People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 311 Survival Day 311: The Right Fit for a Weakling

Eagle Face took the opportunity to draw out his wrist blade and stabbed directly at his face.

Xu Zhijian quickly bent down to avoid it, and at the same time used more strength to finally take the spear back.

The abilities of both sides were similar, and one hand could definitely not fight against two hands.

And because of the interaction of forces, Eagle Face's body suddenly staggered backwards and fell down.


After falling to the ground, it jumped up quickly and launched a new round of attacks.

It rushed to the front like a tiger, waving its wrist blade to chop and stab.

Xu Zhijian used the spear to block or dodge while looking for a chance to counterattack.

After dodging several times, Eagle Face's movements suddenly froze.

Because of the severe pain of the torn leg wound.

"Good opportunity!"

Xu Zhijian quickly changed direction and stabbed the opponent's leg with his spear.

It went straight through!


Eagle Face roared in pain and knelt on one knee uncontrollably on the ground.

Xu Zhijian quickly pulled it out and came behind him, stabbing at his back with all his strength.


It pierced through his body, and the spear head even penetrated more than 20 centimeters into the ground.

Hawkface roared and grabbed the spear with one hand and pushed it upwards, trying to push it out.

The wrist blade of the other hand tried to attack backwards.

Unfortunately, both methods were useless.

Xu Zhijian also pressed the spear down with both hands, and stood at an angle where his arms could not hit.

The two sides wrestled like this for a while, and Hawkface drooped his head and did not move.

Green blood continued to flow down the spear.

It seemed that he was dead.

He waited for a moment, then let go of the spear and stepped back two steps, pulling out his pistol and aiming at his neck.

It was a burst of shots.

Then the dead Hawkface roared a few more times, fell to the ground sideways and did not move again.

"Kill the Iron Blood Warrior-Hawkeye, and get 500 season points"

This time he was really dead.

Just now, he pretended to be dead on purpose, trying to make Xu Zhijian relax his vigilance, and then sneak attack and kill him.

Unfortunately, Qian Shuan didn't know that the other party had cheated.

The three giants of Lion Camel Ridge were all dealt with!

Elephant face is a pure sneak attack.

Lion face is a skill + luck.

Eagle face is a pure single challenge.

No matter which method is used, it is enough to prove the ability to respond and combat experience.


He put the body into the equipment warehouse, and then hurried to Royce to check the situation.

Not dead yet, but it is already breathing more than exhaling.

The more than two feet wide wound in the chest cavity kept bleeding, and it couldn't be stopped.

Xu Zhijian was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

There was no treatment equipment on hand. What could he do in the face of such a fatal injury?

Royce raised his hand and grabbed his arm, his painful eyes full of despair.

As a battle-hardened warrior, he had long been prepared for death.

But who really wants to die?

This is something that the genes and cells of the whole body resist.

Xu Zhijian held his hand tightly: "Hold on! You won't die!"

That's what he said, but it was just pure comfort.

Royce stared at him and wanted to say something, but he couldn't make a sound.

Then the arm that was holding his arm slowly loosened and drooped to the ground.

He stopped breathing with a look of despair, helplessness, and unwillingness.

He didn't want to die.

He didn't want to die in vain, without being able to fight, and without struggling in every possible way.

Xu Zhijian sighed and gently put him on the ground.

After experiencing too many life and death separations, he didn't feel uncomfortable, but just felt it was a pity.

Such a good partner died tragically.

It also proves the cruelty of the dungeon world and the fate of most ordinary people.

Unless someone is extremely lucky, they will basically die.

Xu Zhijian immediately went to Isabella to check.

After examination, it was found that only the right arm was severely fractured, but there was no danger of life.

This was thanks to her timely self-rescue.

While being hit by the eagle face, she instinctively raised her arm to resist and saved her life.

Xu Zhijian took out the rope: "I'll help you fix it briefly, bear with it."

Isabella nodded: "Yeah! Ah ah ah ah......!!"

The severe pain made her scream miserably, and blood spurted out of her mouth.


The Iron Blood Warriors have all been eliminated, and there is no need to worry about the sound exposing the position.

After it was done.

Xu Zhijian helped her up: "Let's go, let's leave here and move on."

Jiang Youmei also reached out to help.

While talking, I couldn't help but glance at her.

