People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 333 Survival Day 333: 111,7444

Time passed by minute by minute.

Gradually, the night fell, but the rain showed no sign of stopping.

Moreover, the temperature difference between day and night in the mountains was originally very large, and now it became like winter.

Everyone gathered the branches and old wood that could be used together and lit a bonfire to keep warm.

Xu Zhijian suggested: "We will keep watch according to the old rules. Leon, you and Jiang Youmei go to sleep first."

After a series of survival battles, there was no chance to breathe in the middle.

Everyone was actually exhausted.

So the two of them didn't talk nonsense and just lay down in the hay and curled up to rest.

In less than a few minutes, they fell asleep.

Xu Zhijian and Isabella sat in silence without chatting to avoid disturbing them.

After a while, his eyes suddenly lit up and he immediately turned his head to look outside.

I saw white water vapor and raindrops floating in the darkness, and I couldn't see anything.

But I can be sure that I heard a faint, faint, and extremely subtle sound just now.

I don't know what it was made from or what kind of movement it was.

At this moment, he knew that he could not have heard it wrong.

But the sound was too small and too short, and it was gone in a flash.

There was no chance to analyze it seriously.

And seeing Isabella's silence, it was obvious that she didn't hear it.

Xu Zhijian didn't say it, just know it himself.

Telling them would only cause unnecessary panic.

He added a piece of wood to the campfire and continued to listen to the rain outside in silence.

The night deepened.

At the same time, in another battlefield.

Player 7444, currently ranked tenth, was walking fast in the rain.

As one of the top 100 people who entered the second level, his strength is not strong.

The reason why he was able to pass Silent Hill was because of good luck.

When he played the dungeon before, he got a portal item, which had the effect of passing through the dungeon directly like a wormhole.

After fighting with Alessa twice, he knew that he couldn't beat her at all.

So he exchanged it without saying a word and ran away decisively.

This is how he became one of the top 100.

After running for a while, an abandoned temple appeared in the mist.

He ran in with joy, patted the rain off his body, and then looked around.

There were no windows or doors, and the roof had several holes that leaked rain.

The ground was overgrown with weeds, and the dragon king statue on the altar had been weathered.

It was very dilapidated, but it was enough to keep out the wind and rain.

7444 put a sharp knife at his feet, then took off the axe from his waist and sat down.

Then he opened the bottle and took two gulps of water.

He looked outside and cursed his bad luck. It rained heavily just after entering the second floor.

And it wouldn't stop for a while.

There was nothing to eat now, and he would be hungry and cold tonight.

But what kind of horror movie world is this?

The architecture looks Asian style, but unfortunately I haven't seen many related movies, so I can't guess.

It will be another fierce battle.

He took off his clothes and put them on the side to dry, messed with the dry grass on the ground, and then lay down to rest.


At this moment, a flash of lightning cut through the dark night sky.

7444, who had already laid down, suddenly jumped up again.

Because he keenly discovered that there seemed to be a black shadow flashing outside? !

"Fuck! Who?!"

He grabbed his weapon and shouted, staring at the situation outside vigilantly.

As an old player of Horror Town, he must be much braver than ordinary people.

He is also experienced.

Facing this situation, he was not afraid, but wondered what the black shadow was.


Or human?

After a moment of vigilance, nothing new happened.

He held his weapon tightly, carefully approached the window and glanced out.

Mist, heavy rain.

No people or animals.

He relaxed a little, guessing that it was probably because he misread the shadow of the tree.

It's okay.

He turned and returned to the corner, not noticing that the shadow under his feet was wrong.

He actually stayed there without moving!

He lay down again, closed his eyes and listened to the sound of rain, and fell asleep unconsciously.

While sleeping, I heard a voice outside in a daze.

"Li Cheng... Li Cheng!"

"Save me... Save me quickly..."

Although it was covered by the sound of rain, it could still be heard clearly.

7444 suddenly woke up and sat up, realizing that this was not the voice of his wife? !

But... she had died last year because of falling into the water.

At that time, I tried my best to save her, but I was also dragged and drowned.

That's why I entered the horror reality.

What's going on now? !

Why did she appear outside? ?

