People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 325: Survival Day 325: An Ordinary Artifact

ten minutes later.

All eight sources of plague were beaten down, lying on the ground in a mess.

It's a pity that I can't kill him directly.

Xu Zhijian threw away the cloth wrapped around his hand and deduced which diseases the ten represented.

L disease.

M poison.


Sharp rash?

Soft tumor?

I don’t know much about X-related diseases, so I can only think of these symptoms that are well-known to the public.

Unexpectedly, this hell is not just a beauty attack.

Because there is a fatal crisis hidden behind happiness. As long as you don't clean yourself and love yourself, your life will be over.

Moreover, these diseases were materialized and turned into monsters to bite the opponent back.

More evil, cruel, and painful.

Then he checked the conditions of Jiang Youmei and Isabella. They should not be in fatal danger.

But it won't get better for a while.

I don’t even know if this backlash disease is temporary or permanent.

The latter would be bad.

He dragged the three of them forward again, but not long after walking, a cold wind suddenly blew from the front.

It was very violent, it felt like at least a level 8 gust.

He subconsciously lowered his head and squinted his eyes to avoid it, and his body shook slightly as he was pushed.

I thought it would be over in a while.

As a result, the strong wind not only did not slow down, but became more and more fierce, and instantly turned into a hurricane of category 13 or above.

The sound of the wind echoed back and forth in the passage like a ghost crying.

And the wind was extremely cold, and it felt like being hit by something sharp.


Xu Zhijian was so blown that she couldn't stand, and her body stumbled back uncontrollably.

His back hit the wall directly.

At the same time, I couldn't open my eyes anymore and could only barely squint through a gap.

My whole body felt like it was being stabbed by countless nails, and it was very painful.

Facing this sudden catastrophic wind, he immediately thought of what Leon had said about the "Divine Comedy".

In addition to the tests in YIN prison.

It will also generate non-stop hellish winds, carrying the sinful souls endlessly rolling and hitting the rocks.

You can fight back against monsters and monsters.

What to do now? ?

Xu Zhijian was so blown that she could hardly control herself, and had to hold on to Jiang Youmei and the others to prevent them from being blown away.

At such an urgent moment, I suddenly thought of the parachutes I carried.

Got it!

He used all his strength to drag the three of them to the corner, so as to avoid being blown away as much as possible.

Then he took out the parachute from his bag and wrapped himself and them directly.


Finally, insert the telescopic spear into the ground to strengthen the umbrella cloth and prevent it from being blown away.

It can also be used as a support to hold on to.

Blah blah blah...

The parachute blown by strong winds undulated like ocean waves. Fortunately, this military-grade equipment was of excellent quality.

You won’t have to worry about being blown out for a while.

Xu Zhijian held the spear with one hand and held Jiang Youmei and the others with the other.

At the same time, he looked at the condition of his arm.

I saw that there were many red marks, like bruises, which were blown out by the wind.

If there is no cover, the skin and flesh will be blown out before long.


He cursed helplessly, wondering when this wind would stop.

If it doesn't stop, how can we break the situation?

Thinking about it, he pushed the spear down a few centimeters harder. Fortunately, he had this artifact as a support.

Not to mention hurricanes of Category 14 or 5, even the strongest weapons on earth cannot cause damage.


At the same time, several cracks suddenly appeared where the spear was inserted.

And it spread rapidly, becoming deep and long, two to three meters long.

Xu Zhijian was speechless.

This damn thing is such a disaster. I didn't expect it to crack so easily.

Does it mean there is a hollow underneath the stone slab? ?

Is it possible that there is a hole underneath? !

He immediately changed from depression to expectation. After thinking for a moment, he decisively twisted the spear a few times again.

Click click click——!

The cracks also spread, and then they could no longer support it, and the surrounding stone slabs collapsed instantly.

Xu Zhijian and the others fell uncontrollably.

About five seconds later, his feet touched solid ground.

As for Jiang Youmei, Isabella, and Leon, they inevitably fell more seriously because they were in a coma.

He hurriedly checked it, but luckily there was no fatal injury.

However, Leon's forehead was bruised and bleeding.

