People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 326 Survival Day 326: Polar Reversal, Mirror World

After observing for a while, Nicolas Flamel's body suddenly began to melt rapidly.

It turned into a pile of gray powder in an instant.

They immediately retreated vigilantly, and for a moment they couldn't figure out what was going on.

How could it rot just like that? ?

At the same time, the Philosopher's Stone in Xu Zhijian's hand also strangely emitted a piercing cold feeling.


He obviously felt the pain and threw it out subconsciously.

Then a strange scene appeared.

The place where the stone fell was melting rapidly, just like ice cubes placed under high temperature.

"Thank you for the generous gift... What's going on?!"

"Let's run!"

Jiang Youmei and the others stepped back in shock, staring wide-eyed and feeling incredible.

Xu Zhijian didn't know what was going on.

But a thought immediately popped up in his mind: This is the consequence of using the Philosopher's Stone!

Sure enough.

Just using it a little will lead to uncontrollable consequences, and once it is used without restraint, it is even more unimaginable.

But this thing is a legendary artifact after all, and it can't be thrown away like this.

So he rushed over and put it into the equipment library as quickly as possible, and stored it first.

It can also solve the current situation.

Sure enough, after the philosopher's stone disappeared, the ground stopped melting.

Jiang Youmei and the others didn't know that the stone was put away, and thought it disappeared automatically.

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Zhijian said: "Let's go quickly, something is wrong, let's leave here quickly."

The four of them left quickly together.

After walking along the passage for a while, several finger-sized, extremely sharp transparent bodies suddenly fell from above.

It seems to be hail, or ice cones? ?


One of them fell on Leon's left arm and immediately pierced the flesh!

Xu Zhijian subconsciously pulled him, and then was also stabbed with a wound.

At the same time, more and more ice cones fell, and they became more and more dense.

"Get out of the way! Go back to that tomb!"

He led everyone to retreat quickly. If they hesitated, they would be stabbed like a hedgehog.

Holding their heads, they quickly returned to the tomb. Fortunately, there were no ice cones falling inside.

Looking at the endless stream of things, Isabella was shocked and said, "Oh my God, what's going on?"

Leon covered his wound and said, "This is the punishment of the Gluttony Prison. The guilty souls will be smashed endlessly by various things."

Jiang Youmei worriedly said, "Then won't we be able to escape?"

Leon and Isabella thought so too.

And Xu Zhijian looked at the ice cones falling outside, and then at the parachute in the bag.

Immediately thought of a solution.

This military-grade parachute is at least five meters long when fully unfolded, and the thickness is naturally the top level.

If it is folded and folded again, the defense will be amazingly strong.

It can't be penetrated even with a sharp knife.

It can be used as a protective shield without any problem.

He laid the parachute flat on the ground, then folded it in half, shrinking it to about 2.5.

Then he did it again.


The length was still about 1.2 meters, and the thickness was close to 2 mm.

Xu Zhijian picked it up and said, "Hold it up as a protective shield, it should be able to break the situation, let's go."

Jiang Youmei and the others felt the thickness and texture, and agreed that it was probably okay.

So Xu Zhijian walked in front and held it up, and Leon walked behind and held it up.

Isabella and Jiang Youmei were in the middle.

It was just enough to protect the four people.

Snap, snap, snap... tear.

One by one, ice spikes fell on the parachute, and occasionally there was a sound of piercing the top layer.

But it was not a big problem, it could hold up for a long time.

Jiang Youmei and the others were still very worried, but now they were completely relieved.

After walking quickly for about ten minutes, the situation changed, and the passage ahead finally stopped falling ice spikes.

He quickly rushed over and breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the surface of the parachute.

There were many tears of different sizes, but the second floor was not damaged.

As for why some passages dropped things and some did not, this question is indeed quite confusing.

But it doesn't matter, it's not the time to delve into it.

They rested for a while and continued to move forward, always on guard against whether there would be a sudden mess from the sky.

As they walked, the road ahead turned into a narrow waterway.

It was about two meters wide and so long that you couldn't see the end.

And the water on the ground was not sewage, but scarlet blood that exuded a foul smell!