He grabbed the weapon in astonishment and confusion, and immediately felt that something was wrong.

There must be something fishy!

However, although he felt that the situation was wrong, his brain and thinking began to be confused.

His eyes became dull and confused.

It was like being hypnotized.

He wanted to resist and wake up, but he was completely out of control and couldn't break free.

Then he stood up and rushed out of the door without hesitation.

Then he looked for his wife in the rain with wide eyes.

Soon, he found a hand shaking on the river surface not far away.

There was an ordinary green bracelet on the wrist.

He recognized it as his wife's hand at a glance!

In other words, she had strangely fallen into the river and was about to drown? ?

"Daughter-in-law!! I'm here to save you! Don't be afraid!"


7444 didn't care to think about it, shouted in panic, rushed to the river, and plunged directly into it.

However, it was still slow for a moment.

When he swam desperately, his hand sank heavily.

"daughter in law?!!!"

He shouted in despair, as if he had seen the same drowning scene again.

So I took a deep breath and dived in.

However, the water in the river was fast and turbid, and it was impossible to see anything clearly.

After searching for a while, he felt that his oxygen was almost exhausted, so he could only quickly come up and expose his head to take a deep breath.

After being stimulated by the cold and biting river water, 7444 began to regain his senses.

He suddenly remembered something evil.

No, no!

His wife must have drowned, how could he suddenly appear and fall into the river? !

A wave of chills came over my heart.

Just when he was about to get ashore quickly, his legs were suddenly grabbed by something!

"Ah! Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

He was so frightened that he was instantly pulled down by a huge force.

The turbid, cold river water poured into the ears, nose and throat.

His arms struggled wildly, but to no avail, and his body sank deeper and deeper.



7444 desperately opened the exchange library, trying to exchange for a life-saving item.

However, I just remembered at this moment that all the current redemption qualifications have been used.

The portal is the last time.

After a while, the water surface returned to calm, with only ripples caused by the rain.

Except for the footprints in the grass and the fallen weapons, it seemed like no one had ever been there.

Another battlefield.

Player code 111, currently ranked first!

After unremitting efforts, the mask man not only successfully cleared Silent Hill, but also finally ranked first.

Exceeding Xu Zhijian’s 800 season points.

He was sitting in a house not far from the stream, eating food contentedly to replenish energy, and was very happy.

At the same time, he reached out and swatted a mosquito on his neck.

It's not easy.

Finally first!

Try to keep it up until the end of the season.

While thinking about it, he suddenly stopped and looked up at the door.

I saw a looming black figure quietly appearing in the hazy fog.

Stand twenty or thirty meters.

As if facing a formidable enemy, he immediately stood up with his weapon in hand, staring at the place with vigilance.

But the white fog was so thick that it was impossible to tell whether the black figure was a man or a woman.

It can only be seen that it should be a human being.

"Why did you abandon me...why did you abandon me..."

At this time, the black shadow let out waves of resentful calls.

The man with the mask couldn't help but feel a little nervous after hearing this.

Because this voice is exactly the same as that of a teammate I fought alongside before.

But after falling into the Divine Comedy Hell, the man met an accident and died.

At that time, he had tried his best to save, but in the end it was still a step too late.

Now, the other party actually appears here? !

"Why did you abandon me...why..."

The black shadow continued to murmur, his tone cold, resentful, and full of endless killing intent.

Bang bang!

The man in the mask did not hesitate to shoot directly there.

Regardless of whether you can hit or not, it is always right to strike first.

After a round of shooting, the black figure made no movement and disappeared silently.

I don't know if he is hiding or lurking, waiting for an opportunity.

But he was definitely not killed.

The masked man observed for another long time and saw nothing, nothing at all.

Just as he relaxed a little, his eyes suddenly widened again.

Because I finally came to my senses and discovered an easily overlooked, but very strange situation.

That means the sound of rain around has disappeared!

Just a minute ago, I could still hear the sound, but now it is gone.

And it disappeared instantly.

This is definitely not normal!


The masked man was shocked and looked around nervously and vigilantly.

At the same time, I thought to myself, what is going on? !

From when the black shadow appeared to now, when did he get tricked without knowing it?

