People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 305 Survival Day 305: What did you see?

Everyone did as she asked.

It was easy to keep breathing, but my legs were stuck in the swamp and I couldn't keep them together.

Can't lift it, can't lift it at all.

Not to mention slightly curved.

Ivanov said: "No, I can't do it because my legs can't use any strength."

Jiang Youmei echoed: "Yes... no."

Isabella encouraged: "You must work hard. If you can slow down the speed of falling, you can hope to survive!"

Xu Zhijian also tried it a few times, but it really didn't work.

He looked around calmly, thinking quickly about how to escape.

Swamps are extremely inconspicuous but dangerous terrain, and even elephants will drown if they enter.

There are only two ways to survive.

1: Can fly.

2: There are others in the safe zone, or there is something you can borrow strength from.

And what is around now?

Apart from the grass, there were only trees.

Xu Zhijian immediately thought of the parachute rope he was carrying and deduce the distance between the two nearest trees.

About ten meters.

And the rope is at least 25 meters.

Totally enough!

And the two trees are very close to each other, and the distance between them is only about 20-25 centimeters.

As long as you can tie something with a rope and throw it over, let it get stuck in the middle sideways.

Then you can pull it hard and climb to the shore!

The only question is what to use as a fulcrum? !

He subconsciously groped around on his body, quickly took out the dagger and his eyes lit up.

Got it!

This thing is more than thirty centimeters long, and it is a military product, so the quality is very guaranteed.

It can fully bear the weight of two to three hundred kilograms.

not only that.

Royce also has a machete, and the two together make him stronger.

Xu Zhijian immediately said: "I have thought of a way! Royce, give me your knife."


"Thank God, if you come up with a solution, please tell me!"

Everyone turned their heads after hearing this, excitement and hope rising again in their eyes.

Royce immediately handed over the knife obediently.

He combined the two knives and tied them securely with the rappel.

After testing it, there was no problem, and then threw it hard towards the two trees.

Everyone was suddenly enlightened when they saw this.

Very good!

There is help now.


The knife hit the tree trunk on the left, and the first throw failed.

Xu Zhijian quickly retracted it, aimed for a moment, and continued throwing.

It also missed the mark the second time.

the third time.

the fourth time.

the fifth time.

the sixth time.

I tried this a dozen times without stopping, but all failed.

Choate said anxiously: "Give it to me quickly, let me try!"

Jiang Youmei said: "Don't rush! Xu, don't be anxious, come on..."

Royce and Isabella also encouraged them. This kind of thing really cannot be rushed.

I wanted to throw it impartially into the middle of a tree from more than ten meters away, and it got stuck.

How can it be so easy.

Xu Zhijian was unmoved by their emotions and continued to throw calmly.

At this time, everyone's thighs were submerged.

Ivanov even reached his waist.

Fifteenth time.

Twenty times.

Thirty times.

Forty times.

Failure again and again, disappointment again and again.

Royce and the others couldn't help but become anxious, because the descent didn't stop and they were already submerged up to their waists.

It won't be long before it reaches the chest.

Even if it doesn't sink anymore, it will still be squeezed by the soil and unable to breathe!


Xu Zhijian knew their mixed mentality, took two deep breaths, and continued throwing.

Fifty times.

sixty times.

Seventy times.

On the 76th time, the knife finally succeeded in throwing it into the gap between the trees!

But it's still tilted, so it can't be stuck directly.

But it’s still a good sign!

Everyone was refreshed when they saw this. Being able to succeed once meant that they had found the technique.

Victory is in sight.

Xu Zhijian pulled the rope back and threw it again according to the angle and rhythm just now.

Successfully entered the middle position again.

Unfortunately it's still not stuck.

Take it back and throw it away, throw it again, throw it again!

After nearly a hundred attempts, Lady Luck finally opened her eyes and the knife finally got stuck!


"Hahaha... great!"

"Xu, hurry up and climb up first!"

Royce and the others were beaming with excitement. It was not easy, but they finally saw a turn for the better!

Xu Zhijian first pulled hard twice to make sure it was stuck firmly.

Then the full action began.


The knife was pulled hard and stuck in the middle of the tree, causing some scratches.

The rope that can be used in a parachute is also very tough and can easily withstand this level of force.

Xu Zhijian's body floated upward.

very good!

He kept the rhythm and pulled the rope little by little, getting higher and higher little by little.

After a few minutes, the lower body was completely out!