After briefly processing it, he quickly looked up and saw that he could no longer hear or feel the hurricane.

It means that we have indeed fallen into the third level of hell.

Is this a blessing in disguise?

If it hadn't been for the interference of the wind, it would not have stopped, and it would have been impossible to discover that the entrance to the cave was actually hidden below.

Maybe he will wander around on the second floor until he is trapped to death.

Xu Zhijian withdrew his gaze and dragged them forward carefully.

According to the setting of "The Divine Comedy", the third level of hell is: Gluttony (Gluttony)

From the narrow literal meaning, it can be understood that all those who were gluttonous and overeating during their lifetime will enter here.

In a broad sense, it refers to unbridled waste and greed, not just eating and drinking.

Observe your surroundings as you walk.

I found many faded murals and carvings on the walls on both sides.

Most of the content is about soldiers fighting in ancient times.

Judging from the dress, it looks very much like a crusader.

After walking for a while, a wide stone chamber appeared ahead.

Xu Zhijian stopped, put Jiang Youmei and the others away first, and then approached carefully with weapons to check.

The area is not very large, about 20 square meters.

There is nothing else except a stone platform in the middle.

And there is a person lying on it!

It is a white male with a big beard, wearing a white robe, and a big red cross painted on his chest.

There is a circle of silver armor exposed at the collar, which looks like chain mail.

The other party lay quietly and motionless, as if he had been dead for a long time.

Combined with the content on the mural, this is obviously a Crusader who once went to the East.

Xu Zhijian immediately recognized his identity.

But what is his name... I really forgot it for a while.

There is this person in "Catacombs". He is not only a soldier, but also a legendary alchemist.

The time of death is more than a thousand years.

He approached vigilantly and looked at it for a few times. There was no danger on the surface.

And there was no resurrection in the movie.

After observing for a while, he looked at the murals painted on the surrounding walls.

It was still the same content of the Crusades.

But soon, a red stone about the size of a fist appeared on the left wall.

It was not painted, but obviously embedded on it.

Xu Zhijian's eyes lit up when he saw it. Wow! Isn't this a treasure shown in the movie?

The legendary Philosopher's Stone!

This is the treasure that all Western alchemists have been pursuing all their lives, the legendary invincible artifact.

It can turn ordinary metals or any substance into gold.

Cure any disease, make people regain youth, immortality, etc.

In some legends, it can also keep the lights on, create a clone of yourself, or create a life form.

Usually the form is a red crystal, but it can also be powdered or liquid, similar to cinnabar stone.

This artifact can be traced back to ancient Greece.

At that time, it was called: a stone that can obtain knowledge from God.

Physics in the eighth century AD believed that the process of element transformation requires a special catalyst.

This is the later Philosopher's Stone.

In history, there was a group of people who spent thousands of years looking for this legendary artifact.

Since the 12th century, the Christian West began to translate Arabic alchemical documents.

Legend has it that the theologian and philosopher Albertus Magnus discovered the whereabouts of the Philosopher's Stone.

Although he did not confirm his discovery in his works, he did record that others used artifacts to change other substances.

And witnessed the gold that was created.

And there is only one person in history who has been clearly recorded as successfully refining the Philosopher's Stone and is known as a legendary alchemist.

Nicholas Flamel.

That is the alchemist in "Harry Potter": Nicolas Flamel.

He was born in France in 1330 and was originally just an ordinary person who made a living by copying.

He was educated, proficient in Latin and Greek, and often copied various precious manuscripts for the nobles.

His ordinary day changed dramatically in one night.

That night, he dreamed of an angel telling him that he would get a book, and if he studied it thoroughly, he would gain extraordinary power.

This book is "The Book of Abraham the Squid".

The strange thing about this book is that it was not written on parchment, but on the lost ancient Egyptian papyrus.

The book not only contains Latin and Greek, but also some obscure pictures.

He spent 21 years studying this book and finally understood the secret in 1382.

According to records, he successfully made the Philosopher's Stone and turned mercury into gold three times in its name.

He became a wealthy man overnight.

However, he did not become a nouveau riche because of this. Instead, he turned the wealth obtained from alchemy into charity.

