People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 320 Survival Day 320: Brainstorming

Leon supported Isabella and told her about his experience first, and then recounted how they met.

He had heard the sound before and walked over to check, and found that it was coming from behind a wall.

So he put his ear close to it and listened carefully, and soon confirmed that it was Isabella's voice!

This situation was strange, but exciting.

Anyway, he finally met his companion again.

He immediately asked tentatively: "Isabella, is that you?!"

Soon he got a response, it was indeed Isabella, and the other party was urgently asking for help.

Leon didn't know what happened specifically, but he knew that he must be in danger.

So he tried to destroy the wall with a spear without hesitation, and finally broke it successfully.

Then he found that it was indeed Isabella.

But at this time, she was jumping up and down in the corridor, avoiding the pursuit of a black object.

There was no time to reminisce, Leon waved his spear and rushed up to start fighting.

After a hard fight, he successfully killed that thing.

Only then did he see what it was.

How to say it, the overall shape is a human, but without arms, and the ribs are raised in different shapes.

And there are many blisters as big as the head on the chest.

The abdomen is shining with a dark red light, like fire or flowing magma.

The liquid flowing out of the wound is also red, and it has a corrosive effect.

It looks like the blood of an alien.

Thanks to the lack of arms and one less way of attack, Isabella was able to hold on and not be killed.

When the two were discussing what to do, they suddenly heard a burst of gunfire.

Although they didn't know who fired it, it meant that there were other living people.

So they hurriedly followed the sound again.


After listening to Leon's description, Xu Zhijian nodded thoughtfully.

Puppet spider.

Armless monster.

Why does it feel a little familiar?

But I can't make an accurate judgment without seeing it with my own eyes, and I can't guess what it looks like.

Leon asked puzzledly: "Xu, what is going on? Do you have any ideas?"

He nodded: "It's just a classic visual dislocation, space folding and other means."

"If it is a more advanced parallel space theory, we won't be able to crack and meet so easily."

Leon and Isabella pondered for a while and felt that it really made sense.

These four passages have already proved it.

He continued to care: "Is your injury okay? We can't stay here, we have to continue to escape from here."

Isabella hummed: "It's not a big problem, we can hold on."

"OK, let's go!"

Leader Xu Zhijian led them forward carefully.

This time they walked for more than ten minutes and did not encounter any danger.

Not long after, a half-closed door appeared in front of them, and they carefully pushed it open and went in to check.

This is a room of about ten square meters, very empty, with almost no decoration and furniture.

It is in sharp contrast with the trap room just now.

There is also a closed iron door in front of them, with a tablet that looks like an iPad hanging on it.

Just after they all walked in, the door was closed directly.

At the same time, the tablet suddenly lit up, and a countdown appeared on the screen: 30 seconds.

At the same time, a mechanical electronic prompt sounded.

"Welcome to the brainstorming field, the game begins."

"The battles along the way should have made you feel tired. Let's play a simple wisdom duel this time."

"Every once in a while, the walls on both sides will bulge outward for a distance, and they will be completely merged after 6 minutes."

"If you don't escape during this period, you will be crushed into a meat paste thinner than paper by the wall. This is not a good experience."

"You have the opportunity to solve 9 puzzles. Each correct answer will extend the time, and vice versa, it will speed up the merger."

"You only need to answer 8 questions correctly, and the mechanism will be invalid and you can pass the level directly."

"The game officially begins!"


As the sound disappeared, the countdown on the screen also ended.

The walls on both sides also suddenly bulged out about 20 centimeters.

Leon exclaimed: "Fuck! There is such an operation? Let's find a way to escape."

Xu Zhijian signaled them not to rush and looked at the puzzles on the screen carefully.

"1: There is a cow on the grass, its head facing north while eating grass, so which direction should its tail face?"

This is a classic and simple brain teaser, which three-year-olds should have seen.

That's it?

He blurted out immediately: "The tail is facing the ground!"

A green check mark appeared on the screen, and then the second question came.

"2: Among these four pictures, which object is unusual from the other three?"

Picture 1 is a raccoon

Picture 2 is an alpaca

Picture 3 is a football

Picture 4 is a hot air balloon

Xu Zhijian thought seriously, two animals, two objects, but only one is unusual.

