People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 332 Survival Day 332: Armchair, Coffin

After more than ten minutes, they walked into the deserted mountain village.

After a close observation, it can be confirmed that these houses are in the style of ancient buildings from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

They must be very old.

Some collapsed, some were dilapidated, and all kinds of plants were crawling on them.

The whole mountain village was quiet. Apart from their footsteps, there were only occasional chirping of insects and birds.

It seemed quiet and strange.

Isabella and Leon looked at it with interest, as if they had come to travel in China, very novel.

Jiang Youmei was much calmer.

After all, the peninsula has been either a Chinese territory or a vassal state since ancient times.

Many Han-style buildings have been preserved in their country.

Xu Zhijian walked to one of the houses and looked inside. There were weeds and some broken tables and chairs.

And a couplet that had completely faded and the paper was almost rotten.

"Which movie could it be?"

He listed some movies that met the requirements in his mind and analyzed them one by one.

This one should not be.

This one... is a bit possible.

As they walked, there was a sudden noise in the bushes ahead.

They stopped immediately and subconsciously prepared for battle.

Xu Zhijian raised his gun and was about to strike first when he saw a small thing quickly run out and run away.

It was too fast to see clearly, it seemed to be an animal like a squirrel.

It was a false alarm.

Soon they passed another house without a door, and then they all stopped.

Because in the middle of the door, there was a relatively complete wooden chair.

It was also old-fashioned style, very much like the kind of imperial chair.

Jiang Youmei and the other two were just observing, but Xu Zhijian felt that the chair was very familiar.

After careful recollection, damn, isn't this the imperial chair in Fengmen Village? !

Many people should have heard of this rumor.

This so-called "Fengmen Village" can be called the first ghost village in China.

It is very well-known.

It is located in the depths of Taihang Mountain, Qinyang City, Henan Province.

It was built in the early Qing Dynasty.

Originally, it was ordinary, and even the locals had hardly heard of this mountain village.

But one day, all the villagers suddenly disappeared.

In 2009, it became famous overnight again.

The reason was that four hikers, two men and two women, agreed to go on an outdoor adventure in the nearby Taihang Mountains.

A woman named Yueyue was one of them.

Just after the four entered the mountain, the originally gloomy weather suddenly began to rain heavily.

The electronic equipment used for positioning also coincidentally ran out of power, and even the compass failed without warning.

At this time, it was pouring rain, and the four people could not identify the direction.

They could only continue to move forward along a dry river channel. Soon, they saw a deserted village.

Because it was already dark at that time, they had to set up tents here to rest for a night.

At this time, they did not know that this was Fengmen Village.

And the night of camping at the entrance of the village became a nightmare that Yueyue was most reluctant to mention in the future.

That night.

After setting up tents at the entrance of the village, several people suggested picking up some dry firewood to make a fire for warmth.

But she was inexplicably resistant to this suggestion, because she always felt that this deserted village looked gloomy.

Maybe there would be something unclean.

But after a heavy rain, and it was a cold night, the others strongly insisted on picking up firewood to make a fire.

She didn't dare to stay in the camp alone, so she had to bite the bullet and walk into the deserted village together.

It was already pitch black at this time, and the four of them could only move slowly forward with the faint moonlight.

There was silence around, with occasional insect sounds.

It made them all feel a little chilly.

After entering the deserted village, they found a dilapidated house not far away.

In the middle of the main hall, a chair was placed upright.

But in a deserted village that has been unmanned for many years, this chair was spotless.

The four people thought it was amazing, so they sat on the chair and took pictures.

However, no one expected that even more bizarre things would happen one after another after this.

Back to the camp, Yueyue and another companion slept in the same tent.

Then, the two began to feel dizzy and uncomfortable.

The other companion even had a fever.

At the same time, there was a faint sound of dead branches breaking outside the tent, as if someone was walking!

As the sound became clearer and clearer, Yueyue felt more and more scared.

But none of them dared to go out to check, so they could only pretend not to hear it and thought it was an animal passing by.

The sound continued all night.

Finally in the morning, something even more terrifying happened.

Yueyue found that there were several deep red marks on her neck out of thin air.