In the name of him and his wife, he donated 14 hospitals, 3 chapels, and 7 churches in Paris.

When he died, he left a strange will written in code.

When the world found this will, they were eager for the Philosopher's Stone he mentioned, and finally pried open the coffin to look for it.

But they found nothing inside.

Later, people said that he had mastered the secret of immortality and was not really dead.

There were news of his sightings in the next few hundred years.

Obtaining the Philosopher's Stone means obtaining the ultimate wisdom, power, and immortality.

That's why many people spend their entire lives searching for it and believe it.

This includes even Newton, who was at the peak of human wisdom.

He spent nearly thirty years studying alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone, leaving behind more than one million words of manuscripts.


Xu Zhijian reached out and took the Philosopher's Stone down to examine it carefully, very easily.

Dark red, no light or other special effects.

If you didn't know the identity of this thing and that it was a copy of the movie, you would only think it was an ordinary ruby.

Or cinnabar.

It's really ordinary.

After looking at it for a while, he quickly returned and squatted down, carefully sticking the stone on Jiang Youmei's arm.

According to the movie setting, the Philosopher's Stone can heal any form of wounds and diseases.

But it doesn't work for death.

Now they have all been injured to varying degrees, so it's a good time to experiment whether it works.

The stone was stuck on Jiang Youmei's skin, and it also didn't show any strange special effects.


The dense red pimples on her body disappeared as quickly as they were visible to the naked eye.

It disappeared within a minute and returned to normal.


At the same time, Jiang Youmei also woke up from her coma.

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but feel happy, and immediately put the stone on Isabella's body again.

Then there was Leon.

Everyone's injuries were healed.

They sat up, a little painful and confused, and didn't know what happened for a while.

Xu Zhijian truthfully told the cause and effect.

The three of them were shocked when they heard this.

Jiang Youmei and Isabella were so sick that they wanted to vomit. They did not dare and did not want to accept that they had "suffered" from disease X.

But even more incredible is the legendary Philosopher's Stone.

With this artifact, doesn't it mean that we no longer have to worry about any harm?

However, Xu Zhijian poured cold water on it: "This thing can no longer be used, otherwise it will suffer backlash."

"The third level is the Hell of Gluttony. On the surface it means gluttony, but it actually refers to unbridled greed."

"The Philosopher's Stone appears here, and it is definitely not a gift given to us on purpose."

“Once we relax and use it casually, then we really fall into the trap!”

Jiang Youmei and the others thought about it and felt that this inference was very reasonable.

How do you say something?

All the gifts given by Hitting have actually been marked with chips.

Xu Zhijian continued to ask: "Leon, can you guess the identity of this corpse?"

Leon looked at it twice: "I remember, it should be that Nico Flamel!"

Hearing the name, he reacted immediately.


This is the name that appears in "The Catacombs", it's absolutely correct.

The legendary alchemist.

Rumors that he is not dead have never stopped, and many people firmly believe that he is immortal.

In 1719, Paul mentioned in his "Turkish Journey" that he met a strange Turk.

The other party said: "Do you believe that Nicholas and his wife are really dead? No, they are still alive."

When Paul asked, the mysterious man left in a hurry and his whereabouts are unknown ever since.

The most famous story is that in 1761, someone saw Nicholas and his wife at the Paris Opera House.

And he smelled of sulfur, as if he was trying to cover up something.

The last sighting was 1 Paulwell also saw an old man who looked exactly like Nicholas in Paris.

If this alchemist is really still alive, he must be at least over 600 years old.

But it's a little worse than the legendary Peng Zu.

But why is he wearing Crusader armor?

And why was he placed in the third level of hell?

No one knows these questions, and the truth may never be found.

Maybe it’s just the random setting of the movie.

Jiang Youmei suggested: "Brother Xu, do you want to try resurrecting him with a stone?"

Xu Zhijian did have this idea.

But forget it.

On the one hand, I don’t know the consequences of continuing to use the Philosopher’s Stone. On the other hand, what’s the point of being resurrected?

What if this is a trap.

Just understand that human nature can't help but try to resurrect out of curiosity, and ambush deadly traps in advance.

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