People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 321 Survival Day 321: Catacombs

After laughing for a while, he stopped smiling and suddenly rushed to Niko.

Then, without waiting for the other party to react, he punched him in the throat.


Niko felt his brain go blank, his neck was about to break, and his breathing suddenly stopped.

Then his body softened and fell to the ground.

The woman and the long-haired man next to him were stunned. They just reacted and instinctively wanted to fight back but were knocked down.

It was a complete one-sided beating, killing instantly.

6664 squatted down, grabbed the black man's hair with his left hand, grabbed his chin with his right hand, and then pulled hard in the opposite direction.


The cervical vertebrae were broken directly, and he was completely dead.

The woman and the long-haired man were not much better, their faces were covered with blood, and they were dizzy.

They basically lost the ability to resist.

This is the gap between players and ordinary people.

With various abilities, it is basically a one-sided massacre.

6664 picked up Nigo's body, and when the hinge started to move again, he threw it directly into the gap to jam it.

Then he rushed over quickly.

The two people were still a little hesitant when they saw this, mainly because they were too scared.

They thought they could fight together, but in the end, they lost even more miserably.

At this time, the hinge turned again, and Nigo's body was squeezed narrower and narrower.

The sound of bones breaking was endless.

It was extremely terrifying.

They didn't dare to hesitate any longer, knowing that this was the last chance.

They hurriedly rolled and crawled to the opposite side.

After a few seconds, the hinge closed again.

Nigo's body couldn't resist the huge force at all, and was directly broken in the middle!

Blood and flesh flew everywhere, it was simply horrible.

The woman and the long-haired man were extremely shocked, and their bodies trembled with fear.

6664 sneered: "If you want to live, continue to follow me. Don't forget, I saved you several times."

After that, he left in a swagger.

The two of them looked at each other, and no matter how scared they were, they could only follow helplessly in the end.

This is indeed the case.

When they met him in a team before, he had not yet revealed his brutal and evil true colors.

Everyone worked together to survive.

As a result, his true colors became more and more obvious, selfish, ruthless.

He would not hesitate to use his teammates to achieve his goals.

But it was too late.

He wanted to escape, but he didn't know where to escape to.

He wanted to resist, but he didn't have the ability.

After thinking silently for a while, a ray of extremely determined light flashed in the eyes of the long-haired man.

He lowered his voice and said, "No matter what happens next, I will use my life to drag him to death!"

"When the time comes, you must take the opportunity to escape, and don't worry about me."

The woman didn't have much emotional fluctuations when she heard it, and looked at 6664's back for a while.

Then her eyes became firm and resolute.

She nodded: "I'll go with you! I'd rather die with him than live like this!!"

Both of them saw the determination in each other's eyes, and then smiled with relief.

That calm look, ready to die!


On the other side, Xu Zhijian and his teammates were carefully groping forward.

After turning left and right for a while, the passage in front turned into a cave-like space.

It was about 2.5 meters high and bumpy.

A musty wind blew out.

Xu Zhijian said: "It's probably dangerous inside, so be sure to pay attention to safety, GO!"

After saying that, he took the lead and walked in, and Jiang Youmei and the others followed behind.

As he walked and looked at the situation, he was sure that this was a mine cave.

It is likely to be a set? ?

He immediately began to think about which horror movies have cave elements, and two of them came to mind at the first time.

"Dark Invasion"

"The Hills Have Eyes"

The first one has appeared in the first season, so it can be ruled out.

So it's the second one? ?

After walking about thirty meters while thinking, some worn-out wires and light bulbs began to appear on the cave wall.

There were also rusty rails under my feet.

This idea was confirmed.

Keep going.

As I went deeper and deeper, turbid sewage began to appear on the ground, gradually submerging my ankles and knees.

And the water was ridiculously cold.

It felt even colder than the water taken out of the cold storage, just like a knife piercing my bones.


"It hurts!"

Jiang Youmei and the other two couldn't help but gasp, their faces twisted in pain.

Xu Zhijian also frowned.

Fortunately, this waterway was not very long, only about ten meters, and they passed it quickly.

Everyone quickly rubbed their calves to ease the pain, and their shoes and socks also made them very uncomfortable after absorbing water.