It was like being scratched by a sharp object like a nail.

Because the temperature was low at night, she did not take off her jacket, and the buttons on her neck were all fastened.

How did the blood marks come from? !

And then Yueyue always felt short of breath, as if someone was strangling her throat.

At the same time, she was not the only one who had an accident.

Another hiker found that a long-haired woman's face could be vaguely seen in a photo taken by the camera.

And in the other photo, someone should have been sitting on the armchair.

But when I sorted it out later, I found that the photo of the armchair only had a dark background!

The person sitting on it disappeared strangely.

This series of inexplicable strange things frightened them so much that they dared not stay any longer and fled in a hurry.

When they returned home safely, they wrote about their experiences on the Internet.

It immediately caused some heated discussions.

Some people believed it, some did not.

In the summer of 2011, another expedition team composed of several hikers came to the depths of Shennong Mountain.

The purpose of this trip was to prepare to open a new route in Xiaoyao Valley.

They had rich outdoor adventure experience, but this time they got lost while walking.

According to the map, they could leave Xiaoyao Valley as long as they walked south for a distance.

However, after walking for a long time, the surrounding scenery made the captain feel more and more wrong.

Looking at the map again, they should have gone right at a three-way intersection they had just passed.

But they went left for no reason.

At this time, it was dark, and everyone couldn't help getting anxious.

Suddenly someone shouted loudly: "Look, there seems to be a village ahead."

Everyone was relieved when they saw this, thinking that they had finally found a place to rest.

However, when they walked into the village, they found that it was an abandoned village with no one in it.

Looking forward, there were many tall old houses, many of which were dilapidated.

Under the moonlight, there was a gloomy atmosphere.

Everyone was inevitably a little scared.

After discussing for a while, they decided to set up tents on a flat ground far away from the village for the night.

And they who mistakenly entered Fengmen Village did not expect that the really terrible things were happening quietly.

First, someone heard the sound of someone walking around the camp while half asleep.

Another person also saw a mysterious black shadow wandering outside the tent.

They were so scared that they dared not sleep in the second half of the night.

After dawn, several people were able to leave the valley, and later found the post posted by Yueyue.

Then they also posted the post about their experience.

After a while, the captain who did not believe in evil organized people to come to Fengmen Village for investigation many times.

When sorting out the album, suddenly found a photo that was very unusual.

The photo was of a worn-out door panel. On the lower right, a pattern resembling a woman's face could be vaguely seen.

This discovery frightened the captain.

And he recalled that he and his teammates had seen an empty coffin with their own eyes at the beginning.

However, when he stepped into the old house again three months later, he found that the coffin was gone!

You know, this is a deserted village, and no one has entered it for many years.

So where did the coffin go? ?

One by one, true and false, mysterious things were posted on the Internet, which completely triggered heated discussions.

For a time, many people said that they had mistakenly entered Fengmen Village and encountered even more terrifying things.

There were also more people who went to the field to explore and investigate.

This village name became one of the top ten Internet hot words of the year, and it was also crowned as the first ghost village in China.

And such a high popularity will naturally be targeted by those who are interested. Don't say it, don't say it.

In 2014, a horror movie with the same name was shot in the mainland.

As for the quality, you know, it maintains the consistent level of domestic ghost movies, and it is a waste of time to watch it.

But now the Fengmen Village element appears, my God, could it be... this bad movie? ! !

Xu Zhijian's pupils couldn't help but tremble twice.

This is too ridiculous!

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

If it is true, it is more freaking terrible than encountering a ghost, I would rather poke my eyes out.

After thinking about it seriously, I can be 100% sure that it is definitely not this movie.

The reason is very simple.

You can say that the Lord God is bad and evil, but it is definitely not a bad guy.

It is impossible to treat such a bad movie as a copy, and it is a seasonal level.

Xu Zhijian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked directly into the house.

First look at the armchair and then turn your head to look to the left, there is the inner room, and there are indeed two coffins.

It is also an old object.

Jiang Youmei and the others didn't know why he suddenly entered the house, and hurriedly followed him in.

After seeing the coffin, a little nervousness and vigilance could not help but rise.