Xu Zhijian and others immediately covered their mouths and noses with their hands and frowned in disgust.

What the hell is this?

He recalled a little and remembered that a similar scene seemed to appear in "Catacombs".

He walked over carefully and inserted the spear into the water to test how deep it was.


However, as soon as he approached, two things suddenly stretched out from below.

They were two blood-red hands!


Xu Zhijian instinctively shot immediately, twisting it and quickly shrinking it back.

There were faint wails.

But then many bloody hands stretched out, twisting like snakes and grabbing at the air.

This is very similar to a passage in "The Divine Comedy".

The book describes "Dante saw countless muddy souls at the bottom of the water, biting and beating each other madly."

This is the Gluttony Prison.

The trapped souls cannot suppress their desire to overeat, and will pull down everything they can eat and share it.

Everyone was shocked and immediately took two steps back, looking at each other and feeling a little difficult.

Damn it!

How can we get through this? ?

According to the general routine, if you dare to go down, you will definitely be grabbed by these hands and thrown into the bloody water and can never get out again.

Leon frowned and asked: "Fuck! There is such a situation, Xu, what should we do now?"

Xu Zhijian looked at the endless passage and thought.

He definitely couldn't jump over, and it was too dangerous to go down.

There were no ships around.

This is really difficult to deal with.

Thinking carefully about the protagonist's experience in the movie, it seems that he didn't die because of this, and he wasn't pulled down.

Very good!

As long as there is no fatal danger, the situation can be solved.

But movies are movies, and now is now.

You can't just do it blindly.

He immediately thought of a way. Since there are so many bloody hands blocking the way, just shoot them all!

Anyway, it's an infinite real damage bullet, which can cause damage anyway.

It should be no problem to go down there then.

"I'll try to kill all these things first!"

He said to Jiang Youmei and the others, then deliberately moved closer and started to shoot.




All the bloody hands that were hit immediately shrank into the bloody water, and would not float up again for a while.






After patiently shooting for a while, all the bloody hands within the reach of the flashlight were shot out without a trace.

Xu Zhijian inserted the spear into the water again to measure the depth, and was very surprised.

I thought it would be at least two or three meters, or even bottomless.

It turned out to be only about sixty or seventy centimeters, which is at most to the knee position.

This is good news.

He reminded: "This bloody water is not deep, let's go, we can try to get through."

"Remember to hold hands, and retreat immediately if you encounter any situation."

He took the initiative to go forward as a pioneer, responsible for dealing with the bloody hands that were not shot down just now.

Jiang Youmei and the others followed nervously behind.

They fought and walked for a while, and did not encounter any additional danger for the time being.


However, as they walked, the three of them seemed to be tripped by something, and they slipped and fell at the same time.

Their bodies instantly fell into the bloody water.

Their mouths and noses were immediately filled with smelly liquid, and they almost choked and died.

They were so scared that they struggled to stand up.

However, facing such a shallow puddle, they could not get up no matter what, and their bodies seemed to be pressed by a huge rock.

At the same time, Jiang Youmei saw a pair of eyes suddenly appearing below!

Cold and vicious.

It seemed that countless people were staring at her.


She was so scared that she couldn't help but drink two more mouthfuls of bloody water, and she couldn't breathe because of choking.

At this critical moment.

She felt that she was suddenly lifted up by a huge force and was directly out of danger.

"Cough cough cough...!!!"

She coughed and spit out the blood in her mouth, her face red and her neck thick.

Xu Zhijian immediately rescued Leon and Isabella.

It took the three of them a long time to recover.

Xu Zhijian asked: "What happened? Why did we fall in together??"

Leon wiped the blood off his face: "No... I don't know. I tripped while walking."

"I wanted to stand up quickly, but my body couldn't move."

"And... I saw countless eyeballs appear under the water!"

Jiang Youmei and Isabella echoed: "I saw it too!"

Xu Zhijian couldn't guess what happened after hearing it, but it was normal to encounter anything.

So he comforted: "I know, it's not your fault, keep going."

This time, they walked for a few minutes in fear, and there was no more situation, and there was finally no blood in front.

