People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 327 Survival Day 327: Nothing can stop him

Never encountered this situation before.

The only one that is somewhat similar is "1408 Phantom Room".

But that one has reference objects and solutions, and is not a completely parallel mirror space.

But now he has entered directly into the mirror, which is considered a world of nothingness.

Completely beyond expectations.

Attack methods are useless.

It can be said that calling Tiantian but not calling Earth and Earth does not work, and it seems that it has completely fallen into a dead end with no solution.

Seeing his extremely serious expression, Jiang Youmei and others couldn't help but panic.

When he encountered various difficulties before, he occasionally appeared a little helpless.

But I can still clearly feel a sense of relief.

Now I can only feel solemn and depressed.

Does this mean there is no solution? !

They looked at each other silently, already knowing what was going on, and did not take the initiative to disturb Xu Zhijian.

If you really can't escape, you can only accept your fate.

Xu Zhijian secretly took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and then opened the rankings and took a look.

"1st place: Player ID-520 (4066) points"

"2nd place: Player ID-111 (3600) points"

"3rd place: Player code-7521 (3400) points"

"4th place: Player ID -16 (3200) points"

"5th place: Player ID -55 (2900) points"

"6th place: Player code-1145 (2500) points"

"7th place: Player code-1856 (2500) points"

"Participating players: 7776"

"personal information"

"Player ID: 520"

"Current ranking: 1"

"Current points: 4066"

"You can choose to unlock 8 existing props/abilities"

"Current armament: 4-Infinite Bullets Real Damage Pistol-Human Body Ultimate Quality-Phantom Murder Room (Use)-Rebound Stance"

"Current level: third level"

I just killed two Plagues + escaped a trap, and gained 120 points.

It happened to be 4000+.

One more chance to redeem.

Turn off the ranking list, and then open the exchange library to carefully analyze what can be used to break the game.

Equipment category:

Red and blue chocolate (premium)

Editor (4/5)

Infinite bullet pistol - true damage.

Repeat customer (1 time left)

Dread Cuisine (Trial) - Not redeemed.

Death Comes (Trial) - Not redeemed.

Jigsaw Game (Trial) - Not redeemed.

Curse of Smile (Trial) - Not redeemed.

Notes of the Evil God (Trial) - Not redeemed.

Little Partner (Trial) - Not redeemed.


Skill category:

Harvest (god level)

Rebound stance +55%.

Human quality +10%.

Mental resistance +10%.

Alchemist +20%.

Energy intake level 1.

Invisibility Level 1.

Cost reduction and efficiency improvement (challenge copy 99 reduced to 89)

Goddess of Luck favors you.

"Mary Shaw's Craft Manual"

"Jigsaw's Mechanism"


Fund type:

Redeem points 8832.

Star chart point 0.

USD 5000+.

Three boxes of gold bars (not redeemed)

It seems that none of them meet the conditions and cannot solve the current predicament.

If only there was a "fourth wall".

Not only can you escape the mirror space, but you can also directly pass the nine levels of hell.

Tsk, what should I do? ?

Xu Zhijian looked over and over, eliminating them one by one. In the end, only one prop was left that had a high probability of being useful.

She seriously deduced something in her mind, and hope finally rose in her eyes.

Got it!

this one!

If nothing else happens, there should be no accidents.

To be able to completely leave this damn divine hell.

It's only the third floor now, and there are six more floors waiting. According to the description, each one is more terrifying than the last.

The fourth level of hell is called Greed.

Greedy people like to take advantage of small things when they are alive, and they will constantly push boulders against each other here.

The demon Plutus from Greek mythology resides here and watches everything.

It's unknown how strong this guy is.

But being able to become a level boss is definitely not something that can be killed by infinite pistols.

The fifth level of hell is called Wrath.

The angry ones fight with each other here, biting flesh and blood, but they can never stop.

This is consistent with the blood that just passed by.

The sixth level of hell is called Heresy.

Heresy means heresy, and heresy in English is heretic.

Fallen angels guarded this place, and they kept driving Dante and Virgil away, roaring:

No-living-man-may-enter (No one can enter here alive!)

This shows that it is another layer that cannot be fought against.

The seventh level of hell is called Violence.

