up suddenly.

It seemed that he was also vigilant and slept very lightly.

The two walked to Xu Zhijian's side and looked at the person opposite nervously and doubtfully.

Wondering what is going on? ?

Xu Zhijian ordered: "Put your hands behind your head and come over slowly!"

He could feel that it was a human being.

But don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst, and you still can't be careless.

"OK, don't shoot..."

The two men raised their hands and put them behind their heads as instructed, and stepped closer nervously.

Soon the distance was only five or six meters.

You can also see your appearance clearly.

One of them was obviously of the Asan race, and the other was tall and thick-skinned.

I don’t know which country it is from.

But they were all wearing military uniforms.

Xu Zhijian asked coldly: "How did you find this place?"

Ah San hurriedly replied: "Because of the fire! We guessed they must be the same kind, so we came to check."

Xu Zhijian and others looked at each other.

I thought that I dared to run around in such a dangerous time and place. I don't know whether to call it brave or brainless.

Then he continued to ask: "When did you land?"

"This afternoon, it fell nearby. I didn't dare to run around because I didn't know what happened."

"What country are you from and what is your name?"

"My name is Amir, from India, and his name is Ivanov, a Russian."

"Do you have any weapons on you?"

"No, it's all gone."

After testing it for a while, they made sure there was no problem and let them come over.

Learned through conversation.

Amir was in the navy and served for two years. He was caught while training at sea.

Ivanov is Che Chen.

This is an organization that is boasted on the Internet about having explosive combat capabilities, but once it goes into battle, not even a blade of grass will grow.

But in fact, the comparison is just a comparison, and the performance is very stretched.

The two landed very close to each other, so they discovered each other immediately and formed an alliance.

I was hiding in the grass to rest.

As a result, I saw a faint light of fire while peeing, and I knew I had met a human again.

Only then did he cautiously come closer to investigate.

Amir chewed the roots in the same manner to replenish water.

At the same time, he asked depressedly: "What on earth is going on... Why are we here?"

Xu Zhijian explained the concept of hunting ground.

The two of them were shocked and couldn't believe it, and then finally accepted the fact.

What can you do if you don't accept it?

Ivanov said: "Then have you met those hunters? What do they look like?"

Royce said: "Not yet, but I encountered a very ferocious, tiger-like monster."

"That creature was so terrifying. It killed two people in just a few seconds."

"If we hadn't been lucky enough to pick up a pistol, we would have had no chance to fight back."

Amir and Ivanov were stunned.

Just as they were sitting around chatting.

The invisible thing in the sky that had been monitoring the action turned around and flew to the left.

While flying, it suddenly appeared from the invisible moment.

It was a mechanical eagle with a shape and size similar to an eagle? ?

The whole thing was lead gray, and a white light flashed in the eye position.

A few minutes later.

It glided down, and then it stood in the air magically!

There seemed to be an invisible object under its claws.

The first night was spent like this.

When the sky finally brightened and the light shone into the forest, Xu Zhijian and the others also got up and set off.

They hadn't eaten anything for a day and a night, and they didn't sleep well.

Everyone was in a bad mood, but they had to keep moving forward.

They walked in silence for a while.

Jiang Youmei suddenly stopped and pointed to a place not far away with a horrified expression.

"Look! That...what is that?!"

As a professional archer, her eyesight can be said to be the best in the team.

Xu Zhijian and others immediately turned their heads to look.

Suddenly, they saw several black shadows jumping on branches and rushing at them at high speed.

"FUCK! What is that?!"

"Hide quickly!"

Everyone retreated decisively and hid behind the tree.


At this time, one of the black shadows drew an arc in the air and landed on the big tree trunk where Xu Zhijian was hiding.

He hurriedly looked closely and finally saw clearly what was coming.

It was a creature about 1.7 meters long, with gray skin and a mouth split like a cross.

It was slender, with a long tail and six claws.

Two legs + normal arms + a second pair of arms growing from the waist.

A very strange monster.

How to looks like a mutant monkey.


The strange monkey let out a roar and suddenly rushed towards him from top to bottom.

Bang bang bang!

Xu Zhijian shot decisively, firing five or six bullets and killing it on the ground.

The blood that flowed out was also green.

It must be another pet raised by the Iron Blood Warrior!

"Kill the Iron Blood Hell Ape and get 50 season points"

"What the hell is this monster?!"

"Run, run!"

The other black shadows also found Royce and his men.

Because they had no powerful weapons, they could only retreat while swinging their spears.

Xu Zhijian immediately went to support them.

After killing three of them, he thought he could relax while changing the magazine.

The fact was just the opposite.

Because more strange monkeys were jumping on the trees, and there was movement in the grass on the ground.

Soon, a group of new monsters suddenly jumped out.

They were of different sizes.

Some were as big as cats, and some were about the size of medium-sized dogs.

The shape was very similar to that of spiders.

But they were much more terrifying.

Some had more than a dozen claws, and their bodies were like giant maggots, with barbs protruding on their backs.

The mouth opens and closes with spikes, like a shell.

Some have six claws, but their bodies are like octopuses, and their tails have long barbs like scorpions.

