People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 328 Survival Day 328: Silent Hill

One of the most famous elements of Silent Hill is the faceless female nurse in front of us.

Even if you haven't played the game, people who have watched the movie have more or less seen related pictures COS.

Because it is full of SEX elements, it is hard for men to dislike it.

And this monster is exactly the representative of this instinct.

In the game "Silent Hill 2", the protagonist James and his wife Mary were an enviable couple.

But three years ago, Mary suddenly suffered from a terminal illness, and this illness forced her to lie in bed forever.

Although James has been taking care of her without abandoning her, running around looking for treatment methods and seeking various help.

However, her condition deteriorated so quickly that the treatment was useless.

The disease took away all the beautiful traces on her body, her skin began to be covered with brown spots, her hair began to fall off, etc.

All of this aggravated Mary's pain and torture.

She began to transform these mental pressures into anger and vent them on her husband who had been taking care of her.

James was very painful, and this mental torment made him start to avoid his wife.

To some extent, Mary has become a burden to him.

Hatred grew secretly between the two.

Finally, Mary once again vented her emotions on James.

His sadness and self-destructive emotions reached the peak, and he suffocated Mary with a pillow.

In the three years of taking care of his wife, James could not be himself, and could not have his own feelings.

He suppressed all impulses.

So the embodiment of the sexy faceless female nurse also expressed the X repression in his heart.

In movies and games, this kind of monster is very sensitive to sound and light.

To locate the target of attack.

But the movement is very slow, one by one, like a puppet.

However, the speed of the group in front of him is the opposite, surprisingly agile.

Jumping up and down.

Even hanging upside down like Spider-Man.


Xu Zhijian shot down the opponent with two shots, and then continued to shoot indiscriminately at those who rushed over.

Leon stabbed out a 3-meter spear with force, directly piercing the bodies of the two faceless nurses.

Isabella's broken arm was healed by the Philosopher's Stone, so it was as good as new.

She joined the battlefield wielding a machete.

Jiang Youmei was powerless and had no weapons to use, so she could only hide behind and act as an atmosphere group.

The three of them lined up in a line and fought with all their strength.

Because the passage was relatively small, less than three meters wide, the faceless nurses could not rush over together.

And their bodies were not bulletproof and could not prevent physical damage.

Anyone who rushed to the front was killed.

So they completely resisted the impact for a while and avoided being beaten to death.

However, the faceless nurse was a monster, but she had no fear mentality, let alone fear of running away.

She still stepped on the corpses of her companions and moved forward desperately.

"Kill the faceless nurse and get 10 season points"

"Kill the faceless nurse and get 10 season points"

"Kill the faceless nurse and get 10 season points"

"Kill the faceless nurse and get 10 season points"

"Kill the faceless nurse and get 10 season points"

Hearing the endless reminders, Xu Zhijian's mood suddenly became very good.

Although the amount is small, it can't stand the large number.

If the energy is endless, it will be great. Just brush the points until the end of time.

At this time, a faceless nurse rushed in front of him.


He kicked it hard and flew away, then hit the two behind, and fell to the ground one after another.

The dagger in his hand fell to the ground.

Jiang Youmei took the opportunity to pick it up, which not only had a weapon for self-defense, but also could contribute a bit of strength.

But at this time, two faceless nurses were lying on the wall and rushing towards them quickly, and Leon hadn't stabbed them yet.


Xu Zhijian was quick-eyed and quick-handed, turning the gun to knock one of them to the ground first.

However, when she was about to kill the second one, several of them took the opportunity to rush over, so she had to turn around and fight back.

And the other faceless nurse jumped up and pounced directly on Jiang Youmei.

Faced with this critical moment, she did not panic and just yelled.

Instead, she calmly grabbed the dagger, closed her eyes and stabbed the nurse with all her strength.

Puff... Puff... Puff!

The nurse was stabbed with N wounds, and her body tilted to the ground and died with blood spurting out.

As a professional athlete, her physical fitness is not as good as that of a soldier.

It is not even 10% of Xu Zhijian.

But it is better than ordinary people.

And after experiencing so many encounters along the way, her psychological quality has been trained to be very strong.