Xu Zhijian approached decisively and kicked the lid open and dropped it on the ground.

There was no need to be afraid of such a ghost situation, just do it directly.

There was really something inside.

But it was not a corpse or something, but a pair of blue paper shoes.

I don’t know how long it has been there, it’s still quite new.

Jiang Youmei asked in confusion: "Why are there a pair of shoes? It feels very wrong."

Xu Zhijian didn't say anything, looked at it for a few times, took out a lighter and burned the shoes.

No matter what conspiracy or tricks there are.

According to traditional exorcism methods, it is right to burn it with fire first.

Then they left the house and continued to grope forward along the road.

After walking for more than ten minutes, they heard the sound of flowing water coming from the front.

Then they saw a stream three or four meters wide, and the water quality was also very clean.

It should be a branch of the big river.

They walked to the stream and looked around, and obviously felt that the temperature around them had become cooler.

Jiang Youmei immediately suggested: "Why don't we take a shower and wash some clothes?"

Isabella agreed: "Yes! I have the same idea."

Leon said nothing but nodded.

After killing all the way here, his body was covered with sweat, blood, dirt, etc.

It was so dirty.

It exuded an unpleasant smell that made me feel sick.

If it is not dealt with, it will become rancid.

Now that they finally found a water source, they certainly did not want to miss such a good opportunity to clean up.

They looked at Xu Zhijian waiting for instructions, with expectation in their eyes.

And he thought about it and realized that it was a rare opportunity, so it was time to wash.

So he nodded: "OK, you two wash first, Leon and I will turn around and wait."

"By the way, you can only wash your body and clothes, and never drink water, understand?"

According to the conventional routine of horror movies, water and wild fruits that usually appear in the wilderness cannot be eaten.

Either there is a curse or they are poisoned.


Isabella and Jiang Youmei cheered happily, then took off their clothes and started washing.

Xu Zhijian and Leon sat on the shore, chatting and alert while watching the scenery on the other side.

Twenty minutes later, the two women finished washing.

They wrapped their bodies in clean clothes and walked up, then also looked at the other side and waited.

The two men washed very quickly and finished in more than ten minutes.

Everyone used leaves or something to cover their private parts and put their clothes on the rocks to let the sun dry.

Chatting while waiting, a rare and pleasant time.

After an hour or so, all the clothes were dried.

Just when they were dressed, the originally clear sky suddenly became cloudy and it started to rain quickly.

"Damn it!"

"What bad luck, it didn't rain earlier or later!"

They cursed silently and rushed to a house not far away to take shelter from the rain.


Thunder sounded in the sky, and the raindrops became bigger and faster.

The sky became darker and darker.

They walked into the open space on the left side of the house, looked at the heavy rain outside for a while, and then sat down to wait.

Leon asked: "Xu, do you have any ideas now? Does this place still belong to Silent Hill?"

Xu Zhijian replied: "Not yet, I just think this mountain village seems to be consistent with a legend."

Isabella asked: "What legend?"

"A place called Fengmen Village, which is a well-known ghost village in our country..."

He repeated the urban legend that was circulated.


At this time, a flash of lightning suddenly broke through the night.

Jiang Youmei and the others shuddered and came back to their senses, feeling a little cold on the soles of their feet.

Alas, it's another evil spirit.

What can we do? !

The atmosphere fell into silence for a while, and everyone looked at the rain outside with their own thoughts.

And Xu Zhijian took the opportunity to look at the rankings.

At this time, code 111, who had been ranked second, had already scored 5200+ points, an increase of 400 points from before.

The speed is really fast.

According to his own experience, the opponent's progress may also begin to face Alessa.

I wonder what means will be used to break the situation in the end?

Or will they be eliminated directly?

The 2nd to 10th place also increased by about 300-500 points.

Compared with the first season, the overall strength this time has obviously become stronger, and each has unique skills.

Xu Zhijian closed the leaderboard, looked outside and continued to think about the current situation.

Heavy rain.

The sound of rain.

The sound of rushing rivers.

The moisture turned into white mist and began to spread, and the world fell into a hazy and somewhat weird silence.

Slowly, the atmosphere of a "ghost village" began to take on a new look.

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