People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 312 Survival Day 312: AVP!

They looked up at the endless stone wall and were amazed.

On these black mountains, there were several huge heads carved!

Just like the statues on Easter Island.

Only more delicate and real.

Each one is at least thirty or forty meters high, expressionless, full of weirdness and oppression.

It's like a living giant looking at you.

Leon exclaimed: "OMG... This is too spectacular! It reminds me of the Easter Island statues."

Hamad said: "Isn't there already a proof that Easter Island is fake?"

"I know, just as a metaphor, what is the use of these heads?"

"I guess, will it mean something like worship?"

"It's possible."

Listening to their conversation, Xu Zhijian observed carefully for a while.

I felt like I had seen something similar somewhere.

He reminded: "OK, keep going, pay attention to the situation around you."

Everyone continued to set off with doubts.

As he walked, he looked at the prompts from time to time, but there was still only the message that was close to the entrance to the next level.

This is really bad.

It only tells you whether you are close, but does not clearly state how far you are.

You cannot adjust the direction while walking.

After a while, the front suddenly opens up, and it seems that a wider space has appeared.

After approaching cautiously, I found that the torch could not illuminate the distance and I could not see anything clearly.

I had to spend 4 points to exchange for two strong flashlights.


Turn on one of them and shine it into the distance.

Jiang Youmei and the others were not surprised that he suddenly took out the flashlight, because they were all attracted by the situation in front of them.

In the depths of the space of more than 20 meters, a majestic and huge pyramid suddenly appeared!

It is similar to a trapezoidal shape.

It is more like the characteristics of Mayan civilization.

It is estimated to be larger than the heads we saw just now, at least 50 meters high.

Jiang Youmei and the others were completely confused.

First there was a statue, and then a pyramid palace appeared. What kind of place is this? ?

Xu Zhijian's eyes lit up, and he finally knew which movie it was!


Too familiar!

It is the famous "Alien vs. Predator", one of my personal favorites.

This is the first time that the two major alien monsters in the film and television have joined forces and confronted each other.

It was still very popular back then.

The general plot is:

"In 2004, the PS-12 satellite, which specializes in searching for mineral deposits, detected an unknown heat source in Area 14 of Antarctica.

And found that there are remains of unknown civilizations here.

According to calculations, the construction of this Aztec temple should be before the Egyptians built the pyramids.

In order to find out the truth before others, the company boss immediately summoned a group of scientific elites to form an expedition team.

Heading towards Bouvet Island, which has never been set foot by humans.

After the expedition team came underground, they saw the shocking remains of various civilizations.

What the expedition team didn't expect was that the Predator from alien space also set its sights on Here.

The expedition team accidentally awakened the sleeping aliens, which caused them to lay eggs and reproduce in large numbers.

What's worse is that the Iron Warriors, who were once worshipped as gods by the Aztecs, also came here at this time.

Three bloodthirsty Iron Warriors once again started the hunting game against aliens on the battlefield of Earth.

Unlike the fun of doing this 2,000 years ago, the number of aliens is larger and the combat power is stronger.

Facing two powerful monsters, the weak human expedition team was forced to get involved, and life and death are unpredictable! "

Since the scene is "Alien vs. Iron Warrior", the last level is this.

And now the Iron Warriors are all dead.

Then... there should be only one kind of monster, the Alien, in the palace!

I didn't expect that the two of them united here, or the Iron Warriors kept them in the palace to guard the gate.

What should I do next?

The monster of the Alien is praised as the most perfect life form, and its characteristics are very obvious.

They are proficient in assassination and hiding, and are excellent assassin killers.

The reproduction and growth rate is also extremely against the sky.

It's more exaggerated than cockroaches.

If one is left alone, it can parasitize and multiply into tens of thousands in a day.

Fortunately, the body is not bulletproof and can still be killed by hot weapons.

So in theory, as long as there is enough powerful firepower to wash the ground, it can be accidentally injured and pass the level.

The problem now is that there are no weapons.

That's right.

There is also a face hugger that is not very lethal, but more difficult to defend against!

What should I do?

He opened the equipment library and took a few glances, scanning all the abilities and props he now has.