It is still no problem to kill a faceless nurse alone.

She added two more slashes, stood up and jokingly said: "Hehe... I'm finally useful."

"Hahaha, GOOD!"

Xu Zhijian praised flatteringly, without looking back, and worked hard to kill the endless stream of faceless nurses.

In this way, with joint efforts, they finally succeeded in killing them all without injury.

Mainly relying on the infinite real damage pistol.

Whenever there is limited ammunition and a wide space, there will inevitably be casualties.

A total of 450 season points were brushed.

That is, there are 45.


Another successful exchange opportunity!

Looking at the corpses of faceless nurses on the ground, Leon, Isabella, and Jiang Youmei couldn't help but breathe heavily and wipe the sweat.

Feeling physically and mentally exhausted, his hands were still shaking and exhausted.

Xu Zhijian felt that the time was almost up, and it was time to replenish water and calories. It was just right to spend 16 points to exchange for some food.


Three bottles of mineral water, three sausages, and two packs of instant noodles fell from the sky.

Jiang Youmei and the other two were already used to this, knowing that this was a mechanism "set" by the hunting ground.

Immediately, his eyes lit up and he was happy.

After all, in despair and suffering, there was nothing better than being able to escape completely.

Leon said while eating: "Where did these monsters come from? It's incredible."

Isabella said: "Looking at the figure, it's a human female, but why is the head so scary... It's amazing."

Xu Zhijian didn't say anything, pretending not to know.

At the same time, he thought that since the faceless nurse had appeared, the follow-up must be "Silent Hill".

This is very difficult.

According to the level classification, this is an absolutely god-level difficulty copy.

Especially the ability of the big boss behind the scenes, which is quite fierce and can't be defeated at all.


Let's take it one step at a time.

After eating and drinking, they stood up and walked through the pile of corpses of the faceless nurses and continued to move forward.

After walking for a few minutes, a double door appeared in front of them.

Some dim light came in from the gap.

Everyone looked at each other and became alert. NICE! Can we finally leave the haunted house successfully this time? !

They approached the door cautiously and expectantly, and tried it first to make sure there was no danger and then opened it quickly.

A cold wind blew with the light.

Because they had been in the dark environment for too long, even if it was not very bright, they subconsciously closed their eyes to relax.

Then they opened their eyes and looked at the surrounding environment.

I really walked out of the haunted house and came to the outside. There was a large wasteland in front of me, with many amusement park equipment.

Ferris wheel, carousel, roller coaster, etc.

At the entrance of the amusement park, there was a huge clown relief, making a face.

Banners on both sides read: Centralia Town Amusement Park.

In the dim environment like that of six or seven in the evening in late autumn, it looked very strange.

Jiang Youmei, Leon, and Isabella looked left and right.

They were both shocked and puzzled.

I thought I could escape from the haunted house, but why is there nothing around except this amusement park? ?

There was no one in sight, it was very desolate.

Xu Zhijian immediately understood the words on the banner, and it was just as he had inferred.

The "Silent Hill" level has officially begun!

As for why I am so sure, on the one hand, it is because of experience, and on the other hand, it is because of the name Centralia.

Because the prototype of Silent Hill comes from here.

In the real Pennsylvania, USA, there is an autonomous town called Centralia.

The earliest history of this town can be traced back to the early 17th century, when early colonists settled here.

Before that, it was a holy place for religious activities by local indigenous people.

In the 18th century, a strange plague killed a large number of residents in the town.

The living people fled one after another, and the town was uninhabited for a long time.

In the early 19th century, the British Empire used this place as an overseas exile, and opened a prison and hospital here.

Around 1840, the prison was closed and the town was abandoned again.

In the 1850s, another group of pioneers discovered coal reserves here.

So the place prospered again.

During the Civil War, this place was used as a prisoner-of-war camp, during which there was a large-scale massacre of prisoners of war.

After the war, the prisoner-of-war camp was closed and began to become a tourist destination.

In modern times, the town has been safe and sound until a sudden disaster struck.

In May 1962, the town ushered in an ordinary day.

The town invited firefighters to come to the garbage disposal plant to burn garbage, even though this was illegal in the area.