I thought this girl's luck is really good, and the weak chicken is just right.

The Iron Blood Warriors usually kill the prey that poses the greatest threat to themselves, and rank them one by one.

So she will always be the last.

After a while, the strong ones died.

The weak chickens succeeded and were safe.

They supported each other and walked for a while, and suddenly two black shadows appeared in the mist in the distance.

Xu Zhijian immediately drew his gun and aimed, thinking that the coming monsters were the Iron Blood Hounds.

However, the other party spoke first, and it turned out to be a human.

"Don't shoot! We are humans... humans."

After approaching, he saw that the coming people were two middle-aged men.

One of them had obvious racial characteristics and should belong to the Arab region.

One of them was holding a pistol, and the other was holding a compound bow and quiver.

Xu Zhijian aimed his gun and asked, "How did you find this place?"

The Arab said, "We have been in this foggy area for half an hour and have not seen anything."

"Just now I suddenly heard a woman screaming, so I hurried over to check the situation."

Xu Zhijian said, "Didn't you encounter some terrible monsters before?"

Another said, "Yes! That's why we fled here, and we picked up these weapons along the way."

After a few interrogations to reduce the danger, the two sides moved closer.

It was learned that the Arab's name was Hamad.

One of the rich people in the UAE.

The other was a British man named Leon, an intelligence officer of the National Security Agency.

They were very lucky.

They landed in the hunting ground two hours ago, then met and formed a team, and entered the white fog safely all the way.

They would have been killed by the Iron Blood Warriors.

But Xu Zhijian killed the three giants of Lion Camel Ridge one step ahead of time, so they were naturally safe.

The communication was almost over, and the two sides directly formed a team to move forward.

Leon asked, "What the hell is this place? Why are we here?"

Jiang Youmei took the lead in explaining.

The two of them suddenly realized in shock and disbelief that there was such a terrible monster.

No wonder they saw a huge planet hanging in the sky.

Hamad asked: "What did you encounter here? Why are you so seriously injured?"

Xu Zhijian replied: "I just met three Juliets."

Hamad and Leon looked at each other in confusion. What does this mean? Why did Romeo and Juliet appear? ?

Jiang Youmei was also very confused.

Isn't it called the Iron Blood Warrior? Why did it suddenly change its name?

Xu Zhijian laughed at this: "It's a joke, but it's a pity that you can't understand the essence."

"We met an alien called the Iron Blood Warrior, and they captured us."

After a simple explanation, the two of them understood.

After walking for more than ten minutes, they gradually walked out of the range covered by white fog.

Take a look at the surrounding environment.

Came to a wilderness or the landform of the western United States, without trees, only different mountain shapes.

At this time, the sky also dimmed, with dark clouds and insufficient light.

There was a cold, bleak atmosphere.

It was the same as the distance seen in the highlands before.

Everyone moved forward carefully, guessing what area this was, what dangers they would encounter, etc.

Not long after, a huge hole appeared at the bottom of a high mountain in front!

It was dark, like a big mouth that swallowed life.

Xu Zhijian immediately understood that the next level was in there?

But what else would he encounter?

He walked quickly and vigilantly to the outside of the cave, and immediately felt a gust of cold wind blowing outward.

"Reminder: Approaching the entrance range of the third floor"

At the same time, a message suddenly sounded.

Xu Zhijian was immediately refreshed. It was actually in this place? Finally found it!

This also means that the cave should also be the last level of the fourth floor!

Good, good.

It's really exciting good news.

He reminded: "Let's go in! Everyone must be vigilant."

"Hamad, are you good at archery?"

Hamad shook his head: "NO, I have never played with a bow and arrow."

"Okay, then you give the weapon to this lady, she is a professional archer."

"Is that so...Okay."

Hamad did not hesitate and gave the equipment to Jiang Youmei very readily.

She took it and checked it immediately, and immediately knew how many IBO speeds and other data this compound bow had.

This is an industry standard for measuring the speed of arrows shot by a bow, formulated by the International Bow Hunting Association.

The performance is quite skilled and professional.

She sighed: "Finally got a handy weapon again, I really miss this feeling!"

Xu Zhijian said: "Next, it depends on your performance, let's go!"

The five people walked into the black hole carefully.

As they went deeper and deeper, the light became dimmer and the temperature became lower.