Royce and the others couldn't help but cheer.

He didn't say much, for fear of disturbing his rhythm.

And he slid to the shore little by little while lying on the ground, and finally succeeded in standing on the solid grass.

Self-rescue successful!

At this time, the knife had already made a hole in the tree trunk and embedded some in it.

"Successful escape will reward you with 20 season points."


Xu Zhijian let out a long breath, and without enough time to rest, he hurriedly threw the rope to the nearest Jiang Youmei.

"Hurry up!"

"I got it!"

Jiang Youmei grabbed hold of him with both hands and pulled hard.

And he was also helping pull it on the other end.

After struggling for more than ten minutes, the second one successfully landed.

"Thank you... thank you!"

Feeling the solid ground, Jiang Youmei cried with joy.

"You guys wait a moment."

Xu Zhijian had no time to pay attention to her, so she quickly ran to the tree and untied the rope from the knife.

Then he wrapped it around the tree trunk several times and tied it tightly.

No need to worry about accidents now.

The third person to be rescued was Choate.

He and Jiang Youmei pulled him up with force, and then continued to save Ivanov without stopping.

Then came Isabella.

Second to last Royce.

Finally, there was Hanzo. At this time, his body had sunk so much that his collarbone was almost submerged.

Life hangs on a thread.

But with several people working together, it was the easiest one to be pulled up.

The seven people, lying or sitting, looked at each other and couldn't help but smile.

Not only because of the aftermath of the disaster, but also because they all turned into clay figures, which was very funny.

Xu Zhijian stared at the opposite side and observed carefully.

Those iron-blooded hounds, insect hunters, etc. have long since disappeared. I wonder if they are still hiding in the grass, waiting for opportunities.

No matter what, I definitely can't go back.

Just keep moving forward.

While thinking about it, I opened the ranking list to check.

"1st place: Player ID-520 (360) points"

"2nd place: Player ID-111 (180) points"

"3rd place: Player code-7521 (150) points"

"4th place: Player ID -16 (150) points"

"5th place: Player ID -55 (150) points"

"6th place: Player code-1145 (150) points"

"Participating players: 15053"

In two days, more than 3,000 people died.

Xu Zhijian turned off the ranking list, thinking that he was still 140 away from unlocking the first ability.

We have to find a way to get it quickly.

Otherwise, the whiteboard state is really difficult to handle, and you will die suddenly at any time.

Rested for ten minutes.

Those monster groups still haven't appeared.

He stood up and said, "Let's go ahead and stay away from this area."

After that, he put away the rope and knife and walked into the forest, followed by the others.

After the experience just now, everyone admired his adaptability.

Has defaulted to leader.

Everyone patted the mud on their bodies as they walked, and soon discovered that the place they were in was a bit strange.

All the trees were withered.

And the trunk is covered with spikes of twenty to thirty centimeters, like giant maces.

At the same time, the surrounding light also dimmed a bit.

There was a dark, cold atmosphere.

As he walked, Hanzo suddenly felt a thick liquid falling on his shoulder.

Subconsciously I touched it with my hand, and it turned out to be blood.

He immediately looked up.

Then his eyes suddenly widened and he exclaimed: "Oh my god...look up there!"

Xu Zhijian and others immediately looked up when they heard the sound.

As a result, they saw a corpse hanging on a tree more than 20 meters tall.

Hang upside down.

Not only was his head missing, all the skin on his body was also peeled off! Exposing muscle tissue.

Mutually terrifying.

Jiang Youmei and others were horrified to see it, and the soles of their feet felt cold.

But Xu Zhijian knew that this was the work of the Predator.

These hunters are accustomed to killing their targets, hanging them up, skinning them, and extracting their skulls as trophies.

But taking a closer look, there seems to be something wrong with this corpse.

But I can't figure out the problem for a while.

I'm just confused that this unlucky guy met the Predator so early? It's too much to memorize.

After observing for a moment, they continued to set off with sullen faces.

Ten minutes later.

Everyone couldn't help but sniff their noses because they smelled a strange fragrance floating around.

Can't tell exactly what it is, but it smells good.

Xu Zhijian immediately became vigilant, wondering if it was some kind of poisonous gas.

So he quickly reminded: "Hurry and cover your mouth and nose and try not to smell it, it may be poisonous!"

Everyone thought it made sense and immediately followed it.