The perpetrators were imprisoned here, who killed, plundered, tortured, etc. during their lifetime.

Or self-inflicted suicide, and blasphemy against God and gods.

The eighth level of hell is called Fraud.

This floor houses gamblers, pimps, counterfeiters, corrupt officials, etc.

Some of them had their heads twisted 180 degrees, some were buried upside down, and some merged with poisonous snakes.

Anyway, it was as miserable as it could be.

This is not bad. I wish all the powerful people who are doing nothing can come here to settle down permanently.

Dante was able to come in because the monster Geryon carried him in.

It itself is a symbol of fraud. It has a kind face, but secretly stings others with its scorpion tail.

The ninth level of hell is the lowest level, called Treachery.

This level is controlled by Satan, the biggest, worst, and strongest demon in the Bible.

All the people imprisoned in this level are sealed in ice, including Judas, the traitor who betrayed Jesus, who Christians hate the most.

There are also those who betrayed their relatives, benefactors, friends or countries, etc.

Let's not talk about anything else.

The name of Satan alone has proved the degree of danger, which is not something that can be resisted at this stage.

You may not even see the other person's appearance and be easily killed in seconds.

So although Xu Zhijian wanted to see what new situations would happen, his energy and ability did not allow it.

If he encountered a completely unsolvable situation again, it would be a disaster.

Forget it.

He immediately exchanged the "editor" and opened the interface to start operating.

Looking at all the equipment/props he has now, only this thing can be used at the moment.

Fast forward to the last moment that meets the conditions, not only can you escape from the mirror world.

Even, it is possible to get through the entire third floor.

Although the probability is very small.

He dragged the progress bar and watched it very carefully, but all he could see was a black screen.

There was not even a duration.

From the first second to the last second, the whole process showed an unknown question mark.

This situation was completely beyond expectations.

I can't see anything, how can I play this? ?

Xu Zhijian cursed inwardly and was speechless. Now it was a blind box gamble.

There are three possible possibilities.

1: Pull to the end and successfully escape from hell, but still on the third floor.

2: Pull to the end and pass the third level directly.

3: Pull to the end and only escape from the third hell, and then directly enter the ninth hell.

The first two are good, either one is acceptable.

I am afraid of the worst third situation.

But now there is no time and qualification to hesitate, let's escape from the mirror space first.

He immediately deliberately said: "Guys, I think I found a way to escape!"

Jiang Youmei and the others were immediately refreshed when they heard it.

They were already desperate, but they didn't expect that there was still hope? ?

They immediately asked: "Really?! What is the method??"

Xu Zhijian said: "Do you remember how we came in just now? You didn't feel anything at all, right?"

"But the incident happened at the moment I touched the mirror."

"From this, it can be seen that... maybe you can use the same method to get out again!"

Jiang Youmei said: "That's the truth, but it's useless... Didn't we try it just now?"

He encouraged: "It must require some skills and timing, don't think too much, and experiment quickly."

After that, he walked to the mirror and reached out to touch it.

This was a deliberate attempt, and then the editor was quietly started.

Fast forward to the last 3 seconds.

When his hand touched the mirror again, the figures of the people suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, the vision and senses fell into absolute darkness.

Nothing can be seen, nothing can be heard.

Not to mention any abnormality.

After maintaining this state for about 5 seconds, they all returned to normal.

Xu Zhijian immediately opened his eyes expectantly.

He found that he was already in a corridor, and there was a sign hanging on the roof in front.

It said exit.

"What's wrong? What happened to us?!"

"I didn't feel anything just now... What happened?!"

Jiang Youmei and the others couldn't wait to check around. After finding the sign, they were stunned at first, and then their eyes widened.

Their expressions became extremely excited.

Oh my God!

Oh my God!

They actually managed to escape? !

They couldn't believe their eyes, and pinched their arms subconsciously, wondering if they were dreaming.

Because not only did they escape from the mirror world, but they also came to the exit of the haunted house.

This is simply unimaginable!

Xu Zhijian also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it turned out to be the second result.

That is, they successfully escaped from the Divine Comedy Hell, but they are still at the third level.


Very good.

Very good!

Jiang Youmei returned to God and grabbed his arm: "Brother Xu, we really escaped, right?!"

He nodded: "Yes, we really succeeded!"

