People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 334 Survival Day 334: Ghost Cry

He sat down on the ground again, thinking about various problems with a sullen face, while taking out the last two talismans.

Thanks to this treasure.

Previously, you received rewards when you upgraded to the Emerald stage.

There are 5 cards in total, advanced level.

Its effect is to dispel the hallucinations of the user, kill the evil spirits with conditions, etc.

After use, it can stay calm for eight hours and will not be attacked again.

It's quite good equipment.

He would not use it unless absolutely necessary.

In addition to just now, I also used one in Divine Comedy Hell and Silent Hill.

"The second level is more difficult than expected."

The man with the mask couldn't help but sigh, wondering which horror movie it would be this time?


What a ghost.

Combining these two conditions, only those shot in Hong Kong and Taiwan meet the conditions.

He looked outside and silently analyzed and eliminated, and seemed to gradually gain some insights.

Soon it was three o'clock in the evening.

The heavy rain continued, but it was lighter than before.

Leon and Jiang Youmei also woke up, almost seven hours later, that's it.

Next, Xu Zhijian and Isabella took a rest.

The two of them sat silently by the campfire, folding their arms and rubbing them to drive away the cold from time to time.

After about half an hour, Leon stood up and walked around for a while.

Then suddenly I saw something black hanging from a tree not far away?

Because of the rain and wind, it was still slowly swaying from side to side.

This feels... much like a hanging corpse? !

He suddenly became excited, held the spear tightly and moved it to Jiang Youmei's ear: "Damn there's something going on, look over there!"

Jiang Youmei immediately turned around after hearing this.

But nothing was seen.

She whispered in confusion: "What's wrong?! I didn't see anything."

Leon was stunned for a moment: "What? There is a black shadow hanging there, can't you see it?!"

"Huh?? Don't scare me, I really didn't see it..."

"Fake...I understand."

Leon continued to stare at that position with a sullen face, but as a result, he could no longer see the black figure.

It seems like it never appeared.

If it were before, he would still wonder if his eyesight was wrong or if it was an illusion.

But now that he has experienced a series of encounters, he is no longer so innocent.

He immediately wanted to wake Xu Zhijian to report the situation, but was stopped by Jiang Youmei.

"Brother Xu just rested for a while, and he hasn't recovered his energy yet. It's better not to disturb him yet."

"Let's continue to monitor the situation and call if there is really a problem."

Leon thought for a moment and it made sense, so he resisted waking up.

The two of them looked outside nervously, but after a long time this time, no one saw anything strange.

Prove that it just seemed like an illusion?

at the same time.

Xu Zhijian is also having this strange dream.

In the dream, he walked alone in the ghost village, looking for clues and answers.

The quiet mountains and old forests echoed with his figure and footsteps, giving it a different kind of weird feeling.

Before I knew it, night came quickly.

The deserted village looks even more eerie in the dark.

Looking around, you can faintly see light spots the size of beans shaking in the grass and then flying away quickly.

It seems to be some small animal.

Xu Zhijian felt that she was done shopping, so she turned around and left to return.

But when he passed by a dilapidated wooden house, he suddenly heard a harsh sound inside.


It's like the sound of wood rubbing together!

He thought something was wrong in his heart, and immediately took out his weapon and turned around to look over.

Under the moonlight, I saw a black thing slowly shaking back and forth.

The sound is what it makes.

It's a recliner.

Xu Zhijian let go of his worries. Although the sudden movement of the recliner was strange, he was not afraid.

As expected.

After watching for a moment, the recliner "consciously" stopped moving.

There were no other accidents, and he left the mountain village safely and returned to the hotel.

After a brief tidying up, I lay down on the bed and fell asleep in a daze.

He didn't know how long he had slept, but he suddenly sat up again, then grabbed his weapon, opened the door and went out again.

Because he realized something very important.


There seemed to be a dark figure standing next to the lounge chair just now? ! !

I had ignored this before, but now that I think about it, it feels very wrong.

He was not sure whether he had seen it wrong or if it was really there, so he could only go and investigate again.

However, as he walked, he discovered something was wrong.