I ran quickly for a while while holding my breath, and when I couldn't hold it in any longer, I took a few tentative breaths.

There is no such fragrance around anymore.

I can breathe freely.

They walked aimlessly like this for an unknown amount of time, and everyone stopped to rest because they were hungry and thirsty.

They dug some grass and chewed the roots, but no one was in the mood to talk.


too tired.

Jiang Youmei rubbed her eyes and closed them to rest for a while, then opened them again.

When he saw Xu Zhijian standing against the big tree opposite, his expression suddenly froze.

Then he looked very frightened.

It seemed like I saw something strange or scary.

She blinked hard and looked again to make sure it wasn't because of dazzling eyes or hallucinations.

Oh my god.

It’s not an illusion!

A wave of fear surged directly into my heart.

Her hands couldn't help but tremble slightly, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

Isabella next to her suddenly pulled her clothes at this moment, her face looking ugly.

At the same time, he motioned her to look forward with his eyes.

Jiang Youmei came back to her senses and was about to ask what this meant.

But Isabella came closer and whispered: "You... look at their shadows!"

Jiang Youmei suddenly trembled all over and looked at her in shock, as if she was saying, "Have you noticed it too?"

The two exchanged glances and understood that they had seen this phenomenon.

Their faces became more and more shocked and panicked.

Because they found that there was no shadow of Xu Zhijian on the ground!

It was definitely not blocked by the shadow of the trees, etc., it really did not exist!

And in traditional concepts, what would have no shadow?


The two looked at Xu Zhijian, who seemed normal, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

They couldn't understand what was going on at all.

Why is this happening? !

Could it be that... Xu Zhijian is not actually a human?

This thought made the two people's hair stand on end.

Just thinking about it, they saw a green light suddenly flash through Xu Zhijian's eyes.

And he showed a very evil smile.

It's true.


Jiang Youmei's brain was blank and she almost couldn't help but scream.

Then she looked at Isabella with horror and asked urgently what to do.

The teammate who had always been with her suddenly had no shadow and his eyes were glowing.

This is not normal at all!

Isabella was also scared and her face turned pale, but she did not lose her mind.


What on earth is going on? !

Could it be that this person is actually those mysterious hunters in disguise? ?

To blend into the team? !

After thinking quickly, she immediately came up with an idea.

She first glanced at Xu Zhijian to make sure that he was not looking at this side.

Then whispered: "Let's find an excuse to go to the bathroom and run immediately!"

The situation is unclear now, it's quite weird.

For the sake of safety, let's run away first.

Jiang Youmei nodded silently, showing an understanding look.

Glancing at Xu Zhijian again, he was still standing there without any reaction.

The atmosphere seemed to be fine, but there was a sense of weirdness.

And just when the two of them were about to speak.

Joet didn't know what he saw, and he stood up suddenly in horror and turned around and ran.

Without hesitation.

"FUCK! This... Run!"

Royce and Hanzo did the same, and it seemed that they saw a very scary scene.

They shouted and ran away at the same time.

Seeing this, the two of them felt like they were falling into an ice cave. They no longer hesitated and quickly jumped up and turned to run in another direction.

Of the original team of 7 people, only Xu Zhijian was left.

But he had no reaction to the strange escape of the others. He held the big tree with a frown on his face.

A face full of shock and confusion.


What... what's going on? !

He just stood there in a daze, trapped alone in the dark forest.


On the other hand.

The two women ran desperately.

Because of physical problems, Jiang Youmei could only barely follow Isabella.

After running for a while, her physical strength became worse and worse.

Her breathing was rapid, and she felt that her lungs were about to explode.


At this moment, her left foot suddenly stepped on something, and her ankle twisted and fell directly.


Jiang Youmei fell heavily to the ground and screamed.

Fortunately, there was still a lot of dead grass covering the land, so she was not injured.

Although her body was in pain and she was very tired.

But she didn't dare to lie down to rest, and hurriedly got up to continue running.

As a result, when she stood up, Isabella in front of her was gone.

I don't know where she went!


She called out in panic, but got no response.

Suddenly panicked and a little annoyed.

She fell down but didn't stop to help or wait, just ran away.

Too selfish!

But it's understandable that she is unhappy, after all, it's normal for people to be punished by heaven and earth if they don't work for themselves.

And now is not the time to complain.

Jiang Youmei observed the ground for a moment, and hurriedly followed the shallow footprints to catch up.


The number of words officially surpassed the first book.

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