"Me too!!"

"NICE! God bless! That's great... That's great."

Isabella and Leon couldn't help cheering, and everyone hugged excitedly.

I didn't expect the solution to be so simple.

However, even so, I couldn't think of it, and it was still thanks to Xu Zhijian.

The three looked at him with excitement, gratitude, and admiration, and their eyes were extremely hot.

As if they were going to eat him alive.

Leon said sincerely: "Xu, if I were a woman, I would marry you without hesitation!"

"My life belongs to you. I will do whatever you tell me to do and I will obey your orders absolutely."

Isabella and Jiang Youmei didn't say anything, but the admiration in their eyes not only didn't fade, but became stronger.

I don't know what he was thinking.

He smiled and said, "It's okay. I won't refuse anyone even if you're a man. Haha, just kidding."

"Although you've escaped, don't let your guard down. Do you understand?"

"Let's go! See if this is the real exit."

He knew very well that the more critical the moment, the greater the chance of an accident and the more dangerous it would be.

Jiang Youmei and the others nodded quickly to show that they understood.

Then they continued to move forward.

A few minutes later, a wide space appeared in front.

Da da da...

Xu Zhijian was using a flashlight to observe the situation, but suddenly saw a group of black shadows rushing over.

Sure enough, there was a problem.

"Get out of the way!"

He quickly retreated and shot while raising his gun, knocking down the two black shadows in the front.

Leon also stabbed one with his spear.

The crowd retreated while fighting and returned to the narrower passage again.

This slightly reduced the chance of the black shadows rushing over together.

I also saw clearly what they were.

It turned out to be a group of female nurses with an average height of about 1.7 meters, wearing white nurse uniforms with miniskirts.

Their bodies were very hot and perfect.

They were curvy, with a small waist, and they were plump where they should be plump and curvy where they should be curvy.

They were especially sexy, making men unable to stop.

But their heads were so scary.

They had no facial features, and they could no longer be called faces, but twisted and weird tumors!

Some had fist-sized bumps, and some were covered with scars similar to wounds.

And so on.

The contrast was huge.

Devil-like hot bodies, devil-like scary heads!

Xu Zhijian recognized them immediately. Wow, isn't this the classic faceless nurse!

From the famous game + movie IP "Silent Hill" series.

Also known as "Dumb Village"

A total of 9 games and 2 movies.

Putting aside the game, let's just talk about the general plot of the movie:

"Rose couldn't accept that her beloved daughter Sarah had a strange disease, and was advised by the doctor that she should receive permanent psychiatric treatment.

So despite her husband's opposition, she resolutely took her critically ill daughter away from home to find a cure.

Halfway, they followed an entrance sign into a desolate town called Silent Hill.

At the same time, Sarah suddenly got lost.

Frightened, Rose found that strange figures that looked like her daughter were wandering around the town.

She could only follow all the way to try to find her daughter's traces.

The deeper she went into the town, the clearer it became that this town was not an ordinary place.

There are many mysterious monsters and terrifying secrets lurking here.

The only living people left in the town were also swallowed up by shadows one after another.

Then, Rose met a female police officer sent by the police to take the missing mother and daughter home.

The two of them went together to find their daughter, but they were still very busy. There is no clue.

But Ross gradually uncovered the origin of Silent Hill hidden in the fog and solved a shocking secret.

Finally, he successfully escaped from Silent Hill with his daughter.

However, peace is only temporary, and everything is just temporarily sealed.

Time flies, and 6 years have passed in a blink of an eye.

On the eve of Sarah's 18th birthday, she is still deeply tortured and troubled by terrible nightmares.

But she never understands what those things that are dangerous to her are.

At the same time, she found that she was secretly followed by someone.

The accident that followed also caused her father to disappear strangely, leaving only a mysterious message.

And she accidentally discovered that her real name was Sarah.

Instead of the pseudonym "Heather" she is using now.

All these strange dreams and things led her to the place that was both strange and familiar again.

A more terrifying place-Silent Hill.

After stepping into here, various terrifying monsters appeared one by one.

Sarah discovered many amazing truths, and the mystery of her life was slowly revealed.

A mysterious person even said that she was the one who was destined to kill all nightmares and monsters..."

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