At the beginning of the burning, everything was normal, but as the fire grew larger, the firefighters tried to extinguish it but failed.

Even if it was doused with water, it would still rekindle.

After investigation, it turned out that the burning of garbage ignited the underground anthracite mine under the garbage dump.

Part of the mine lay directly beneath the town, and once ignited, it was drawn into nearby mineral veins.

The result was a huge underground coal fire, and most buildings were destroyed by fire or natural activity.

People spent years trying to put out the fire in various ways.

For example, digging out the burning coal, digging trenches to separate the fire from the remaining ore deposits, and diverting water into the mine.

But none of these methods achieved the desired effect.

In 1969, the city began drilling holes everywhere to monitor underground temperatures.

CO2 detectors were installed throughout the town, and local residents whose lives were severely affected began to move away one after another.

In 1979, the ground temperature near the gas station was measured to be over 135 degrees, and steam continued to rise from the surface.

To avoid causing an accident, the gas station was also moved away.

Until one day, a little boy named Todd fell into a deep hole near the gas station.

The flames made the structure of the old mine extremely fragile, and the ground continued to collapse, forming a huge deep hole.

By 2017, only five households were left.

The federal government later allocated $42 million to relocate Centralia's residents.

This essentially declared the town abandoned.

The city was almost completely emptied.

Later, the municipal government closed the town's main exit, Highway 51 and the ring road, isolating the burning town from the outside world.

The sections of the road that had not yet been covered by vegetation became bent and cracked, with white smoke coming out of the ground.

Most of the buildings were burned down by the fire or razed to prevent fire.

The postal department even cancelled the local postal code.

So, the town of Centralia became a "hellfire town".

Researchers predict that the fire will continue to burn for centuries.

Later, the game team used the town as a background to create the classic big IP "Silent Hill".

After observing for a while, they stepped cautiously into the playground.

Because it was an abandoned place, it was impossible for living people to come here to play.

All the facilities were also decayed.

Rusted, collapsed, overgrown with weeds, a sign of depression and weirdness.

Especially the front of a roller coaster.

It can be inferred that it was originally a child's smiling face, but now it is peeling and covered with rust.

One eye is gone, and one eye is yellow.

The grin was like a mouth full of blood.

It was terrifying no matter how you looked at it, and it made people feel cold on their backs.


As they walked, a black shadow suddenly jumped out from behind a cover on the left and attacked them.

"Get out of the way!"

Leon immediately pushed Isabella beside him and dodged at the same time.

Bang bang!

Seeing this, Xu Zhijian quickly turned around and fired a few shots, knocking the black shadow to the ground with a bang, spraying dark red liquid.

"Kill the armless man and reward 10 season points"

He walked over and took a closer look.

It was a whole human figure, but without arms, and the ribs protruded in different shapes.

And there were many blisters as big as heads on the entire chest.

The abdomen was shining with a dark red light, like fire or flowing magma.

The liquid flowing out of the wound was also red, burning the weeds on the ground, and it had an obvious corrosive effect.

Isabella immediately said, "This is what I encountered in the haunted house before!"

Leon echoed, "Yes, it's this monster."

Xu Zhijian nodded and suddenly realized. No wonder he felt very familiar when he heard them talk about it before.

It turned out to be this thing.

It is one of the very classic monsters in "Silent Hill".

In the movie, the first monster the heroine encountered when she went into the other world to find her daughter was this thing.

The damage and defense are very average, and it can be killed by hot weapons and cold weapons.

The only thing to pay attention to is not to be sprayed by corrosive blood.

And now think about the puppet spider that Leon encountered, it must be the one in "Silent Hill 2", right? !

It seems that they are all hiding in this playground?

Continuing to move forward vigilantly, Xu Zhijian deduced what will happen in this playground and what monsters will be encountered.

Not long after, four black shadows appeared from all directions and rushed over suddenly.

You can see armless people and the weird puppet spiders!

He decisively shot them one by one.

+40 Season Points.

Walking to the puppet spider, he asked: "Leon, this is the kind of spider you encountered before, right?"

Leon nodded decisively: "YES! It's this terrible thing."

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