What is it?

While thinking, Isabella suddenly said: "I know, it's the second picture!"

The answer is correct.

Jiang Youmei couldn't help but ask, "Why is it an alpaca?"

She explained, "It's simple, because the other three have two letters OO connected, but this one doesn't."

Leon and Jiang Youmei looked at the picture again, and then understood it after a little thought.

That's exactly what I meant.

This is a confusing question of diffuse thinking. If you don't understand English, it's not easy to answer it correctly just by analyzing the surface.

The third question came out.

"3: This is the Statue of Liberty painted in 1886, but some people pointed out that it is definitely a fake. Why?"

At the same time as this question came out, the walls on both sides protruded 30 centimeters again.

The total of the front and back is already one meter.

Leon, Jiang Youmei and Isabella were puzzled by the picture and thought silently.

The painting is exactly the same as the real Statue of Liberty, but why is it fake?

I don't understand art at all, so I can't tell!

Xu Zhijian asked: "Was the Statue of Liberty built in 1886?"

"I don't know."

The three shook their heads at the same time, not knowing much about American history.

He hummed and continued to think.

Assuming that the Statue of Liberty was indeed built in 1886, it would be more than 130 years ago.

This thing stands outside the house every day and is exposed to wind and rain, so it must be worn and changed.

But the portrait is almost the same as the real thing now.

Even if it is maintained regularly, there must be some differences after such a long time.

But what is wrong?

Xu Zhijian looked at the picture and thought quickly. Not long after, he suddenly had an idea and thought of bronze.

As we all know, most of the unearthed bronzes are a kind of blue-green.

In fact, this is just an illusion after being polished by time. The real color should be golden yellow.

And the Statue of Liberty seems to be made of copper, right?

Then the original color should be copper, definitely not the green color after the chemical reaction now.

Haha, that's it!

He immediately said: "Got it! Color, the color of the Statue of Liberty in the portrait is wrong!"

The answer is correct.

Leon and the others realized it later. If no one reminded them, they really wouldn't have thought of this.

Just like many people think that bronze is really blue.

Jiang Youmei exclaimed: "Brother Xu, you are great!"

He laughed and thought that what he said was a bit easy to make people think wrong.

But he is really great, in all aspects.

At this time, the wall bulged out a lot, and the width of the room was only about two and a half meters.

"4: What falls into the water but never sinks, let alone dies?"

This condition first excludes living things.

And dead things such as stones and wood do not meet the requirements.

Even a feather cannot float, as long as there is material, it will sink.

Tsk, what could it be?

They fell into deep thought for a while, and they really couldn't think of an answer.




Seeing that the time was about to end, Xu Zhijian subconsciously looked down at his feet.

Then his eyes suddenly lit up, and he finally had an idea.

That's right!

It might be this.

So he hurriedly answered: "I know, it's a shadow!"


The answer is correct.

He smiled proudly, thinking that his brother's reaction was really amazing.

But I feel that it is also thanks to the copy of "Saw".

And after learning Jigsaw's mechanical skills, his thinking has also been upgraded to a higher level.

Jiang Youmei and the other two cast praise eyes.

They couldn't think of such a strange answer anyway.

The next 5, 6, and 7 questions were more difficult than each other.

Everyone racked their brains to answer them all.

However, there was still a slight deviation. The first answer to question 6 was wrong.

The space was reduced by more than 60 centimeters!

At this time, the width of the room was less than one meter, which was extremely depressing.

Everyone could only stand one after another, and their nerves were tense to the extreme.

There was only one question left, and they must not make any mistakes!

"8: The final code to leave is in you, accompanying you from birth to death, but it is invisible and intangible"

Everyone frowned when they saw this.

What does this mean? ?

The puzzle is in me... Then why don't I know it?

Can't see, can't touch.

What does it mean? ?

Leon, Jiang Youmei, and Isabella subconsciously began to look at themselves.

And Xu Zhijian immediately thought of an answer. Could it be birthday?

It is both a number and meets the following conditions.

Thinking about it, he immediately said: "1999520!"