There was no good idea for a while.

At this time, Jiang Youmei said: "Brother Xu, what should we do next? Which pyramid should we go to?"

He came back to his senses and said: "Yes, since it is the only way, we naturally have to go in."

"According to previous experiences, there must be terrible monsters hidden inside."

"Everyone must be careful, careful, and careful, remember!"

Everyone nodded to show that they understood.

So they walked towards the pyramid together vigilantly and came to the bottom.

He looked up and looked at it for a moment. It was big, really big, too majestic.

The stairs leading up are ridiculously large, enough for two cars to drive side by side.

On both sides of the stairs, there are two huge statues kneeling on one knee.

They are the shape of the Predator.

It is more certain that this is "Alien vs. Predator"

They looked around in amazement while walking up the steps slowly.

After a while, they arrived at the entrance to the palace.

This is an extremely tall cave entrance, similar to a rectangle, and it is estimated to be at least 10 meters high.

Gusts of cold wind blew out from the dark interior.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally stepped in with nervous vigilance and curiosity.

Click... click.

Their footsteps echoed in the empty space.

Xu Zhijian used a flashlight to shine on the top of the stone walls on both sides, and it was obvious that there were many carvings.

There were incomprehensible words and patterns.

There were also obvious images of the Iron Blood Warrior fighting with the alien.

"I wonder if there is an alien queen, unsealed or sealed?"

He thought while looking at it.

If there are only some ordinary aliens, then you can breathe a sigh of relief.

"Oh my God... This is simply a lost civilization."

"Is this an ancient base of aliens?"

"Isn't this the image of the Iron Blood Warrior? What kind of monster is fighting it?"

Jiang Youmei and others couldn't help but whisper.

Xu Zhijian didn't answer, but lowered his head and carefully observed the stone slabs on the ground.

According to the plot in the movie, some stones are actually the mechanism to activate the pyramid.

At that time, the overall layout will change irregularly every once in a while.

However, after looking around, he didn't find any sinking, bulging, or abnormality.

Maybe there is no mechanism?

He was not sure, but he would definitely not be careless and still had to pay attention at all times.

After walking for a distance in silence, two rows of stone sculptures of Iron Blood Warriors appeared on the walls on both sides of the passage in front.

Standing with spears in hand, many of them were covered with spider webs.

Jiang Youmei and the others became more and more confused, and they had already determined that this pyramid was the Iron Blood Warrior's lair.

Otherwise, how to explain so many elements?

Xu Zhijian looked very worried and carefully, afraid that there was actually a real one in the statue.

Anyway, it was like this in the movie.

If there was one here, it would basically be slaughtered unilaterally.

Soon they came to a corner.

After testing it out first to see if there was any danger, they walked in carefully.


However, after walking more than ten meters, a huge rock suddenly fell behind them and hit the ground heavily.

It blocked the way back.

"Fuck! What's going on?!"

"Damn... We are trapped, what should we do?!"

Leon and Hamad hurriedly turned around and ran back to push the stone slab, but it didn't move at all.

Xu Zhijian was prepared for this.

It's just that the stone bricks on the ground have not been working. Could it be that they have changed to another way to start?

He reminded: "Let's go, since we have come in, we must be prepared to face anything."

They had to accept the reality depressedly.

Start again.

A few minutes later, they came to a roughly rectangular room.

It was about ten meters wide and about forty meters long.

However, except for the place where they stood, there was no road in front.

Even if they shone the flashlight down, they could not see the end, as if it led to hell.

But it was at least more than ten meters away from the ground on the opposite side, and they couldn't jump over even if they wanted to.

Hamad wondered, "This... have we walked into a dead end?"

Xu Zhijian looked around for a while and said, "No, do you see a stone door on the opposite side?"

Jiang Youmei and the others looked carefully and found that it was true.

It means there is still a road ahead.

But how to get through?

He looked around and pondered carefully. Obviously, this is a mechanism.

But what does this mean?

How to crack it?

There are two reasons that can be thought of.

1: There is a road ahead, which means that people who come here are expected to continue to move forward.

So it seems that there is no road, but there is actually one.

2: This is an obstacle set up to deliberately prevent something from coming from the opposite side.