It's strange, why haven't we reached it yet? Could it be that I'm going the wrong way?

He stopped and looked around, thinking that this was the right way to go. What was going on?

He frowned and thought for a while, then tentatively walked in another direction.

But this time, after walking for a long time, we still didn’t reach our destination.

At this time, the sky was already brightening, and a thin morning mist was rising.

Xu Zhijian was completely confused now, damn it! The road is still the same.

Why can't I find that deserted village?

Just as he stood there pondering, two figures appeared in the distance, looming in the mist.

Not long after, they got closer and it turned out to be two old men carrying hoes.

He hurriedly stepped forward and asked: "Two old men, how can I get to that mountain village?"

When the two old men saw him approaching, their eyes suddenly widened with panic on their faces.

Then he screamed and turned around and ran away.

One of them might have been too scared and tripped over a pit while running.

He was confused by this abnormal situation. He was stunned for a moment, then he quickly chased after him and grabbed the old man's arm.

He asked in confusion: "What's wrong with you, old man? Why are you running?!"

The old man struggled with a panicked look on his face: "Don't come over... Don't come over... You... There's a face on your back!"

"There's a face...?"

Xu Zhijian shuddered when he heard it, and kept repeating this sentence in his mind.

After a moment, he came to his senses and hurried to the stream next to him.

Then he slowly squatted down.


But before he could see clearly whether there was a face on his shoulder, a hand suddenly stretched out from the water and grabbed his neck.

It was a cold, pale, almost bone-like hand!


Xu Zhijian opened his eyes and woke up, sat up and looked around.

It was already nine o'clock in the morning.

The heavy rain has completely stopped, the bright sunshine is shining on the earth, and the air is very fresh and refreshing.

Leon and Jiang Youmei are still sitting next to him, silent.

Seeing him wake up, Jiang Youmei immediately smiled: "Brother Xu woke up so early, won't you sleep a little longer?"

"Well, I'm almost refreshed."

Xu Zhijian stretched his waist and replied, while recalling the strange dream just now.

It is normal to have nightmares, it is not new.

If you are in the world of ghost movies and don't dream of messy things, it is abnormal.

But I vaguely feel that the content is a little unusual, not that simple.

It doesn't seem to be a simple and meaningless dream.

Will there be any discovery if I go to see the armchair at night?

At this time, Leon reported: "Xu, when you were sleeping, I saw a dark shadow hanging on the tree outside."

"But I'm not sure if it was a corpse or I really saw it wrong, and I didn't see it again later."

He nodded: "Either you saw it wrong, or something is deliberately playing tricks."

"And you did a good job, not rushing out to check, GOOD."

"If you encounter this situation again in the future, just wake me up, it's okay."

As he spoke, Isabella also woke up with a yawn.

It's a rare opportunity to rest, and everyone's spirit has recovered.

Xu Zhijian opened the exchange warehouse to exchange some food for airdrop.

After eating and drinking, everyone got up and set off to continue exploring the ghost village.

Due to the lack of a map, it was impossible to know how big the village was, and it didn't reach the end at noon.

But he found a deserted grave.

The small mound was covered with weeds, and the tombstone had long been broken, so it was impossible to know who was buried.

Xu Zhijian deliberately made a mark here to serve as a signpost.

After turning left and right for a while, they saw a photo on a broken table in a house.

A4 size.

Black and white, it was obviously a portrait.

However, the upper half of the face had been blown by the wind and sun and had no pixels, only the chin was still obvious.

They walked in cautiously and observed closely for a moment, but could not tell whether it was a man or a woman.

Xu Zhijian picked it up and felt it, but there seemed to be no abnormal feeling.

So he put it back and ignored it.

No one knew whether this portrait belonged to a former resident or had other purposes.

So they ignored it for the time being and saw if there would be any movement later.

They walked out of the house and continued to move forward.

However, after leaving for a while, two red marks suddenly appeared on the portrait from top to bottom.

Like two blood tears!

They walked and stopped to explore and search, but they still could not get out until the evening.

But they did not circle around or return to the original place.