After confirming that there was no big problem, they continued to move forward.

After walking for a few more minutes, there was a sudden sound of clacking in the dark distance.


Several black shadows flew rapidly without warning.

"Get out of the way!"

Xu Zhijian reminded them immediately, and instinctively covered his head and bent over to avoid it.

Jiang Youmei and the others followed suit.

After the black shadow flew past quickly and they took a closer look, they breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be just a bat.

While walking, Jiang Youmei suddenly stopped without any warning.

Isabella behind her didn't notice and bumped into her back.

Jiang Youmei said nervously, "Look there, there is... a body!"

Xu Zhijian and the others turned their heads to look.

In the corner not far away, there was indeed a body lying, which had already dried into a mummy.

It almost blends in with the color of the wall, and it's hard to tell whether it's a boy or a girl.

People with bad eyesight really can't notice it.

Just as he was watching, the mummy's dry eyelids suddenly opened!


Xu Zhijian decisively fired two shots at him, thinking that he would dare to seek death with such little means?

A hole was punched through the chest of the mummy, but it still remained open and motionless.

He also did not receive the corresponding points reminder.

So is the other party not dead, or is it for other reasons?

Everyone looked at each other nervously and did not take the initiative to take a closer look.

At this critical moment, the situation changed again.

I saw two black bugs emerging from the eye sockets of the mummy and crawling away along the face.

It turns out that there was no supernatural incident just now, but something caused by them.

A false alarm.

They breathed a sigh of relief, then cautiously walked over to take a few glances before moving on.

After walking zigzag for a while, there was no road ahead and there was only a small hole.

Probably enough for a person to crawl through.

Xu Zhijian suddenly felt bad, because this was one of the situations he least wanted to encounter.

Because the smaller the space, the higher the risk factor.

At least you can hide and fight back in an open place, but once you enter a small hole like this, you can't help it.

Maybe while crawling, a monster will rush out from in front or behind.

No chance to hide.

Jiang Youmei and the others had the same idea.

But now there is only one way forward. If you want to continue walking, you can only crawl. There is no other way.

Isabella asked: "Xu, are you crawling?"

He nodded: "Yeah! I'm in the front, Leon, you're in the end."

This is the safest ranking.

If a monster appears in front, he can shoot directly. If it is behind, Leon can use a spear.

Of course, if it collapses directly, then there is nothing to say.

It's all fate.

He first explored the cave, then got in with a gun in one hand and a flashlight in the other.

Jiang Youmei was second.

Isabella third.

After crawling for more than 20 seconds, Xu Zhijian turned around and looked behind him with difficulty.

At this time, the entrance to the cave could no longer be seen clearly, and it was visually estimated that we had advanced at least thirty to fifty meters.

If something happens at this time, there will be no way out.

Everyone crawled quickly with anxiety and nervousness, silently praying that no accident would happen.

And the gods seemed to hear the request.

Xu Zhijian soon saw that the cave entrance had reached the end, and an open area appeared in front of him.

"The front is getting wider, work harder!"

He immediately gave a morale boost.

After a while, everyone managed to get out of the small hole safely.


Jiang Youmei said fearfully: "I was really afraid that something would happen just now, such as collapsing..."

Isabella chimed in, "ME-TOO, I had the same idea."

They moved forward with emotion.

Not long after, I found a small pile of bones on the road ahead!

Apparently, it's still human.

There are leg bones, ribs, etc.

Xu Zhijian walked over and picked up one to check. No matter the feel or texture, it didn't seem to be a prop.

This made him feel more like "The Mountain Has Eyes".

Because the deformed mutants inside are cannibals.

Now that bones have appeared, it means that they are close to the place they often touch? ?

Xu Zhijian immediately reminded: "It seems that there should be monsters around, remember not to be distracted!"

Jiang Youmei and the other three couldn't help but become nervous.

After walking carefully for about a minute, the space in front became wider and wider.

Then, an extremely strange and magical picture appeared.

I saw that the corners of the entire space, close to the wall, etc., were filled with piles and piles of human bones!

Human skulls, leg bones, ribs, etc. are arranged in categories and stacked three to four meters high.