Soon, it was pitch dark.

Xu Zhijian lit the torch he had brought before, taking one for himself and one for Leon.

After walking safely for a while, Isabella felt a little exhausted, so she rested there for a while.

He distributed water to everyone first, then silently opened the leaderboard to check.

"First place: Player code - 520 (2300) points"

"Second place: Player code - 111 (1500) points"

"Third place: Player code - 7521 (1300) points"

"Fourth place: Player code - 16 (1000) points"

"Fifth place: Player code - 55 (1000) points"

"Sixth place: Player code - 1145 (600) points"

"Seventh place: Player code - 1856 (600) points"


"Participating players: 11023"

"Personal information"

"Player code: 520"

"Current ranking: 1"

"Current points: 2300"

"You can choose to unlock 4 existing items/abilities"

"Current armament: 2-Unlimited bullets true damage pistol-Human body limit quality"

"Current level: Fourth level"

Xu Zhijian closed the information with satisfaction.

Now I am the first place with two chances to unlock equipment.

I will wait and see what happens next.

And the progress of codename 111 is also quite fierce, stronger than expected.

This means that at least 1 or 2 Iron Blood Warriors have been killed!

The two sides are currently 500 points apart. As long as they kill one more or encounter other easy things, they can tie.

I wonder how the other side killed them?

As for the data gaps of other rankings, they are also quite large, which means that this time is really very difficult.

The strong will always have the advantage.

The weak can only fall behind and be eliminated.

After thinking for a while, Xu Zhijian stood up and pretended to deliberately stroll around to explore the situation.

In fact, he secretly spent 10 season points to exchange some food.

3 120g meat floss bread.

2 bags of 150g beef jerky.

According to the season rules, food and water sources can be exchanged for one for 2 points.

This kind of expenditure is necessary.

People are iron and rice is steel. After two days and one night of tossing, I didn’t replenish a bit of food.

My physical strength has long dropped to the bottom.

If you don't eat a few bites properly, you will have trouble walking. When you encounter new monsters, you can only wait to die.

Spend a small amount of money to do a big thing, otherwise it will be too late to regret.

Put the thing quietly in the corner.

He deliberately said excitedly: "Great! Look what this is!"

He picked it up and shook it.

Jiang Youmei and the others heard it and looked closer, and their eyes lit up and smiled with surprise.

Oh my God!

It's food!

Great, great... I haven't replenished calories for so long, and I'm almost starving.

I didn't expect to be lucky enough to pick it up!

Hamad couldn't help but say: "Thank you Anla! You gave us precious food."

Xu Zhijian laughed: "Wrong, shouldn't I thank me for discovering it?"

Hamad was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect him to ask this question suddenly.

But he immediately said tactfully: "That's right, thank you, and thank you everyone!"

Although Xu Zhijian particularly hated this style, he didn't care too much at the moment. It was not the right time.

So he started to distribute according to needs.

The calories of a meat floss bread are about 450 kcal.

The amount per person is 70 grams ±.

Beef jerky is about 500 kcal per 100 grams.

Each person is 60 grams ±.

In general, it can supplement 550+ calories.

Although it can't be full, it can almost hold up.

After getting the food, Jiang Youmei and others did not wolf it down, but chewed it very slowly.

Enjoy the taste and feeling of eating.

The amount is too small, and there is no feeling of fullness at all after swallowing it in one bite, which is a pure waste.

Hamad said while eating: "Delicious, delicious, this is the most delicious food I have ever eaten!"

As one of the rich people in the UAE, he usually eats too many delicacies from mountains and seas.

He didn't even look at this kind of low-level food, and he thought it was garbage even if he fed it to a dog.

Now it's completely different.

Even if it's a steamed bun, he can eat it happily.

It's just like the old saying, if you starve for three days, the Guanyin soil you eat is all sesame paste.

After eating, they licked the taste on their fingers, still wanting more.

After resting for a while, they stood up and set off.

Xu Zhijian walked in front, Jiang Youmei followed with a bow and Leon on the left and right.

Hamad supported Isabella and walked behind.

After walking for a while, the passage in front began to widen slowly.

Soon, they came to a huge square that could accommodate several standard football fields.

Everyone looked around with torches for a while and soon found a more shocking situation.

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