This also shows how powerful the evil spirits currently hiding in this ghost village are.

He was obviously very vigilant, but he still fell into the trap unknowingly.

Fortunately, consciousness was not completely lost or controlled.

He keenly grasped the subtle flaws and successfully avoided completely entering the hallucination.

He was very alert to the movements around him and pinched his thigh hard from time to time.

Avoid getting hit again.

The rain continues.

The fog also continues.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, nothing happened.

At this time, the burst of white water vapor began to slowly and strangely dissipate, and soon the moon hanging in the sky was revealed.

The masked man looked up and saw that there was nothing wrong.

However, I always feel a strange feeling that I can't explain or explain.

So after being alert for a moment, he couldn't help but look up at the moon.

As a result, when I saw it, my heart suddenly thumped and my scalp became numb.

I saw the full moon hanging in the sky getting bigger, as if I could reach out and touch it.

And the weirdest thing is that it turned into an eyeball! !

He was condescending, his eyes were small and bloodshot, and the rest were all white.

Although it is not the big eyeball of Cthulhu, it is just a simple human eyeball.

But there was still a sense of terror and strong oppression.

The masked man felt as if his chest was being pressed down by a heavy object, and his breathing became heavier.

This feeling was completely unbearable to resist, as if he was being controlled.

Fortunately, it was not very serious for the time being, and he quickly regained his composure after the shock.

"Huh... Hold on!"

He immediately adjusted his mentality and deliberately made a big noise to get out of this illusion.

However, no matter how he exercised, the eyeball was still hanging on the horizon, with no sign of disappearing.

Moreover, it began to spurt blood continuously.

It looked like a scarlet waterfall.

It was in line with what the poet wrote: The waterfall fell straight down three thousand feet, and it was suspected that the Milky Way fell from the sky.

"Damn it!"

He cursed fiercely inwardly, and quickly took out a talisman to start.


At this time, the river surface suddenly fluctuated, and then a black round object "jumped" onto the shore.

Slowly rolled over.

The masked man looked at this scene with a gloomy face, thinking what the hell was going on? !

The football-sized object quickly rolled over, about four or five meters away.

Under the light of the pale eyeballs, the specific appearance can be seen clearly.

However, it was precisely because of this that his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Because this thing turned out to be a human head.

If it was just like this, it would not make people feel too scared and weird.

But the most terrifying thing is... it turned out to be his own head!

The facial features are exactly the same.

The eyes are bulging and bleeding, and river water and mud are flowing out of the mouth, which is quite twisted and creepy.

Bang bang bang!

He fired decisively and hit the head squarely.

However, it was completely unbreakable.

At the same time, he subconsciously reached out to touch the head, and as a result, his whole body trembled suddenly.

His breathing also stopped for a while.


His face was as pale as paper, and the hand holding the gun shook a few times.

The giant eyes and the fact that his head emerged from the river were weird but still within the tolerance range.

But the touch just now was quite unacceptable to him.

Because... he didn't touch his head at all! !

There was nothing between his shoulders!

He looked at the head in confusion, and his mind was even more confused.

Why is this happening? !

Could it be that he had actually been beheaded?

But why can he still see things and hear sounds?

Why is he still thinking?

The masked man thought quickly for a moment, and then came back to his senses with a start.

As an experienced old player, he can keep at least calm no matter how strange things he faces.

He can quickly grasp the key points from panic and break through the dilemma.

He no longer hesitated and instantly activated the talisman in his hand.


The talisman burned out of thin air, and then slowly turned into a pile of ashes.

Then, the masked man's chaotic mind instantly became clear, like clearing away the clouds and mist to see the blue sky.

At the same time, the scene in front of him changed immediately.

The head disappeared, and the huge moon eyeball was gone.


Everything is back to normal.

The white fog is shrouded, and the heavy rain continues.

It's as if nothing has happened.

"It's really a series of hallucinations!"

The masked man let out a long sigh, wondering when and how he got hit?

I didn't feel anything at all.

After arriving at the second floor, he was very careful not to drink stream water, eat any wild fruits, etc.

How did the hidden evil spirit do all this? ?

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