They walked ashore quickly, slapping the liquid on their bodies and clothes.

They exuded a pungent fishy smell.

But they didn't change their clothes, so they could only bear it.

Then they continued to move forward.

After walking for an unknown period of time, the road ahead suddenly became a dead end blocked by a stone wall.

There are also some murals painted on it, and there is a round mirror.

However, the mirror surface has been covered with mud.

Xu Zhijian looked left and right, and there was no second fork in the road.

He tried to knock on the surrounding walls, but there was no trigger.

Does this mean that the passage really ends here? ?

Isabella wondered: "Why is there no way? This is not right!"

The others also felt confused. There is only one passage in the third level of hell, but what does it mean to be blocked?

Are they going to be trapped here to death?

Xu Zhijian walked over and tried to wipe the mud on the mirror surface, and his face was reflected in it.

Everything we are experiencing now must have cause and effect.

Since there is no passage, but this mirror is hanging, it means that the breakthrough or puzzle is on it.

But what does it mean?

Think about the plot in the movie, and the heroine also found a mirror in the end.

Then through the reflection and the information she knows, she inferred that she has become the Philosopher's Stone.


It should be said that the stone she picked up is actually just an appearance.

The heroine herself is the real Philosopher's Stone, and possesses considerable power.

She finally escaped successfully.

Is it the same meaning now?

Xu Zhijian looked at the reflection in the mirror carefully, and did not find any special changes in himself.

After thinking about it, he could not come up with an answer for the time being, so he could only return to the original route and try.

He turned around and said, "Let's go, let's go back and see if we can find some clues..."

He suddenly stopped talking halfway.

And immediately widened his eyes, with a look of astonishment and unbelievability.

Jiang Youmei, Isabella, and Leon also opened their mouths in shock, as if they had seen something extremely terrifying.

They stared at the situation in front of them, dumbfounded.

At this time, everyone's vision turned into a circular area the size of a washbasin.

In addition, all other places were pitch black, and you couldn't see your fingers when you stretched out your hand.


It was like standing in a dark room, and only the crack of the door had light shining in.

And outside the circular field of vision, it was the dead end just now!

This was weird.

They were standing there, but now they could see where they were standing with a distant vision.

And they were not there anymore.

What the hell is going on? ! !

Jiang Youmei, Isabella, and Leon had a lot of question marks in their heads, and they couldn't figure out what was going on.

Xu Zhijian came back to his senses in an instant, and said in astonishment.

Because he thought of a terrible idea.

Could it be that he had entered the mirror? ! !

He immediately rushed over and touched the circle with his hand, and then tried to look around outside.

It looked like a camera perspective.

This shows that the guess is true... He really entered this mirror! !

The reason is unknown.

But it was so weird and outrageous that he came in.

Bang bang bang!

Xu Zhijian hurriedly raised his gun and shot, trying to break it.

However, the bullets shot out were like entering a black hole, and did not cause any damage to the circle.

It did not appear outside.

It disappeared directly.

Leon and the others were startled by the gunshots and came back to their senses, and also rushed over to look around in panic.

Jiang Youmei said in a panic: "Brother Xu, what's going on? What did we encounter?"

Xu Zhijian said with a gloomy face: "We entered this mirror!"

The three of them trembled all over, their scalps numbed, and they were stunned again.

Entered...inside the mirror? ?

How the hell is this possible!

How could there be a space world in a small mirror?

Let's take a step back and say that even if there is, how did it get in? ?

There is no feeling at all.

Leon stuttered: "Xu...are you sure? it really a mirror world??!"

Xu Zhijian nodded affirmatively: "Yes, only this may be consistent, otherwise what do you think it is?"

They opened their mouths and couldn't say anything, speechless.

After a long silence, they took a few deep breaths to adjust their mentality and accept such an amazing fact.

Having experienced too many supernatural events, even if they are outrageous, they seem reasonable.

Now the most important thing to consider is how to escape.

And the three of them naturally couldn't think of any way, so they could only rely on Xu Zhijian.

He looked at the world outside the mirror without saying a word, his brain working quickly, trying to think of a feasible solution.

But after analyzing for a long time... I really couldn't think of anything.

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