Not only did he say it once in Chinese, he also repeated it in English.


The answer is wrong!


The walls on both sides suddenly tightened again, and they were so scared that they quickly turned around and barely stood.

He was not panicked about this, and remained calm.

If the birthday is wrong... then what else is right? ?

That's right!


You can't see or touch it, but it can accompany you from birth to death.

However, no matter how much I thought about it, I didn't dare to say it casually, because if it was wrong again, I would be a meat pie.



But time was pressing little by little, and I couldn't afford to delay.

Damn it!


Xu Zhijian gritted his teeth: "Xu Zhijian! XU-ZHI-JIAN!"


The answer is correct.

The iron door in front opened in response.

The walls on both sides began to shrink back, and the space gradually became open again, and the crisis was resolved.

Seeing this, they didn't care to be happy, but immediately fled the secret room.

They only breathed a sigh of relief when they were completely safe.

Leon wiped the cold sweat from his head and said: "It was really thrilling! I really don't know how to thank you, Xu."

He waved his hand: "You're welcome, I just happened to guess it right, and I almost killed everyone."

Jiang Youmei quickly denied: "No! Even if we didn't answer wrong, we would be crushed to death when the time came."

He nodded with relief and said nothing more, turning around to look at the surrounding situation.

Now we are in a very narrow corridor, two meters wide and four or five meters long.

There is also a square, hinged iron plate in the middle, which rotates left and right at a constant speed.

It blocks the entire way.

Every time it moves, one side will reveal a gap of about 40 to 50 centimeters.

After patiently observing for a while, I found that it rotates about once every 30 seconds.

It stays for about ten seconds each time.

Xu Zhijian immediately understood that this is obviously a mechanism, and it is probably impossible to stop it by manpower.

If you want to pass safely and smoothly, you have to find a way to stop the iron plate.

It looks difficult, because once you make a mistake or can't think of a good way.

The body will be stuck inside, and then die directly due to the rotation!

However, Xu Zhijian felt very relaxed.

The reason is very simple, the telescopic spear can break this formation.

He said: "Leon, give me the weapon."

The other party handed it over obediently.

He took it and walked to the front of the iron plate, and found the right opportunity to directly insert it into the exposed gap.


The rotating mechanism stopped immediately, making a series of metal friction sounds.

Xu Zhijian reminded: "You guys go over!"

Leon and the other two hurriedly walked to the opposite side one after another.

Finally he walked over, and then took the opportunity to pull out the spear again.

The mechanism started to work again.

Pass without injury, and continue to move forward.


While they worked together to break through the level, another team of people also came here.

The leader was the player code 6664, currently ranked 15th, with 2600 points.

There were also three ordinary teammates, two men and one woman.

Or in other words, hostages who were forced to team up with him.

Facing this rotating mechanism, they were a little embarrassed for a while, not knowing how to solve it.

I can think of a way, but I don't have the right tools.

After thinking for a moment, 6664 pointed at the woman and said, "You, go over there and turn off the mechanism."

He chose this not because the other party was a woman, and he did it on purpose.

But because the woman was thin and small, it was easy for her to drill into the gap when the hinge turned.

The success rate was the highest.

The woman took two steps back in fear: "No... why... why me."

6664 said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense to me, understand?"

The two men looked at each other and saw the look in each other's eyes.

At the same time, a sense of crisis also rose.

Now he dared to let the woman die, then wouldn't it be his turn next?

This is not okay!

Why should he be alive in the end, and he will die in vain?

A guy hesitated for a moment, then said with courage: "Why... can't we work together?"

"Why do you let us die alone? This is not... unfair."

"Fair? Hehe."

6664 sneered and took a step forward, scaring them so much that they hurriedly retreated and hid in the corner.

There was no way.

The other party had weapons in their hands and their fighting power was also very strong.

They were no match at all.

He said impatiently: "Hurry up! Don't let me repeat it again."

Another long-haired man said timidly: "You... why don't you go? Aren't you very powerful?"

"Why... why don't you have any skills now?"

6664 laughed disdainfully again.

I didn't expect these three scumbags to resist. It's really interesting and they don't know how to live or die.

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