Xu Zhijian had expected this situation.

Let’s not talk about whether there is something like a ghost wall, just the second-level chief level map is enough.

It’s impossible to get out so easily.

According to experience, it can only be solved by killing the evil spirits hidden behind.

After dark, they found a house to camp for the night.

Light a bonfire and sit around to chat.

Leon complained: "This place is too big. We have been walking for almost two days and can’t get out."

Isabella said: "I’m afraid the place is not big, but they just don’t let us go out on purpose."

Xu Zhijian nodded: "That’s right, that’s what I mean."

Jiang Youmei said: "Then what should we do? We can’t keep wasting time here."

He said calmly: "It’s very simple, just like the situations we encountered before, just kill the person behind the scenes."

"How can we find it?"

"I don’t know, we can only take chances, or the other party will show up on their own initiative."

"Well, okay~"

Everyone chatted for a while and then fell into silence, feeling physically and mentally exhausted.


It was soon after ten o'clock in the evening.

While they were resting and keeping watch as planned, something was happening one kilometer away.

I saw a dark figure squatting by the stream, filling a basin found in the house with water and walking back quickly.

He put the basin down, lit a candle, and began to wash his face.

With the weak light, it can be seen that this is an ordinary middle-aged man in his forties.

He was originally from the city and came to the mountains to look for wild vegetables, but he inexplicably walked into this ghost village.

After wandering around for a long time, he couldn't get out, so he had no choice but to spend the night here.

While washing, he suddenly smelled a strong smell of blood.

And the water felt a little sticky.

He opened his eyes in confusion and saw that he had a nosebleed.

"Damn, why am I so unlucky today!"

The man cursed unhappily, tore off two strips of cloth and stuffed them into his nostrils, then bent down to continue washing his hands.

But just as he was about to let go, he suddenly trembled with fear.

Because he found that there was no reflection of his head in the slightly rippled water?


He was surprised and confused, what the hell! What... is going on? ?

After a moment of stunned, he thought it might be dizzy or the light was too dim, so he bent down carefully again.

This time, the reflection of the head appeared in the water.

He looked left and right, and was relieved to make sure that he was not mistaken.

It seems that he was just dazzled just now.

After washing his face, he ate some food, and then lay on the ground and fell asleep soon.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, when he turned sideways, his left hand suddenly touched something cold.

It was very chilling.

Because he was half asleep, he didn't open his eyes but instinctively retracted his hand.

But when he turned around again, he touched that thing again.


The man's subconscious mind began to wonder what this was? Why was it so cold?

It seemed like a foot? ?

Foot...? !

As he was thinking, he suddenly opened his eyes with a start, sat up straight, and quickly groped on the ground.


How could there be another foot next to him? !

He searched for a while in the moonlight coming in from the window, but didn't touch anything.

The man subconsciously touched his leg, and it was not cold at normal temperature.

Proved that he was not the one who touched it just now.

"What's going on?"

He frowned and his head was full of confusion. As he thought about it, he immediately realized that there was someone else in this place?

Maybe a villager or a thief? ?

But what did the other party want to do by sneaking over?

Stealing is fine.

What if he wants to kill me? !

It shouldn't be wrong!

Thinking of this, he immediately stood up, picked up a stick on the ground and quietly walked out.

Then he found several footprints on the ground, which confirmed his guess.

At the same time, Minrui heard a strange sound.

Like a cough?

"Hide there!"

He couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling, but he still rushed over bravely, ready to strike first.

But after rushing over, he found that there was only a deserted grave in front of him.

There was actually a person next to him, bending over with his hands on the grave, and one foot had already stretched into it.

What is this...? ! !

The man was full of question marks and felt extremely terrified. What the hell did the other person want to do? ?

Did he want to get into the grave.

Or... just crawled out of it? !

Just thinking about it, the mysterious man suddenly turned his head.

Under the moonlight, he saw that he actually had the same facial features as the man! !

Or, that was another him.

He grinned and raised his hand to call out, "Come here... Come quickly... Come back with me."

The voice was like pinching the throat, ethereal.

It sounded like a ghost crying!

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