Anyway, each one is weirder than the other.

And there are more of them, at least thirty or fifty at a glance!

Add to that the strange monkeys that followed closely behind, and it was a huge army of monsters.

"Fuck! Is this a general attack?!"

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but curse inwardly, and immediately told everyone to run quickly.

There was no way to beat them.

And these monsters had never appeared in the movie, so no one knew what their weaknesses were.

Everyone knew this very well, and they ran as hard as they could.

Bang, bang, bang!

Xu Zhijian turned around and fought back from time to time while running, killing the threats that rushed to the front.

"Kill the Iron-blooded Hunting Bug and get 20 season points as a reward"

However, not long after running, another monster jumped out of the bushes in front.

It was the Iron-blooded Hound.

"FUCK! Run over here!"

Xu Zhijian hurriedly gave the order and led everyone to turn around and change direction.


At this time, Amir lost his balance and fell down.

"Ah! Wait for me... Save me!"

He almost couldn't catch his breath after the fall, and struggled desperately to get up.


Unfortunately, the iron-blooded hound had already rushed over and pounced on him without hesitation.

Xu Zhijian and Ivanov, who were about to return to help, had to give up and run away.

"NO——! Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The hound opened its bloody mouth and bit off his left shoulder first.

It was as easy as eating a pancake.

Then it bit off the head and let the blood spray out two or three meters.

Then it continued to chase.

And those spider-like monsters stopped by the corpse, formed a circle and bit quickly.

It dispersed within thirty seconds.

Amir's body turned into a bloody skeleton!

It was a miserable death.

In the real world, they didn't even spare lizards, so it was retribution for them to be killed by monsters.

Seeing the monsters getting closer and closer.

Xu Zhijian shouted: "Old rules, run separately! Meet up again if you can survive."

Royce and others followed his orders.

However, just as everyone was about to disperse and go their separate ways, they found that a group of strange spiders appeared on both sides.

Now it was almost like a double team.

There is no other option except continuing to run in the current direction.


Everyone cursed in depression and despair, and had no choice but to continue running together.

After killing two more monsters, Xu Zhijian replaced the last magazine.

Everyone's life is only worth the weight of 15 bullets.

Only the second day into the season, the situation was already desperate.

Is it really difficult this time? !


Just as he was thinking about it, a box suddenly fell from the sky and landed on the grass in front of him.

Judging from the shape, it’s the same as the iron box I got the pistol from yesterday.

Could it be...? !

Xu Zhijian suddenly became excited and rushed over to grab it and open it.

Five magazines fell out of it, but no pistol.

"Hahaha! NICE!!"

He couldn't help but laugh, no matter what the purpose of the ammunition the Predator sent.

But as long as it exists, it's a good thing.

And Isabella and the others were shocked when they saw this. They didn't expect that such an operation could be done? ?

Xu Zhijian took out another pistol and threw it over: "Royce, hurry up, let's work together to fight back!"

Royce caught it firmly and had no time to think about why he had two guns.

Quickly reload the magazine, then turn around and enter the battle.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang!

The two of them shot at the charging monsters, while Jiang Youmei and the others hid behind them in fear.

"Kill the Jagged Hunter and reward 20 season points."

"Kill the Jagged Hunter and reward 20 season points."

"Kill the Jagged Hunter and reward 20 season points."

"Kill the Iron-Blooded Hell Ape, and you will be rewarded with 50 season points."

Listening to the prompt, Xu Zhijian felt a little comforted.

But happiness is short-lived.

The bullets were quickly exhausted, and only half the magazine was left.

They could only continue to run for their lives.

Snap, snap, snap...

However, as I ran, the ground under my feet became light and sticky.

He quickly fell into it and could barely move.

"Oops, it's a swamp!"

Isabella suddenly exclaimed.

As a tropical person, she is all too familiar with this dangerous natural terrain.

Xu Zhijian's face darkened upon hearing this.

There was a group of monsters before, but now it's stuck in a swamp.

This is a doomed situation for him!

I tried struggling a few times, but I obviously felt my body sinking.

It was submerged below the knees.

The monsters such as the Iron-Blooded Hound stopped at the edge in time and looked at them angrily.

Then he seemed to receive some instructions, and then quickly retreated and disappeared into the woods.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw this.

Although being trapped in a swamp would be a disaster, it was still better than being bitten by a monster.

But Xu Zhijian felt it was not that simple.

On the surface, the monster group seemed to be retreating, but you could still vaguely see the grass shaking slightly.

Maybe an ambush? ?

But there is no time to think about this problem, the current crisis must be solved quickly.

Jiang Youmei said with a cry: "What should I do...what should I do now??"

Ivanov struggled hard and cursed: "Я-ебу-твою-мать!! (CNM)"

Unfortunately, the more you struggle, the more dangerous it becomes.

Moreover, he is a heavyweight with a tall body, so he is trapped deeper than others.

It's almost to the top of my thigh.

Isabella reminded: "Stop struggling, doing so will only speed up death!"

"Take a deep breath to keep your heartbeat high, and try to bring your legs together into a V shape."

"That adds stability and slows down the descent a little bit."

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