Neatly and densely packed.

I can’t even count how many there are, it feels endless.

Everyone watching is afraid that they are guilty!


"God...what's going on??"

Jiang Youmei, Isabella, and Leon exclaimed with their eyes widened in shock.

This scene is really shocking.

And it’s extremely strange, why are there so many human bones placed here?

And it's arranged so neatly? ?

When Xu Zhijian saw this, he suddenly realized that this was the case. He had guessed wrong just now.

This is not "The Mountain Has Eyes"

It turned out to be a special "Catacombs"!

This is a very classic pseudo-documentary horror film, also called "The Catacombs of Paris" and "Uneasy"

Known as the horror version of "Raiders of the Lost Ark"

The general plot is:

"Scarlett, a professor at the University of London, holds professional degrees in archeology and semiotics at a young age.

Be more proficient in four languages.

Her father had devoted himself to the exploration and research of the Philosopher's Stone, but sadly died in the end.

Scarlett, who inherited her father's legacy, found a new clue in her new adventure.

The legendary Roset Key was found from a tomb that was about to be blown up.

This key discovery can help her find clues to the Philosopher's Stone.

In order to achieve this goal, she invited Benji, George and other friends to search together.

These daring young men broke into the Paris catacombs where six million bones were buried to explore.

This is where the terrifying experience begins."

The film is very good. Although it is a pseudo-documentary, the camera does not shake much.

So Xu Zhijian has watched it completely.

When he saw the piles of bones in front of him, he immediately realized that it was this film.

And this so-called underground tomb is not fictional.

It really exists in reality.

The history can be traced back to the 15th century.

At that time, there were many limestone quarries in the city of Paris, which provided raw materials for urban construction.

Then it gradually expanded underground, forming an intricate network of tunnels covering the whole of Paris.

However, as time went by, these quarries were gradually abandoned.

And due to the lack of maintenance and supervision, some ground collapse and building collapse accidents occurred.

In order to prevent greater disasters, Louis XV ordered the inspection and consolidation of the quarries in 1774.

And set up a special agency to take charge of the work.

At the same time, cemeteries in the city of Paris also faced a serious problem: overcrowding.

Due to the growth of the city's population and limited space, many cemeteries can no longer accommodate more bodies.

There are even bad situations such as piled on the ground, corpse stench, and sewage infiltration.

The most serious of these is the Holy Spirit Cemetery in the Les Halles district, which is the oldest and largest cemetery in Paris.

It has a history of nearly ten centuries.

It is estimated that more than two million bodies are buried here.

Including many victims of the Black Death and other infectious diseases.

These bodies not only occupy a large amount of land, but also cause serious harm to the surrounding environment and residents.

On May 30, 1780, the basement of a resident next to the Holy Spirit Cemetery suddenly collapsed.

A pile of rotten bones and foul-smelling liquid was exposed, causing public panic and anger.

In order to solve this crisis, Louis XVI ordered the closure of the Holy Spirit Cemetery in 1785.

And all the bones inside were transferred to the Tomby-Issoire Quarry.

This is an underground quarry located in the south of Paris that has been abandoned for centuries.

After cleaning and reinforcement, a warning inscription was engraved at the entrance:

"Stop! This is the empire of death"

Then the transfer of bones began.

Every evening, a team of priests and workers set out from the Holy Spirit Cemetery and drove to the quarry.

The bones were then unloaded, transported underground on carts, and then stacked on the wall according to the plan.

Various patterns and symbols were formed.

Until April 7, 1787, all the bones in the Holy Spirit Cemetery were emptied.

In the following decades, the Paris Catacombs continued to expand.

It is estimated that by 1814, there were six million bones.

From different periods, classes, professions and beliefs.

There are nobles, civilians, monks, soldiers, artists, scientists, etc.

Because of this, it always attracts some curious and adventurous people to explore.

Including various personnel.

On November 16, 1787, Louis XVI and the Queen of Austria personally visited the catacombs.

On April 7, 1792, Maximilien Robespierre also gave a speech here.

In order to meet the needs of the people, the Paris government decided to open part of the catacombs to the public in 1809.

This place has since become a tourist attraction and historical site.

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