However, such a short distance is child's play for the aliens, and they can't stop it at all.

So the first possibility is the most likely.

Thinking about it, he suddenly remembered a very similar situation.


I remember there was a similar plot in "Indiana Jones".

And now it is a pyramid built by the Iron Blood Warrior, and it is more likely that a similar stealth technology has taken effect.

He immediately explained: "This must be a mechanism! And the solution is not difficult, I have seen it before."

"First of all, there must be a road or bridge that can be passed through."

"It's just hidden by a kind of dislocation and optical principle, so we can't see it."

He squatted down and began to move from the left to the right little by little, and his right hand kept groping below.

He wanted to find the bridge that was optically invisible.

However, after walking back and forth, his fingers didn't touch anything.

He walked from right to left again, still the same.

Xu Zhijian looked at Jiang Youmei who was expecting and then looked at the abyss, and it was a bit difficult for a while.

Damn, he was slapped in the face just after pretending.

Did I guess wrong?

Jiang Youmei hurriedly said: "Let's look for it from different perspectives together, and there will definitely be gains."


"I hope so."

Leon and the others began to do it obediently.

Xu Zhijian thought while searching, how many fields of vision can be used?

It seems that there are only four: looking straight, looking down, looking up, and looking sideways.

I can't fly, so I definitely can't look down.

Based on the current situation, the only angles left to try are the sideways and upward angles.

Once he had an idea, he had to give it a try.

He walked to the corner and lay down carefully, then raised his head and tried to look diagonally opposite.

At this time, the angle was about 40 to 50 degrees.

The flashlight moved back and forth little by little.



Three times.

Hard work pays off, and on the fifth time he finally discovered the situation! I saw that the light was about 50 centimeters below the ground, and there was a very subtle refraction!

This shows that there is an object blocking it!

He immediately commanded: "Jiang Youmei, come, you go to the middle position, a little to the left... Don't move!"

"The flashlight is refracted at this position, it is likely that the invisible bridge!"

"By the way, take off your coats and try downwards, quickly."

Jiang Youmei, Leon, and Hamad obediently took off their coats, then lifted their sleeves and threw them down.

A magical scene appeared.

When the clothes fell to about half a meter, they stopped in the air in a "floating" state.

Just like magic.


They cheered happily and clenched their fists happily.

No wonder they couldn't touch it just now. It turned out to be hidden underneath, just like the shape of the word "concave".

Xu Zhijian stood up and said, "OK, let's go. I'll take the lead."

After that, he adjusted his movements, tried it first, and then stepped on it very carefully.

At this moment, he seemed to be floating in the air, with a bottomless abyss under his feet.

It was extremely thrilling and magical.

Jiang Youmei followed behind tremblingly, stepping on the same line where the clothes were suspended and moving forward slowly.

Subconsciously raised his arms to balance.

Isabella followed behind her.

Leon and Hamad walked at the end.

They were also very careful and extremely nervous, and cold sweat kept coming out of their foreheads.

I dare not look down at the dark abyss, for fear that I might slip and fall.

One meter.

Two meters.

Three meters.

After a while, Xu Zhijian walked to the ground at the end without any danger.

He turned around and said, "Don't be afraid, take your time..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Isabella might be too nervous, or because one of her arms was injured, she couldn't balance.

Her left foot accidentally stepped off a little, and her body shook suddenly.

"Be careful!!"

Seeing this, Leon behind her immediately reached out and grabbed her, helping to stabilize her body.

Isabella froze, her face pale with fear.

After a moment of stagnation, she trembled and said, "Thank you... Thank you..."

"Don't be afraid, I'll help you, take your time."

Leon encouraged from behind, but he was also scared.

At this time, Jiang Youmei finally reached the end, and her legs softened and she sat on the ground with a wave of fear.

Xu Zhijian's heart was also frightened by the scene just now, but fortunately nothing happened.

Foreigners are really "slippery".

Thinking of this, he took out the rope and threw it over: "Hold on tight, everyone, and keep going."

This is a safety measure.

Even if someone loses balance and falls, they can be held as much as possible.

Isabella and the others held on tightly and did not dare to neglect it.

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